Ash Civilization

Chapter 167 Accidents one after another. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Jingle Bell! !

The familiar school bell rang, and Zhou Zhen returned to his seat instantly.

All other students are the same.

Tao Nange disappeared. As expected, the other party should have returned to his class.

The math teacher, wearing a bright red dress, red glossy bow-tie high heels, and a Santa hat on her head, walked up to the podium and began to teach.

Zhou Zhen immediately picked up the pen, stared at the writing on the blackboard for a moment, and began to take notes.

The sound of the pen tip scratching across the paper was heard as he wrote. Zhou Zhen felt that his mental state was getting better and better.

He understood that this was all because his digital energy had been replenished.

There was silence in the classroom, only the sound of the teacher lecturing and the students taking notes echoed quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the bell rang again.

Jingle Bell……

Along with the ringing, everything around began to collapse, rotate, and twist, turning into an overwhelming number, symbols, and formulas...

These numbers, symbols, formulas... are as tiny as dust, countless, like fine pixels, reorganized and transformed in the turbulence, and finally settled into a spacious master control room.

Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up and looked at the main console in front of him. He immediately came back to his senses, quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Jun's number.

Hey! Captain Lu, I'm Zhou Zhen...

Have there been any special 'digital virus' cases in Binhai City recently?

That's right, Captain Lu, do you still remember the Huang Xurong case?


I know... What I want to say is that the mathematics textbooks in Huang Xurong's hands may not be real textbooks, but the 'numbers' in the 'digital forest'...

I can't be 100% sure, but there is a certain possibility!

Okay... okay... I'll hang up first, Captain Lu, you go ahead...

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. Everything in Binhai City was now normal, and no particularly serious digital virus cases had occurred. He hoped that those mathematics textbooks had guessed wrong...

Thinking of this, he still felt uneasy, so he called the internal hotline of the Binhai City Ghost Team.

The call was quickly connected, and before the operator could speak, Zhou Zhen said quickly: I am Zhou Zhen, a member of the Special Operations Group 5. I have now received a clue about the mathematics textbook in the Huang Xurong case...

Not long after, Zhou Zhen described the possible problems with the batch of mathematics textbooks to the ghost team operator, and the operator also paid attention to them.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Zhen got up and walked to the laboratory.

He quickly walked through the rows of shelves and entered the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tao Nange standing in front of the experimental table. He was holding a potion he had just prepared in one hand and a paper document recording the data in the other hand, and he was making careful comparisons.

Seeing Zhou Zhen coming over, Tao Nange put down the medicine and information in his hand, nodded slightly, and said, The quality of the medicine is very good, and you are very talented in pharmaceuticals.

Zhou Zhen smiled slightly, and then said: It's just good luck, Sister Nan, did you gain anything from the dream just now?

Tao Nange nodded and said calmly: In one class, I can only ask one question to Digital Rain.

And the form of this question must be converted into a question related to this math class in order to be successful.

For example, if I want to be promoted to the 'Fifth Step', I cannot directly ask the 'Fifth Step' question. Instead, I should ask the fifth question in the homework book. How should I do it?

I just took a total of two classes. In the first class, I have no memory of reality and didn't ask anything.

In the second class, I regained my consciousness and asked Digital Rain how to make a time machine. Then I was criticized by Digital Rain, saying that I didn't pay attention in class.

“But what ‘Digital Rain’ answered me had nothing to do with a time machine, but a random mathematical question.”

I asked the second and third questions, but Digital Rain ignored me.

What's the gain over there?

How to make a time machine?


Tao Nange’s question is a bit too bold!

However, Zhou Zhen quickly understood that when Tao Nange asked this question, he probably did not really want to know about the production of the time machine, but was testing the upper limit of digital rain and summarizing the rules of that dream.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately replied: I looked at the textbook on my desk and learned a memory related to the classroom...

Soon, he told Tao Nange about Huang Xurong again.

After Tao Nange listened, he immediately said seriously: I have also been in contact with Huang Xurong's case, but I don't know many details.

