Ash Civilization

Chapter 172: Intercepted midway. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, eastern suburbs.

Looking down from the small slope, two convoys speeding in the distance were swimming like giant pythons on the gray-black field, with their rolling wheels kicking up large clouds of sand and dust.

It seemed that they had also noticed that the Maoqiao isolation point had arrived first, and then arrived at the Ling'an isolation point and Jingxi isolation point. While they were still on the way, a heavy truck in the convoy opened its carriage and released a swarm of drones, as if They spread around like mosquitoes to explore the situation.

Soon, the two convoys arrived near the small slope, each picked a place to park, and quickly established firepower networks, defenses, and traps...

In the busy deployment room of the convoy, from the convoy at the Ling'an isolation point, several young men in combat uniforms walked out surrounded by an old man in casual clothes.

The old man had gray hair and scattered age spots on his face and back of his hands. He was wearing a navy blue shirt, black trousers, and a black peaked cap on his head. He was dressed very ordinary.

He looks to be about sixty or seventy years old. In high-risk cities, such an age is relatively rare.

The energy of the people surrounding him was at the third step. They were both men and women, and their expressions were quite solemn.

The energy fluctuations all over this old man's body were clearly the Fourth Step. However, his complexion was very bad, with a sallow complexion, and he would cough violently from time to time, followed by a surge of energy on his face. She had a sickly reddened face, and her steps were a little sloppy when she walked, as if she was ill.

At about the same time, a group of figures also walked out of the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point.

The leader is a woman with a beautiful appearance and a hot figure. She is wearing a black leather jacket with the zipper open, revealing a small black sling inside. The neckline of the sling is relatively low, and she wears a red rope on her white neck. The necklace and pendant are made of black heart-shaped rhinestones, which seem to contain a little liquid inside, creating a charming contrast with the soft and delicate skin.

As the woman walks, the heart-shaped rhinestone moves bit by bit, and the liquid sealed inside shakes slightly, reflecting the watery light, which further highlights the shocking arc of the undulating angle. Her long wavy hair hangs down to her slender waist. The whole person exudes the charm and style unique to mature women.

Like the old man and the boss of the Maoqiao isolation point, her energy fluctuations are also the fourth step.

After seeing these two groups of people on the small slope, the boss of the Maoqiao isolation point who arrived here first immediately took his men with him, strode out of his position, laughed and greeted them: Gai Zhu, what have you been doing recently? She’s beautiful again!”

Then he looked at the old man who coughed from time to time and teased, Uncle Lu, did you... catch a cold while sleeping at night?

As he spoke, his eyes swept past the collar of Gai Zhu, the boss of the Jingxi isolation point, and landed on Lu Xingkuan, the boss of the Ling'an isolation point, watching his every move.

Lu Xingkuan broke out into a violent cough: Cough cough cough cough...

After a while, he finally took a breath and closed his eyes tiredly, without answering the boss of the Maoqiao isolation point.

Gai Zhu smiled slightly when he saw this and said: Wang Yanliang, the supply convoy hasn't arrived yet, and you want to play Uncle Lu's plan?

Wang Yanliang, the boss of the Maoqiao isolation point, laughed and said, I'm just concerned about Uncle Lu's condition.

Moreover, Xiuhu Group's supply vehicles require a 72-bit key to open. Otherwise, all vehicles will self-destruct.

The three of us each hold a 24-bit key. Without any one of us, this trip will be in vain.

How could I do something small at a time like this?

Gai Zhu nodded, half-smiling but not smiling: It's good that you know!

Tongfu City has been very unstable recently. If infected people in the [growth stage] are attracted, it will be no good to anyone!

[Growth period] Infected person?

Wang Yanliang shook his head slightly and said nonchalantly: We cannot say that we have all the distribution of infected people in the entire [Growth Period] of Tongfu City, but we also know most of the activity areas.

Xiuhu Group's supply convoy route is still designed according to our requirements.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for an infected person in the [Growing Stage] to pass through the place where we are trading now!

Hearing this, Lu Xingkuan and Gai Zhu didn't speak. The three of them had specially chosen this destination for the supply convoy.

