Ash Civilization

Chapter 210 Equation Sound Waves. (First update! Please subscribe!)

On the gray field, an armed off-road vehicle was driving rapidly, with smoke rising from behind.

Tao Nange sat in the driver's seat, focused forward, adjusted the steering wheel, and avoided several small puddles connected together.

A military pickup truck was towed by a tow rope behind the off-road vehicle.

Both cars were dusty, with traces of mud and water splashing all over their bodies. They were jolting towards the outer suburbs of the south.

In the passenger seat, Zhou Zhen leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

At this moment, he is sorting out the newly transplanted memories...

Part of the memory he had just transplanted was obviously that of Doctor Ashes. The other party's voice was very special and he could not remember it wrong.

There are also some parts that should belong to other members of the Ash Order.

This equation separation surgery can be used in many places!

Not only can it be used to help him separate Tao Nange's equation, but it can also separate personalities, separate parasitic numbers, separate carriers' carrying forest equation, and even separate local normal organs in infected people...

Generally speaking, there are two broad categories of this surgery.

The first is to separate the equations in the physical tissue that do not belong to oneself; the second is to separate the equations in the spiritual consciousness that do not belong to oneself.

The equation that separates physical tissue is much simpler than the equation that separates spiritual consciousness.

For example, there was a memory just now where a second head was parasitic on the neck of a patient.

Moreover, the parasitic head has become a guest, integrating with the original patient's life equation.

If the parasite is simply removed from the physical level, it is equivalent to directly cutting off the patient's head, and the patient will die on the spot.

The separation surgery is to remove the parasite from the mathematical level.

The principle of surgery is to first distinguish the patient's main equation and the parasite's equation.

Then the patient's current whole body is assumed to be X; the parasite's equation is assumed to be Y; and the patient's subject equation is assumed to be Z.

Use a digital domain similar to [overclocking interference] to continuously mark the three, so that the signals of the three become X, Y, and Z.

Then, formulate an equation sound wave of X﹣Y﹦Z.

Next, continue to use [Overfrequency Interference] to adjust your Equation signal synchronously, always consistent with the minus sign in Equation Sound Wave.

At the beginning of the sound wave, physical surgery is carried out simultaneously; at the moment when the sound wave ends, the surgery is completed simultaneously, and the mark of the digital domain is lifted...

Although the principle is very simple, the actual operation is extremely difficult!

First of all, there must be a digital domain that can be used to change the target signal. [Overfrequency interference] is one of them. He has only seen one other similar digital domain so far!

It’s his other “digital domain”, [Airdrop Trojan]!

And then there’s that “equation sound wave”…

Doctor Ashes should have also been exposed to Digital Rain!

Only those who have been exposed to digital rain and have done some research on it can simulate that kind of sound wave!

He has listened to Digital Rain for many lectures now, but he still can't distinguish the sound waves emitted by Digital Rain.

And Doctor Ash should have parsed a lot of mathematical knowledge from the sound waves of Digital Rain!

'Doctor Ash'... there should also be 'Digital Rain'!

The former ghost No. 009 received a drop of 'digital rain' and became the strongest compatibility for a period of time.

If 'Doctor Ash' also has 'Digital Rain', he should also be one of the strongest compatibility...

However, in my memory just now, even if I strictly follow the steps without making any mistakes, there will still be cases of failure in the end...

In the field of mathematics, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no middle option...

For the same steps, some succeed and some fail. This shows that the 'equation sound wave' analyzed by 'Doctor Ash' may not be entirely correct...

Amidst the rumbling of the engine, Zhou Zhen thought seriously. This operation was closely related to Sister Nan's life, so he had to be cautious!

The equation for separating physical tissue is already relatively simple.

But there are still many cases of failure in the memories he just transplanted.

The equation that separates spiritual consciousness is much more difficult than the equation that separates physical tissue!

Next, he wants to separate Sister Nan. This is the separation of the equation of spiritual consciousness!

The principle of separating spiritual consciousness is similar to that of separating physical tissue. In both cases, the spiritual consciousness must be individually marked first, and then the patient's body must be marked...

For example, I just remembered a patient with four personalities, namely a 41-year-old father, a 39-year-old mother, a 17-year-old sister, and a 10-year-old brother.

