Ash Civilization

Chapter 237 Qingquan Valley. (Happy New Year’s Day! Happy New Year!)

Yulan isolation point...

Tao Nange nodded slightly, she knew this place.

Looking out the window at the rapidly retreating desolate wilderness, Tao Nange then asked: It's temporarily safe now. What happened after entering the school that day?

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate this time and immediately replied: When I entered that abandoned school that day, it was you, Sister Nan, who sent me out together with Ghost No. 056, Ghost No. 041, and Ghost No. 080.


It took about an hour for Zhou Zhen to tell Tao Nange about his experiences during this period, but he didn't even mention the part about the Ashes Order.

There was also the battle between the other party and the eleventh sage of the Twelve Sages, Carl Ax, which he also changed to: Tao Nange was slightly injured and broke an arm, and he will recover soon... …

In addition, he didn't tell anything about Tao Nange entering that classroom.

That would make it harder for him to explain the situation.

In addition to these, he explained everything including Nie Lang's identity, Fudi amusement park, Digital Forest, Digital Rain, application formula and other things.

Tao Nange listened very carefully. She seemed to have some impression of what Zhou Zhen said.

Especially the next few things, she felt very familiar. As Zhou Zhen told them, the corresponding pictures even flashed in her mind...

For example, in the Digital Forest of the amusement park, she remembered that she seemed to have been injured in it...

Of course, there were many things that Zhou Zhen didn't know, which made Tao Nange feel very strange.

Especially why did she lose her memory?

Why didn't he return to Binhai City with his other colleagues who were on the mission after the mission was completed?

And about the surgery just now, what happened?

Zhou Zhen did not explain these questions to her.

Rust-colored lakes, dead woods, gray-black mud...backing up alternately, the semi-trailer entered the southern suburbs, and on the horizon ahead, warehouse-style buildings slowly appeared.

Zhou Zhen stepped on the accelerator, and the semi-trailer stumbled down the roadbed and drove into the warehouse-style building.

After stumbling into the basement, he used [Airdrop Trojan] to open the civil defense door and drove the semi-trailer in.


The truck roared like a tiger in the corridor, quickly passed through the entire corridor and entered the trading hall.

Zhou Zhen stopped the car, opened the door, jumped out one after another with Tao Nange, and came to the back of the car.

He first opened the carriage and asked YL019 and others to get down and continue their original work. Then he used the [Airdrop Trojan] to control the multi-functional intelligent robot to re-sort the materials in the carriage back to the warehouse.

After these matters were dealt with, Zhou Zhen took Tao Nange and walked towards the living area.

After walking through the Siam-style courtyard, he pointed out their respective bedrooms to Tao Nange, and told some basic information about the Yulan isolation point. After confirming that Tao Nange had no problems for the time being, Zhou Zhen yawned and returned to his room. room.

The thing he had been worrying about was completed, his spirit suddenly relaxed, and exhaustion came like a tide. After entering the room, he just lay down and immediately fell asleep...


Jade Lam isolation point, deep in the Siam style courtyard.

Tao Nange stood in the center of his bedroom, carefully looking at this Siamese-style house.

The sound of water in the water lily pond came from behind, mixed with the fragrance of lotus, slowly blowing in and lifting the white gauze curtain.

She felt that everything she saw in front of her was a little familiar, but also very strange. It was a very contradictory impression.

After standing in the room for a while, Tao Nange quickly walked out and began to inspect the entire isolation point.

She walked through the courtyard and entered the main control room out of habit without thinking.

The main control room was empty, with not a single person in sight. There were only dense screens floating around, showing all the movements in all corners of the isolation point.

After Tao Nange entered the main control room, he glanced at the surrounding surveillance screens and quickly sat down in front of the console.

She glanced at the various buttons in front of her, fumbled for a while, and then started to operate them. She pulled out all the monitoring records and began to watch them carefully.


Boom, boom, boom!

Amid the passionate drumbeats, the crowd whistled, clapped their hands, and laughed and parted, revealing a group of colorfully decorated floats. The leader of the float was in the shape of a huge flower basket. The flower basket was retro in shape and colorful, and stood on it. There are several rows of staff in exaggerated and gorgeous clothes. Their faces are covered with oil paint and very heavy makeup. They are posing in various poses while constantly waving and blowing kisses.

