Ash Civilization

Chapter 117 “Digital Rain” News. (Second update! Please subscribe!!!)

The off-road vehicle quickly arrived in front of the remaining forty-plus floors of the building.

Tao Nange stopped the car in the open space at the door, took out a mobile phone and gave it back to Zhou Zhen, saying: I will return the mobile phone to you first. If you encounter anything, please contact me immediately.

When you are alone, try not to use the 'digital domain' that has side effects casually.

However, if there is really danger, don't hesitate!

Zhou Zhen took the phone: I understand!

As he spoke, he pulled away from the passenger side, got out of the car, and walked toward the building.

Arriving at the entrance of the isolation point with ease, Zhou Zhen saw the familiar civil air defense gate again. Zhou Zhen immediately followed Tao Nange's method just now and went up to slam the door vigorously.

Bang bang bang!

The door was shot loudly.

Maybe it was because he had already been here once. He just took a few shots and the door opened directly.

Zhou Zhen strode in. In the corridor behind the door, the seven or eight strong men were still guarding him. They were all stunned when they saw him. After he came to his senses, the leader of the strong men said calmly: It's still the same old rules...

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Zhen had already passed directly in front of them and walked inside.

Seeing Zhou Zhen's back disappearing around the corner, the strong man at the head couldn't help but smacked his tongue and said: This kid can actually come back alive!

Other strong men guarding the gate also discussed: The 'Juyihui' and the 'Mad Dog Alliance' are too useless!

I didn't see the beautiful woman just now. I wonder if she was arrested by the 'Juyihui' or the 'Mad Dog Alliance'?

You are such a stupid idiot. That kid didn't have any injuries at all, and his clothes are clean. The ones who fell down must be the 'Juyihui' and the 'Mad Dog Alliance'!

Stop arguing. When this kid goes out, we won't collect his things. We can't afford to offend such a ruthless person!


Zhou Zhen walked into the corridor, which was as lively as before.

In the noise of bargaining, some people trembled and fell down, some cried and howled, and some made a fuss... This time, in addition to male and female vagabonds coming up to solicit customers, there were also unfamiliar disabled people trembling and holding up broken bowls to beg.

Zhou Zhen bypassed them all and walked onto the steel structure trestle.

The water under the trestle was dimly lit, and the stench was overwhelming.

He came to the open space opposite the trestle. The transaction here was not over yet, but the number of people was much smaller than before.

When the remaining people saw Zhou Zhen coming over again, they all looked more or less surprised, and then quickly lowered their heads, not making eye contact with him.

Just now, both the Juyihui and the Mad Dog Alliance were out in full force to hunt these two new arrivals.

As a result, the convoys of the two gangs had not returned yet, but this new kid came back unscathed...

Able to escape from the clutches of the Juyi Hui and the Mad Dog Alliance, this newcomer is very powerful!

Zhou Zhen walked directly towards the simple room with the Xiuhu Group logo on it. This time, probably because he was a man, no one came to trouble him, so he walked into the simple room smoothly.

There is no one else in the simple room now, only two staff members are working.

Seeing Zhou Zhen, the staff member in his forties immediately greeted him with a smile: Sir, I knew you would come back.

Everything you want is ready.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded and said directly: We already have water, food, and energy batteries.

Right now, I just want the information from 'Digital Rain'.

The staff was not surprised and quickly replied: No problem.

The information of 'Digital Rain' is one hundred energy batteries, or equivalent.

In addition, we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged. If he could guarantee that the information was true, this information would definitely not be worth the current price.

Thinking of this, he said calmly: I will confirm the authenticity myself. The supplies are just outside the isolation point. Come and get them.

The staff nodded: Okay!

As he spoke, he took out his walkie-talkie and quickly called four young men in gray uniforms.

These people's limbs are equipped with prosthetics and they look very strong.

The staff in sky blue uniforms said a few words to their companions, then walked out of the counter and followed Zhou Zhen out of the isolation point with four laborers.

The crowds along the way saw the Xiuhu Group sign and all took the initiative to get out of the way. Even the enchanting men and women showing off their beauty along the street, no one dared to come up and strike up a conversation.