On the one hand, this trading location is relatively close to the isolation points of the three of them. Once any accident occurs, it is very convenient whether it is to retreat to the isolation point and stay safe, or to call for support from one's own home base;

On the other hand, in this area, in the recent period, there have been no infected persons in the [Growth Stage] moving around!

In fact, not only this trading location, but also the entire supply process is the result of experience gained from repeated bloody lessons.

At the beginning, as soon as the supply convoy entered the high-wall entrance, a convoy from the isolation point would go directly to load the goods.

But the fog near the high wall is very special, and reconnaissance equipment such as drones will be greatly restricted. The infected people often cannot be discovered until they are close, and then the entire convoy at the isolation point is wiped out...

Later, someone set up the supply point in the buffer zone outside the foggy area, requiring supply trucks to automatically drive out of the foggy area after entering the high-walled entrance.

This solution improves the survival rate when receiving supplies, but when infected people are detected, heavy casualties will still occur because the convoy is too far away from the isolation point and has no time to return to the isolation point.

So now, these problems are all thrown to the supply truck itself.

Let the supply truck automatically drive out of the foggy area, automatically drive out of the buffer zone, and automatically drive to the vicinity of the isolation point!

The supply truck is a dead object and is equipped with a very advanced signal shielding device, making it less likely to attract the attention of the infected than the compatible ones.

This plan is the most common supply plan at the moment, and accidents rarely occur!

At this time, Lu Xingkuan coughed violently and said out of breath: Wang Yanliang, there is no need to test me anymore.

The goods this time should be from our isolation point in Ling'an. Everything must be included!

If you want to do something, I'll do it!

Hearing this, Gai Zhu smiled maliciously, his eyes wandering over Wang Yanliang and Lu Xingkuan repeatedly, as if he was ready to watch a good show.

Wang Yanliang grinned and was about to say something when a subordinate from the Third Step next to him suddenly said: Boss, there's a situation!


Tongfu City, the eastern suburbs.

The air here has higher humidity than the urban area, but the vegetation is sparser.

It seems that all vitality has been destroyed. Even though there is no lack of water vapor, the barren land still cannot breed the former lushness and prosperity.

The military pickup truck whizzed across the vast wilderness. Zhou Zhen sat in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand and looking straight ahead with a calm expression.

According to the information given by Tao Nange, the Xiuhu Group's supply truck entered through the east wall gate and ended at the intersection of Ling'an Isolation Point, Maoqiao Isolation Point and Jingxi Isolation Point.

The direction he was driving now was not the final location of the supply truck, but the east wall gate of Tongfu City.

Tao Nange once said that the supply trucks arranged by large outside companies are not free transportation of materials to high-risk cities, but a transaction.

Supply trucks come in filled with supplies that high-risk cities need but cannot be self-sufficient, and they also have to leave filled with various digital materials.

It’s a swap between low-risk cities and high-risk cities.

However, the objects of Xiuhu Group's transaction this time are Lin'an Isolation Point, Jingxi Isolation Point and Maoqiao Isolation Point. He wants the building materials there. He cannot trade with Xiuhu Group if he has digital materials, but It can only be exchanged with the consent of those three isolation points.

In accordance with the common style of these isolation points in high-risk cities, he is now alone. Normally, if he meets the leaders of the three isolation points, a conflict will definitely break out.

This is of no benefit to him or the three isolation points.

Therefore, it is better to stop the supply truck midway, borrow a little building materials without being discovered, and return them later.

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen stepped on the accelerator slightly harder and accelerated the car again.

The pickup truck roared forward.

An hour later, a hazy fog appeared ahead.

In the mist, there are silent black shadows, jagged and undulating like mountains. They are the remaining buildings in the ruins, as well as some ancient slopes and cliffs... surrounded by touching roads, there are occasionally stones or rocks. The tiny sound of concrete cracking, rustling and rolling.

The pickup truck bounced forward on the bumpy road. The barbed wire fences on both sides were in tatters. There were signs of damage in many places. Some were torn apart violently, some were trampled down randomly, and others showed strange signs of corrosion... It seemed that Quietly telling about the difficulty of survival in this area.

The vines climbing in the corners were as rusty in color and looked completely devoid of vitality. Instead, they were filled with the unique dark atmosphere of the doomsday wasteland.