The patient reported that she was her 17-year-old sister, and the other three personalities were all split-off sub-personalities that needed to be removed.

In memory, the operation of Doctor Ashes was to mark the father as A, the mother as B, the sister as C, the brother as D, and the patient's body as X.

The other steps of the surgery remain unchanged, but the equation sound wave is no longer a simple equation like X﹣Y﹦Z, but [X+(A+B+C+D)]-A-B-D=X+C.

The patient has [split personality], and his signal after being marked is [X+(A+B+C+D)]. The surgery is equivalent to subtraction. A, B, and D need to be subtracted so that the patient's signal finally becomes into X﹢C.

The specific operation of Doctor Ashes is to first give the patient general anesthesia, put the patient into a deep sleep, then cut open the patient's skull, stimulate the patient's brain, and adjust the order in which the personality comes out, keeping it the same as Equation Sonic.

Then perform surgery on the brain, simulate death when the father, mother, and brother come out, causing these three personalities to fall into silence, and remove the brain memory units corresponding to the personalities...

Brain surgery is extremely complex and risky.

Since the patient did not ask for the number of other personalities to be preserved during that operation, the difficulty of the operation was lower.

If the patient requests to preserve the digits of other personalities, then a container for recording the digits needs to be cultivated. When the brain is operated on, death cannot be simulated, but the personality must be guided...

This requires a spiritual digital domain, such as [Spiritual Labyrinth]...

Among the transplanted memories, Doctor Ashes' surgery skills are obviously much higher than those of other members!

With so many surgical memories, the other party only failed twice.

These two failures were all personality separation surgeries for patients with [schizophrenia].

There were three [split personality] operations in total, but Doctor Ashes only succeeded once, which was the operation on the patient who had four personalities: father, mother, sister and brother.

The other members' surgical memories, successes and failures, are basically split half way.

The separation surgery for [Split Personality] was not successful at all for other members.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly.

Sister Nan is not completely his personality. The difficulty of the operation should be slightly easier than that of separated personality, but it is probably not much easier...

In addition, before the operation, he had to get Sister Nan's severed arm.

That severed arm is the only original number left by Sister Nan. After he separated Sister Nan's equation, he needed the severed arm to store it.

And the most important point was that neither Shiguang nor Jiyu told him just now that the broken arm was not important organs like the heart and head.

If you put Sister Nan's equation directly into the severed arm, Sister Nan will die immediately!

Because Sister Nan's Equation is essentially a human being, a human with only one arm left will of course die.

If you want to truly save Sister Nan, you must add a self-recovery digital domain to Sister Nan's equation, for example, [limb regeneration]!

Zhou Zhen remembered that Mike Ruan from Judgment at Dusk had the digital domain of [limb regeneration].

And Mike Nguyen is in his amusement park!

A total of three 'number fields' are required.

[Overfrequency Interference], [Psychic Labyrinth] and [Limb Regeneration]...

[Overfrequency interference] is no problem, [limb regeneration] I have to go to the amusement park, [mental maze]...

Ji Xuexun's 'digital domain' is a spiritual one. She must have a similar 'digital domain'!

In addition to these three 'digital domains', a fixed set of 'equations for sound waves' are also needed...

There are several sets of 'equation sound waves' in the transplanted memory, but those 'equation sound waves' are not necessarily correct.

I'd better find a way to get it directly from Digital Rain!

There are only ten days, so time is very tight.

Moreover, Ji Xuexun still keeps staring at me...

It seems that I have to take a risk!

While he was thinking about it, the armed off-road vehicle flicked its tail sharply and suddenly stopped on a flat ground.

Zhou Zhen's body immediately rushed forward under the action of inertia, and was immediately pulled back to the seat by the seat belt. He opened his eyes and immediately saw the warehouse-style building in front of him.

Tao Nange said: I will go down and untie the towing rope, drive the car in first, and then come up and drive the pickup truck in.

Nowadays, pickup trucks are driverless and rely solely on towing.

It's fine on flat ground, but when going down stairs, it's easy to cause a rear-end collision.

Zhou Zhen nodded. He could have driven the pickup truck by himself and followed Tao Nange's car into the isolation point, but Tao Nange definitely didn't believe that he was driving by himself now, even if he only drove such a small distance.

