Ash Civilization

Chapter 176 Turn the page. (First update! Please vote for me at the beginning of the month!)

Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses, there were three infected people, this was a fierce battle!

More importantly, he has just used [Energy Observation], and the side effects will occur soon!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately used the [Airdrop Trojan] to control the supply convoy to speed up, while he stopped and blocked the three infected people.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The sound of heavy footsteps shook the ground, the diffuse dust quickly moved from far to near, and the three infected were charging at full speed.

The two parties had not gotten close to each other, and when they were still far away from each other, one of the infected people, half human and half insect, suddenly waved in a dizzying manner with its upper limbs made of matte metal.

Swish, brush, brush...

The swords gleamed one after another, falling like heavy snow.

Zhou Zhen's figure disappeared from the spot instantly, and several criss-crossing cutting marks appeared where he had just stood.

Thirty meters away, Zhou Zhen appeared without warning. His clothes were torn, revealing a wound from his left shoulder to his right waist. The skin and flesh of the wound were slightly rolled, and the incision was very shallow. It had just reached the level of bleeding, but it was the person who had just been attacked. In an instant, he immediately used [Plane Jump] to dodge.

The infected person, whose left half of the body is human-like and whose right half is like an enlarged version of a mantis, is very special. Its attack can pass through Zhou Zhen's [Geometric Barrier] and appear directly on him!

Compared with the other two infected people, this infected person is more dangerous!

As his mind was spinning, Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate at all. The energy flow lingering all over his body suddenly floated towards the infected person who was half human and half insect, like a blazing flame blown by a strong wind.

In the blink of an eye, the white air flow connected with the mixed air flow on the half-human, half-worm infected person.

The moment the two air currents came into contact, the energy air current on Zhou Zhen's body became chaotic in an instant, exactly like the infected person who was half human and half insect.

Digital domain, [Energy Synchronization]!

The half-human, half-worm infected person was just about to attack Zhou Zhen when the short sword transformed from the humanoid side and the long sword transformed from the mantis-like side crossed each other in the air and struck down. The movement stopped abruptly. Its head, which was half humanoid flesh and half metal mantis triangular head, quickly looked left and right, as if it had suddenly lost its target.

After a brief period of confusion, the infected person turned his neck, looked around, and then chased directly in the direction of the supply convoy.

The other two infected people who were about to attack Zhou Zhen also immediately stopped their movements, bypassed Zhou Zhen and went straight to the convoy.

At this time, blood quickly oozed out from Zhou Zhen's feet.

The blood appeared suddenly and rose rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it gathered into a pool of blood on the gray-black wilderness.

Digital domain, [Crimson Trap]!

The three infected people stepped into the bloody water, and their speed immediately dropped sharply.

The bloody water was not very deep, but it seemed very difficult for the three infected people to walk in it. It was as if they had left the solid ground in an instant and came to a well-camouflaged swamp. Every step they took was muddy and muddy, soft and muddy, falling. The feet are so light that I can't rely on them.

At the same time, dense numbers, formulas, theorems, and graphics appeared in front of Zhou Zhen's eyes... which gathered into an invisible bridge and connected with the minds of the three infected people. A large number of memories of wanting to kill pigs and butchered were poured into him. into the minds of these three infected people.

Digital domain, [overfrequency interference]!

The next moment, the three infected people immediately turned to look at each other and froze in place, motionless.

Zhou Zhen seized this opportunity and immediately condensed three black and red cubes in his palm.

The concentrated energy wave exploded, like three skyrocketing lightsabers, shooting at three infected people respectively.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The three infected people were immediately swept away by the majestic force and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhou Zhen was about to continue taking action when a strong desire to make friends suddenly surged in his heart.

It's a side effect of the digital domain of [Energy Observation]!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed. The side effects occurred faster than he expected!

While he was still awake, Zhou Zhen immediately wanted to evacuate, but then, the desire to peek and take secret photos emerged in his heart.

This is a side effect of the [Plane Jump] he just used!

The penalty stand between Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin is over!

Before he could think about it, the idea of ​​killing the pig surged into his mind.

In his eyes, those three grotesque infected people turned into three fat and delicious pigs that needed to be slaughtered immediately.

