Ash Civilization

Chapter 101 Where to go. (Please subscribe!!!)

[Split personality]? !

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, but after being reminded, those memories that had been ignored by his brain quickly came to his mind!

Brother Hao is his personality...

Transfer student Ren Rui is his personality...

Chu Jingyan is his personality...

I remembered it all!

He is also an experimental subject like the experimental subject in the Twilight Trial!

However, the organization that conducted experiments on him was the Ash Order!

Realizing this, Zhou Zhen's head suddenly began to throb violently.

The next moment, a sharp alarm sounded throughout the test tube, and the originally calm dark blue liquid began to churning violently, and an extremely cold chill quickly filled the entire test tube.

Ghost No. 017 did not hesitate and quickly pressed a button next to the test tube.

Four tubes suddenly popped out from both sides of Zhou Zhen's head, spraying out a pale white mist.

This mist tastes sweet. After it appears, the dark blue liquid quickly changes color and turns into a light purple.

With the appearance of the mist and the change of color of the liquid, Zhou Zhen's headache was immediately relieved, and the pain, as if a sharp knife was pierced into the brain, turned into a slight swelling pain.

At this time, No. 017 said calmly: This is an anti-[protective mechanism] medicine. It can help people who have already developed a [protective mechanism] to better restore their memory.

However, your symptoms are very serious!

Headaches and amnesia are actually a way of protecting you from the brain.

This anti-[protective mechanism] drug can only be used once a day at most given your current mental state.

Once you overdose, it will lead to more serious consequences for you!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen gradually calmed down. He took a few breaths and said immediately: I remembered...

In the city center hospital, one of my secondary personalities came out...

Ghost Team, are there any casualties?

Ghost No. 017 shook his head and said: You were sober at the right time, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me now...

Having said this, he continued, There are no casualties in the Ghost Team, but there are no survivors in the entire Binhai City Center Hospital except you.

All patients, medical staff, accompanying family members, logistics staff, security officers on duty... including Jin Qingfeng, the leader of Special Operations Group 5 who was working with you, have all been killed.

Jin Qingfeng is dead...

Zhou Zhen looked sad for a while. He was silent for a moment and said: Those people... were not killed by my deputy!

Before my secondary personality came out, the 'Twilight Judgment' had already massacred the entire hospital in advance.

At that time, the 'Ash Order' was also nearby...

Ghost No. 017 nodded and said slowly: The arrangements for you now are not based on whether your secondary personality kills people.

Actually, if your current personality cannot control your own body, then even if Lu Jun and Lu Jun's old superiors intercede for you, the final result will not change.

Before this result comes out, we have investigated all your movements during this period.

What is certain at present is that in most situations where your life is not threatened, your main personality has absolute autonomy over your body!

But in a life-threatening situation, your secondary personality comes out.

The last energy explosion in the 'Digital Forest' in the 'Huangjia Club' was probably caused by your sub-personality.

What the higher-ups need to guard against now is not your main personality of 'Zhou Zhen', but your secondary personality!

If you choose to go to the lunar asylum next, apart from not having freedom, at least safety can be guaranteed.

Once humans overcome the problem of 'digital virus' in the future, it may also be possible to cure your current [split personality]...

But if you choose to go to a high-risk prepared to die at any time!

At this point, staring at Zhou Zhen's young face, Ghost No. 017 paused and added, However, although high-risk cities are dangerous, there are also many secrets related to 'digital viruses'.

Maybe you can find a way to restrain [split personality] there...

After hearing these words, Zhou Zhen frowned. The Lunar Asylum is just a prison. There is no way he can go there!

The only remaining options are high-risk cities...

After thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen asked doubtfully: This case involves the 'Twilight Trial' and the 'Ash Order'. Why don't you ask any questions related to the case?

Ghost No. 017 calmly replied: Compared with the problems you have, this case is just a trivial matter.

I am the captain of the second team of the ghost team, and I am very busy!

When I come here this time, I must deal with your own problems first. After you make a decision, others will come over to discuss the process and details of this case with you.

Captain of the second team of the ghost team...

Zhou Zhen was a little surprised, and then asked: Then how did you find out that I have [split personality]?

