Ash Civilization

Chapter 232 Invasion. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Lie down on the operating table?

Tao Nange was slightly startled, but quickly realized that Zhou Zhen was not going to operate on himself, but on her!

In other words, Zhou Zhen, who has a mental problem, will now be the surgeon, while she, who is mentally normal, will be a patient?

Although she had been mentally prepared to cooperate in various ways before, the current situation was still too outrageous!

After thinking about it seriously, Tao Nange suddenly took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, pulled out the photos of the breeding area taken at the Yulan isolation point, held them up in front of Zhou Zhen, pointed to one of the photos and asked: What are the poultry in the photo eating?

Zhou Zhen heard this and glanced at the screen. The picture showed a pen, with spilled feed and flowing water all over the floor. Several fully armed personnel looked anxious. In the middle of the camera, there was An Yijun, with his head covered with hair. Khan, clutching his cell phone, seemed to be making a phone call hysterically.

Zhou Zhen immediately said: These are people, not poultry.

Tao Nange nodded slightly, Zhou Zhen's current spirit was normal.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Zhen, she immediately thought of her experiences during this period, especially her appearance in the mirror just now...

So, without much hesitation, she chose to believe Zhou Zhen, then turned back to the disinfection room without any delay and changed into a hospital gown.

After entering the operating room again, Tao Nange walked directly to the operating bed and lay down.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and immediately started the operation. He took out various medicines from the small cabinet next to him, mixed them, and put Tao Nange's IV on.

Then, he pulled out colorful lines from the machines of different shapes around him and connected them to Tao Nange's body.

After completing these preparations, Zhou Zhen put on his gloves while looking at the various data on the floating screen.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, he stopped delaying and quickly used [Overfrequency Interference] to mark Tao Nange.

In Zhou Zhen's field of vision, Tao Nange quickly turned into a pile of black and white horizontal lines.

But in just half a second, the black and white horizontal lines disappeared, and the body of human flesh and blood appeared again.

Regarding this situation, Zhou Zhen looked calm and was not surprised.

Tao Nange's current digital ladder is much higher than him, and it is difficult for [overfrequency interference] to affect the opponent's energy signal.

According to the previous plan, he needed to enter Tao Nange's classroom, get everyone's homework books, and change all the names on them to the signals he marked.

However, due to the digital rain, as soon as he enters the classroom, he will start the class directly.

This means that he is now unable to change the name in his homework book...

While thinking, Zhou Zhen took out a packed pill box. After the pill box appeared, it quickly turned into a cute lunch box with Q version of strawberry printed on it in his field of vision.

This is Ji Xuexun’s “digital domain”!

The next moment, in Zhou Zhen's field of vision, Tao Nange's appearance changed rapidly. Her whole body was divided vertically into two parts. The left half of her body was a person of flesh and blood, while the right half of her body was densely packed and squirming. The numbers above are gathered together.

The left half shows human characteristics, which is unstable. Sometimes it looks like Zhou Zhen, and sometimes it shows the outline of Tao Nange himself;

The side of the stack of numbers on the right half is always filled with countless numbers.

However, as Zhou Zhen concentrated his attention, the outlines of fleshy faces began to appear on the right half of the face traced by numbers.

Some have honest faces, some have unruly expressions, there are fair and fat girls, there are dark-skinned boys with awkward expressions, there are boys with oval-shaped faces, there are handsome boys with thick eyebrows and big eyes, there are weak girls, there are tattooed bald heads, there are mixed races …

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen suddenly understood that this half-human, half-digit body was his own number; Tao Nange's outline was Tao Nange's equation; the nine figures on the side of the number were constantly switching. The faces come from the other nine students in Tao Nange's classroom, and they are also the other nine personalities in this body that have never come out!

Ji Xuexun's digital domain allows him to directly see all the spiritual bodies in a body!

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate. He maintained Ji Xuexun's digital domain, and then through imagination, marked the flesh and blood side on the operating bed, Tao Nange's equation, and other personalities respectively.

In Equation Separation Surgery, the patient needs to be marked at the beginning of each operation.

Let the patient's signal become an unknown variable in the equation.

The marking method is to use a digital domain similar to [overclocking interference].

