Ash Civilization

Chapter 221: Broken arm. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

In the early morning, Zhou Zhen woke up from his sleep. The room was dark, and the sound of water from the water lily pond came intermittently from outside, like a natural stream deep in a dense forest, lively and brisk.

He picked up his phone and checked the time, and quickly determined that Sister Nan had come out and was probably dealing with matters at the isolation point.

Knowing that he couldn't leave the room at the moment, Zhou Zhen didn't get up at all, and just lay on the bed, thinking about some details of the surgery just now.

Equation Separation Surgery, when separating spiritual consciousness, requires each personality to be awakened from the patient's body and then labeled separately.

During this process, if there is a specific digital domain, it can enter the patient's spiritual consciousness, see the patient's personality, and mark it.

However, he does not have such a digital domain. In the operation just now, he performed the operation by repeatedly awakening and marking the other person's two personalities.

Since the other party is not compatible, the marking effect of [Overclocking Interference] is particularly effective.

As for the other operations of the surgery, they are basically the same as the first practice...

When I perform surgery on Sister Nan, I can enter Sister Nan's classroom...

But in that classroom, I couldn't use the 'digital domain.'


“The emphasis is on markup, not ‘numeric domain’.”

It is not necessary to use [overfrequency interference]...

Just change all the names in the homework books of everyone in that classroom except Sister Nan!

I have to find a chance to give it a try before the official operation...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took out his mobile phone and started to watch short videos.

Various sound effects fill the room.

Time passed little by little, and Zhou Zhen stayed in the bedroom. Tao Nange came by several times, each time to check on his condition, and only after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he turned around and left.

Another six hours passed, and Tao Nange did not appear again, but entered the classroom.

Zhou Zhen finally walked out of the room and walked towards the main control room.

He came to the main control room, looked at the surrounding surveillance pictures, and found no problems, so he sat down on the chair in front of the console and continued to browse his mobile phone.

About an hour later, there was movement on the surveillance screen near the Yulan isolation point. Two ghost members wearing ghost suits, holding a weapon in one hand and a tactical bag in the other walked into the warehouse-style building and went down the stairs. , came outside the civil air defense gate.

Zhou Zhen noticed the change in the picture out of the corner of his eye. He looked up and immediately put away his phone. He carefully identified the characteristics of the two ghost members and quickly recognized that these were No. 012 and No. 018 he had seen before.

At this moment, Ghost No. 018 is carrying a long and narrow silver-white box on his back, which seems to be a miniature force field device; Ghost No. 012 is also carrying a box, which is rectangular in shape, with metal reinforcements at the corners and gaps, and living organs on the outside. logo, and there is a small display screen on the side of the box that displays a series of data.

Zhou Zhen's eyes immediately focused on this rectangular box. As expected, it contained Tao Nange's severed arm!

Thinking of this, without waiting for the two ghost members to call the door, he directly pressed a button and controlled the civil defense door to slowly open.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen stood up quickly, used [Plane Jump], and his figure disappeared from the place instantly.


Outside the civil air defense gate of Yulan Isolation Point, No. 012 and No. 018 cautiously walked down the stairs, looked at the familiar gate in front of them, and quickly looked around.

A series of data slid down on the visual sensor, showing that there were no other problems except for some routine monitoring and defense.

The ground is significantly cleaner than other isolation points. There is no garbage. There are traces of water washing on the gray cement floor, and the air is relatively fresh.

The two ghosts came to the door, and after looking at each other, Ghost No. 018 was about to knock on the door, when the heavy security door suddenly clicked open.

Ghost No. 018 immediately lowered his raised hand and put down the force field device with his backhand, ready to activate it at any time.

At the same time, he immediately raised the gun hanging on his chest and aimed at the opening of the door.

No. 012 also pulled the bolt and released the gun's safety.

The two ghosts instantly prepared for battle.

Soon, the door was completely opened, and inside was the same corridor as the one we saw last time. Four doormen stood crookedly in the corridor, with dull eyes and blank expressions, as if they couldn't see them at all, standing guard numbly.

No. 012 and No. 018 did not relax their vigilance at all. They still stood outside the door with no intention of entering the isolation point. Their guns were pointed at the four stupid-looking doormen from time to time.

The two waited not long before a familiar figure appeared in front of them instantly.

It was a thin young man, wearing a round-neck short-sleeved T-shirt with a white background and letter print, black trousers, and black sneakers. It was Zhou Zhen.

Seeing two familiar ghost members, Zhou Zhen immediately greeted with a smile: Two comrades, meet again!

Welcome to Yulan isolation point!

The reconstruction of our Yulan isolation point has been completed. You two came in to talk.

Ghost No. 024 is resting now, I'll call her right away!

Hearing this, No. 012 and No. 018 shook their heads quickly, and No. 012 said without thinking: We have other very urgent tasks to do, and we can't stay here.

As he spoke, he pulled down the rectangular box on his shoulder and said, This is the amputated arm of No. 024. It was recovered from the ruins of the former industrial zone in Tongfu City.

This is a professional compatible living organ transfer box that can preserve the activity of the arm to the greatest extent.

The current activity of the arm can probably last for 6 to 7 days.

It should be noted that every time the transfer box is opened, it will cause a loss of arm activity!

