Ash Civilization

Chapter 250 Old hen. (First update! Please subscribe!)

go home?

Zhou Zhen's expression changed. He remembered that the thatched house he was in when he woke up was indeed in this direction, but the environment here was obviously wrong!

has a problem!

There's something wrong with the two companions beside him!

Is it because I just drank the hot soup from the village chief’s house?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly said: I just forgot something at the village chief's house!

As he said that, he immediately took a step back and distanced himself from Shu Dou and Zhong Song.

Shu Dou and Zhong Song immediately turned to look at him.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate, turned around and ran away.

Seeing Zhou Zhen leaving suddenly, Shu Dou immediately shouted from behind: Bo Kang, where are you going?

Thump thump thump…

Zhou Zhen didn't mean to answer at all. He stepped quickly across the mud, followed the direction he came from, and ran away with all his strength.

The mist in the winter morning rolled and stirred like a fluttering gauze curtain. On the slightly muddy muddy ground, the clumps of weeds were already withered and yellow, swaying helplessly in the wind. A biting chill came from the soles of the feet, which was mixed with the steep wind. The cold wind swallowed up the temperature on Zhou Zhen's body.

Along the way, the grass blades pricked my skin through the thin fabric of my clothes, and a dull pain kept coming.

The surrounding fields are vast, with no houses, no walls, no roosters crowing and dogs barking... only weeds everywhere, soaked in the wet coolness of the winter fog, exuding a frightening coldness.

Zhou Zhen suddenly discovered that there were no footprints on the mud that was as soft as a chiffon cake.

This is no longer a village!

He didn't know where he was taken by Shu Dou and Zhong Song!

And, what’s even more strange is, why didn’t I discover the problem at the first time?

Whoop, whoop, whoop...

In the unsheltered wilderness, the cold wind blew from all directions. Zhou Zhen felt very, very cold. Since there was no food supplement and no enough warm clothes, he ran, his physical strength was consumed rapidly, his speed dropped suddenly, and he soon died. Some can't run anymore.

Looking around the unfamiliar surroundings, he found no trace of any village. Zhou Zhen frowned and had to find food first!

Otherwise, even if he doesn't freeze to death now, he will starve to death!

Just thinking, oh oh oh!

A loud rooster crow sounded, and the surrounding fog seemed to be frightened by something. It flowed like a stormy sea and quickly retreated behind Zhou Zhen.

The field of vision that was originally obscured by the fog quickly expanded.

Zhou Zhen immediately saw that in the rapidly dissipating fog in front of him, a familiar courtyard began to appear, with adobe walls, a simple yet sheltered courtyard gate, and a tall persimmon tree with branches in the courtyard. There are a few shriveled red persimmons hanging on the's the village chief's house where we just played the game!

But before he could pass by, two pairs of cold little hands stretched out from the mist behind him and grabbed him tightly.

Zhou Zhen looked back and found that Shu Dou and Zhong Song were already chasing him, grabbing his arms from left to right.

He immediately wanted to struggle, but for some reason, he couldn't exert any strength in his body.

Zhong Song looked straight at Zhou Zhen and said in a stiff tone: Bo Kang, it's time to go home.

Uncle Dou also said lifelessly: Go home, go home...

With that said, the two of them pulled Zhou Zhen and quickly left in the opposite direction from the village chief's yard.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a strong wave of sleepiness coming over him. His eyelids felt as if they were extremely heavy and he immediately closed them uncontrollably...


The cramped thatched house was leaking air from all directions, and the moonlight shone in through the gaps. The criss-crossing silver light illuminated the general outline of the entire house, giving this already simple house a layer of frost and snow. Chill.

In the corner, Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up from his bed.

He subconsciously took a deep breath, and the cold breath poured into his body. He suddenly felt that the air was too cold, and he immediately adjusted his breathing to calm down his emotions.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhou Zhen frowned, is it still night?

Is he still in this room?

Was everything I experienced during the day just a dream?

With such doubts, he sat up and looked towards the door.

The thin wooden door was closed, and the ancient door latch was firmly fastened. Everything in the thatched house was no different from when it was first entered.

Zhou Zhen turned over and fell to the ground, old straw making a rustling sound under the tattered bedding.

As soon as my bare feet stepped on the compacted mud, I was suddenly freezing.

After getting used to the conditions for a while, he started walking around in the thatched hut, and found nothing. So, Zhou Zhen returned to the bedside, touched around the head of the bed, and quickly found the piece. Bricks used as pillows.

