Ash Civilization

Chapter 150 Mental state. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

The combustion caused by the fall of the arc-shaped aircraft has been extinguished, and the parts are scattered randomly on the brown-black soil. Not far away, the side of the white container is opened, and the simple and clean bedroom is incompatible with the surroundings.

Zhou Zhen stood motionless, his thinking had become extremely slow, and he could not distinguish the current situation at all.

All kinds of extreme emotions, flowing like turbulent waves, filled his mind.

He felt like he was in a hurry to do something, but he couldn't remember what it was?

At this moment, his mind was extremely heavy, like a mountain, weighing heavily on every thought, unable to turn, interact, or reason... and his emotions were chaotic, with thousands of thoughts flashing alternately, and more and more rage. , Violence and resentment are surging.

Almost instinctively, he wanted to destroy, to kill, to wantonly vent this indescribable anxiety and rage.

In a state of confusion, Zhou Zhen felt as if he had grasped something. In an instant, the extreme emotions in his mind found an outlet.

Zhou Zhen raised the scalpel and stabbed it into the unknown thing he grabbed.

Puff puff puff puff...

After just a few stabs, Zhou Zhen felt that he seemed to like the smooth feeling. The frequency of his arm swings immediately increased, and the force of the stabs increased. Unknowingly, the corners of his mouth also raised an incomparable expression. A ferocious smile.

The muffled sound of the sharp blade constantly piercing the flesh echoed quietly in the field, occasionally accompanied by the sound of liquid splashing around.

Gradually, blood poured out, staining his hands red.

Zhou Zhen's face and clothes were also splashed with warm blood stains.


Ha ha ha ha ha……

Ha ha ha ha……

Amidst the sounds of stabbing and blood spilling, intermittent laughter gradually appeared.

The laughter was suppressed and confused at first, but soon turned into hysterical venting.

The corners of Zhou Zhen's mouth were raised high, with an extremely exaggerated smile on his face. His laughter was full of indescribable joy and relaxation. Deep in his heart, he seemed to be extremely satisfied.

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

I don't know when, the chaotic sound of electricity came from my ears.

After the sound of electricity was noisy for a while, it slowly became clearer, and it seemed to be someone's scream.


Ah ah ah ah ah……

The screams became shriller and clearer.

Let...ah...let me go...ah!!!

I can say anything! I can say anything...ahhhhh...

Lola! It was Laura Hawke who gave me your phone number!


No! Don't kill me...


Dong dong dong...

Dong dong dong dong...

Soon, all the noise disappeared, leaving only the pure and sweet sound of chopping meat.

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up. He quickly looked around and saw that the dark green poisonous miasma had completely disappeared. He was standing alone in the yard of the abandoned processing factory, with collapsed buildings next to him and white behind him. Containers and the remains of arc-shaped aircraft crashed into several factory rooms not far away.

Xie Qiongning, wearing a white jumpsuit with a nameplate number on his chest, stood next to him.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. The original military green T-shirt, black trousers, and black sneakers were now all red, and exuded a strong smell of blood.

In addition, his hands were also full of blood, and the scalpel clutched tightly in his hands was still sharp, with only a trace of blood that had not yet dried up, slowly dripping down the blade.

Zhou Zhen saw a puddle of extremely fine minced meat scattered in front of his feet. In the meat, there was a weak energy that struggled repeatedly, pulling the delicate flesh, and with difficulty regained the appearance of every inch of skin.

However, only half of Mike Ruan's face was restored, and the remaining energy had disappeared.

Half of his face fell limply among the red and white flesh, and there was no movement at all.

That half of his face still retained an extremely frightened expression, as if he had experienced some unimaginable despair before his death.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was stunned. Why did this hybrid from the Twilight Trial die? !

He also wants to use the other party's bargaining chip to threaten the other party's companion!


Tao Nange!

Zhou Zhen immediately took out his cell phone and looked at the countdown. When he started, he set an alarm for 14 hours later. When he woke up from the spiritual world just now, there were 12 hours left. But now, the countdown on his cell phone was still there. 10 hours left!

