Ash Civilization

Chapter 246 Village. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately took a few steps back and glanced around the house. In the empty thatched house, the only thing that could be called a weapon was the brick on the floor that served as a pillow!

So Zhou Zhen immediately went over quickly, grabbed the pillow, divided it by three, and tore off the straw pillow wrapped on it. Then he held up the rough brick and hid on the wall behind the door. Once the door was blocked, If you knock it open, no matter who comes in from the outside, he will just hit it with a brick!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The violent knocking on the door continued. The door panel looked simple, but it was never knocked open.

After almost a few minutes, the knocking on the door became weaker and weaker, and then slowly disappeared.

The moonlight like frost and snow flows into the room along the gaps, spreading cold and bright forged light on the ground. They shine like silver, illuminating the hut with bare walls even colder and harder, like a dark and narrow cave, without any The warmth of home.

A dead silence returned to the surroundings.

Zhou Zhen held his breath and concentrated, maintaining his original posture, standing guard by the wall, without relaxing the brick in his hand at all.

After more than ten minutes, there was still no movement outside the door. Then he took a deep breath, leaned over the gap under the door again, and looked out through the thickest gap.

The outside was the same as before, with the moonlight all over the ground, illuminating the rocks embedded in the mud into clusters of silver light, and nothing unusual could be seen.

Zhou Zhen finally felt relieved. He grabbed the brick and walked towards the window again.

The windows and doors are on two vertical walls, and from here you can see the scene on the other side of the thatched house.

Due to his height, Zhou Zhen threw the brick on the ground. After stepping on it, he leaned on the window edge and stood on tiptoe. Finally, through the gap filled with grass balls, he could barely see what was going on outside.


Under the vast moonlight, the cold wind was raging, and occasionally there were some tiny crisp sounds in the night, which were the sounds of the cracking vegetation.

The wind penetrated through the window, penetrated Zhou Zhen's simple clothes, and kept taking away the warmth from his body, making him shiver involuntarily.

Zhou Zhen couldn't care about this for a while and quickly looked out the window.

There is a small pond outside the window, with an area of ​​about seven or eight square meters. Only some parts of the pond water are rippled by the night wind, while many areas are covered with a thin layer of ice.

Near the edge of the pool, there are staggered rhizomes sticking out of the water, frozen in the ice in a withered posture. They seem to be common aquatic plants such as aquatic plants, wild rice, and reeds that have withered in this season.

In a relatively low-lying area on the bank of the pond, a simple plank path was built with stones leading to the center of the pond. It looked like a place used for washing clothes and vegetables.

Next to the pond, in addition to the thatched house where Zhou Zhen is located, there are several houses.

These houses are all thatched houses, with grass blades in the adobe swaying in the wind. The roofs are pressed with some simple polished stone slabs and straw curtains to prevent the wind from blowing away the thatch that keeps them warm and rain-proof.

The thatched houses vary in size, and some have a few pieces of patched clothes hanging on ropes outside.

Those clothes had very few colors, and most of them were the original color of homespun cloth. The few that have traces of dyeing are not shiny at all, but have the unique dullness of plant dyes.

Obviously, this is a very backward village.

This was completely consistent with the information Lu Xingkuan told him at that time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen was about to look away when suddenly a familiar voice came from his ears.

Boom, boom, boom!

He was startled, his pupils suddenly contracted, and when he subconsciously wanted to look back at the door, he suddenly realized that the voice was not coming from behind him!

Zhou Zhen calmed down and looked in the direction where the sound came from. It was another thatched house diagonally facing the window of his thatched house.

There is also a gardenia planted in the corner of the thatched house, whose branches and leaves are still green even when the weather is cold. It is almost as tall as half a person. There are no flowers now, only the lush branches and leaves that have not withered in winter are swaying in the night wind.

Boom, boom, boom!

From Zhou Zhen's current angle, he couldn't see the door of the thatched house. He could only hear the knocking on the door just now, coming continuously from the direction of the door of the thatched house.

Zhou Zhen's muscles tensed up and he stared at the corner of the thatched house without blinking.

Soon, just like his previous experience, the knock on the door turned into a violent slam on the door, bang! Boom! Boom!

