Ash Civilization

Chapter 125 Checking tickets. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Outside the amusement park, she saw luxurious villas suspended in the sky higher than the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.

The smallest of these villas covers an area of ​​four or five acres. They are all in the layout of a manor, with main building, auxiliary building, swimming pool, strength room, garage, large lawn, surrounding river... everything is available. There is also an oriental-style manor, which looks like an ancient dock, with a front yard and a back house, a verandah connecting various buildings, a koi pond, a lotus canal, a rockery, a garden, a stable... just like the legendary immortal cultivator The existence of power moved a vast manor directly into the clouds.

Outside one of the extremely luxurious-looking manors, there was a huge light sign with the slogan Garden View Mansion, Dream Home written on it.

Judging from the location of these manors, their owners can overlook the entire amusement park by opening the curtains and truly enjoy the beauty of this gorgeous and noisy paradise.

In mid-air, some aircraft shuttled between these mansions. In addition to the flying cars that everyone is now familiar with, there are also many vehicles that fit the style of these houses, including Western-style flying pumpkin carriages; Chinese-style cranes; and desert-style ones. Flying carpet...

Tao Nange stood in the car and watched this scene quietly.

Suddenly, the seemingly non-existent transparent car wall in front of him was stained with a few drops of water.

It's raining.

The water droplets just appeared and gathered quickly. In the blink of an eye, the entire car was covered with a layer of water droplets from the rain, and everything outside became blurry.


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, hitting the car with a crackling sound.

Tao Nange's expression remained unchanged. His hand wearing tactical gloves held the sniper rifle steadily without any tremors. A huge energy was brewing rapidly in the muzzle of the gun.

As long as something goes wrong, she will immediately shoot at the car wall in front of her!

Her Digital Domain, [Bullet Jump], can instantly jump to the location of the bullet after she shoots it!

At this time, the car continued to rise, and she could already see the scenery of the entire city.

Although the rain has blurred the vision, one can still feel the Tongfu City 40 years ago, with tall buildings, lush vegetation, aircraft flying like clouds, and mansions suspended in the sky in twos and threes, using the power of science and technology to realize a scene like cultivating immortals.


The heavy rain fell tirelessly, and soon the entire city was flooded. The lake level rose, the river bed swelled, and even the amusement park below the car was flooded.

Without any buffer, the water level rose rapidly with the help of rain.

There was a thick water color between the sky and the earth. Countless raindrops roared to the ground, and the thick water vapor dispersed crazily.

The water level was getting higher and higher, and in a blink of an eye, half of the Ferris wheel car was submerged.

Looking at this scene, Tao Nange suddenly understood that what she was seeing now was the digital rain from 40 years ago!

Regarding global floods in human history, Eastern legends have Dayu controlling floods, and Western myths have Noah's Ark...

The digital rain incident 40 years ago was not real rain.

That is a digital projection of all human beings and the spiritual world!

At this time, the car Tao Nange was riding in had risen to its highest point, and the water level below had surged, reaching the bottom of the car.

Looking around, the rain was pouring, the water was vast, and the suspended manors in the mid-air had disappeared. She seemed to be riding this transparent car alone, floating alone on the water.

The endless water replaced the bustling city.


The heavy rain continues to fall, and the boundaries between heaven and earth seem to be blurring in the water.

The Ferris wheel still maintained normal operation, and the car began to descend. Water seeped in through the cracks in the door and soon flooded the floor.

Without any hesitation, Tao Nange immediately jumped onto his seat to protect himself from the rain. At the same time, he raised the muzzle of the sniper rifle and pulled the trigger against the top of the car.


A loud noise echoed in the car, and the lingering sound was lingering. The top of the car was intact.

A bullet capable of penetrating the body of an infected person in the [Growth Stage] hit the top of the transparent car without leaving even a scratch.


The bullet dropped and fell into the pool of water on the floor.

The moment it fell into the water, it melted instantly and seemed to turn into a puddle of water, completely blending with the stagnant water.

Tao Nange's expression changed slightly, her bullets were assimilated by the numbers in the water!

There was a gurgling sound, and more water poured into the car.

The water level outside has submerged half of the car, and the water level inside is still rising...


Amusement Park, North District.