He picked up the bricks, came to the window, threw the bricks on the ground, stood up, stood on tiptoes, and looked out.

The windows were stuffed with pieces of thatch, filling the gaps.

Through the gap at the bottom, Zhou Zhen saw that there was still a pond covered with thin ice outside. The clear ice on the surface reflected the cold and clear light in the moonlight.

Some grass leaves and roots solidified in the ice, and the old and simple thatched houses by the pool, formed a traditional rural scene with strong contrast between light and dark, a desolate atmosphere, and a very artistic scene.

But this time, the village was quiet, and there were no children knocking on the door everywhere.


A gust of cold wind blew through the village and swept into the thatched house along the cracks in the doors and windows. Zhou Zhen shivered involuntarily, feeling chilled to the bone.

He curled up subconsciously.

He didn't know whether what he experienced during the day was a dream.

But now, I am so hungry!

If he doesn't find food, he will probably die!

Although it is night, we must go out to find food!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen picked up the brick, walked quickly to the door, and looked out through the gap in the door.

Outside the door is a yard surrounded by hedges. The yard is empty, with the moonlight covering the ground like silver. Beyond the rocks used for stepping, there is a vegetable patch.

At this moment, straw is sparsely scattered on the vegetable bed, and the visibility at night is too low to see the fresh vegetable leaves in the gaps between the straw.

Zhou Zhenzai observed carefully and made sure that the child from before was not here. He no longer hesitated. He pulled the door latch very carefully and opened the door. Then he poked his head out little by little and looked around to make sure there was no danger. , immediately walked out of the thatched house.

He had a clear goal and went straight to the vegetable patch closest to the gate.

This row of vegetable beds is covered with straw, and a little bit of yellow is exposed between the rice stalks, which is the vegetable leaves injured by frost.

Zhou Zhen didn't know who grew these vegetables, but how could he control so much now? Immediately brush away the straw with hands and feet and quickly collect the vegetables.

Turnips, mallows, wheat... The situation was urgent and he had no time to distinguish carefully. After grabbing a pile of vegetables as quickly as possible, he quickly retreated to the thatched hut behind him.


Zhou Zhen quickly returned to the house and closed the wooden door tightly.

He took a breath and was about to check the harvest. When he looked down, he found that he was holding a large handful of soil in his arms. What kind of food was there?

Zhou Zhen frowned. Was it because of the night? Did he see it wrong just now?

Or some other reason?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked outside through the crack in the door again. After making sure it was safe, he went out for the second time.

With the experience from the last time, Zhou Zhen moved more neatly this time. He picked another vegetable patch. After making sure that he could clearly see the vegetable leaves in front of him, he did not harm the wheat that had not yet reached the harvest season, and directly pulled out a few. Large radish, placed on the ridge.

After estimating his current carrying ability, Zhou Zhen used the bright moonlight to carefully check the radishes he had pulled out. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the vegetables collected this time, he immediately picked them up and headed towards them. Thatched cottage ran.

Thump thump thump…

Zhou Zhen quickly ran into the house and closed the door. After all the hard work, his physical strength was exhausted. At this moment, exhaustion was like a surging tide, so he threw the carrot in his arms aside.


The sound of soft soil hitting the ground was heard.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he looked at the soil in front of him, his expression becoming more solemn.

The vegetables he brought back for the second time turned into dirt again!

The first time, maybe I was dazzled;

But the second time, he clearly checked it again when he came back!

Is it a problem of time and space?

Or did you get sick again?


Oh oh oh!

The sky is getting brighter, the mist is gradually dispersing, and the sound of cockcrows can be heard throughout the ancient village.

A bleak winter day is rising slowly. The thin sunlight penetrates the remaining fog and falls gently on the eaves.


The door opened, and villagers in shabby clothes carrying farm tools and vegetable baskets walked out of their homes one after another and began to work.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire village occupies a small area but is quite neatly planned. The thatched houses are arranged in an orderly manner without any sense of chaos.

In the southwest corner, in a courtyard that is not much different from other thatched houses, an adult man is holding a hoe that has a problem and is tinkering in the yard to repair it.

There are some chickens and ducks roaming freely in the yard. They are chirping at the moment while turning over the mud in search of food.

The adult man has a dark complexion, his face is full of ridges, his hair is gray, and his waist is already obviously stooped. His rolled-up sleeves reveal his lean arms. He is grabbing a hammer and hitting the connection between the hoe and the wooden handle. There is a new piece of wood lying next to it, as if he is going to change the handle of the hoe.

