Ash Civilization

Chapter 155 Can’t finish eating! (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

The pickup truck bounced along the road. I don’t know how this road has been maintained to this day. Even though there are potholes everywhere, you can still see traces of infected people stepping on them at intervals, but the modified vehicles , probably still usable.

At this moment, there are some low buildings on the roadside, most of which have collapsed, like a suburb.

Between the houses, there are occasional traces of vegetable beds and ponds. The vegetables are now dead. Although the ponds have not dried up completely, the accumulated water also shows an abnormal color.

The pickup truck rumbled forward.

In the car, Tao Nange said while driving: The journey is a bit long. If you are tired, you can take a nap first.

Zhou Zhen nodded. He had transfused five tubes of blood to Tao Nange last night. Although he didn't feel tired now, he could rest, so it was better to take a rest as soon as possible.

Due to his increased personality, he is now on the verge of triggering the [Protection Mechanism].

At this time, we must not burden the spiritual world!

So Zhou Zhen immediately replied: Okay, call me when you get there.

Tao Nange nodded slightly.

Zhou Zhen immediately leveled his seat, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


In the familiar classroom, the incandescent lamp is particularly bright.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and glanced around. The math teacher was not on the podium, and the atmosphere in the class was relatively relaxed.

It's time for get out of class to end now.

His deskmate Zhang Yonghao was still the same as before, sitting alone in his seat, immersed in sorting out his homework, his whole body curled up, his head almost buried in his chest, as if he was afraid that someone would suddenly talk to him.

Ren Rui also stayed alone in his seat. His fat body lay on the desk with difficulty, his eyes closed, as if he was catching up on sleep.

Next to him, Nie Lang was turning the pages of a book with an expressionless face. The pages of the book were flipping quickly. Soon, he dropped the book in his hand and picked up another one, as if he was dismissing it impatiently. time.

Not far away from Zhou Zhen, Chu Jingyan grabbed Meng Zhuo's collar with a gloomy face, pushed him to the ground, and kicked Meng Zhuo hard in the head with her black leather boots.

Several classmates who often played with Meng Zhuo came forward to start a fight again.

However, this time, instead of giving up, Chu Jingyan grabbed them and beat them together.

Bang bang bang...the sound of flesh being hit hard echoed throughout the classroom.

After a while, Chu Jingyan stood up, straightened her hair and clothes, and returned to her seat with a sullen face.

Meng Zhuo and his friends who were beaten together got up from the ground and returned to their seats to chat as if nothing had happened.

The other students in the class turned a blind eye to this scene, as if everything was normal.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and immediately understood that Meng Zhuo was beaten this time because he used [Two-dimensional World] and [Energy Observation] at the same time.

The side effect of these two digital domains is that when they conflict with each other, it is two personalities fighting.

Meng Zhuo was beaten once by Chu Jingyan last time, and there was no accident this time. He was beaten again...

Of course, before he finds a way to completely suppress the side effects, Meng Zhuo may be beaten by Chu Jingyan for the third or fourth time...

In short, he can't control Chu Jingyan now, he can only make Meng Zhuo suffer more.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen ignored the matter and began to think about his own situation.

He entered this spiritual world several times last night, but he has been in a hurry in order to find the digital rain. Now he finally has time to continue to increase his digital domain.

He is now the Third Ladder, Meng Zhuo's last Digital Realm, which has been obtained.

You can also copy Chu Jingyan’s third question.

In addition to the digital domain of these two personalities, you can choose a new personality for strategy...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked at Ji Xuexun.

Among the personalities he is familiar with currently, Chu Jingyan should be the strongest.

But according to his previous memories, the energy intensity of school beauty Ji Xuexun is even higher than that of Chu Jingyan!

However, it is much more difficult to get Ji Xuexun's questions than Chu Jingyan's.

Zhou Zhen frowned, then stood up and walked to Zhang Yonghao: Brother Hao, let me see your homework?

Hearing Zhou Zhen's voice, Zhang Yonghao suddenly trembled all over and buried his head lower, as if he was very scared.

But because of the relationship between the two of them, he carefully took out his homework book and mustered up the courage to hand it to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen took Zhang Yonghao's homework book and opened it. There were ten questions in the homework book. The first question had a very detailed process and answer written under it. The second question just had a beginning. The question seemed to be half solved, but Haven't figured out the answer yet.

The remaining eight questions were all left blank, without even the word solution written on them.

Zhou Zhen's face was calm. He remembered that at the beginning, Zhang Yonghao's homework book only had the first question just like him.

The other nine questions are all left blank.

Now that the other party has started to answer the second question, it shows that these personalities of his can also reach a higher level like him!

He nodded slightly. The last time he came into contact with Ji Xuexun, he almost lost control in the spiritual world. Thanks to Zhang Yonghao's push.

This time, he had to make some preparations in advance. If something went wrong, Zhang Yonghao would be able to help him in time...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put down Zhang Yonghao's homework.