The screams on the bungee jumping platform continued to be heard, and the crowd was swarming below.

Rong Manxin and others looked at the old tickets in Nie Lang's hands, their expressions changed, but they soon regained their composure.

The news of this digital rain was released by Nie Lang.

These people were recruited one by one by Nie Lang.

As long as Nie Lang is not a fool, he will definitely hold back until he finally gets the digital rain!

In fact, this was also the reason why they did not act separately and followed Nie Lang.

Thinking of this, the bald man Du Jun immediately asked: Nie Lang, can the tickets protect our safety in this 'digital forest'?

Nie Lang stuffed the tickets back into his trouser pocket and replied calmly: The tickets are just to prevent other tourists and staff from discovering us.

But if someone makes a mistake on their own at an amusement park, even if they have a ticket, it's useless.

The red-haired man Li Cheng asked in a hoarse voice: So, what do you want to do to give us the tickets?

Nie Lang smiled coldly and then said: Exchange of equal value!

Every time you complete a project, use the information in the project to exchange it with me.

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while. Soon, Rong Manxin stood up and strode towards the bungee jumping platform.

The others did not delay any longer and walked towards the projects they had won.

Nie Lang stood there and looked at them. After making sure that everyone had entered the events they had drawn, he took out the tickets from his pocket again.

This stack of tickets was collected from the ticket vending machine outside after he escaped from this amusement park last time.

He only remembered that tickets were very important in this amusement park!

But I can’t remember why?

Also, what did you make a mistake last time?

After thinking for a moment, Nie Lang didn't get an answer. He put away the ticket again and walked towards the cafe.


Amusement Park, East End.

The smell of blood was still filling the air, and the dust raised when the big pendulum ring hit the ground had not completely subsided.

The screams of tourists around him continued, and there were figures running away from far and near.

Beside the ring where blood was gushing, Mo Ting and a group of younger brothers were preparing to leave.

At this time, a uniformed staff member blocked their way: Check tickets!

Check in?

Mo Ting frowned. He didn't have a ticket for this amusement park!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned to look at a subordinate with blue hair next to him.

Lan Mao's subordinates didn't know the rules of this amusement park, but seeing the look in the boss's eyes, they could only step forward and said, I lost my ticket, can I replace it?

The staff member nodded and said cheerfully: Okay, I'll scan you.

As he said that, he immediately took out a mobile phone and scanned it directly at Lan Mao.

The next moment, Lan Mao's head turned into a ball of QR codes!

At the same time, the mobile phone in the hands of the staff sent out a pleasant electronic announcement: VV has received 169 yuan in real time!

After hearing the news of the payment, he took out a brand new ticket from his pocket and handed it to Lan Mao.

Lanmao took the ticket very naturally, then turned around and walked towards the pirate ship next to him like a normal tourist.

This blue fur has become a tourist in an amusement park!

Mo Ting's expression changed slightly, but before he could find a chance to leave, the uniformed staff member said to him again: Check the tickets!

Mo Ting did not dare to directly conflict with the staff here. He did not hesitate and immediately looked at a dark-skinned, tall and thin subordinate next to him.

The subordinate's expression changed greatly, but when he met Mo Ting's cold gaze, he did not dare to resist. He glanced at the staff, and then at the unrecognizable super pendulum not far away. He immediately thought of something and said quickly: The big pendulum is broken. We are maintenance workers and we are here to repair the big pendulum.

When the staff heard this, they said without any doubt, Okay.

As he said this, he stopped checking the thin black man and looked at Mo Ting and others again.

The thin black man was delighted and immediately ran towards the ring where the super pendulum fell.

He quickly came to the ring and drilled into an empty screw hole without any hesitation.

The screw hole is very narrow compared to an adult's body, and even a thumb cannot pass through it.

But when the thin black man drilled inside, his body immediately began to twist and lengthen, and in an incredible way, he got into the screw hole bit by bit.

After a while, his whole body got into the screw hole and became a screw on the big pendulum.

The staff looked at Mo Ting and said again: Check the tickets!

Mo Ting's face became very ugly, and he once again signaled to a subordinate next to him who had a centipede tattooed on the back of his hand.