Ghost No. 017 quickly replied: You carved words on your thigh. This should be what your personality discovered, but because of the [protection mechanism], you knew you would forget it, so you left it for yourself. remind.

If I hadn't seen this at that time, the order issued from above might have been to banish you to outer space or take you to a high-risk city for elimination.

Okay, now I don't have much time to keep chatting with you here.

Hurry up and choose!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded and immediately said: I choose a high-risk city...


Binhai City, Wushan District.

Wushan Club.

This club located at the top of Wushan Mountain is not open to the public and only accepts carefully selected members.

Its main building is a Baroque-style castle with a blue-grey roof and square meters of bricks. It has a typical H-shaped layout. Due to the erosion and infiltration of time, the steep-sloping roof is covered with green ivy, and the dense branches and leaves even block several tiger doors. The windows add a sense of vicissitudes of time to this building.

The main entrance of the castle faces the central axis of the courtyard and is flanked by completely symmetrical embroidered flower beds on both sides.

Neatly trimmed dwarf hollies surround geraniums, delphiniums, dianthus and other flowers, outlining various geometric patterns in a flower bed that is a hundred meters long.

At the end of the flower bed, there is a three-story fountain pool. The fountain jumps into arcs, and the splashing water drops reflect brilliant brilliance in the sun.

On a garden bench next to the fountain, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman wears a white off-shoulder V-neck hollow knitted dress. The soft fabric closely fits the curves of the body. The skirt just reaches her knees, her legs are crossed, and her calf lines are Elegant and with obvious signs of exercise, the champagne-colored high heels are slightly tilted up, revealing the bright red soles, making them look mature and charming.

At this moment, the woman crossed her arms and stared at the fountain not far away with a calm expression, as if she was quietly waiting for something.

After a while, brisk footsteps were heard on the floor tiles along the central axis, and a girl wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt and a light blue denim skirt walked over with a smile.

She looks about eighteen to nineteen years old, with long brown hair tied into a high ponytail, a slender waist, and straight legs. She is holding a black clutch bag in her right hand. Her eyes are big and round, full of brightness, and her whole person is full of energy. Vitality.

It’s Xie Qiongning!

As soon as he saw the blond woman with blue eyes, Xie Qiongning immediately walked forward and asked with a smile in English: Teacher Huo, are you looking for me?

Holo nodded, motioned for her to sit down on the bench, and also said in English: You go back today and make preparations. At this time tomorrow, I will take you to a place.

It will take about a month.

Hearing this, Xie Qiongning immediately thought of something and asked immediately: Is it the 'second step' opportunity that the teacher told me before?

Huo Luo replied briefly: That's right.

Xie Qiongning's eyes slightly curved, and he immediately smiled and nodded: Okay!

I'll go back and prepare right away!

Huo Luo then added: Remember, as before, no one can know about this matter.

Even your parents!

Xie Qiongning said very obediently: Understood!

After talking about the business, Huo Luo immediately stood up and walked towards the castle.

Xie Qiongning sat alone on the bench, looking at her back quietly.

After confirming that the teacher had entered the castle, she stood up and walked in the other direction. As she walked, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number...


The call tone rang over and over again, but no one answered until the system automatically hung up.

Xie Qiongning did not give up and dialed again...

Soon, more than a dozen calls were made in a row, but no one answered.

Xie Qiongning was immediately disappointed.

The teacher told her about the Second Step news. She mentioned it to Shen Sheng last time, and also hinted to Shen Sheng that she could invite him to participate...

Although she now knows the identity of the other party, it is an official background.

But when it comes to promotion on the “digital ladder”, no one would argue that there are too many methods!

This is a temptation that most compatible people cannot refuse!

Last time in the bathroom of Yapo Private Kitchen, the other party was very uncooperative...

This time, she wants to invite someone directly to her home!

Then use this second step news to lure the other party and take the opportunity to train him!

She was extremely excited when she thought that the other party was an official digital compatibility and was wearing an official uniform!

It's just that the other party doesn't know what's going on now and doesn't answer the phone...

Shen Sheng...Zhou Zhen...