Zhang Yonghao was secretly watching his every move from the corner of his eyes, and quickly put away his homework when he saw this.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen strode to Chu Jingyan's desk. Chu Jingyan was holding her chin in her hands and resting her elbows on the table. Her eyes were looking straight ahead, as if she was in a daze. Regarding his arrival, Nothing happens.

Zhou Zhen said bluntly: Chu Jingyan, lend me your third question.

Hearing this, Chu Jingyan turned to look at Zhou Zhen, but her reaction was different from the previous two times. This time, she replied very simply: I won't borrow it!

Zhou Zhen was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately and said quickly: We are already very good friends. Good friends should help each other.

Chu Jingyan stared at him, shook her head slowly, and said in a cold voice: My collection is now missing one.

It's all caused by harm!

One missing item from your collection?

It's Tao Nange!

Zhou Zhen frowned and thought for a moment. Instead of wasting time with Chu Jingyan, he turned around and walked towards Meng Zhuo.

Meng Zhuo was surrounded by seven or eight classmates at this time, talking and laughing in a low voice. He seemed to be in a good mood and was not affected by the beating just now.

Sensing Zhou Zhen's arrival, he raised his head and looked at Zhou Zhen with a questioning look in his eyes.

Zhou Zhen immediately said: Meng Zhuo, we are already very good friends. I want to copy your third question.

Meng Zhuo also shook his head and said very directly: I won't borrow it!

The two times I fought with Chu Jingyan, you never came to help me. You didn't treat me as a good friend at all!


How does this help?

He only has the third step. Even if he does get on it, will he be beaten by Chu Jingyan?

More importantly, if he really helped Meng Zhuo, his relationship with Chu Jingyan would definitely break down!

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a little troubled. Considering that he didn't know when class would start, he did not continue to delay at Meng Zhuo's place. Instead, he turned around and looked around the entire class, looking for a new target.

Soon, his eyes fell on Ji Xuexun.

Ji Xuexun was still wearing the light green dress, sitting on her seat, chatting and laughing with several well-dressed girls. Every smile and every frown was radiant and full of charm.

However, Zhou Zhen looked at her for a moment and shook his head.

He is not fully prepared yet. If he takes action rashly, there is a high probability that he will fail. He will have to find an easier target.

After glancing back and forth, Zhou Zhen finally looked at a male classmate sitting in the corner.

The male classmate is short but very strong. He has darker skin, thick eyebrows, small eyes, a collapsed nose, and thick lips. He looks honest and honest, with a strong physique. Wearing a red printed T-shirt, black trousers, and a pair of military green liberation shoes.

The moment his eyes fell on this male classmate, Zhou Zhen's mind immediately flashed the other person's information: Pang Shaobin, with average grades, likes butchering pigs, and always has a butcher knife hidden in his desk. His favorite thing to do every day is Pang Shaobin. What I do is share my pig killing experience and pig killing skills with my friends.

Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards Pang Shaobin.

Pang Shaobin was sitting in his seat, holding a piece of paper and drawing something seriously. When he noticed Zhou Zhen's approach, he immediately raised his head.

Zhou Zhen looked at him and said, Classmate Pang, how about we be friends?

Pang Shaobin nodded immediately and replied happily: Okay!

However, I want to kill the pig, and I have to kill it now!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned, killing the pig now?

Where can he find pigs for him to kill?

Seeing Zhou Zhen's silence, Pang Shaobin then said: Let me out, or take me to play the merry-go-round, you can!


This is simple!

Zhou Zhen immediately said: Okay!

But show me the first three questions first.


Tongfu City, outer suburbs.

In the wilderness beside the road, a large building stood alone.

The exterior of this building looks like a large warehouse. At this moment, the glass of several windows in the upper part has been smashed, leaving only dark windows that let out a shrill roar when the wind blows.

The doors in the lower part were also missing, and there were all kinds of rubbish thrown on the ground. There were also traces of cigarette butt fires, which burned black marks here and there on the walls and floor.

On the side of the largest door of the storage building, on the concrete wall, a line of crooked characters was written in bright red paint: Isolation point forward.

It is matched with a big red arrow that is as straight as possible, pointing in the direction of the stairs.


A 30% new pickup truck drove off the roadbed and bounced to the door of the abandoned warehouse.

Tao Nange looked around and found no danger. He turned the steering wheel and parked the car on a grassy field in front of the warehouse.

In the passenger seat, Zhou Zhen's eyes were closed, his breathing was even, and he was still sleeping.

Tao Nange pushed him: We've arrived.

Zhou Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the still unfamiliar roof of the car, and glanced at the unfamiliar environment outside the metal grille window. He quickly came to his senses, had he come out of the spiritual world? !

Realizing this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. The time in the dream was not the same as the real time!

He had just received the three questions given to him by Pang Shaobin, but just when he was about to take Pang Shaobin into the amusement park... he was woken up by Tao Nange!