This subordinate was also afraid of Mo Ting. He swallowed, walked tremblingly to the staff, and said tremblingly: Someone is injured in the super pendulum project. We...we are doctors, here to save people. of……

The staff was the same as before, showing no intention of questioning at all, and immediately nodded and said: Okay!

The man with a centipede tattooed on the back of his hand immediately took steps towards a tourist who was killed not far away. The tourist's entire torso was deformed, his head split open like a watermelon, and red and white dripped. On the ground, a leg was torn from the body and fell not far away. More than half of the original white dress had been soaked in blood and turned blood red.

The men walked next to the tourist who was crushed to death, and then lay down like the tourists.

The moment he lay down, the tourist who was smashed to death immediately got up. Her smashed face instantly returned to a delicate and clean face, the broken leg also reappeared on the torso, and the stains on the white dress It faded away completely, and in a blink of an eye, it returned to the appearance as if nothing had happened. She stepped on high-heeled leather shoes and walked away briskly without looking back.

The subordinate who was lying down had his head split open, blood, brain matter, and brain marrow flowing all over the floor. A leg was torn from the body and appeared not far away...

In an instant, the man with the centipede tattooed on the back of his hand became the one who was smashed to death!

Mo Ting's face turned completely gloomy.

If you make up for the ticket, what you have to pay is not money, but your own number!

Pretend to be a maintenance worker and your numbers will become maintenance materials!

Pretending to be a medical staff, you will transfer the number on your life to the dead tourists!

This is a dead end!

The staff looked at Mo Ting again: Check the tickets!

Mo Ting came to his senses. He clenched his fists and hesitated whether to take action directly.

However, at this moment, a girl wearing a light blue round-neck puff-sleeved dress and white low-heeled bow-tie Mary Jane shoes came from behind.

She looks to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, with snow-white skin, big and round eyes, wearing a white sun hat, and a unique wooden pendant hanging on her chest, which looks a bit like a changed Vegevisil symbol. , the normal Vigvisil symbol is a circle equally divided into a meter shape, with eight different symbols surrounding the outermost side, but this pendant has four more, for a total of twelve symbols, and in the center of these symbols , surrounded by a circle of thorn crowns, and the lines representing thorns are intertwined, and there are also twelve lines.

The girl walked up to the staff and said calmly: I am a travel blogger with 20 million real fans. Do I also need tickets?

As she spoke, she took out a mobile phone inside a cartoon flower mobile phone case, opened a mainstream short video APP inside, and entered the personal center. It clearly showed that there were 20.25 million fans, and the revenue from bringing goods today was 1.0681 million yuan, total revenue. There are so many digits that I can’t even count them at once.

The staff's businesslike attitude suddenly became extremely friendly. He instantly showed a warm smile and quickly replied: Welcome! Our 'Fudi Amusement Park' is a national AAAA-level scenic spot, covering an area of ​​57 hectares. It is mainly divided into Divided into four areas, each area has its own main projects and characteristics...

He quickly introduced the amusement park, and then said, We very much welcome anchors to come to the scene to shoot, and we also have corresponding support plans...

The girl in the light blue dress nodded, looked behind her, and then said: These people are all my live broadcast team.

The staff understood the situation and immediately said: I understand, I will contact the leader immediately.

Next, all projects will enjoy priority access; all meals will be free of charge; when you leave, some small specialties will be prepared for you at the door...

Have fun!

After saying that, the staff member immediately turned around and left.

Seeing that one of his subordinates had taken care of the staff so easily, Mo Ting was relieved. He immediately looked at the girl in a light blue dress and found that he had no memory at all. This might be one of his subordinates. New people just recruited...

Thinking of this, Mo Ting looked at the girl in the light blue dress with a satisfied expression and said, You did a good job just now! What's your name?

The girl in a light blue dress smiled slightly and said, Meng Yao.


Amusement Park, West End.

On the ornate and complicated merry-go-round, Zhou Zhen's body was stiff, with all fours on the ground, unable to move. He turned into a very ordinary wooden horse in the carousel project!

At this time, Tao Nange rode on his back nimbly, then stretched out her white and slender palms, patted his butt, and said with a brisk smile: Drive!

Remember to vote after reading this!

PS: Meng Yao, the sidekick of the Dues cheese leader, is now online.

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