Ash Civilization

Chapter 193 Mental impact. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, Lingan isolation point.

In the gloomy and luxurious Chinese-style underground mansion, a burner of calming sandalwood is lit on the small incense table. The gentle fragrance seems to add a distant and calm filter to everything around it.

Cough cough cough... Lu Xingkuan sat alone in the empty hall with his bare chest. The human face on his chest was coughing non-stop, breaking the quiet atmosphere of the hall.

His face was pale and he seemed to be getting weaker.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Lu Xingkuan immediately pressed his chest and mouth on the man's face, and the coughing stopped immediately. He looked at the door and deliberately shouted in a very weak voice: Come in!

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing camouflage training uniforms and a crew cut quickly walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he immediately closed the door with his backhand and walked a few steps quickly to Lu Xingkuan. Then he bowed slightly and said very respectfully: Master Lu, I just got the news that the target of the last batch of supplies that was robbed by Xiuhu Group was , named 'Shen Sheng', is now the person in charge of the Yulan isolation point.

Wang Yanliang has already taken action against this Shen Sheng.

Although not all the belongings of the Maoqiao isolation point were dispatched, Wang Yanliang also brought a lot of heavy firepower on this trip. Basically, the main team was brought there, and he also brought a lot of ordinary elites with accurate marksmanship.

There are more than a dozen men from the 'Third Staircase'.

And there is only one person on Shen Sheng's side.

The most important thing is that this Shen Sheng doesn't have any weapons!

The battle ended quickly. Wang Yanliang was defeated and his whereabouts are unknown.

Shen Sheng was unscathed. Even the 'digital domain' he used, none of those who escaped could tell clearly.

In the end, Shen Sheng captured some of Wang Yanliang's men. None of them are compatible. I don't know what to do with them...

Lu Xingkuan listened quietly, his face becoming more and more solemn. After all the reports were completed, he immediately asked: Is there a video of the specific battle process?

The man who was looking after the crew cut immediately shook his head and said, Before the war started, Wang Yanliang didn't take Shen Sheng seriously at all. There was no video.

Other teams around him were afraid of Wang Yanliang and did not dare to get too close. There was no video.

Those who escaped seemed to have been mentally stimulated by something. They kept shouting 'monster', 'wall', 'strawberry'... So far, only these contents have been tortured.

If we want more detailed information, we probably need to treat those people first, and then we can continue to interrogate them after they have calmed down a bit.

Lu Xingkuan nodded slightly, and then asked: Have the arrangements been made for the convoy of Rangers that are going to be sent to the Yulan isolation point to find out the details?

The subordinate immediately replied: It has been arranged and ready to go at any time!

Lu Xingkuan said quickly: There is no need to test the Yulan isolation point anymore.

Let those convoys of Rangers go directly to Wang Yanliang's Maoqiao isolation point, cause some trouble, see the reaction of Wang Yanliang's team, and find out the specific injuries of Wang Yanliang.

Arrange a convoy representing our Ling'an isolation point to go to the Yulan isolation point and deliver a batch of supplies to Shen Sheng as a meeting gift.

This team represents our own team. We should arrange more ordinary people in it, including men, women, old and young. If Shen Sheng likes it, then give them all to him!

Hearing this, his subordinates were stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Mr. Lu wanted to make friends with that Shen Sheng!

Thinking of this, he immediately responded: Understood!

Lu Xingkuan continued: After sending the meeting gift, if Shen Sheng's reaction is still polite, you can invite him to attack Wang Yanliang's Maoqiao isolation point.

As long as Shen Sheng agrees to do this, he can get the lion's share of the spoils.

The subordinate quickly replied: Yes!

Lu Xingkuan nodded, quickly reviewed his arrangement in his mind, and confirmed that there was no problem before continuing: Then, this matter ends here.

You go back and contact them.

As long as that doctor is willing to operate on me, I can agree to whatever he asks for!

If the doctor is really unwilling to perform the surgery himself and lets his official subordinates operate on me, I can also agree to any of his requests...

As long as it's not training for newbies, it's easy to talk about anything!

The subordinate lowered his head and responded: Yes!


Tongfu City, Jingxi isolation point.

The ceiling is bright, and it is a technology-simulated clear sky. The golden light shines down, illuminating the gorgeous French-style courtyard.