In an instant, three strong thoughts rolled in his chest, constantly tugging at Zhou Zhen's thoughts and emotions.

Zhou Zhen stopped just as he was about to leave and stood there, as motionless as a wooden sculpture.

At this time, the three infected people stood up again from the pitted mud. They opened their bloody mouths full of fine fangs, raised their heads to the sky, let out an angry roar, and then rushed towards Zhou Zhen.

Seeing the three infected people getting closer and closer, and the vibrations on the ground getting stronger and stronger, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt an inexplicable restlessness deep in his heart.

His face was distorted, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and he clenched his teeth and uttered two words with great difficulty: Quiet!

The next moment, all the disturbing emotions disappeared!

The thoughts of making friends, peeping, and killing pigs all disappeared like snow meeting the sun. At the same time, he wanted to rebuild the Yulan isolation point, he wanted to become stronger and continue to investigate the cause of Zhou Jianqiang's death, his plan to solve Tao Nange's current situation, his confusion about being exiled to a high-risk city, and his return to isolation this time. The mood of experiencing some setbacks... also disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Zhen's expression turned cold instantly, and the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy faded away from him like an ebbing tide. He still stood in place, motionless, but his whole body seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

It's like, from a normal person, to a high-end imitation machine.

Precise, efficient and cold.

Boom boom boom...

Three infected people have rushed not far away. The half-human and half-insect infected person wields his swords, and the blades slash down in the air. The hair on the top of the infected person's head is like a tree man, and countless brown vines are shooting out from the air. When they came out, those vines seemed to be branches and leaves that had withered for countless years but still remained resilient in the deep mountains and old forests. They were intertwined with each other, shaking like a net under their heads; the infected person who resembled a shadow jumped high, and it The shape was like a ball of paper that had been crumpled into a ball and discarded randomly. The seven or eight limbs were slender and flexible, more like tentacles. At this moment, several of the tentacles whizzed off and rolled towards Zhou Zhen's neck.

The ground shook violently, with sand and stones flying for a while, and a new large pit appeared on the spot. The pit was filled with dust, and countless gravel fell and made a crackling sound.

Zhou Zhen had disappeared from the spot, and the ground that was still shaking suddenly burst into streams of blood.

The blood was accurately spread around the three infected people, and their movements suddenly became very slow.

Just as the three infected people were about to turn their heads, a large number of memories of wanting to make friends, peeping, and killing pigs surged into their minds.

Their movements, which were about to struggle and attack, were frozen in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the energy wave formed by the black and red cube roared in and penetrated the three infected people at the same time.

Boom boom boom... the sound of the battle spread far across the wilderness.


The incandescent lamp hung high and the electric fan rotated slowly, stirring the air in the classroom.

At the end of get out of class, the atmosphere in Class 8, Grade 3, was very relaxed.

Zhou Zhen's seat was empty, no one was there.

Meng Zhuo suddenly left his seat, came to Zhou Zhen's seat, and sat down directly.

Not long after he sat down, Chu Jingyan came over. Without any intention of communicating, she directly raised her leg and kicked Meng Zhuo to the ground. Then she pulled up her skirt and sat on Zhou Zhen's seat. Down.

As soon as Chu Jingyan sat down, Pang Shaobin rushed over with a butcher knife.

At the same time, Meng Zhuo got up from the ground, and all his classmates who were usually friends with him followed him, and soon surrounded Chu Jingyan, looking menacing.

Pang Shaobin didn't hesitate at all. He came to Zhou Zhen's seat and slashed at Chu Jingyan with his knife.

Meng Zhuo and his classmates who were close to him also punched and kicked Chu Jingyan and started a group fight.

Chu Jingyan showed no weakness and immediately fought back.

Ping ping pong pong...

The classroom, which had been calm just now, suddenly became chaotic. These students were fighting each other, punching and kicking each other, and the beating was extremely fierce.

In the chaos, the stationery and books on Zhou Zhen's desk were knocked upside down. One of the textbooks fell from the edge of the table after being hit repeatedly, and the pages were opened on the ground.

In the open textbook, complex and profound numbers, symbols, graphics... are overwhelming, like a fountain, swarming out of the pages and integrating into the entire classroom.

Everything in Class 8 of Senior High School was frozen in an instant.