2 hours have passed!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, but he quickly realized that Chu Jingyan came out just now!

If it were normal times, it would not be a good thing if Chu Jingyan came out. The other party would speed up Tao Nange's infection.

But in this situation... the opponents Tao Nange encountered had a very high digital ladder! It's not a bad thing for Chu Jingyan to come out at this time.

However, now that he has regained his senses, it means that Chu Jingyan's side is over and he has to go and have a look!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and walked towards the direction where the high-intensity energy body appeared just now, regardless of cleaning up the blood stains that had begun to dry on his body.

But as soon as he took two steps, Xie Qiongning quickly stopped in front of him and raised the phone in his hand to him.

Xie Qiongning's mobile phone screen displayed a set of Bunny's Christmas Dark Night uniform, which consisted of a black lacquered bunny ear headband, a black lacquered eye mask, a bow tie, a black lace lace-up vest and a thong with a bunny tail.

She pointed at the suit with bright eyes and asked excitedly, How do you like this suit?


Tongfu City, suburb.

Abandoned industrial park.

Carl Ax's tuxedo was completely damaged and his original elegance was completely lost. His cane and top hat were also missing. Four of the six mechanical arms had broken and melted, making him unable to fight.

Other parts of the mechanical body also suffered varying degrees of damage.

At this moment, a rapid electronic sound was emitting from his head: Danger alert! The remaining energy is less than 25%, please evacuate immediately!

Danger alert! Please evacuate immediately...

Karl Ax didn't hesitate at all. The mechanical body changed its form and instantly assembled the most suitable structure for movement. The energy in his body also quickly gathered into his legs, and he immediately rushed towards the distance.

His speed suddenly increased, like a small aircraft taking off, and there was even a sonic boom-like roar in his ears, and the scenery on both sides quickly retreated in the form of chaotic color blocks.

Soon, he appeared in an open field, surrounded by desolation. There was no trace of industry, and he was completely out of the scope of the abandoned industrial area.

But at this moment, Carl Akers was in a trance and reappeared in the open space surrounded by abandoned factories.

In front of him was a huge deep pit. Dust was flying in the pit and smoke was billowing. In the center of the pit, there was a mud pillar. At the top of the mud pillar, there lay a man whose lower abdomen had been blasted into a hollow, leaving only a quilt. The infected digital arm and the dying Tao Nange.

Tao Nange took off the visual sensor from his face and threw it towards him.

boom! ! !

Karl Ax was knocked upside down again and fell heavily to the ground.

He stood up again and saw figures quickly emerging around Tao Nange, hospital gowns, white coats, repair clothes, security clothes... The big hole had disappeared. On the barren ground, there were numerous figures. More and more, pairs of cold eyes looked directly at him.

Karl Ax looked around at the crowd. In the battle just now, he had killed all these figures.

But now, they are all alive again!

He knew very well that these doctors, nurses, patients, family members, repairmen, security guards who could not be killed... were all characters in the ring.

If he also dies in this ring, he will also become a member of this ring!

This is a ring, and it is also a digital forest!

The official research direction is not human experimentation. This official ghost is so strong now because it must have absorbed the digital rain in the Fudi Amusement Park!

However, it's strange!

According to the information he collected, the digital forest of Foday Amusement Park should be related to time and has nothing to do with this seemingly endless ring that circulates back and forth.

After a quick analysis in his mind, Carl Ax's head suddenly emitted a cold electronic sound: Energy absorption limit lifted: 10%...

The next moment, a sharp crackling sound unique to mechanical overloading erupted from his body. At the same time, the surrounding air suddenly began to rotate rapidly, turning into a huge hole-like vortex, rushing towards his body.

All kinds of energy, light, temperature, wind, trace radiation, dust, electronic signals...all are in the rotation of the vortex, converging into strands of energy, and pouring into Karl Ax's mechanical body. .

The half of his flesh-and-blood face immediately became distorted, the mechanical eyes kept flashing red light, and the electronic sound emitted from his head began to be intermittent and mixed, as if it was meaningless babble.