The sound of the thin-skinned door panel bouncing in the door frame was like a stone hitting a pond. Centered on the small pond outside the window, the loud sound that was almost like slamming on the door was particularly loud in this area.

But every thatched hut seemed empty, without any reaction.

After the loud noise like banging on the door lasted for a while, it turned weak and gradually disappeared.

Zhou Zhen was highly concentrated and stared at the corner of the thatched house.

After waiting for a moment, there was nothing there.

Just when Zhou Zhen suspected that the thing knocking on the door might not have a body at all, or that the other party had left here from another direction, a squirming shadow suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Zhou Zhen suddenly became energetic and looked over intently.

He saw a very thin figure walking out of the corner hesitantly.

The other party's back was facing the moonlight, and his face could not be seen.

It can only be inferred from the outline that it seems to be a child about the same age as him now.

The child was in ragged clothes and barefoot. He walked in a strange way, with his hands stretched out, groping randomly in the air in front of him, and moving forward slowly, as if he couldn't see it.

In just a moment, the child left here and walked to the next house.

Dong dong dong...

The knock on the door sounded again.

Just like before, there was no response from this family.

The children who went from knocking to knocking on the door, and then from knocking on the door to knocking on the door, finally turned around and left, heading towards the third house.

Zhou Zhen noticed that the child did not knock on the door from door to door, but selectively selected several households in the thatched house next to the pond.

But every house was silent.

I don’t know if it’s like Zhou Zhen who doesn’t dare to speak out; or is there really no one?

Zhou Zhen was thinking in his heart. At this time, he saw the child coming to the door of the house facing the window.

That family was the one with a clothesline in front of the door and some clothes hanging out to dry.

The child walked to the door and knocked on the door normally, just like the previous times.

Then there's the knock on the door.

Eventually it turned into a feeble knock on the door.

Just when Zhou Zhen thought there would be no accidents this time, a suppressed sob from a woman suddenly broke out in that house.

But in just a moment, the sobs disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that the person who was sobbing had his mouth forcibly covered.

Deathly silence returned to the pond again.

Only the cold and bright moonlight spread all over the ground.

The child who knocked on the door stopped suddenly when he heard the sob.

Immediately afterwards, the child seemed to have discovered something. His body remained motionless facing the door of the house, but his head suddenly turned around and looked at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen's scalp was numb, and before he could escape, the child's face was completely exposed to the moonlight!

However, at this moment, before Zhou Zhen could see the other party's appearance clearly, the child seemed to burst, and the whole person quietly disappeared.

The place was empty. The moonlight was like frost and snow, and the ground was full of clear light. Not a single person could be seen.

Zhou Zhen was stunned, subconsciously rubbed his eyes, looked around again, and finally confirmed that the child-like figure had indeed disappeared and disappeared!

He frowned suddenly. In order to prevent other incidents from happening next, he immediately lowered his body. Was the child figure just now a human? Or something else?

The digital virus has eroded to the other end of the time and space tunnel?

While Zhou Zhen was thinking, he suddenly felt a wave of weakness in his limbs, and then he noticed that he had broken out in a cold sweat at some point.

The cold wind blew and my whole body was cold.

His face changed slightly. In such a backward place, there are no antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, and this body is extremely young and weak. Just a common cold may kill him!

So Zhou Zhen immediately jumped off the bricks, moved his hands and feet a little to restore a little heat, and quickly climbed onto the floor to sleep.

Maybe the body was too weak, too malnourished, and the room was too cold.

Zhou Zhen was obviously very tired and wanted to fall asleep, but every time he was about to fall asleep, he would suddenly wake up with an inexplicable heart palpitations.

In the confusion, the knock on the door rang again.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhou Zhen woke up with a start. Except for the howling cold wind, there was no other sound in his ears. It seemed that what he just heard was an illusion.

He frowned, immediately picked up the bricks on the edge of the floor and looked towards the door.

As soon as he looked at the door, Zhou Zhen's breath suddenly suffocated!

The wooden door that was originally closed suddenly opened wide, and the cold wind blew in from outside the door without any hindrance, making the whole place desolate.