It was as if this class was transformed from the real world into a lifelike 3D portrait in an instant.


The pages of the book suddenly turned, and the classroom changed accordingly.

The students who gathered together in twos and threes to chat, sat alone and busy in their seats, or walked around the corridors of the classroom, including Chu Jingyan and others who were fighting, all returned to their seats in an instant.

The classroom was silent except for the math teacher's lecture on the blackboard, which echoed quietly.


Tongfu City.


The flying sand and dust were slowly calming down, and Zhou Zhen stood on the edge of a deep pit, his chest heaving violently, and he was breathing heavily.

The mechanical coldness and precision disappeared without a trace, and all kinds of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy gradually recovered, and he seemed to have become a human being of flesh and blood again.

The deep pit in front of him had neat and fresh soil around the edge, dust was billowing in the pit, and three injured infected people were lying at the bottom.

At this moment, the infected person who was half human and half insect had all his limbs cut off, especially the two metal knives, one long and one short, that were attached to the limbs. They were cut into countless pieces and thrown away in the distance; the tree man The same infected person has been chopped into dozens of pieces. At this moment, each segment of its body is struggling to put itself back together; while the shadow-like infected person is soaked in the accumulation at the bottom of the pit. In the water, it was motionless. Its entire torso was cut open in criss-cross directions, and oil-like liquid was constantly flowing out of the wounds.

After confirming that these three infected people no longer had the strength to resist, Zhou Zhen did not dare to waste time here. He immediately returned to the pickup truck, started the ignition, and stepped on the accelerator. The pickup truck roared and quickly chased the supply convoy ahead.

The wilderness scenery quickly reversed, and the pickup truck was speeding along, quickly catching up with the supply truck.

Zhou Zhen immediately used [Airdrop Trojan] to control all ten supply vehicles to stop.

The problem of induced gas has not been solved, and if it continues like this, it will lead to more infections!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly controlled ten supply trucks to open the doors, then took out the quick waterproof paint from the building materials and sealed the cracks in the doors.

In order to speed up, he used the [Airdrop Trojan] again to control the multi-functional auxiliary robot in the supply truck and work with him.

In about two minutes, Zhou Zhen and a dozen multifunctional auxiliary robots successfully sealed all the car door gaps from the outside.

After dealing with the problem of induced gas, Zhou Zhen did not dare to delay and immediately gave the departure instructions to the ten supply vehicles. As for the multi-functional auxiliary robot that had just helped, since it could not return to the inside of the supply vehicle and the pickup truck compartment was not large, then He ordered him to climb onto the roof of the supply truck and secure his body.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen returned to his pickup truck and drove to follow.

The supply convoy roared forward in the wilderness. After driving a certain distance this time, Zhou Zhen vaguely heard a noisy sound coming from behind, accompanied by slight vibrations on the ground.

However, after the movement appeared this time, it did not approach quickly, but became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

The rest of the journey went relatively smoothly, and I didn't encounter any infected people again.

In the middle, they met several groups of homeless convoys. When they saw the huge convoy and only Zhou Zhen in one car, they were very excited. However, after their eyes touched the LOGO of Xiuhu Group, they immediately gave up all their thoughts. , very wise to stay away from it.

The speed of the supply truck was not as fast as normal cross-country driving in high-risk cities. After driving for more than two hours, Zhou Zhencai finally drove the convoy to the Yulan isolation point.

Ten supply trucks stopped at the door of the warehouse-like building, and Zhou Zhen immediately dialed Tao Nange's number: Hey, Sister Nan, I'm at the door!

After hanging up the phone and waiting for about a minute, a low sound came from the basement. It was the civil air defense door being opened.

Thumb, thump, thump...

Soon, Tao Nange's figure appeared at the top of the stairs. She was still wearing the green chiffon dress with white flowers and a small silver-white pistol stuck at her waist.

Seeing Tao Nange coming out, Zhou Zhen immediately opened the door and stepped out of the pickup truck.

Tao Nange looked at the blood stains on his chest, frowned slightly, and said, You are injured, treat the wound first!

Zhou Zhen immediately shook his head. His wound was very shallow and had already formed a layer of blood scab. It was not a big deal.

Thinking of this, he quickly said: These ten cars can't be left here any longer, let's unload them first!

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