The 'Digital Forest' in the 'Huangjia Club' didn't kill him last time. He shouldn't be in trouble so easily...

Let's check again later...

Thinking of this, Xie Qiongning put away her phone very naturally and left the main courtyard through a side door.


Binhai City Public Security Department.

Floor 201, offices.

Lu Jun was sitting on a sofa against the wall, looking gloomy and smoking a cigarette distractedly.

The room was filled with smoke, and the air purification equipment made a slight buzzing sound when it was running at full capacity. On the coffee table in front of the sofa, the ashtray was filled with various cigarette butts.

Sitting on the sofa opposite him was an old man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and dark green fitness pants.

This old man had a shaved head, and most of his hair was gray, but he was in good spirits. His eyes were not as sharp as a sword like Lu Jun's, but gentle and calm, like a rock in the rapid water. He had a kind of calmness and tranquility that had been experienced for a long time. Certainly.

He was holding a cup of tea and drinking it slowly. Seeing Lu Jun smoking more and more fiercely, he shook his head slightly and said calmly: Xiao Lu, this matter has been dealt with. There is no need to worry anymore.

Lu Jun immediately stood up, walked quickly back and forth in the room, slapped the desk hard, and said loudly: Mr. Lu, I finally found a compatible person who is willing to be motivated, has backbone, is driven, and has a clean background. Newcomer, it's just been used for a few days and it's gone!

My Binhai City Special Operations Brigade originally has only 5 groups with a total of 25 people. They have to deal with emergencies in the entire Binhai City!

Now there are two of them gone all at once...

Before Lu Jun could finish speaking, Mr. Lu quickly waved his hand and said comfortingly: Okay, okay...

Next, if there are new 'compatibles', you will be given priority.

But this Zhou Zhen definitely can't stay in Binhai City!

His infected personality is too dangerous. Once he loses control and something happens, no one can bear the responsibility!

The lunar asylum and high-risk cities are already the best places for him to go now.

After hearing this, Lu Jun knew that this was a decision made by his superiors, and there was no point in arguing. He sat back on the sofa opposite Mr. Lu and smoked a cigarette again.

Jingle Bell……

At this moment, the landline phone on the desk rang.

Seeing that Lu Jun was in a bad mood, Mr. Lu stood up and answered the phone: Hello... a high-risk city?



With that, he hung up the phone, looked at Lu Jun and said, Zhou Zhen woke up and chose a high-risk city.

The idea there is to send the person away immediately, the sooner the better!

However, although Zhou Zhen's current mental state is very stable, it is currently impossible to allow him to enter any place where ordinary people gather.

Send someone to his house to help pack some daily necessities and deliver them to him when he sets off.

Hearing this, Lu Jun nodded and said, I have nothing to do now, so I just want to go there in person.

With that said, he stood up and left the office.

...A moment later, Yaxinyuan, Qingli District.

A flying car painted in blue and green roared into the community and came to a sudden stop at Building 51.

Lu Jun jumped out of the car before it stopped and strode into the corridor.

He entered the elevator hall with ease and pressed the button.

No one was using the elevator at this time, so he quickly waited for the elevator and headed to the 28th floor.


The 28 button went out and as soon as the elevator door opened, Lu Jun saw a uniformed courier holding a package and slamming the door of 2809!

Bang bang bang!

Is there anyone at home?

express delivery!

No one is home, and the phone hasn't been answered... What's going on?

The courier complained very dissatisfiedly.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun immediately walked over and asked, Is it Zhou Zhen's express delivery? The phone number is...

The courier glanced at the information on the package and handed the package directly to Lu Jun: Sign!

Lu Jun didn't hesitate and quickly signed Zhou Zhen's name on the package.

This must be something Zhou Zhen purchased online, but now that Zhou Zhen cannot enter the city, he can only collect it on his behalf.

After getting the receipt, the courier pressed the elevator button and walked in without any delay.


The elevator quickly started going down.

At this time, Lu Jun took out a master key, opened the door of Zhou Zhen's house, and walked in.

After a while, he came out, holding the express package he had just collected in one hand, which had not yet been opened, and dragging a 30-inch matte black and gray suitcase in the other hand.

