As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 535: What exactly is a certificate

  Chapter 535 What exactly is the certificate

  Since she was given to Fang Cheng by Yuguang Kaori, Qingxue has wholeheartedly wanted to assist Fang Cheng.

  However, Fang Cheng doesn't need her for anything at all. It has been more than half a year since Shuangfa became a master-servant relationship. As the master, Fang Cheng didn't even give her a serious job.

  Since childhood, Qingxue has been used to helping Umitsu Kaori do things, and is used to taking the master's goal as her own goal.

   Now being freed, Qingxue began to feel confused, not knowing what to do.

  She took Fang Cheng's neglect of her as a reason that she was not strong enough, so she kept working hard to become stronger. Every time she experienced hard battles and fights, she used this idea to motivate herself to regain her strength.

   Now I actually heard Fang Cheng say that I don't need him, so what is my hard work for the past six months?

  Qingxue felt as if a huge hole had been dug out of her whole heart in an instant, turning into nothingness.

  Fang Cheng looked at Qingxue in surprise.

  This snow cat, who had always been proud, indifferent, and unsmiling, unexpectedly showed a look of grievance at this moment.

   "Did you misunderstand something?"

  Fang Cheng explained: "It's not that I don't need you, I just hope that you don't work so hard and think about yourself more."

   "I'm your man, if I think for myself, then what am I?"

"That was not what I meant."

   "Then what do you need me to do?"

   "I need you to take care of yourself..."

   "Don't meet me with this sophistry."

Qingxue held Fang Cheng's shoulders tightly with both hands, and her usually cold voice trembled slightly: "You will be my master for the rest of your life, don't say 'I don't need you' to me, This is negating the value of my existence."

  I can no longer return to Iron Casting Palace, nor can I return to my adoptive mother.

  If even Fang Cheng doesn't need him, what else can he do?

  Fang Cheng has destroyed the brand of loyalty and gave Qingxue a free body.

  But she was at a loss, unable to see the way ahead, nor the goal to strive for.

  Fang Cheng noticed the mist in Qingxue's eyes, and seeing her biting her lower lip with an aggrieved look, realized that he had been ignoring her mental state for the past six months.

  Just listening to her words, Fang Cheng guessed about her current psychological state pretty well.

  Because of her living environment since she was a child, Qingxue habitually thinks about the interests and goals of her master, and considers serving her master as her survival value.

   This may have been intentionally cultivated by Yuguang Kaori, and it was very successful. Qingxue is now a perfect tool man, or should be said to be a tool cat.

  Once Fang Cheng stopped using it, the tool cat began to fall into self-doubt.

   "I'm not denying your survival value."

  Fang Cheng was very helpless: "The main reason is that I really have nothing to entrust to you. I can't ask you to help me solve my physical needs, right?"

  As soon as she finished speaking, Qingxue felt her body go stiff.

   "You are... hopelessly scum."

  Qingxue's eyes seemed to be looking at some non-recyclable garbage: "If it's just to solve the physiological needs, isn't Rin alone enough?"

  Fang Cheng let out a disdainful laugh: "Kanzaki Rin? He's just a war scum."

  In fact, Kanzaki Rin's combat effectiveness is still very strong, at least overnight.

   But it is far behind Fang Cheng.

   "Maybe I should cleanse your brain thoroughly and get rid of those dirty thoughts."

  Qingxue's cheeks were gradually blushing, but she pretended to be calm and said: "But before that, this job...I will try my best to do it well."

   There is even a sense of humiliation. In order to become a useful talent, she has been working hard to learn various professional knowledge and skills since she was a child.

   It turned out to be less attractive than a body.

   Seeing that she seemed to be serious, Fang Cheng was surprised and said: "I just said that casually, just joking with you."

   "You don't need to say, Master Cheng, I understand."

   "You know what the hell."

  Why no one believed me when I told the truth.

  Qingxue has fallen into a strange obstinacy, believing that Fang Cheng has plans for her, but she just refuses to admit it.

  After all, everyone knows that Fang Cheng is an LSP, and he especially likes those with big breasts, and Qingxue just happens to have very big breasts.

   But Fang Cheng's heart is really pure. Now he is wasting a lot of time just paying public rations to Kanzaki Rin and Asaka Akemi every day, and he has no time to do other things.

   Nangong Saya has been giving him hints, and Takeda Masumi and Sato Mai have also been eyeing him.

   If he really wanted to, he can now live without touching the ground every day-24 hours in bed.