So, Tao Nange opened the car door and walked to the back of the car. Soon, she returned to the car, started the off-road vehicle, and drove towards the warehouse-style building.

The off-road vehicle walked smoothly on the stairs, and the familiar civil air defense gate appeared in front of it in an instant.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately used the Digital Domain [Airdrop Trojan] to control the civil air defense gate to slowly open.

The lights at the entrance came out, and YL020 and four other people were holding guns and standing in the corridor a little bored, their eyes blank and weak, as if they were in a daze. From time to time, he would lean against the wall behind him.

The four people had no intention of looking at the gate, and it seemed that they had not found any sign of the armed off-road vehicle.

Tao Nange stepped on the accelerator and drove the off-road vehicle in. After the vehicle completely drove into the corridor, the four YL020 people suddenly jumped up and stood upright. They tried their best to hold their heads high and their chests high, looking energetic.

The SUV galloped through the corridor and entered the trading hall. It randomly selected an aisle between a row of three-story shops and stopped. Tao Nange jumped out of the car and asked Zhou Zhen to stay in the car and not get off or open his eyes. She went up there and drove down the military pickup truck.

Zhou Zhen nodded: Okay!

Soon, the roar of cars was heard again in the corridor at the entrance of the isolation point. With the sound of engines coming from far away, Tao Nange drove the military pickup truck into the corridor and parked not far from the off-road vehicle.

She got out of the car, walked to the passenger seat of the off-road vehicle, opened the door, and said briefly: Follow me.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes, got off the off-road vehicle, and followed her out of the trading hall to the medical area. Since there were very few people in the isolation point and there were no injured people in need of care, YL024, YL025, and YL026 were all at ease. In order to prevent Not working violates the hidden rules of the Digital Forest. Every once in a while, they will clean the entire medical area, not even the corners.

At this moment, they had just finished cleaning, and through the intercom, they exchanged their findings and guesses with their colleagues in other areas, and decided to rummage through the cabinets to look for clues.

Just after prying off a few floor tiles and opening two cabinets, Tao Nange came over with Zhou Zhen.

The three people who were knocking in the empty cabinet were suddenly shocked. They stood up hurriedly and said stiffly: Nan, hello, Sister Nan! Shen, hello, Mr. Shen!

As they spoke, the three of them felt their scalps numb, their hearts beating rapidly, and they broke into cold sweats. They looked extremely nervous.

Tao Nange turned a blind eye to their actions, immediately pointed to YL024, and asked Zhou Zhen calmly beside him: Do you think this is a chicken or a duck?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen didn't answer yet. YL024 was covered in hair, and the flush on his face due to nervousness faded away in an instant. He was so scared that he almost collapsed to the ground!

I... don't... Nan... Shen... ah... YL024 hurriedly wanted to explain, but due to excessive fear, his mind went blank, his lips opened and closed, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence!

Zhou Zhen looked at YL024 and said immediately: This is a person who works in the medical area of ​​Yulan isolation point.

Hearing this, Tao Nange felt a little relieved, but still said cautiously: I will take you back to your residence to rest now. Next, if you want to go out, you must come with me!

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: I understand, Sister Nan.

Tao Nange nodded, ignored the three of YL024, and turned around with Zhou Zhen towards the living area.

Zhou Zhen followed closely behind.

Step, step, step...

Subtle footsteps echoed in the spacious underground space.

Both of them were very silent along the way. When they walked into the Siamese-style open courtyard, the bedroom was right in front of them. When they passed the water lily pond, Zhou Zhen suddenly asked: Sister Nan, don't ask me, what were you doing out there just now? thing?

Tao Nange said calmly: Kill the infected, or promote the Yulan isolation point. You have basically done these two things during your recent outings.

Zhou Zhen coughed dryly and said immediately: I just entered the classroom and opened up the memory of Nie Lang's personality.

He used to be a researcher at Base No. 5 in Musha City, and I got the memory of some of his research results.

Hearing this, Tao Nange stopped immediately, looked at Zhou Zhen and asked, What's the result?

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: It has something to do with human experiments!

It may not be convenient to report.

However, it should be able to heal my mental state to a certain extent!

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