It seemed that while the restriction on energy absorption was lifted, there were also certain problems with his mental state.

Swish, brush, brush...

At this moment, walls rose up out of thin air and surrounded Karl Ax from all directions.

All the walls closed into a square reinforced concrete box. The moment they surrounded him, they immediately began to shrink, as if they were squeezing him into a ball of flesh and blood and sealing him into this cement coffin.

The heavy machine gun on Carl Ax's right shoulder and the barrel under his ribs immediately began to accumulate energy, click, click, click... Intensive shooting sounds sounded, concrete fell, masonry debris flew all over the sky, and the firepower exploded in the blink of an eye. Make a big hole in the wall directly in front of you.

Dust and sand flew like thick fog, and he rushed out of the box surrounded by walls in a blink of an eye.


The moment he rushed out, the shutter sounded.

Carl Ax immediately changed direction and flew upwards at an extremely fast speed.

He had just left the ground and was about to continue accelerating when he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with his left leg. When he looked down, he saw that the entire left leg looked exactly the same as before from the front, without any change, but from the side, it looked like something None...Only from the front can you see his left leg.

His left leg was captured by the camera just now!

Karl Ax didn't hesitate at all. The cold light of the mantis knife flashed through and instantly cut off the two-dimensional left leg.

As soon as the left leg was cut off, it immediately fell from the air. In the process of falling, it turned into a dense stream of numbers, formulas, and theorems... and disappeared into the sky and earth quietly.

Carl Ax once again made a cold electronic sound: Energy absorption limit lifted: 20%...

The funnel-shaped vortex surrounding him suddenly accelerated, and more energy was extracted from the surroundings and poured into the body. At the same moment, the crimson light flashed faster in his mechanical eyes, and a sharp and harsh electric noise emitted from his head. His intermittent murmurs gradually became coherent, but they were all meaningless words, confused and confused. The languages ​​​​of various countries are mixed together, and no meaning can be heard at all.

All the electronic signals around him were absorbed by him as energy!

His mental state is obviously a more serious problem!

The next moment, a light blue scale suddenly grew on the remaining half of Carl Ax's fleshy face.

The baffle on his chest suddenly separated up and down, revealing a silver-gray gun barrel. The mouth of the barrel was not a regular circle, but a changed symbol of Vegevisil, an almost circular dodecagon, with each side A simple trellis crown pattern was engraved on it. The barrel had just appeared, and the energy inside it had already begun to surge. It aimed at the distance and began to rapidly accumulate energy again.

Suddenly, invisible arms stretched out from behind him and grabbed his mechanical legs, as if to drag him into the darkness.

The barrel of the gun under Carl Ax's ribs immediately reversed, locked behind him, and fired wildly.

Under the pouring ammunition, the invisible arm disappeared immediately.

At the moment when these arms retracted into the darkness, the doctor with the nameplate Shi Xinhong appeared in front of Carl Ax.

Carl Ax quickly retreated away from Shi Xinhong.

The cold electronic sound sounded again: Energy absorption limit lifted: 30%...

The funnel-shaped vortex surrounding the mechanical body further accelerated, pulling in the flying sand and rocks all around. The originally transparent vortex of air had now turned into a turbid hurricane, and the mixed energy was vast, like a waterfall hanging upside down, swarming into Karl. ·In Ax's body, on half of his flesh-and-blood face, scales appeared faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, they had covered most of his cheeks.

At the same time, the energy storage of the cannon barrel in his chest was completed, and a blue energy wave suddenly erupted.

boom! ! !

The condensed and majestic energy beam instantly penetrated the vast night sky.

The energy beam was cut down like a huge lightsaber, and [Dream Kingdom] was immediately hit by this violent blow, creating a temporary gap.

This gap seemed to be a light door, embedded in a huge ring. The light in the door was not bright, but it was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

It just appeared and immediately began to recover rapidly.

Karl Ax didn't hesitate at all, and immediately rushed towards the light gate as fast as possible!

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