In order to prevent accidents, I will also report it to the team.

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number directly: I am number 024...


Binhai City, Public Security Department.

Floor 201.

The sunlight shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows without any reservation, illuminating the room brightly.

Lu Jun was sitting at his desk with his back to the window, answering a phone call.

I know, I will investigate all the math textbooks sold by Huang Xurong immediately!

At this point, he cut off the call and immediately retrieved the information on Huang Xurong's case from the internal system. However, because he was too hasty, he accidentally knocked over the tea cup on the table. The tea spilled all over the table and quickly flowed along the cracks. Enter the wiring hidden inside.

The next moment, the official dedicated computer that is theoretically waterproof, high temperature resistant, and shockproof... experienced an extremely small probability of failure: a short circuit in the circuit!


The screen suspended above the desk suddenly appeared with criss-crossing black lines, accompanied by jumping snowflakes. In the blink of an eye, the entire screen went black and disappeared. The computer short-circuited and automatically shut down!

Lu Jun frowned, immediately grabbed the wired phone next to him, and dialed an internal number: Hey, Xiao Sun, let all the free members of the special forces team gather in parking lot 201-A. I want to investigate a case, right away. Set off!

Xiao Sun's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone: Understood!

After making the call, Lu Jun immediately stood up and walked towards the parking lot No. 201-1.

After a while, he arrived at the parking lot, which was located on the 201st floor. In the spacious corridor, his assistant Xiao Sun and a few other members were standing by the hidden parking door and waiting.

Seeing that there were so few people gathered, Lu Jun suddenly frowned. Before he could ask a question, Xiao Sun came up and took the initiative to explain: Team Lu, Jiang Youping from Group 1, his wife is about to give birth. He just took a temporary leave to go to the hospital to accompany the childbirth. ; Jiang Youliang from Group 2 was knocked down a hillside by a 108-pound Alaskan dog when he was out walking his dog, and suffered a fracture on the spot; Jiang Youshan from Group 3 burned his esophagus while eating hot pot and was sent to the ICU by a merchant, and is still being rescued; Group 4 Because of his strong regrets, his online dating failed, and he was discovered by the wife of his online date, so he gathered a group of relatives and friends to send him to the Public Security Bureau... He is currently being mediated by the Changfang District Public Security Bureau branch...

Shi Xiaoli and Chen Mao from Team 5 are still investigating the Art Academy case...

Lu Jun frowned after hearing so many unexpected situations.

If it were normal times, he would definitely be able to detect the problem.

But today he just happened to be confused. He didn't think about the abnormal situation at all. He just felt that he was really unlucky.

So, Lu Jun said without delay: As few people as possible, leave immediately. Everyone should follow the rules and cut off external communication within three seconds and enter the internal channel.

First go to Hongshan Group, then Difan Pharmaceutical, then Haihui Entertainment...the goal is to search for mathematics textbooks!

If there is any obstruction, all of them will be restrained on the spot. Be quick! Be careful! Don't miss even a single math book!


Xiao Sun and a few other team members immediately responded loudly: Understood!

Lu Jun nodded slightly and opened the parking lot door: Get in the car!

In just a short moment, everyone boarded the flying car. Lu Jun and Xiao Sun also got into a flying car painted in yellow and green. Xiao Sun sat in the driver's seat, started the vehicle very skillfully, stepped on the accelerator, and got ready. Ejection start.

However, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car roared, suddenly stopped, and stalled.

At the same time, a beeping alarm sound came from the instrument panel, and the code number showed that the engine was malfunctioning...


Binhai City, suburbs.

Ghost Team branch office building.

The lobby on the third floor is the reception hall of the Binhai City Ghost Team. The entire hall is lined with densely packed soundproof cabins, and in each soundproof cabin, there is an operator busy.

At this moment, in the soundproof cabin No. BH1127, a novice operator wearing a standard suit and a neat crew cut was speaking into the microphone with a serious expression: Understood!

Don't worry, I will report the situation of this case to the superiors immediately...

After the call ended, the novice operator was very unskilled in operating the computer in front of him, inputting the reported information into the system and submitting it upwards.