The suitcase was filled with Zhou Zhen's clothes and various daily necessities, as well as several figures in his room. Lu Jun also stuffed them in after using a little violence.

After pausing at the door for a while to make sure that Zhou Zhen didn't leave anything behind that Zhou Zhen couldn't bear to part with or that he had to use, Lu Jun walked towards the elevator.

In high-risk cities, these things that are usually readily available are actually the most important supplies...


In the square metal room, as Zhou Zhen's mood stabilized, the purple liquid in the test tube calmed down little by little and began to return to a dark blue color.

The pale white mist quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Hearing Zhou Zhen's answer, Ghost No. 017 quickly said: Okay!

If you choose the lunar asylum, then I can't untie you. Instead, I will inject you with a sleeping drug, seal it, and send it directly to the Earth-Moon Transportation Department.

But since you chose a high-risk city, we can't keep you locked up now.

However, before I let you out, I will first inject you with a tube of [Digital Stimulant] to keep your main personality quite active for the next 36 hours and prevent your secondary personality from run out.

Zhou Zhen said immediately: Okay!

No. 017 took out a rectangular box that looked like leather from his pocket. After quickly entering a set of passwords, the box made a slight click sound, and the lid spontaneously popped open, revealing a glass syringe embedded in shock-proof material. .

The medicine has been absorbed into the barrel of this syringe. It is a pink liquid with wisps of silvery white light spots inside. It looks very different from ordinary medicine.

No. 017 took out the syringe with gloved hands, but did not open the test tube. Instead, after pressing several buttons next to the test tube, he pushed the syringe into an open groove.

Soon, the dark blue liquid immersed under Zhou Zhen's shoulders began to slowly fade, turning towards light blue.

At the same time, the cold light radiating from the test tube also dimmed little by little, then slowly brightened, as if breathing, something was brewing.

As the color of the liquid changed, Zhou Zhen felt as if thousands of steel needles were piercing his skin at the same time. All parts in contact with the liquid felt pain like needle pricks and burning.

This kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people, but compared to the headaches that have occurred many times, it is still within Zhou Zhen's tolerance.

He clenched his teeth, veins popped out on his forehead, and his muscles tightened, silently enduring the effects of the medicine.

Only a few seconds passed, and all the pain disappeared like the ebbing tide. Instead, there was a feeling of comfort and relief, as if all the burdens were suddenly let go.

It was as if he had been wearing heavy shackles before, and now all the shackles were lifted. For a moment, he felt energetic and radiant, and his whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of excitement.

No. 017 stood outside the test tube and looked at Zhou Zhen's expression. He glanced at the time on the smart bracelet from time to time. Soon, all the liquid in the test tube turned light blue, and the breath in the test tube The light was bright again, no longer dim.

Looking at this scene, No. 017 nodded slightly, and the drug injection went smoothly.

He stretched out an arm and pressed against the wall of the test tube. After a moment, a holographic full keyboard appeared on the transparent test tube wall.

At the same moment, a low electronic voice sounded in the metal room: Please enter the 128-digit password. There is only one attempt. Please be careful not to enter it incorrectly.

No. 017 did not hesitate, and with fingers like the wind, he quickly entered all the passwords.

It was quiet inside and outside the test tube. After waiting for two seconds, Zhou Zhen suddenly heard a rumbling sound coming from his ears.

The liquid that was soaking him began to drop rapidly.

After all the liquid was drained from the bottom, dozens of small nozzles emerged from the test tube, spraying out fine water droplets to clean him.

Then there is the hot air circulation to dry the water droplets on his skin.

Then, he heard a click, and the metal band bound around his neck popped open and retracted into the wall of the test tube behind him.

After this restraint was released, the other metal straps that bound him also opened and retracted into the wall behind him.

At the same time, the transparent test tube wall in front of him slowly lifted up, opening a passage out of this narrow space.

Zhou Zhen moved his hands and feet before walking out barefoot.

No. 017 fumbled around the test tube for a while, and a hidden compartment popped up on the metal wall. He took out a set of clothes from it and handed it to Zhou Zhen: Change and follow me.