Behind the float, a design hidden in the handle of the flower basket shoots colorful petals into the air, turning them into a shower of flowers, causing the crowd to exclaim and take photos.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in a bright and gorgeous amusement park with crowds of people around him. He was holding a cute lunch box in his hand. The lunch box was relatively heavy and seemed to be filled with food.

At the same time, he felt that his shoulders were a little heavy, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a bright red skirt falling from his shoulders.

Under the hem of the skirt was a pair of graceful and slender long legs, hanging symmetrically on both sides of his shoulders.

He turned around and saw that it was Digital Rain wearing a bright red dress and a Santa hat.

Zhou Zhen reacted quickly and immediately walked forward.

As he stepped out, the surrounding scene changed. All the bright colors faded away like the ebbing tide. The spacious space, the fast-paced music, the aroma of popcorn and other snacks... all disappeared, replaced by a dark and silent corridor.

Zhou Zhen quickly glanced around and returned to the corridor outside the classroom.

Without any hesitation, he took steps and came to the door of the classroom where Class 3 (7) of senior high school was held. He opened the door and saw that it was dark and empty without a single person. The dusty ground seemed to tell the story of the desolation here. time.

This is an empty classroom!

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and did not walk in. Instead, he turned his head and walked towards Class 8 (Grade 3).

This was the classroom he was in. When he came to the door of the classroom and opened the door, all kinds of talking, laughing and playing sounds suddenly came from inside.

It's not noisy, but it's full of obvious liveliness, which seems to be in sharp contrast to the dead and cold corridor.

The windows in the classroom are bright and clean, and it is filled with students dressed in various costumes.

At this moment, they are either sitting together in twos and threes and playing together, or sitting alone in their seats writing and drawing, or lying on the desk and sleeping... The atmosphere seems very relaxed.

Zhou Zhen saw Ji Xuexun at a glance. The school beauty had finished crying. Except that the corners of her eyes seemed a little red, she couldn't tell how sad she was just now. She still gathered around Zhou Zhen's desk with her followers such as Liang Xiaodie and Feng Wenwen. Beside, never leaving.

It seemed that Ji Xuexun would continue to confess her love to him, but her delicate and tender hands were empty, without any love letters.

Zhou Zhen stood at the door and watched this scene quietly, also having no intention of entering Class 8 of Senior High School.

He thought for a while, then suddenly turned around and took one step back to the amusement park.

The parade of floats has gone away, and while the overbearing aroma of popcorn floats, tourists on the distant roller coaster let out hysterical screams as they made a sharp turn, causing countless laughter and shutter clicks below.

Tourists in brightly dressed clothes were passing by, laughing a lot.

The joyful atmosphere permeated everything. The most important operation had been completed. Zhou Zhen rarely relaxed. He looked up at the Digital Rain and asked with a smile: Teacher, what project do you want to play?

I'll have a good time with you today.

Digital Rain suddenly showed a very happy smile and said in a cheerful tone: Let's play the carousel first!

Zhou Zhen immediately replied: Okay!

With that said, he immediately walked towards the carousel project.

Digital rain is very critical to the success of this operation.

Ji Xuexun's Digital Domain and Ji Xuexun's penalty station are all made by Digital Rain!

In addition, although Ji Xuexun is still stuck at his desk, since the love letter was taken away by Digital Rain, Ji Xuexun seems to be unable to affect his spirit!

While thinking about it, Zhou Zhen had already arrived in front of the carousel and started queuing up.


Tongfu City, outside Qingquan Valley.

On the gray ground, a curtain like water was suspended in mid-air, like a huge mountain mist, surrounding the entire valley.

Next to the water curtain, a large piece of equipment was roaring in operation. Next to it, stood several burly figures wearing camouflage training uniforms.

These people all had shaved heads, uniform clothing, well-equipped equipment, eyes as sharp as knives, and every move they made seemed to be measured with a ruler, full of chilling aura.