  Seeing that Qingxue fell into a strange obsession, Fang Cheng was not interested in correcting her.

  As long as she keeps herself clean, she can't force her, right?

  After injecting the heavenly medicine, Fang Cheng tested Qingxue's physical strength and magic skills.

  Heavenly God Medicine has improved her quite well, especially black art, which is stronger than Sato Hayato, and is infinitely close to the trump card.

  With her physical strength, she can be regarded as a trump card without any problem.

   In this way, Machinery City has three trump cards.

  After the test, Fang Cheng and she left the training ground and returned to the apartment. Ye Yuqing had already returned.

  The gargoyle and the two-headed dog have been captured alive by her, and they are being held in the prison of the Mechanical City.

  Fang Cheng took the time to take a look, and used mind reading on the two monsters.

   They indeed belonged to Alcmene's subordinates, and under the order of Alcmene, they went to East Asia to investigate the situation in Hokkaido.

  Alcmene already has the credentials to compete for the Lord of the Ten Thousand Monsters, and will come to Hokkaido himself when the time comes.

  Gargoyles and two-headed dogs have been in Hokkaido for a while. They were originally in the suburbs to understand the geographical situation and the branch of various monster groups.

  But Alcmene suddenly sent a message, asking them to focus on the Mechanical City, and to hide in the Mechanical City as much as possible if necessary.

  As for why Alcmene did this, the two monsters were not clear.

  Fang Cheng was not in a good mood after reading his thoughts.

  Alcmene is a Western European monster and a strong contender for the Lord of Monsters, with unfathomable strength.

   It is really not a good thing that Machinery City is being targeted by such a dangerous guy.

  Fang Cheng killed these two guys casually, and touched 4 lives, a rock body, and the ability of a swamp gas, which is better than nothing.

   As night fell, Rin Kanzaki returned home from get off work from the government.

  She doesn't often go out all night, and she still comes back occasionally.

   In order to prevent the backyard from being caught on fire and being eaten clean by Fang Cheng, a pervert, he must be supervised from time to time.

  She greeted the others, but she missed Chaoxiang Minghui, and of course Ye Yuqing, the brat who always provoked her.

  Akie Asaka didn't say "Welcome back" to her in the past.

  The cold war between the two has been going on for a long time, and everyone around them knows about it and dare not persuade them.

   After all, Kanzaki Rin is the deputy head, and Asaka Minghui is the confidant big sister with a high status. It is not good to support anyone, so they simply don't stand in line.

  However, the cold war between the two also silenced people like Nangong Shaye who tried to dig into the wall. If they dared to die at this time, they would definitely be targeted.

   Haruyuki's return was welcomed by Kanzaki Rin sincerely.

  Although this sneaky cat is flirting with his own man, but since they are both good friends, he will definitely support him.

   Because of Qingxue's return, a special dinner was held tonight, but it ended up falling into a weird atmosphere.

  Everyone is working hard to activate the atmosphere, but it is always difficult to enter the state.

   Takeda Masumi, who was eating, suddenly froze.

  Under the dining table, a foot was rubbing against hers under the dining table, very ambiguous.

  She looked up at Fang Cheng, who had nothing to do with her, and cursed secretly in her heart.

  This **** is not honest when eating.

   Then quietly gave birth to his other foot.


   Chaoxiang Minghui, who was burying her head in her meal, paused, and glanced at Fang Cheng with complaining but slightly charming eyes.


   Nangong Shaye glanced at Fang Cheng quickly and secretly with the sound of coughing.

   and the feet under the dining table are intimately entangled.

   Opposite her, Sato Mai blushed and lowered her head, her whole face was about to be buried in the bowl.

  Qingxue is very calm, but if you look carefully, you can see that her hand holding the chopsticks is shaking slightly.

  This... guy full of filthy thoughts is really serious, and he dares to tease himself with his feet while eating.

  Umitsu Kaori was stretching out her chopsticks to pick up vegetables, but her body shook and she almost couldn't pick it up.

  She didn't look at Fang Cheng at all, but she was ashamed and annoyed in her heart, how dare this **** tease herself at this time.

  But apart from embarrassment and annoyance, I also deeply felt a strong sense of stimulation.

   Nine-tailed Fox has the most elegant eating posture, but it is almost impossible to maintain it at this moment.

  If it wasn't that she couldn't beat Fang Cheng, she really wanted to put her job directly on Fang Cheng's face.

   This pervert is indeed coveting her, her feet are retreating again and again, and she dares to chase after her.