Ding ding ding…

Amidst the knocking sound, there was a sound of soft footsteps in the main room, and a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old walked out of the house.

She was wearing linen clothes, which were originally supposed to be blue, but after repeated washing, they were now an old moon white with threads drawn and damaged in many places. They were patched three or four times, and she had a pair of similarly patched shoes on her feet. Cloth shoes that have been repaired again and again.

Although her clothes are as gray as those in this village, the girl's appearance is extremely outstanding. She has an oval face with a classic beauty. Her facial lines are smooth and full, her skin is white and crystal clear, her eyebrows are straight, her eyes are as bright as stars, and the ends of her eyes are slightly upward. Her roundness is mixed with charm, her lips are as fresh as a newly bloomed flower, her figure is slim, and there is no pretentiousness in her walk, but she is full of amorous feelings that turn all living beings upside down.

As the girl walked out, her left hand was groping around at the hem of her clothes, as if she was looking for her pocket.

However, this short jacket had no pockets, so no matter how she touched it, she found nothing.

As soon as he walked out of the door, the adult man who was repairing the hoe immediately bent down and grabbed a chicken from the side. He grabbed a handful of scattered straw on the ground, tied the chicken three times, looked at the girl and said, Brother Gui, The village chief’s youngest son is sick, so you send this chicken to their family.”

The girl looked at the adult man in confusion. She couldn't remember what she was going to do next, but when she saw the hen in front of her that was obviously of the quality that can only be obtained from authentic free-range chickens, she quickly caught it and headed straight out the door. Go.

Watching his daughter carrying the old hen to the village chief's house, the adult man breathed a sigh of relief and continued to repair the hoe.

At the same moment, the girl was walking on the compacted dirt floor of the village, carrying the tied old hen in her right hand. She had just walked out for a while when she suddenly stopped, and her left hand subconsciously touched the pocket at the hem of her clothes.

This kind of ancient women's clothing had no pockets at all, and she couldn't touch anything.

The girl frowned and glanced at the old hen in her hand. A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. What was she going to do just now?

It seems to be going to the village chief's house?

But what happened to this old hen?


I'm a little hungry, let's eat first!

So, the girl grabbed the old hen's wings with one hand, pinched the old hen's head with the other, and twisted it hard.


The old hen's whole head was crushed in an instant.

Chicken blood spilled all over the floor, but with the girl's dexterous adjustment of the direction of the spray, not a drop of it hit her.

The girl then looked around and found that the door of a nearby house was ajar and it was quiet inside. It seemed that all the adults had gone out to work and there was no one in the house.

So, she carried the old hen that was still bleeding and pushed the door directly in.

She swaggered into the kitchen of this house, boiled a pot of water, and shed her feathers on the old hen.

Swish, brush, brush... Large pieces of chicken feathers were plucked out, revealing raw chicken. This kind of free-range old hen has firm meat and delicious taste. Just the raw ingredients reveal a delicious smell.

The girl quickly packed up the old hen, boiled water in the pot, and threw the old hen in to cook. In the meantime, she found that the fuel in this household was not enough, so she went to another household next door. They brought a lot of ready-made firewood and straw and stuffed them into the stove.

Not long after, the water boiled, and the unique aroma of chicken soup spread, but the meat of the old hen was still firm and it was not ready to be taken out of the pot.

The girl had no intention of continuing to cook it, so she opened the lid of the pot, took out the old hen, opened her mouth, and ate it directly.

Click... click...

The girl chewed very hard, and the sound of broken bones was heard continuously.

Although the old hen was not cooked at all, she ate it without any hindrance and it was very sweet.

In less than ten minutes, the girl had eaten the whole old hen, leaving no bones or residue.

After eating, the girl went to the water tank of the house and washed her hands carefully. After taking care of her personal hygiene, she walked directly to the house.

When she was about to return to her yard, the girl suddenly thought of something. She hadn't gone to the village chief's house yet!

So, she immediately turned around, took a few steps forward, and soon frowned again... Where is the village chief's house?

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard the muttering voices of two adult women not far away...

What disease did the village chief's youngest son get this time?

I don't know! I heard that there seems to be something evil...

Possessed by evil spirits? Our village holds sacrifices every year and we never neglect them... How could we be possessed by evil spirits?

I just heard, don't be so loud!

Oh oh oh...

There are people in front of you. Stop talking and go to the village chief's house first...

Wait a moment for the next update, I’ll check it when it’s finished.

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