At the same time, he seemed to see something beside him out of the corner of his eye.

Zhou Zhen's muscles were tense to the extreme. He turned his head stiffly and saw a familiar thin figure standing at the head of his bed. His back was facing the moonlight, his head lowered, quietly. Looking at him quietly.

It's the child knocking on the door in the moonlight! !


early morning.

Thin sunlight shines into the thatched house through gaps and holes.

Zhou Zhen's heart was beating wildly and he suddenly sat up from the floor.

Looking at the Tyndall effect in the room in front of him, he took a deep breath and quickly realized that it was just a dream!

This was the first normal dream he had after waking up from that underground morgue.

However, this also means one thing... He cannot enter that classroom or the amusement park of Digital Rain through sleeping now!

Dong dong dong...

At this time, the knock on the door rang again.

Zhou Zhen's heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously grabbed the brick next to him.

The next moment, a boy's energetic voice came from outside the door: Bohang, have you gotten up?

Bo Hong?

Is this his current name?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not put down the bricks, but carefully climbed up from the floor and walked towards the door.

He came to the door and looked out through the crack of the door. He saw that the outside was filled with winter mist. In the mist, there was a boy wearing dirty ramie-brown linen clothes standing in front of the door.

The other person is about seven or eight years old, with thick eyebrows, single eyelids, a flat nose, thick lips, and a plain appearance. Most of his hair has been shaved off, except for a handful of hair on both sides of the head, with dull hair on both sides of the fontanel. The red rope is tied into a horn shape, which is a typical ancient boy's dress, the horn in the so-called male horn female restraint.

The boy's skin was rough, his cheeks were black and red, and there were traces of chapped marks. He stood barefoot in the winter mud, taking deep breaths from time to time to suck back the two tubes of yellow and green snot hanging in his body. But not long after, these two lines of nasal mucus slowly slid down again.

Suck it...suck it...

Just listening to the sound, it sounds like he is eating noodles in big mouthfuls. Looking through the crack in the door, it looks very funny.

Because it was early in the morning, the sun had not completely dissipated the fog, and the temperature was extremely low. The boy was obviously very cold, and he stamped his feet from the cold.

The other party knocked on the door and shouted: Bo Hong, get up quickly!

We agreed to touch the blind man today, hurry up!

The boy's pronunciation was a bit weird, like some kind of dialect, which made his teeth clenched in his ears, but for some reason, Zhou Zhen immediately understood what the other person meant.

After careful observation, Zhou Zhen knew clearly that Bo Kang should be his current name, and the other person was his friend in this body.

He now knows almost nothing about the situation here.

The friend of the original owner of the body could just provide him with some information.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen hid the bricks behind him, then tiptoed back to the floor, pretending to have just woken up, and shouted: Coming, coming...

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the body automatically changed into the same accent as the boy, which made Zhou Zhen secretly relieved.

Then, he slowly walked back to the door and opened the door.


The cold wind outside the door rushed in immediately. Although Zhou Zhen was prepared, he was still chilled.

He turned his head tightly and carefully observed the boy at the door.

As soon as the opponent makes any change, he will take action immediately.

At this time, when the boy at the door saw Zhou Zhen opening the door, he immediately reached out and grabbed his arm, and said in a hurried voice: You are too lazy!

Getting up so late!

Let's go!

Zhou Zhen looked at the other party, thinking rapidly in his mind.

It is obviously winter here, but although it feels extremely cold and the pond is obviously frozen at night, it is not to the extent of ice and snow and frozen rivers in the north.

Ignoring the effects of the Little Ice Age and the Warm Period, under normal circumstances it should be similar to winter in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

This is not very different from the latitude and location of Tongfu City.

Zongjiao's hairstyle has existed since the pre-Qin Dynasty, even in the Republic of China, and even a hundred years ago in his memory. Although this type of hairstyle has become very rare after the Republic of China, it was widespread throughout the feudal society period, and it was difficult to judge the specific era for a while.

After silently writing down the news, Zhou Zhen said calmly: I was woken up several times by knocks on the door last night and I didn't sleep well.

Did you hear the knock on the door?

The plot of this chapter comes from a real experience the author had when he was a child...

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