  The calmest one is Kanzaki Rin, who doesn't care about being molested, just thinks that Fang Cheng has a sudden brain twitch.


   At this moment, Yueguang Chuxia, who was eating the chicken leg, screamed: "Who pinches me?"

  She bent down to look under the dining table, then straightened up abruptly, her three views collapsed, and she seemed to suspect that she had run too long this afternoon and had hallucinations.

  The fat cat looked around and subconsciously said, "Your feet..."

   Phew! call out! call out!

  Chicken legs, ribs, meatballs, etc., more than a dozen dishes flew over and hit her in the mouth and face.

  Yueguang Chuxia screamed and fell down without moving.

  She was not knocked out, but felt a lot of murderous intent locking herself.

  If you dare to tell what you saw under the dining table, it will definitely be made into a cat cake.

  Fang Cheng lowered his head and glanced down. Everyone's feet were tucked in neatly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

   Finally sighed: "Fortunately, there is no beriberi."

  The dinner ended in a weird atmosphere.

  Fang Cheng gathered everyone in the living room after dinner, and told about what Qingxue brought and the discovery of two monsters today.

  After listening, the atmosphere became dignified.

  The increase of foreign monsters means that the time to compete for the master of all monsters is approaching.

  However, they don't know much about the specific situation of the Lord of Demons. They only know that this will be a big event with a huge impact, a huge scope, and a strong destructive force.

  The Cast Iron Palace will be affected by then, so why not the Machinery City.

  This is already their home and career, and it must not be allowed to be destroyed.

  Fang Cheng must protect the Machinery City, but Iron Casting Palace is also counting on him, Gui Yunji has paid so much, she almost warmed Fang Cheng's bed herself, maybe she is counting on him to help when the time comes.

   But the difference between the two sides is so far, the end can not look at each other.

  Rin Kanzaki realized the seriousness of the situation, and temporarily put aside the cold war with Akee Asaka.

Everyone gathered together to discuss for a while, and finally Rin Kanzaki said: "We must first eliminate all potential threats in the mechanical city, such as these two monsters today, and then find a way to figure out what kind of competition is the master of all monsters. How long it lasts and how big the scope is, we can make a response as soon as possible, and finally consider the way out. If it is impossible, we must save the population as much as possible.”

  Fang Cheng had no objection, but looked at Nine-Tailed Fox: "How much do you know about the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

  The eyes of the others also fell on Nine-Tailed Fox.

  As one of the three legendary monsters in District 11, if you want to know the Lord of Monsters, no one is more suitable than her.

   "What do you see me doing?"

  Nine-tailed fox smiled and said: "I'm just a 16-year-old little fox, I don't necessarily know..."

  Fang Cheng interrupted her: "If you don't know, then from now until the Lord of the Thousand Monsters, you should stop playing games, or I will play once I see you."

   "Not necessarily knowing means knowing."

  Nine-tailed fox gave Fang Cheng a hard look, and then said: "I just said what happened last time, whether it will be the same this time, I don't know."

   "Have you participated?"

   "No, I heard from a good friend."

   While saying this, Nine-Tailed Fox glanced at Umitsu Kaori with a smile, which made her feel baffled.

  The competition for the master of all monsters has only been held once so far, and many monsters have not spoken about it in detail. Only the survivors of that year know what happened.

  Although Nine-Tailed Fox has inherited the memory of Tamamo, it is a pity that he does not know much about it.

  She only knows that the position of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Monsters competition is not fixed. Some time before the start, those big monsters who are qualified to compete will passively obtain location information.

  The area of ​​competition is huge, and it is no problem to include the whole of Hokkaido. At that time, the whole area will fall into a special state.

  In this particular state, all competitors are randomly assigned positions, and other creatures who are accidentally involved are lucky, because the entire area will become dangerous.

  Each competitor has a certificate, and their goal is to kill other competitors and seize the other party's certificate.

  People who often play games have weird faces after hearing this rule.

   "Isn't this the battle royale mode?"

   "You can say that."

  Fang Cheng frowned and said, "How did I hear that the certificate was created by the survivors during the first competition for the Lord of the Thousand Monsters?"

  Nine-tailed fox shrugged and said: "The certificate appeared during the first competition for the Lord of the Thousand Monsters, mainly as a proof of the winner, and later those survivors made their own claims and used the certificate as a qualification to participate."

  Fang Cheng and Yuguang Kaori looked at each other, and asked in unison: "What is the certificate?"

   Thanks: tiyosame, Xiangshanmo, Qiuguofen, Taipei Anran for their tip! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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