They held submachine guns in their hands and moved around slightly, looking wary.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps not far away, which attracted their attention. All the guns were pointed in the direction of the sound.

Not long after, they saw a young man wearing the same training uniform as them, striding over with five or six figures in ghost suits.

Those ghosts were vaguely surrounding a middle-aged man who looked like an iron tower.

This middle-aged man has thick eyebrows and long eyes. His complexion is the unique dark red color after being exposed to the sun. He has a stern expression and is very tall. He is 2 meters tall by visual inspection. The clothes he wears are very similar to the ghost suit at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see It turns out that his clothes are more like a ghost armor. The appearance combines the shapes of ancient armors and modern mechas, blending them with a heavy and simple yet sophisticated beauty unique to machinery, which is low-key and gorgeous.

Several officials guarding the equipment immediately removed their guns and stood at attention to salute.

The group of people who arrived in a hurry quickly returned the greeting. Just as they put down their arms, the official in training uniforms who led the way immediately said: Da Wu, I came to introduce the situation here to Captain Liao!

Upon hearing this, the leader, a young man with a flat head, immediately stepped out of the queue and loudly responded: Yes!

Then, he spoke quickly, The target range is Qingquan Valley. The large force field has been fully activated, covering the entire Qingquan Valley and the surrounding one kilometer area.

In addition, there are five patrol teams, equipped with biological detectors, energy detectors and other equipment. Each team has a 'digital' hound that patrols 24 hours a day.

The entire blockade has been tested repeatedly. Except for the special 'digital domain' of high-level compatibility, currently known methods cannot sneak in silently under normal circumstances.

But for unknown reasons, wanderers still occasionally break into it.

What can be confirmed now is that it appeared in Qingquan Valley, not the small wormhole on the Skade Solu Peninsula.

With all the details so far, we suspect that this may really be a time and space tunnel!

Team Liao listened solemnly, nodded slightly, and quickly asked: How many of the wanderers who broke into Qingquan Valley successfully escaped?

Did you catch it?

Da Wu immediately replied: There are 23 clearly recorded homeless people who broke in, but the only ones who managed to get out were the wide roads at the Ling'an isolation point.

We have already arrested Lu Xingkuan, but we happened to encounter members of the 'Ash Order' during the operation.

The 'Ashes Order' injected Lu Xingkuan with a 'Digital Wild Agent'. When we subdued Lu Xingkuan, he died suddenly before we had time to save him.

The 'digital wild agent' destroyed Lu Xingkuan's body, and the autopsy report obtained very limited data...

The ghost members listened carefully. Team Liao nodded again and then said: If it is really a time and space tunnel, this may not be good news!

Last time, the small wormhole on the Skadessolu Peninsula caused a very tragic disaster, so that all life on the Skadessolu Peninsula was wiped out. It was a major tragedy recorded in history.

The problem of the space-time tunnel will only be bigger than a small wormhole!

Da Wu also looked serious and nodded quickly.

The last time there was a small wormhole on the Skade Solu Peninsula, almost every country in the world extended a helping hand, and the top compatibility players worked together to stabilize the situation.

Among those top compatibility partners is the former ghost No. 009 who received a drop of digital rain!

Of course, after so many years, thanks to the research on digital viruses, the scientific and technological strength of various countries has made great progress compared to the past.

But this mathematical phenomenon related to time and space is still full of huge risks!

If one fails, it will be another global disaster!

Thinking of this, the man in training uniform who was leading the way asked: Captain Liao, what's the plan now?

Everything we can study now has been thoroughly studied.

If you want to further understand the phenomenon of Qingquan Valley, you must enter the 'time and space tunnel'!

Team Liao said calmly: I was sent here to enter the 'space-time tunnel' once and confirm the situation.

I will personally lead the team this time. Specific personnel specifications will be sent to your smart bracelet later.

By the way, this operation will be accompanied by a senior researcher.

Before departure, integrate all the relevant information on Qingquan Valley.

Also, the appearance of the 'Ash Order' is so coincidental, it doesn't look like an accident.

Immediately summarize all the major events that have happened in Tongfu City recently and send them to me!

Happy 2024!

Please vote for me at the beginning of the month! Monthly ticket!

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