Ji Xuexun’s “Digital Domain” has the same effect!

This was why he had always regarded living people as vegetables, fruits and livestock.

Soon, Zhou Zhen completed the marking. In his eyes, the body on the operating bed turned into a lot of classified unknowns.

These unknown numbers are mainly composed of

After the marking was completed, Zhou Zhen immediately turned on the high-dimensional sound wave converter. Bahba...bahba...the current noise only sounded a few times, and the high-dimensional sound waves vibrated throughout the operating room.

All the scenes in the material world disappeared, replaced by overwhelming numbers, graphics, formulas, theorems...

Zhou Zhen took out the scalpel and began the formal operation.


In Class 7 of Senior High School, the podium was empty, and there was chalk dust floating quietly in the air.

The class was very quiet, with only a few classmates sitting in their respective seats. Everyone's expression was muddled and very unconscious.

Tao Nange sat in his seat and observed the surroundings calmly.

This is a seemingly identical high school classroom. The only problem is that it is surrounded by plain walls, with no windows or doors. Under the silent illumination of incandescent lamps, the electric fan stirs up feeble wind.

Even if the teacher is not there, there is dead silence in the class.

It's like a cemetery.

Tao Nange was thinking rapidly. She seemed to be back in the classroom again?

Now, it should be break between classes...

Just as he was thinking about it, Zheng Ming was sitting in the middle of the classroom. The piles of books on the desk began to fade and disappear little by little, like watercolor paintings washed away by rain.

Soon, all Zheng Ming's textbooks, homework books, and class notes disappeared. His desk seemed to be wiped away bit by bit by an invisible force, and then the chair... Before long, Zheng Ming stood alone with empty hands. In an empty place.

When the last trace of the seat disappeared, Zheng Ming seemed to suddenly wake up. He immediately moved his steps and slowly walked towards the original door of the classroom.

He soon disappeared without a trace, just like his books, tables and chairs.

The atmosphere in Class 7, Grade 3, seemed to be stagnant and heavy for a moment. There were only 9 students out of the original 10.

Immediately afterwards, the textbook in front of Chao Shengting began to fade and disappear.

Like Zheng Ming, he immediately left the classroom and disappeared after all his belongings in the classroom disappeared.

Next, there is the short and fat girl with crystal clear skin, the boy who looks awkward and seems to be in poor condition, and the handsome boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes...

The class is still quiet, but there are fewer and fewer people.

After a while, Mike Ruan, who was sitting next to Tao Nange, saw the textbooks, tables and chairs in front of him disappear. Mike Ruan's eyes were still confused, but he walked out of the classroom without any hesitation.

Tao Nange was left alone in the empty room.

Tao Nange gradually understood something. Next, it should be his turn...

At this time, cracks began to appear on the walls around the classroom, and concrete mixed with lime fell, as if the entire classroom was about to collapse.

The empty tables and chairs also disappeared silently, the blackboard faded, the lamps turned on and off, and the light that was originally as bright as day quickly dimmed.

The entire class soon became empty, darkness eroded, and the light shrank. The only incandescent lamp that remained for normal lighting hung above Tao Nange, as if a spotlight was cast down from the sky, illuminating the square inch. round.

In the center of the circle, Tao Nange sat alone, with a table and a chair, in this cramped brightness, surrounded by rapidly falling shadows.

She saw a wall not far away, which was covered with spiderweb-like cracks and began to disappear little by little, as if there was a big mouth in the void, eating it up in one bite.

Tao Nange sat in his seat and waited quietly.

After a while, the ceiling overhead began to disappear, and the dim incandescent lights disappeared into the shadows one by one.

All this looks very strange, but there is no sound at all. If you close your eyes, it seems that the classroom is calm and there is nothing unexpected.

Tao Nange continued to wait. More and more cracks filled the classroom, even extending from the walls, ceiling and floor into the air of the classroom.

It seemed as if this classroom was going to be completely disintegrated, shattered, and erased.

However, just when the classroom collapsed halfway, a vague figure suddenly walked out step by step from the collapsed void.

Step, step, step...

The crisp sound of the white pearl ribbon high heels broke the silence in the classroom.

