Chapter 533 Uninvited Guest

  Due to the shortage of housing resources, the per capita living area of ​​Machinery City is not large.

  This three-story building should house three households, each with a floor.

  When Qingxue slipped in from the balcony on the top floor, she found that the smell of blood inside was stronger, but the house was very clean, and there were no dead bodies or blood left.

  She looked down at the floor where the **** smell came from, her eyes gradually turned blue.

   On the clean floor, large dark marks soon appeared in her field of vision, and there were a few less obvious palm prints. This was the source of the **** smell.

  Just looking at these traces, Qingxue has already made up some pictures in her brain.

  The monster broke into the house and easily killed all three residents in the building. The victim struggled and fell to the ground, blood flowing all over the place.

  Bodies and blood were removed, and even the floor was wiped clean.

  However, the oxidase in the blood will penetrate into the floor within a short contact time, and it cannot be removed by simple cleaning.

   Just get some dihydrofluorescein to detect it.

  Of course Qingxue can't do chemistry, but she can use black magic to tell whether blood has flowed here.

  The residents of this building should have encountered an accident.

  As a monster, she didn't have too many turmoil in her heart, and walked down quietly.

  The living room on the second floor has been messed up. Two suspects are nestled on the sofa, one is playing games on a mobile phone, and the other is using a laptop to transfer the photos taken to the network.

  Qingxue noticed that there was a lot of household garbage in the living room. It seemed that the two had been hiding here for a while.

  The person fiddling with the computer quickly uploaded all the photos, and then said: "Black dog, the task is completed, we will leave tonight."

   "Bat, what did you say?"

  The black dog who was playing the game raised his head: "Didn't the boss tell us to lurk in the mechanical city as much as possible?"

   "There is no chance."

  The bat shook his head, with a solemn expression: "There is news that the Blood Emperor may have quietly returned to the Mechanic City. We killed too many people, and it will be dangerous."

  In addition to killing the three households here, he and the black dog occasionally go out at night to rob some humans and come back.

  The man eats it directly, and the woman eats it after playing with it.

  Because there are too many outsiders in the Mechanical City recently, the public security has declined, and missing cases are inevitable.

   But there are too many of them. Recently, Mech City has begun to strengthen patrols.

  Seeing that the bat said it seriously, the black dog didn't take it seriously: "The emperor is also a vampire, so why would he trouble us because of a dozen humans?"

   "Be careful and there is no big mistake."

  The bat glanced at the living room: "Besides, this place is about to be exposed."

  The disappearance of the three families can be concealed in the short term, but it will definitely be discovered after a long time.

  The bat is the leader of this operation. He insists on leaving, but the black dog can only obey. It's a pity that this relaxed and leisurely task cannot continue.

   Just when the two decided to evacuate at night, the whole living room suddenly became dark.

   Not only the lights were turned off, but even the light projected from the window was blocked, and the living room became invisible.


  The bat immediately turned off the glowing computer, then slipped under the sofa and hid in the gap between the sofa and the coffee table.

  The lazy black dog also quickly dropped the phone and slipped down to meet the bat back to back.

   Just looking at the reflections, these two are definitely battle-tested fighters.

  A pair of huge blue eyes emerged from the darkness, staring down at the two of them.

   Both the bat and the black dog were taken aback. They felt a strong sense of oppression from these eyes.

   This is definitely a big monster level monster.

  A cold voice sounded: "Which monster are you subordinate to, what are you doing in Mechanic City?"

  The bat slowly stood up from the ground, and said in a respectful tone: "Your Excellency, we are under Lord Alcmene, and we have no malicious intentions in coming to Mechanic City."

  Alcmene is a half-human, half-spider female monster in ancient Greek legend.

  She was the wife of King Amphitryon of Thebes. She was seduced and raped by the most famous old Zeus, the most famous Greek animal lover, and later gave birth to the very famous Hercules Helecules.

Alcmene was proficient in weaving, once challenged Athena to weaving skills, and committed suicide because of defeat. Athena reincarnated her soul as a spider, with a woman in the upper body and a spider in the lower body, with eight legs like a spider. Weaves endlessly in a giant spider web. Legend has it that she will parasitize people's brains and devour people's will.

   This female monster lives in a cave underground in Western Europe, and is a very famous traditional monster.

  The strength is unfathomable. No one knows how powerful she is. Every monster and superpower who wants to kill her is gone forever.

  Alcmene may participate in this competition for the Lord of All Monsters, and it is also possible to send people to Hokkaido in advance.