Zhou Zhen thanked him and began to put it on quickly.

No. 017 stood nearby and watched him tie his shoelaces and then take out a transparent bag from the secret compartment, which contained Zhou Zhen's mobile phone and scalpel. No. 017 handed the thing to Zhou Zhen and said: This is your thing. The phone is broken and it is full of garbled characters, but the hardware test is fine. You can repair it yourself when you are free.

Phone is broken?

It should be the influence of the digital forest...

With this thought in mind, Zhou Zhen immediately took the transparent bag: Thank you.

No. 017 didn't waste any time and immediately turned around and walked out: Follow me!

Outside is a dim corridor with a door at a long distance on both sides. There are no windows or decorations. The ceiling, floor, walls... are all made of metal.

When the two of them were walking normally, the sound of loud footsteps echoed back and forth throughout the corridor.

The corridor is not straight, there are turns from time to time, and there are many forks in the middle.

Zhou Zhen silently followed No. 017 for almost ten minutes before entering a brightly lit room.

This room also has no windows and is relatively large. Judging from the furnishings, it seems to be a lounge.

There were four members of the ghost team inside wearing black combat uniforms. The ghost closest to the door was not wearing a helmet. He looked about 27 or 28 years old, had long hair, and a lazy look. He was lying on the beanbag. Inside, his two legs were propped up on the coffee table not far away. He was holding a novel in his hand, with The Story of Mustard Cultivating Immortality written on the cover. He was reading it with gusto. Two streams of clear water turned into a pair of slender hands. He grabbed an orange from the fruit plate on the coffee table, peeled it open, and put the orange flesh into his mouth.

Not far away from this ghost, another ghost was wearing a semi-closed helmet, revealing the unshaven lower half of his face. He was holding a few tarot cards and chanting something. From time to time, he opened one and looked at what was in front of him. The stock code displayed on the laptop screen is tangled...

On the armchair diagonally opposite, sat a ghost with dyed red hair. The person's complexion was dark, and he wore a black earring on his left ear. He looked very young. He was holding a mobile phone at the moment, and his fingers were almost pointing out. Afterimage, I concentrated on the operation. Soon, there was a violent sound effect, and the screen turned gray again...

The last ghost is No. 024. She is wearing a visual sensor, only showing a section of her snow-white chin, her long hair is scattered behind her head, her legs are crossed, she is sitting quietly on the sofa farthest from the door, silver-white sniper The gun was suspended by her side, rising and falling slowly with her breathing, as if she was concentrating with her eyes closed.

Seeing No. 017 come in, the ghost who was reading the novel immediately stuffed the novel book under the sofa cushion. His hands transformed by the water flow quickly put down the half-peeled orange. It disappeared in an instant. The ghost quickly stood up and said: Captain!

The other three ghosts also stood up and nodded in greeting.

No. 017 looked around and said calmly: Zhou Zhen chose to go to a high-risk city. Please prepare yourself and leave within 5 minutes!

The four ghosts quickly replied: Roger that!

Immediately afterwards, the ghost who was reading the comic turned to Zhou Zhen and said slightly faster: I am ghost No. 056. Next, my team members and I will escort you to the high-risk city.

Now to introduce, the one next to me who is counting stocks using tarot cards is Ghost No. 080, the one playing games is Ghost No. 041, and the one at the end is Ghost No. 024.

I hope you will cooperate with our work and set off immediately!

Zhou Zhen listened quietly, feeling a little disappointed.

He now thinks very clearly due to the anti-[protective mechanism] medicine, but the memory of the reason why he was infected with the digital virus and the operation at the underground clinic... these two memories are still blank.

What is certain at the moment is that the underground clinic was the experimental site of the Ash Order at that time, just like the experiment of the Twilight Trial at Binhai Central Hospital...

But he still has no clue as to where that place he, Luo Yuchen, and Huang Xurong went to, and what exactly happened at that time...

This time I left Binhai City and headed to a high-risk city. I wonder if I can learn this secret in the future...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen calmed down his emotions and said seriously: I am Zhou Zhen. Next, please take care of me!

After the handover was completed, No. 017 said nothing more, turned around and left directly.