They quickly arrived behind the civil defense gate, and the strong man guarding the gate opened the gate without saying a word, without even mentioning the entrance fee.

After exiting the civil defense gate and walking out of the basement, through the empty hall of the abandoned building, you can see the armored off-road vehicle parked in the open space outside.

Seeing Zhou Zhen coming out with people from Xiuhu Group, Tao Nange opened the door and got out of the car, nodded to Zhou Zhen, and then opened the trunk.

People from Xiuhu Group walked to the car. The staff in sky blue uniforms first praised: This car is good!

Then he looked at the supplies in the trunk, rummaged through them a little, and suddenly showed a smile, Can I take whatever I want?

Tao Nange said briefly: Yes, but it cannot exceed the value of the news.

The staff in sky blue uniforms nodded slightly and said, Don't worry!

Our Xiuhu Group is a formal enterprise and we are doing long-term business. We will definitely not mess around.

With that said, he ordered the four laborers he brought to start moving the goods.

Four laborers stepped forward and quickly unloaded various supplies from the trunk.

What they picked were energy batteries, materials, etc., and they hardly took any water or food.

The armored off-road vehicle has a large capacity, and the trunk is filled with supplies. After almost half of the cargo was unloaded, the staff in sky blue uniforms nodded, and the four workers immediately stopped and retreated to the side.

The staff in sky blue uniforms looked at Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange again and asked, How about these?

Tao Nange casually glanced at the supplies in the car and said calmly, Okay.

The staff in sky blue uniforms immediately took out a miniature positioning radar device and introduced: On this radar, a wanderer named 'Nie Lang' is located.

This is a famous person. I believe he doesn't need any introduction.

Nie Lang has been secretly recruiting teammates recently.

The requirement is 'Third Step' or above. If there is only 'Second Step', it must have very advanced equipment, or a particularly useful 'digital domain' that can make up for the lack of combat effectiveness.

He's almost done recruiting people now. You two had better hurry up.

Recruit teammates?

Is it for digital rain?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked at the equipment. Not surprisingly, among the people recruited by Nie Lang, there were people from the Xiuhu Group!

At this time, Tao Nange took over the radar equipment and glanced at it. On the screen, there was a small red dot in a stopped state, which was very far away from their current location.

Tao Nange asked calmly: You mean, this 'Nie Lang' has the clue to the 'Digital Rain'?

He recruited his teammates just for the sake of 'digital rain'?

The staff member in sky blue uniform nodded and said: When Nie Lang first recruited people, the news he released was that he had found a clue to the 'digital rain'.

However, high-risk cities have always been a paradise for lies.

'Digital Rain', 'Digital Treasure', 'Tenth Staircase' compatible inheritance, [Complete Body] infected remains... There are countless exaggerated messages like this every day.

We will trade this news because Nie Lang's character is pretty good.

The possibility of lying is not that high.

Of course, I said it from the beginning, there is no guarantee that this news is true or false!

Tao Nange was not surprised and asked: What level is Nie Lang on?

The staff in sky blue uniforms was slightly startled, but then came to their senses and immediately replied: 'Third Step'.

He is a lone wolf. He is very hostile to most gangs in the city and has many enemies. He is very cautious and will not stay in the same place for more than two days.

Hearing this, Tao Nange nodded and said crisply: I understand.

With that said, she got directly into the driver's seat.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhen closed the trunk and got into the passenger seat.

The off-road vehicle quickly raised a cloud of dust and sped away.

At the entrance of the abandoned building, a staff member in sky blue uniform looked at the vehicle as it drove away, squinting slightly: Even Nie Lang doesn't know that these two people are newcomers to Tongfu City.

The four workers next to them all nodded, and one of them, whose arms were replaced by prosthetics, said: It has been determined that all these supplies are from the Juyihui.

Those two people should have killed the entire 'Juyi Hui', otherwise they wouldn't have gotten so much loot.

The staff member in sky blue uniform smiled and nodded: Normal.

The 'Juyihui' is originally a small and unpopular gang, and it can only bully some minor characters.

If you really hit the iron plate, you will definitely fall down.

Another laborer asked: Next, do you want to tell the superiors?

The staff member in sky blue uniform said: Of course!