   But why did they focus on Mech City?

  Qingxue thought about it, and her eyes showed a hint of sarcasm: "You said there was no malice?"

  Bat immediately realized that the conversation between him and the black dog had been overheard.

  He didn't panic, but explained: "We are just doing the necessary understanding of a strange city according to the usual practice. If you think it is inappropriate, we can apologize."

   This is indeed a common practice, and there are so many agents in Mech City, it is not unusual for them to take pictures like this.

  Qingxue said coldly: "You killed someone."

  The bat showed a surprised expression, almost thinking he heard it wrong.

  They are all monsters, what happened to killing a few people?

  Although he also used this reason to persuade the black dog just now, he also disagreed in his heart.

   "What's wrong with killing people, I still eat people..."

  The black dog yelled in dissatisfaction, the bat quickly held him down, and said to Qingxue: "Your Excellency, we are all monsters, you don't want to trouble us just because of a few people?"

  Qingxue stared at them coldly: "This is the Mechanical City, if you kill people casually, you are disrespecting the ruler of the entire city."

   To maintain the stability and order of the Mechanical City, monsters must not be allowed to kill people casually.

  Bat asked: "What are you going to do with us?"

  Qingxue wanted to ask more about the situation from these two guys, and replied: "Surrender, I will not kill you."

"Oh well."

  The bat sighed resignedly, his body suddenly swelled, tearing all the clothes on his body.

  The same is true for the black dog who has a tacit understanding with him, and his body also swells and grows.

  The next moment, a large amount of icy cold air descended from the air, directly enveloping the transforming bat and black dog.

  The sharp drop in temperature instantly froze their bodies, and ice condensed on their skin and clothes.

   Not only the two of them, but also the surrounding furniture and garbage were frozen, and even the moisture in the air was frozen into powdered ice chips.

  The chill quickly spread to the surrounding walls, freezing the walls into a thick layer of ice.

  She was planning to freeze the entire building into popsicles and completely confine the two suspects.


   There was a loud bang.

  The two frozen guys suddenly opened up the ice layer on their bodies, swelled up into a huge monster, smashed through the frozen wall, and jumped outside.

  It was broad daylight outside, the light was bright, and the images of the two monsters were suddenly exposed to the sun.

  The bat turned into a demon with a head, horns, wings and a tail.

  The black dog turns into a huge black two-headed dog with a snake tail.

  Haruyuki has supplemented traditional monster data from all over the world, including photos and images, so she immediately recognized what monsters these two guys are.

  The image of the devil is a gargoyle. In the earliest times, a gargoyle was just a kind of drainpipe statue used to decorate the eaves of medieval Gothic architecture.

  Later in the legend, it gradually evolved into a demon that would move at night.

  They hunt in groups in the dark. They have rock bodies and tough skins, and they are quite resistant to magic and sorcery.

  The two-headed giant dog is Orthus, who is said to be the brother of the **** dog Cerberus. He guarded the red bulls for a giant named Geryon, and was finally beaten to death by Hercules.

  Gargoyles and Otter Hughes are very famous traditional monsters in the West, and they are strong enough to break free from Qingxue's imprisonment.

  The appearance of the two monsters attracted the attention of the people nearby, but the residents of the Machinery City have long developed the reflex conditions to encounter danger.

  No passerby dared to come to watch, and all of them fled to a safe place immediately.

   There were still many passers-by on the road, but they all ran away in a blink of an eye.

  Qingxue appeared on the roof, still in the form of a cat, looking down at the two monsters below.

  A huge chill enveloped the surroundings in an instant, causing the surrounding temperature to drop sharply. In the blink of an eye, it went from hot summer to cold winter, and it seemed that even the weather became dark.

  The gargoyle and the two-headed dog also noticed Qingxue standing on the roof and attacked her at the same time.

  The gargoyle spread its wings, and charged towards Qingxue.

  The two-headed dog spits out two mouths at the same time, spitting out the flames and swamp gas from hell.

  Facing dangerous enemies, these two monsters didn't dare to leave any room at all, and they used all their strength when they made a move.

  Qingxue stared at them with indifferent eyes, the eyes were full of coldness, and the icy wind suddenly blew, the coldness froze the dust into solid ice cones, and shot them down at the two monsters.

  The flames and poisonous gas emitted by the two-headed dog were all blown back by the strong wind, scorching his hair.

  Relying on its rocky body, the gargoyle crushed all the ice cones that were shot in the face, and rushed to the roof in a blink of an eye.