In the long hall like the Palace of Versailles, Gai Zhu was wearing a white coat, a mask on his face, and his hair was all wrapped in a doctor's hat. He stood in front of an operating table covered with white sheets.

Lying on the operating table was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. The girl had deep eyebrows and was obviously of mixed race. Her eyelashes were long and curly. They were not pure black, but had a light golden color like her hair. ; Her skin is as white as milk, and her slim figure is wrapped in a Gothic-style tutu.

The skirt is mainly black, and the cuffs and skirt are dotted with black lace. Under the wide skirt, white stockings cling to the curvy calves and are bundled into a pair of black lacquered glossy boots.

At this moment, the band on her chest was opened, exposing her bright and full chest. The chest was completely opened, and the inside was empty without any internal organs. Gai Zhu very patiently injected the special potion little by little, and then began to sew.

The long hall was quiet, with only the slight sound of needle and thread passing through flesh echoing.

After a while, Gai Zhu cut off the thread and dressed the girl himself, looking at his work with great satisfaction.

The Gothic girl was lying on her back on the operating table. Although she had not breathed for a long time, she looked as if she was just asleep. Her cheeks were still flushed with a faint blush, and her long eyelashes hung low, like a butterfly that was temporarily inhabited. After enough rest, you will open it again, revealing your jewel-like eyes...

Gai Zhu quickly decided to build a coffin in the same Gothic style to match this work, which needed to be filled with snow-white roses... As he was imagining it in his mind, a familiar sound of footsteps came from outside the long hall.

A young man in casual clothes with long braided hair walked in. Before she could ask any questions, he quickly said: Sister Gai, there are results!

Gaizhu stopped stroking the Goth girl's face, looked at the young man, and asked with a smile: Did Wang Yanliang succeed?

The young man immediately shook his head and replied in a solemn voice: Wang Yanliang lost!

However, the specific circumstances have not been clarified yet.

The few Wang Yanliang's men we captured were all mentally stimulated. Their consciousness was on the verge of disintegration. They spoke incoherently and it was difficult to tell the complete story.

What is certain at present is that the target who robbed Xiuhu Group's supplies is named 'Shen Sheng' and is the current leader of Yulan Isolation Point.

The gap between Wang Yanliang and Shen Sheng should be very big!

Differs greatly?

Gai Zhu immediately snorted coldly. She knew that there was something wrong with the information she got from Lu Xingkuan!

If she had just been like Wang Yanliang and brought people to deal with Shen Sheng, she would probably suffer a big loss now!

Not surprisingly, the new leader of Yulan Isolation Point should be a Fifth Step compatibility!

Yulan Isolation Point had just been captured by the infected. Shen Sheng should have eliminated the infected person who captured Yulan Isolation Point before he became the new leader.

Lu Xingkuan, that old fox!

She almost got into trouble this time!

However, the old man was about to die of illness, so there was no need for her to care about a dead man.

Thinking of this, Gai Zhu immediately asked: Is Shen Sheng a boy or a girl? How old is he?

The young man suddenly understood and said: Sister Gai, he is a man, he looks about 20 years old.


And still very young...

Gai Zhu smiled strangely and quickly ordered: Assemble manpower to go to the Maoqiao isolation point to cause trouble. Make it bigger!

We must find out how badly Wang Yanliang was injured!

In addition, prepare a meeting gift. I will personally take it to the Yulan isolation point and give it to Shen Sheng.

The young man nodded: Understood!

Seeing that Gai Zhu had no other instructions, he immediately turned around and left.

Gai Zhu didn't have time to continue dressing up the Goth girl. She turned around and walked towards her cloakroom. She wanted to tidy up.


Tongfu City, eastern suburbs.

In the gray-black wilderness, a stiff corpse lay upright on the ground with sparse weeds.

His long hair was tied back, with a dog tag hanging around his neck. The undulating muscle lines could still be seen under the camouflage uniform. There was a scar on the left side of his face. It was Wang Yanliang!

At this moment, his eyes were wide open, with a horrified expression, full of despair and fear, as if he had seen something incredible, and his eyes were bulging high, almost squeezed out of their sockets.

The cold wind blew from all directions, stirring the grass blades and picking up the corners of his clothes.

There was silence all around and the sky was dark.

Step, step, step...

Suddenly, in the deathly quiet wilderness, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps.