The 'digital ladder' of these two people is definitely not low, and their whereabouts information can also be traded to other people.

Having said this, he glanced at the supplies around him and said, Okay, I will handle these things and put these supplies into storage first.


In the ghostly city, off-road vehicles are speeding all the way, and the bustling commercial streets have been left behind, and even their shadows can't be seen.

Looking at the rolling ruins ahead, Zhou Zhen suddenly said: This Xiuhu Group basically didn't touch water or food when they were selecting supplies.

Aren't there any shortages of drinking water in high-risk cities?

Tao Nange shook his head and said, Que!

However, this kind of group has deep cooperation with large outside companies.

Every once in a while, their external collaborators will spend a lot of money to arrange for unmanned supply vehicles to come for supplies.

This kind of supply vehicle travels on a fixed route, and the supplies on the vehicle are basically drinking water, food and other daily necessities.

When these vehicles return, they will be filled with materials and 'digital' resources produced in high-risk cities...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately understood what Tao Nange meant. High-risk cities are in short supply of drinking water and food, but Xiuhu Group is not!

Also, he remembered that Ghost No. 056 told him that the government also had supply trucks that would enter the city at a fixed time...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen then asked: Are there any conditions for supply trucks to enter high-risk cities?

“When you return, will you bring the ‘digital virus’ to low-risk areas?”

Tao Nange said: Every time the separation wall is opened, it requires a lot of resources to maintain. Therefore, supply vehicles need to pay this part of the maintenance funds when entering and exiting.

When a supply truck comes into town, there are several routes to choose from.

But when you get out of town, there's only one road, and there's a very long automated detection lane on that road.

As long as it can pass all tests, there generally won't be much of a problem.

If any test fails, the supply vehicle and the supply vehicle will be destroyed on the spot.

Detection channel...

Zhou Zhen nodded. The passage he used to enter the high-risk city was nothing special. It was probably not a detection passage.

Outside the window, we are passing through a leafy woodland. This should have been a beautiful tree-lined avenue in the past. Now, due to the overly dense trees, it looks a bit eerie. It seems that the off-road vehicle has briefly left the city and is driving through the deserted dense forest. Same as next.

After a moment of silence, Tao Nange suddenly said: The news this time is not very true, but you can still try it.

Even if there is no 'digital rain', there should be other gains.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses immediately and said: Are we going to go directly to Nie Lang now?

Tao Nange nodded and said, We are far away from where Nie Lang is now.

Including detours, encounters with infected people, and other emergencies, you need to reserve a little more time.

If you want to rest, you can sleep first. I'll wake you up when you get there.

Zhou Zhen shook his head and said, No!

I just took a rest and am in good spirits now.

On your side, you haven't had any rest. It's best for me to drive now while you rest for a while.

Tao Nange was silent for a few seconds, then nodded quickly: Okay.

As she said that, she applied the brakes and the off-road vehicle stopped immediately.

The two got out of the car and exchanged positions. Zhou Zhen sat in the main driver's seat and Tao Nange got in the passenger seat.

Tao Nange handed the radar device to Zhou Zhen and said, Don't drive too fast, be careful of infected people and the 'digital forest'.

If anything happens, wake me up immediately.

Zhou Zhen said: Understood.

Immediately afterwards, he started the off-road vehicle and drove forward according to the mark on the radar screen.

Tao Nange didn't waste any time, put down the seat and lay down directly to sleep.

Outside the car, the jagged concrete forest slowly receded, replaced by large mountains of garbage.

I don’t know whether it’s due to time or other reasons. These garbage mountains no longer have the pungent smell, but are also covered with various weeds. Some lakes and ponds have even formed in the gaps, but it can still be seen that The sight of garbage piled up in the past.

Near these garbage mountains, there are many shack-like buildings that seemed to have been inhabited a few years ago, but now they are all empty without a trace of people.

Zhou Zhen concentrated on driving and occasionally glanced outside the car.

Although the road has many potholes, it is still wide, and there are no other vehicles, so it travels very quickly.

Everything is normal.

Suddenly, Tao Nange, who was lying on the passenger seat, looked a little painful. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her expression was slightly ferocious, as if she had had a nightmare.

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