After he finished typing, he carefully checked that there were no typos or wrong punctuation marks, and then he solemnly clicked the Submit button.

But after clicking this button, I don’t know if there is a bug in the system. The interface is stuck for a while, and then jumps to the original interface again.

All dialog boxes are blank.

The report information he just entered has all disappeared.

There was a trace of doubt on the face of the newly hired operator. He didn't know whether the submission was successful or the network delay caused the submission to fail. After a slight hesitation, he turned to look at the soundproof cabin beside him and wanted to open the door on the side of the soundproof cabin. Xiao Chuang, ask the seniors.

But the old employee in the soundproof cabin next door was nowhere to be seen. There was only a suit jacket hanging on the back of the chair. The door of the other soundproof cabin had a small sign saying Leave temporarily, be back soon. The senior must have just gone to the toilet. .

So, the novice operator filled in the information again and clicked Submit again.

The interface stuck again and jumped to the blank page at the beginning.

The novice operator immediately felt relieved. After clicking Submit twice, the interface displayed like this. The submission should have been successful. According to the procedure, this report had nothing to do with him and he could wait for the next call...


This is a very dense forest. The branches and leaves are intertwined, and the leaves are fat and wide. They are stacked and clustered, blocking the bright skylight, leaving the forest covered with a layer of cold darkness all year round.

I don’t know how many years of fallen leaves have accumulated into fertile and soft humus soil, exuding the unique earthy smell of the forest.

The air is very humid, as if you can reach out and catch the mist of dew in mid-air.

There is the gurgling sound of the stream in my ears, and along with the clatter of it flowing through the rocks in the mountains, the chirping of birds is melodious.

Click... click... click...

A figure wearing a ghost suit, with scorpion tail-like mecha attachments on the shoulders and arms that connected to the back of the hand to form a beast head, walked cautiously under the forest.

His tall body landed on the fluffy soil, leaving only a shallow footprint.

Ghost No. 017's movements are extremely restrained. Every time he takes a step out, he immediately holds his breath and concentrates. He carefully observes his surroundings and repeatedly confirms that there is nothing abnormal around him. Then he takes the next step with extreme caution.

He moved very slowly in the forest, but he didn't show any impatience. It was obvious that he needed to be very careful in this area.

Click... Ghost No. 017 cautiously took a step after another repeated exploration. Amidst the subtle sound of falling branches breaking, the sensor suddenly vibrated slightly. He suddenly seemed to have turned into a sculpture, keeping his walking posture motionless. , while looking around vigilantly.

It was quiet all around, except for the branches and leaves above the head being blown by the wind, and the occasional sound of leaves turning, nothing unusual.

No. 017 frowned and then looked at the display on the visual sensor. There was a request for external signal access.

He was about to refuse immediately, but when he saw that the source of the request was No. 024, after thinking for a moment, Ghost No. 017 chose to agree to the access signal: No. 024, I am on a mission! What's going on?

Math textbook?


I see!

I'll check it out!

After a brief exchange, No. 017 hung up the call with No. 024, and was about to continue walking forward when he suddenly discovered that a layer of pale white mist had arisen in the already dark and cold forest.

The mist is like a gauze hanging from the treetops, blurring the surrounding scene.

In the forest not far away, a tall and thin figure who looked familiar stood quietly.

The figure seemed to be shrouded in mist, and its outline was very blurry. It was difficult to see the specific appearance. The figure also seemed to be wearing a ghost suit. However, compared to the attire on No. 017, the ghost suit was particularly exquisite, complicated, and elegant.

No, it should be said that it is a set of ghost armor, which combines the styles of ancient armor and modern mechas. The pure black texture is mixed with pure gold patterns. There are only a few lines, which outlines a figure that can’t be seen clearly. , but an existence full of luxury and power.

The speed of this figure was extremely fast, and the afterimage still stayed in place on No. 017's retina, and its true form appeared in front of him in an instant.

No. 017's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body seemed frozen in place as if petrified.

Ghost No. 009!

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