A woman wearing a camel coat, a mask, a wide-brimmed hat, and a scepter hanging upside down on her chest appeared in this field at some unknown time. She put her hands in the pockets of her coat and walked step by step to Wang Yanliang's body. , stand still.

Then, she took out one hand from her coat pocket, raised a fingertip wearing a white lace glove, and lightly scratched the body.


The corpse was immediately cut into two pieces through the air, and a putrid smell suddenly burst out. At the same time, internal organs and dirty blood quickly rolled out, and they were piled all over the floor in various colors.

The woman in the camel coat nodded slightly. The inside had not been eaten... to be precise, it had not been touched at all.

In addition, there was no trace of injury on the body, including all internal organs, which were intact...

The cause of death should be mental...

The data has been recorded and the scene can be cleaned up.

Thinking of this, the woman in the camel coat took out a special grenade and threw it at the corpse.



Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

breeding area.

Tao Nange walked in the front, followed by a large group of young men with frightened expressions. These people were dressed in different clothes. Their expressions were very nervous at the moment. They even breathed carefully and walked lightly, not daring to make any noise. Their eyes were filled with extreme terror.

At this time, Tao Nange took them to the control room of the fully automatic breeding equipment. He pointed at the console full of buttons of various colors and said, This is the control room of the breeding area.

The entire breeding area is currently divided into poultry layer, livestock layer, aquatic product layer and special layer.

Currently, the only types of breeding are conventional species such as chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, pigs, and fish and shrimps. The special layer is empty.

The equipment in front of you can handle most breeding tasks.

“So you only need a maximum of two keepers here.”

As he spoke, Tao Nange pointed to the two people at the front of the team behind him. They were the person who just claimed to have raised pigs, and the second person who wanted to be a breeder, You two, be in charge of the breeding area.

Working hours are 24 hours.

The control room can be laid on the floor.

Robots will deliver a week's worth of food and water to you at a time. You should pay attention to the distribution. No snatching or waste is allowed.

The task is to read the equipment manual thoroughly, repair it in time when there is a problem with the equipment, and report it to the administrator if the damage exceeds the repair capacity.

In addition, detailed observation logs must be made for the farmed animals on each floor every day, and compared with the work logs of the farming equipment. Once abnormalities occur, they must be resolved or reported in a timely manner to avoid large-scale losses.

Also, the control room is also a monitoring room. It must be occupied 24 hours a day. Under any circumstances, two people are not allowed to leave the control room at the same time. Currently, except for the two of you, only the administrator can enter the breeding area.

Anyone else entering the breeding area must be expelled immediately and reported.

Is there any problem for you two to complete these tasks?

The two people nodded hurriedly: No problem!

Tao Nange nodded and said to the others: The rest of you, follow me to the planting area.

Soon, she led the large army away and disappeared into the breeding area.

In the control room, the two new breeders who were left behind looked at each other.

Seeing that the half-human, half-digit monster finally left, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief. The new breeder who was the second to speak looked around and asked in a very low voice: What should we do now?

If you run away, you will definitely be caught by the infected person just now!

The new breeder who claimed to have raised pigs immediately replied: That shouldn't be an infected person. If it is an infected person, we must have been infected by now!

There are so many rules here, it must be a 'digital forest'!

The monster just now should be a derivative of the 'Digital Forest', responsible for explaining the rules to us.

Now, before we find the 'knot' of this forest, we'd better abide by every rule here honestly!

The new breeder who spoke for the second time nodded subconsciously, then looked at the chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, pigs, fish and shrimps that seemed to be normal in the surveillance camera, and whispered with a very ugly face: I've heard of one before. According to the news, a breeding farm on the outskirts of Tongfu City fell into a 'digital forest' before the city became a high-risk area, and everyone who entered would become the livestock inside.

The butcher in the breeding farm will take an animal out of the pen and slaughter it every once in a while...

The people raised in this breeding area may not be animals, but people like us!

Hearing this, the new breeder who claimed to have raised pigs smiled stiffly and said quickly: Don't make such a joke. I think these poultry, livestock, fish and shrimp are all normal...

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the shapes of the animals in the surveillance screen seemed a bit strange. He was worried that he was dazzled. He immediately rubbed his eyes and looked at the surveillance camera again. He saw that the animals that were perfectly normal just now suddenly all appeared. Turned into a half-man, half-animal monster!

At this moment, as if they were aware of his gaze, all the animals raised their heads and stared blankly at him with their red eyes...

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