Above the shoes, there is a pair of white, slender, gracefully curved calves. They swing unhurriedly and sink into the skirt of the mint green chiffon dress.

The wide skirt looks like a blooming green rose when walking, and it forms a slender and graceful silhouette at the waist.

The part above the waist can't be seen clearly in the collapsed world.

Tao Nange immediately noticed something and immediately turned his head to look at the figure that suddenly appeared.

The moment her eyes touched the mint green dress, a piece of information suddenly appeared in her mind: Ji Xuexun, the school beauty, has excellent grades, contradictory behavior, longs for love, but hates romance; vegetarian, Likes to eat meat; enjoys being in the spotlight, but taboos being peeked at...

It’s Ji Xuexun!

Tao Nange stood up quickly. She had complained to him during the last class!

The opponent's penalty time is over!

At this time, Ji Xuexun walked out of the collapsed world with brisk steps and entered Class 7 of Senior High School. Her appearance was completely exposed to the remaining light.

It was a flawless, stunningly beautiful face. The skin was fair and delicate, like freshly peeled lychee pulp, crystal clear and radiant. The thick long hair fell like a waterfall, and the lips were as red as blood. She has no decorations, and the most natural black, white and red contrast with each other, as if she has her own halo, illuminating the increasingly dark classroom.

At this moment, the corners of Ji Xuexun's mouth were slightly raised, with a sickly smile on her face. Her eyes were strange and not at all kind, but it did not detract from her beauty at all. Instead, she had an indescribable impact and rare charm.

Looking up, Tao Nange couldn't help but be slightly startled. Although she knew that she was in a bad situation, the moment she saw Ji Xuexun's face clearly, two words came to her mind: So beautiful!

As soon as this idea came up, Tao Nange regained her composure instantly. Without any hesitation or any luck, she immediately fled towards the opposite collapsed world from when Ji Xuexun appeared!

Tao Nange was very fast. In the blink of an eye, she rushed into the collapsed world. The scene in front of her suddenly changed. She saw herself standing at the stairs of the teaching building, with thick dust behind her and several fresh lines printed on it. The stairs with footprints and the dark and silent corridor in front of you. The stationery and books thrown on the ground are all covered with dust, like a dead corner forgotten in time. Occasionally, the fresh air of the vegetation after the rain seeps in.

Looking around, Tao Nange's memory suddenly began to become confused.

She remembered that she entered this long-abandoned suburban school with her three ghost colleagues No. 056, No. 041 and No. 080, looking for traces of Zhou Zhen.

Then, when they arrived at the 7th floor, in accordance with the training requirements, they first hunkered down at the stairs to be on guard. After observing that there were no problems, 080 was the first to rush into this floor, No. 056 was the second, and No. 041 was the third. She was the last one……

But when she entered the seventh floor, No. 056, No. 041, and No. 080 all disappeared, leaving her alone.

Yes, she remembered...

She's on a mission!

Looking for Zhou Zhen!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange immediately realized that she had put on the ghost suit again. She stretched out her hand into the air in front of her, and a silver-white pistol suddenly appeared. The moment the pistol fell into her palm, it immediately digitized and changed. It reorganized and turned into a heavy sniper rifle in an instant, floating in the air.

Tao Nange looked around and walked forward cautiously.

After walking a few steps, I saw a few familiar figures walking out of a classroom filled with Class 8 students.

No. 056 carried Zhou Zhen on his back, and No. 041 and No. 080 were on guard, advancing cautiously.

Looking at this familiar scene, Tao Nange immediately reacted. The target has been found. They must leave this school immediately!

Therefore, Tao Nange fell two steps behind the team and walked downstairs while on guard.


In Class 7, Grade 3, half of the classroom collapsed, and the remaining part was filled with dust and dim.

Tao Nange's tables and chairs were placed alone in the open space, seeming to be the only focus of the spotlight.

Ji Xuexun was still walking forward unhurriedly, with that sick smile still on her face, and her beautiful eyes were like flawless obsidian, soaked in the ice spring, shining brightly as she looked.

Step, step, step...

Soon, she came to Tao Nange's table and chair, flicked her skirt, and sat down on Tao Nange's seat.


Ji Xuexun opened the textbook on the table, and the sick smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

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