  Qingxue didn't move, countless frost condensed into a huge ice cube in the air, and fell towards the gargoyle.

  The gargoyle **** its wings flexibly to avoid the ice attack.

   Then two arms suddenly stretched out from the ice block, grabbing the Gargoyle's wings.

  He let out an exclamation, and was carried by the ice and fell to the ground.

  The huge ice block was not smashed, but rapidly increased and deformed. In a blink of an eye, it turned into an ice giant whose height was close to a three-story building. With two huge fists, it caught the gargoyle and began to beat it wildly.

  The two-headed dog subconsciously rushed to help, but found that his limbs were frozen by the ground.

  The frost falling around him also turned into giant ice wolves, pounced on him and bit him.

   In a blink of an eye, the two monsters fell into a bitter fight.

  Qingxue was lying on the roof watching, when suddenly a pair of hands stretched out behind her, hugging her.

  Qingxue seemed defenseless and let her hug her.

  But the next moment, her whole cat slammed into countless sharp ice cubes.

  These ice cubes are as strong as iron, and they are extremely sharp, which can easily cut through the steel plate.

   This move was originally used to counter the sneak attack, but it fell on the hands of the sneak attack, but it had no effect.

  Ye Yuqing stared blankly at the ice cubes that fell all over the floor: "Oh, why did it shatter when touched?"

  She has nothing to do recently, and started to help maintain law and order in the mechanical city, killing those people and monsters who dare to cause trouble.

  I just got a report that there are monsters making trouble here, and when I rushed over immediately, I saw Qingxue beating two monsters.

  She wanted to tease the cat, so she approached it quietly from behind, ready to pick it up and stroke it.

   I didn't expect that it would shatter when she touched it.

"Who are you?"

   A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.

  Ye Yuqing looked back, Qingxue appeared behind her, looking at her with vigilant eyes,

  She put her hands on her hips and laughed: "Guess!"

  Qingxue looked her up and down, and said strangely: "Ye Yuqing, when did you have your own body?"

  Ye Yuqing suddenly clicked his tongue in displeasure: "Why don't you cooperate?"

  Since returning from North America, anyone can guess her identity, which is really not a sense of accomplishment.

  Qingxue said coldly: "Ye Yuqing, you are still so boring."

  Ye Yuqing moved to Qingxue's side like a flash, and grabbed her again in disbelief: "Call me Sister Yuqing, or I will shave all your hair."

  Qingxue let Ye Yuqing touch her, and the whole cat slammed again and turned into ice.

  The frost in the distance gathered together and re-condensed into a snow-white and elegant cat.

  Qingxue glanced at Ye Yuqing with mentally retarded eyes, and said coldly: "The next two monsters will be handed over to you. It's best to catch the alive ones. I'll go back first."

   On the one hand, she doesn't want to get entangled with this brat, on the other hand, she wants to go back to see Fang Cheng as soon as possible.

  After being separated for several months, the anticipation of the upcoming reunion is like the warm sunshine, melting her already cold heart.

  Ye Yuqing looked at Qingxue who was leaving, and directly raised a middle finger: "Damn, why are you pulling the cat?"

  With Qingxue's departure, the ice giant and giant wolf also disappeared.

  The gargoyle and the two-headed dog were finally able to catch their breath.

  They looked up and found that the enemy had changed to a new one, and it was a woman who was as beautiful as a goddess.

   The two-headed dog stared blankly, and the two dogs drooled from their mouths.

  The gargoyle also lost his mind for a moment. He came back to his senses and said to his accomplice: "This woman's strength seems to be weaker than that cat just now. Let's not love to fight, and work together to break through."

  Even though he was very quiet, Ye Yuqing still heard him.

   The anger in my heart burst out all at once, actually saying that I am weaker than that stealing cat?

  She put on the silver armor directly, condensed black flames into a giant sword, and swooped down from the roof of the building.

  The aura of acting as a proxy erupted, instantly causing the gargoyle and the two-headed dog to go limp and fall to the ground.

   Just as Ye Yuqing was venting his anger on the two monsters, the Machinery City ushered in two more uninvited guests.

  One is a young woman in a windbreaker with sunglasses and a mask on her face.

  The other one is a glamorous lady with a beautiful appearance.

  If Kanzaki Rin was here, he would be able to recognize it at a glance. This glamorous lady looks exactly like Nine-Tailed Fox.

   Thanks: tiyosame, Xiangshanmo, Jujiu 99, Qiuguofen, Pianpiangongzi 66 for their rewards! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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