Looking at his back, Ghost No. 056 said: Captain has many things to do, come with us now.

Zhou Zhen nodded: Okay!

Ghost No. 056 gave his companions 30 seconds to pack their things. Soon, they neatly put away their sniper rifles, notebooks, mobile phones and other items and came to report in front of Ghost No. 056.

After getting ready, the four ghosts, with Zhou Zhen in the middle, surrounded him out of the lounge and returned to the complicated corridor just now.

Just like before, the passage they passed this time also had many turns and even more forks. It took them more than half an hour to walk before they entered an elevator.

There are only a few color buttons in the elevator and no characters.

Ghost No. 056 pressed the blue button, and the elevator moved slightly and began to move upward slowly.

A minute later, the elevator door opened. Outside was a foyer of more than 20 square meters, with floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, which provided very good lighting.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, parked was an armored off-road vehicle with an old paint color. This off-road vehicle was larger than an ordinary vehicle. It was more than 6 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, and its height was close to the floor height of an ordinary residential building.

The windows are smaller than ordinary vehicles, and the body of the car is very strong, as if it is equipped with thick steel plates. It looks like a crawling beast when parked there. There are inconspicuous small parts inside and outside the car windows and everywhere on the car body, which seem to be used to assist shooting or to hang firearms. Outside the main and passenger cabs, there is also a chimney-shaped ventilation duct, which is higher than the roof of the car. It obviously has excellent water wading function.

The whole car has a rough and sturdy appearance, full of barbaric atmosphere.


A burly figure wearing a training uniform and a leather glove on his left hand opened the door and got out of the driver's seat.

The four people on No. 056 took Zhou Zhen out of the foyer and happened to meet each other face to face.

Lu Jun nodded towards the four ghosts and immediately looked at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen immediately said seriously: Captain Lu, thank you...

Before the words of thanks were spoken, Lu Jun interrupted bluntly: Don't say useless things.

I'm very pleased that you chose to go to a high-risk city to kill the enemy instead of shrinking to survive in a lunar shelter.

As he spoke, he took out an old-fashioned car key from his trouser pocket and threw it to Zhou Zhen, In a high-risk city, driving a flying car is courting death.

The armored off-road vehicle behind me was specially obtained from an old comrade and given to you!

Your daily necessities, some things at home, and the newly arrived express delivery have all been loaded in the car.

I won't send it to you.

When you arrive in a high-risk city, work hard... don't die!

After saying that, Lu Jun stepped forward, patted Zhou Zhen's shoulder vigorously, and then turned and left without looking back.

Zhou Zhen immediately wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak. It wasn't until Lu Jun had gone far that he nodded vigorously.

Ghost No. 056, who had been standing quietly next to him, finally said: Let's go!

He walked directly towards the armored off-road vehicle not far away.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and followed immediately.

The five people quickly got into the car, and No. 056 entered the back row with No. 080 and 041. No. 024 got into the main driver's seat and took charge of driving. Her sniper rifle was suspended by the window, with dense numbers, formulas, and theorems all over her body... Along with the subtle changes in these numbers, formulas, and theorems, the entire gun body emitted The sound of click, click, click shrank segment by segment, and soon reorganized into a small silver-white pistol. No. 024 lowered the window, reached out to grab the pistol, and inserted it into the gun bag on his waist.

Zhou Zhen sat in the passenger seat.

The interior of the car is very different from the style of a flying car. The console cannot be hidden, there is no spontaneous activation of holographic navigation, and there are no intelligent auxiliary functions such as automatic seat belts. It is closer to the interior of a century ago.

All instruments and operations are mechanical structures, and the seats are far from comfortable. There is no armrest box between the driver and co-pilot, only a long and narrow groove. Judging from the shape, it is used to place firearms. Below the groove, There is still a little space, and a red cross mark is faintly visible, which should be a first aid kit.

The size and shape of the doors, passenger locker, and rear seat armrest box are all designed to store weapons and ammunition.

The whole car is full of military leather and simple style, without any trace of enjoyment.

No. 024 said nothing and started the car directly. The engine roared like a roar. Soon, the off-road vehicle started and sped away into the distance...

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