Okay, the stuff has been delivered. Take this box and we'll take a photo and upload it to the database.

Otherwise the task cannot be confirmed for submission.

Zhou Zhen was startled when he heard this, and immediately asked: This is the application No. 024. Shouldn't No. 024 sign for it in person?

No. 012 and No. 018 looked at each other and immediately determined that Zhou Zhen's symptoms had not improved at all, and they might even get worse!

Thinking of this, No. 018 immediately replied: No need to call No. 024, you are not an outsider. We believe you, as long as you let us take a photo!

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt very confused. The two ghost members were very wary of him when they saw him last time. Why did they trust him so much this time?

Confused, Zhou Zhen immediately picked up the transfer box. According to No. 012's explanation, after verifying his fingerprints and sclera on the display screen, he swiped the screen and selected Show inside. The next moment, it was dark. The box suddenly turned into something like a piece of transparent crystal.

In the center of the crystal, there is a severed arm suspended, with half of the sleeve of the ghost suit still on the arm.

At this moment, the severed arm was very pale, and it was obvious that a lot of life had been lost.

Zhou Zhen secretly used the Digital Domain [Energy Observation] and immediately saw an extremely weak energy halo on his arm, which was exactly the same as the energy flow he saw on Tao Nange before. However, the energy here, It was no longer possible to form a swaying state of water and fire. In his field of vision, only his arms were emitting a faint light.

After confirming that it was Tao Nange's arm, Zhou Zhen immediately felt relieved and immediately grabbed the transfer box, held it against his chest, and let the two ghosts take pictures.

At this time, the two ghosts immediately put down their tactical bags, unzipped them, took out various accessories, and began to assemble them quickly.

Soon, several pieces of equipment that looked like laboratory instruments were assembled, suspended in a ring, arcing around the surrounding area. The ticking beeps came one after another, and red and green light spots continued to streak across the surrounding area. The whole body was shaken.

Zhou Zhen held the transfer box and became even more confused.

Just taking a photo, do you need to take out so much equipment?

The two ghosts each held a tablet computer and watched the data on it wipe out drastically. Cold sweat gradually broke out on their faces hidden behind the helmet-mounted visual sensors.

Yes, this is not a photo shoot at all, but a task arranged above!

Use the most advanced digital equipment to check Zhou Zhen's current mental state!

Two comrades, are you taking pictures? Zhou Zhen suddenly asked.

Ghost No. 018 immediately replied: This is the latest internal camera issued by above. It was accidentally broken on the way here, so it took a while to assemble it.

Ghost No. 012 then added: Not bad!

You stand still and don't move, don't blink your eyes, because the camera has been broken, so its performance is not very good now.

“As soon as you move, the photos will fade and need to be taken again!”

? ? ?

Zhou Zhen had a question mark on his face, such a weird reason... did these two ghosts think of him as mentally retarded?

However, since he had now obtained Tao Nange's severed arm, he had no intention of arguing with the two men. He immediately stood still and allowed the rays to sweep over him repeatedly.

After about two minutes, the scanning of the two ghosts finally ended, and No. 012 immediately said: That's it, we have a very urgent and important mission, let's go first!

With that said, the two quickly packed up their equipment, and when they were about to leave, Zhou Zhen suddenly said: Wait a minute!

The two ghosts instantly became alert. They both turned to look at Zhou Zhen, their hands already touching the weapons at their waists.

I heard Zhou Zhen say seriously: I received a message that the 'Ash Order' will conduct new human experiments soon.

However, I don't know the specific experimental location and experimental candidates yet.

Hearing this, the two ghosts were obviously relieved, and No. 018 immediately replied: Okay, we understand.

I will definitely report this news to the superiors later.

If you have more findings, you can report it directly to me on the phone.

Zhou Zhen nodded. He did not call the superiors directly to report the news this time because he did not know the digital domain of picking up light and accumulating feathers.

In the past, the Ash Order was able to kill Gai Zhu through the phone. It may not have the means to monitor the phone.

Although the mobile phone he used had special encryption with official technology, and under normal circumstances, the outside world could not monitor his calls, he did not want to take any risks.

At this time, seeing that Zhou Zhen had nothing else to say, the two ghosts did not hesitate, quickened their pace, and quickly walked up the stairs. After reaching the ground, they walked out of the warehouse-style building, took three steps at a time and walked to their car. Get in the car and start the engine, eject and start, and soon disappear on the bumpy road...


Yulan isolation point.

Zhou Zhen returned to the isolation point and used [Airdrop Trojan] to close the civil defense gate. He ignored the frightened doorman in the corridor and walked directly towards the living area.

He walked through the Siamese-style courtyard and into the room next to his bedroom.

The decoration and furnishings of Tao Nange's house are basically the same as his.

At this time, under the Nanyang-style ceiling fan light, the bed was empty. There were signs of people lying on it, but not a single figure could be seen.

Zhou Zhen took out his cell phone and immediately dialed Tao Nange's number.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

After calling for a while, a slim and vigorous figure gradually appeared on the bed in front of him.

Tao Nange opened his eyes, quickly turned over and sat up. After seeing Zhou Zhen, he was about to speak. Zhou Zhen had already taken out the transfer box containing the severed arm and said with a smile: Sister Nan, you have got your severed arm. !”

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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