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation where the transaction with the sub-personality was interrupted!

Next, I don’t know what will happen.

But his promise was not fulfilled. Next time you enter the spiritual world, be careful!

He doesn't want to be beaten by other personalities like Zhang Yonghao and Meng Zhuo...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately asked: Should we find a place to park?

When Tao Nange heard this, he shook his head and said, We entered the isolation point this time to increase supplies and see if there is any important news. One person can go in and the other person stays to look at the car.

Zhou Zhen had no objection and immediately said: Okay, I have [two-dimensional space], I will go in to supply supplies.

Tao Nange nodded and said nothing more.

Zhou Zhen rubbed his face, opened the car door and walked out.

He had just taken two steps towards the warehouse when the sound of speeding cars was heard again on the road behind him. Four very familiar vehicles roared towards the warehouse entrance. They were the same fleet that had just been traded.

The motorcade soon stopped on the grass in front of the warehouse. Before it came to a complete stop, the middle-aged man who was smoking had jumped out, waved to Zhou Zhen and said, Brother, we meet again!

Zhou Zhen nodded and said, What a coincidence.

At this time, other people in the convoy also opened the doors and got out. There were about ten of them, most of them were men in their prime, and only three were women. The three women all have ordinary looks, in their twenties and thirties. They all hold guns and have daggers or other cold weapons stuck in their waists. They look vigilant and unsmiling.

The leader of the convoy seemed to be a sturdy man with a shaved head. He looked like he was in his thirties, with a cobra tattooed on his neck. His eyes were cold, but he didn't seem to have any hostility towards Zhou Zhen. After nodding in greeting from afar, he quickly Instructions: Biaozi, Afen and Dagou stay and watch the car and things. The others bring the things we want to trade this time and prepare to go in and trade.

The people in the motorcade responded sparsely and immediately started busy.

The middle-aged man who was smoking just now had no intention of helping. He was obviously responsible for coming to chat with Zhou Zhen. He took out a cigarette again and subconsciously wanted to give it to Zhou Zhen. After passing it to Zhou Zhen, he thought about it and stuffed it into his mouth again. He nodded and said with a smile: My surname is Liu, Liu Qibai. Just call me Lao Liu. What do you call me brother?

Zhou Zhen said briefly: Shen Sheng.

Liu Qibai nodded and said: Our team is all related, and the head of the team is my cousin.

He took out the cigarette and pointed at the tattooed man with a shaved head in the air, Liu Qisong.

The name of the team is Liu Family Team.

Although the scale is small, we have always conducted business in a disciplined manner and never engaged in any mess.

Brother Shen, this is my contact information. If there are any goods of the same quality as before, you can notify me as soon as possible.

In addition to guns and ammunition, we also accept medicines.

While he was talking, he handed over a piece of paper torn from who knows where, with a string of mobile phone numbers written on it.

Zhou Zhen took it over casually. In his [two-dimensional space], there were still a lot of guns and ammunition of that quality, but in high-risk cities, these were just hard currency, and there was no need to continue to use them to trade with each other.

Thinking of this, he politely said perfunctorily: Definitely next time!

While talking, Liu Qisong and others were already carrying large and small bags of trading materials, and they came up one after another, and walked together towards the entrance of the isolation point in the basement.

Step, step, step...

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, Liu Qibai and Liu Qisong walked at the front with Zhou Zhen. Liu Qibai said again: If Brother Shen has channels, he can also buy some tobacco and alcohol. The prices of these things are very high here, and the profits will not be huge. To disappoint you.”

Zhou Zhen smiled and nodded. He was not a professional businessman, so why did he do that?

Soon they were walking down the stairs and into the basement.

The basement was the same as above. The floor was full of garbage, the walls were covered with graffiti, and there were even some dried feces of varying degrees and pickled underwear.

Since there are no doors or windows here, the fermentation of garbage mixed with a pungent smell, mixed with the strong smell of urine.

However, neither Zhou Zhen nor Liu Qibai took it seriously.

The two people's expressions remained unchanged, and they quickly followed the red arrows on the wall to a guard gate.

Liu Qibai took the lead and knocked on the door. After informing the other party of the number of people entering and their purpose, the sound of a winch suddenly sounded from behind the civil defense door.

Not long after, the door opened, and Liu Qibai and Zhou Zhen walked in.

As soon as Zhou Zhen walked into this isolation point, he saw a row of big fat pigs holding machine guns standing behind the door. These big fat pigs were wearing all kinds of human clothes, carrying bullet belts on their backs, and grenades hanging on their waists. He was fierce and seemed to be guarding the door.

Every pig was fat, strong, white and tender. It was obvious at a glance that it tasted wonderful and full of temptation, making him want to roll up his sleeves and go for a knife right away!

Zhou Zhen looked straight at these big fat pigs, his saliva secreted rapidly, and he said excitedly: Brother Liu, there is a lot of pork here!

I might not be able to finish it all in one day!

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