The closer we get to the high wall, the thicker the fog becomes.

With his vision blocked, Zhou Zhen immediately slowed down the car.

At the same time, he used [Hidden Eavesdropping] and [Geometric Barrier] to concentrate on listening to the surrounding sound signals and capture all the disturbances nearby.


Not long after the car drove, Zhou Zhen's ears immediately heard a piercing siren, accompanied by the sound of the wheels grinding against the gravel.

Zhou Zhen immediately stepped on the brakes. The pickup truck dragged two scorch marks on the road and suddenly stopped.


Zhou Zhen grabbed the gun on the passenger side, opened the door and got out of the car, and used the pickup truck as a cover to hide behind the car and be on guard.

The high-pitched sirens were getting closer and closer, the surrounding fog was thick, and the visibility was very poor. Zhou Zhen thought about it for a while, without hesitation, and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Plane Jump]!

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot and appeared 30 meters away in front.

Here, the sirens are closer!

Zhou Zhen continued to use [Plane Jump].

After teleporting several times, Zhou Zhen appeared on a road surrounded by ruins. The road here was still intact. The houses on both sides had collapsed, leaving only half-broken walls and tattered foundations. A little further away, At the location, there seemed to be a small building with one or two floors remaining. They were hidden in the mist, and the specific situation could not be seen clearly. They only reflected a vague and silent outline.

At this moment, a strange-looking vehicle not far away was speeding towards him with its siren blaring.

The chassis of this car is very high, and the flat body is painted with the LOGO of Xiuhu Group. When he saw this logo, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt happy, a supply truck of Xiuhu Group?

But soon, he frowned slightly. This supply truck seemed to be too small. It seemed that it couldn't hold anything?

Thinking of this, an overwhelming number, formulas, theorems, graphics immediately appeared in front of Zhou Zhen's eyes... They seemed to be an invisible bridge, connecting with the vehicle in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Digital Domain, [Airdrop Trojan]!

In an instant, Zhou Zhen took over control of the strange-looking vehicle in front of him.

The car stopped immediately, and the piercing sirens stopped abruptly.

Zhou Zhen walked quickly to the car. Since he didn't see the car window or door, he didn't waste any time. He took out the scalpel and cut off the car body directly.


The scalpel seemed to be drawn on an ordinary piece of paper, cutting through the thick body of the vehicle very easily.

Digital Domain, [Enhanced Penetration]!

A square hole was quickly cut into the car body. Zhou Zhen lifted the cut metal piece and looked inside.

It was like a sealed iron coffin. There was no open mechanism visible, but there was a dark green solid like dry ice, which was constantly emitting dark green smoke.

The smoke passes through the fine pipes around the car body and is spit out slowly.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, where are the supplies?

Isn't this a supply truck?

Just as he was thinking about it, there was suddenly a heavy movement behind him, and the ground shook slightly, as if something huge was approaching quickly.

It's an infected person!

Moreover, listen to this voice, there is more than one!

Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses, and without any hesitation, his figure disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the strange-looking vehicle also restarted. It turned around and sped away to the side.

The dark green smoke slowly dissipated in place and lingered for a long time.

Not long after Zhou Zhen and the induction vehicle left, there was a violent movement all around, followed by the collapse of the remaining buildings in the surrounding ruins. Various strange figures came out of the fog and converged on this section of the road.

These infected people hesitated for a short while at the original location of the induction vehicle, then immediately followed the induction breath and chased in the direction in which the induction vehicle left.

It wasn't until all the infected people left and silence returned to the place that Zhou Zhen's figure appeared in the mist again.

He frowned slightly, already understanding that the car he stopped just now was not a supply truck, but a bait used to lure away the infected!

The real supply truck is not in this direction at all!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen used [Plane Jump] again and returned to the pickup truck.

As soon as he sat in the cab of the pickup truck, [Hidden Eavesdropping] suddenly heard subtle sound waves coming from the distance. The sound waves were very light, but the frequency was extremely high.

Zhou Zhen's heart moved and he immediately released [Hidden Eavesdropping]. This subtle sound wave immediately disappeared, as if it was an auditory hallucination just now.

He showed a smile, which was the sound wave detected by high-frequency radar!

This time it should be a supply truck!

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