Ash Civilization

Chapter 245 Traveling through time and space. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

As soon as he stepped into the time and space tunnel, Zhou Zhen immediately felt that he had entered a strange and bizarre world.

Thousands of colors and graphics roared in, and all kinds of numbers, graphics, formulas, theorems... overwhelming him, swallowing him up in an instant.

His body was uncontrollably pulled into a singular point in the numbers.

In the singularity, there are more, more majestic and smaller numbers, formulas, theorems, symbols, graphics... They are like cells that require a microscope to see clearly, gathering turmoil, rotating and reorganizing, and little by little they become Dense dots and discontinuous lines.

These points and lines seem to have been summoned by some invisible force, gradually coming together and turning into a straight line with no beginning or end in sight.

It seemed like a second had passed, and it seemed like a long time had passed. Zhou Zhen could not see his own body, nor the body of the nine-tailed fox, only his consciousness remained awake.

Soon, he felt himself being pulled toward the singularity faster and faster, flying past countless scenes like lightning. His speed exceeded the speed of light and the expansion speed of the universe... It was a very weird and strange phenomenon. Very wonderful condition.

He seems to exist in a position suspended above all dimensions, overlooking the spring flowers, autumn moon, and the changes of time; and like the legendary detachment, he quietly watches the hustle and bustle of the world of mortals and the rolling purple roads.

In an instant, Zhou Zhen suddenly trembled, as if he finally poked his head out from the deep water and appeared in a dilapidated thatched house.

It was still dark at this time. There were no lights in the room. The walls were made of adobe. The straw mat on the roof had several holes damaged. The stubble of the thatch leaked from inside. Through these holes, you could clearly see the dark blue color. night sky.

The moonlight tonight is very good, spreading to the earth like refined silver.

The moonlight shines in from the holes in the roof, from the only window the size of an adult man's palm, and from the cracks in the door, providing enough light to clearly see the furnishings of the entire thatched house.

The room is about seven or eight square meters, and there is a bed in the corner.

No, to be precise, it's a floor bunk.

This floor seems to be much higher than the previous impression. There is no pillow on it. In the position of the pillow, there is a broken brick with some dry grass blades wrapped on the front. It is woven using a very rough technique. It turned into something similar to a pillow cover, with black marks and dents in the middle, which seemed to serve as a pillow.

Under the pillow was a tattered sheet. The surface of the sheet was uneven and there were many traces of grass blades. Zhou Zhen walked over and pressed it. He immediately discovered that under the sheet was not the usual cotton mattress, but Stale straw.

Just when he looked down at the sheets, he found that his hands had shrunk a lot and were rough.

These are the palms of a pair of seven or eight-year-old children. The skin should be delicate, but it is covered with scars caused by various hard lives. There are obvious frostbites on the back of the hands, many places are chapped, and even mucus like water is flowing.

And his figure has also shrunk to the point where the top of his head can only touch the edge of the window.

He walked to the window and stood on tiptoe to try it out. After confirming that he could not observe the outside through the window, Zhou Zhen turned to look at the clothes he was wearing at the moment. The style was very old, like the lace brown he had seen in the book, but it was even simpler and the material was The very rough fabric is unique to traditional handmade fabrics made more than a hundred years ago, when the industry was not very developed. After being washed, it looks as dry and hard as cardboard.

This is handmade homespun cloth, no, it is rougher than the handmade homespun cloth he remembered from more than a hundred years ago.


A gust of cold wind blew outside the window. The wind blew in unscrupulously along the window with only a few wads of straw stuffed in it and through the cracks in the thin door, quickly taking away the remaining warmth from Zhou Zhen's body.

Zhou Zhen shivered immediately, realizing how fragile his body was. He immediately left the window, held on to the edge of the floor, climbed onto the bed, pulled the quilt next to him, and covered himself.

At this time, he noticed that he was not wearing shoes. He lowered his head and looked for it beside the bed. He didn't know whether his shoes had been kicked under the bed or whether his body had no shoes at all.

Moreover, the quilt did not add much warmth to him. The seemingly thick quilt was not filled with conventional thermal insulation materials such as cotton and down, but was filled with the scent of plants.

Zhou Zhen stretched out his hand and pinched it, knowing clearly that the filling inside should be reed catkins and catkins.

In the history of China, the popularity of cotton began in the Song Dynasty.

Before that, reed catkins and catkins were common winter quilts and winter clothing materials for the poor.

It’s basically certain that this place belongs to the “past”!

On the note from Nine-tailed Fox, the first goal has been completed.

Zhou Zhen immediately understood his current situation... He traveled through the time and space tunnel and became a little boy who seemed to be from before the Song Dynasty. His family was poor and his health seemed to be not good.

In addition to the bed under me, there was only a locked cabinet at the end of the thatched house. The cabinet looked simple and I didn't know what was inside. There was no table, no stools, and no food or water.

Judging from these displays, it is impossible to speculate whether the body has parents and other relatives.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not go out immediately to investigate the situation, but planned to try his digital domain first to see if it could still be used.

So, he closed his eyes and looked at the formula in his mind.

Zhou Zhen soon discovered that all the formulas representing the digital domain were there, not a single one was missed.

He was so happy that he immediately tried to use [Overfrequency Interference], but as he concentrated on the formula of [Overfrequency Interference], he suddenly felt a severe headache. This pain was far more severe than The severity of the recent headaches, coupled with the fact that this young body was extremely weak, could not be compared with his own body. In an instant, the world was spinning and he almost fell to the ground!

Zhou Zhen quickly turned his attention away from the formula. He couldn't even sit still for a while, and lay directly on the cold bed, breathing heavily, with an abnormal flush on his pale face.

After a while, he recovered and quickly thought of the reason.

His digital domain is indeed still there.

But using the digital domain requires digital energy. He doesn't have digital energy now!

The conventional ways to increase digital energy are to kill infected people and to enter the digital forest.

In this current time and space, it is very likely that there are no infected people at all!

Digital forest is the same.

Of course, compared to ordinary compatible people, he has one more way, and that is to enter that classroom.

However, he was not sure whether he could still enter that classroom in his current state...

Just as he was thinking about it, the door suddenly trembled slightly.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses. He controlled his muscles and did not let the straw under him make any sound. He climbed up from the bed with great effort and walked towards the door lightly.

When he came to the door, he squinted his eyes and looked out through one of the thicker gaps.

There is nothing outside the door. You can only see the moonlight like frost and mercury falling all over the ground, illuminating a small piece of flat mud with a few stones for footing on rainy days in the middle. Vegetable border with obvious signs of turning.

It may be due to the season. The vegetable patch was dark, and no vegetable seedlings could be seen. Instead, there were a few spots of colorful silvery white, which seemed to be frost at low temperatures.

A little further away, I don't know if it is a tree or a haystack, but a large group of thick shadows blurs the outline.

Zhou Zhen was thinking rapidly in his mind, wondering if the person who knocked on the door was hiding beside the door, when the knocking on the door suddenly became fierce.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The door felt extremely heavy every time, and it seemed that the next time, the strong force would knock the simple door panel open directly.

A biting chill seemed to flow into the house silently along with the moonlight.

I don't know what I ate wrong. I started having vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night. I really can't muster the energy to write. I owe everyone 1K4.

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