As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 526: Maybe it's love at first sight

  Chapter 526 This might be love at first sight

  Hokkaido, Machinery City.

   Jiutiao Lily pushed open the door, with a radiant appearance, like a moistened flower after the rain.

"nice weather today!"

  She looked up at the clear and cloudless sky, then turned her head to the room and said, "Hayato, the trade fair is about to start, let's go out."

  There was a nana voice in the house: "This...isn't so good..."

   "Oh, what's wrong, you don't have to go to the government building today anyway."

   "No... no more, if I meet someone I know, I will lose face."

   "Didn't you often wear it before? What are you afraid of!"

  No matter how Kujo Lily persuaded, Sato Hayato refused to come out.

  In the end, Kutiao Lily grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house.

  I saw an extremely pure and beautiful beauty appearing in front of the gate. She had smooth black hair, skin as white as snow, and long eyelashes hanging on her big eyes.

  Wearing a pleated princess dress, revealing two straight and slender thighs, and wearing white stockings that many women find difficult to control.

   "Hayato, no, I should call you Hayato now, you are so beautiful."

  Under Kujo Yuri's strong request, Sato Hayako put on women's clothing again.

  But she didn't really resist.


  Today is the day when the Machinery City holds a trade fair.

  District 11 On the side of Honshu Island, a large number of businessmen brought samples across the strait to the Machinery City.

  Similarly, under the arrangement of Iron Casting Palace, monsters also brought many samples of local products here.

  The reason why there is such a trade fair is mainly because Rin Kanzaki miscalculated the size of the market in the Yokai Kingdom.

  She originally thought that the Mech City alone would be enough to eat up the entire monster market, but it turned out that she was thinking too much.

  Even if the factory in Machinery City has been working overtime for 24 hours, the production capacity can't satisfy the growing appetite of monsters.

  Finally, Rin Kanzaki decided to simply open up the products from District 11, and let them come in to fill the gap in the market.

  Mechanical City can be built into a trading capital, and the excess population can also be transformed into a service industry.

  Relying on Fang Cheng's terrifying strength and the relationship with Iron Cast Palace, the 11th district government dared not interfere at all, and no capital with short-sightedness dared to mess around.

  The Chamber of Commerce and Trade is located in the central square of the Machinery City. Many businessmen from District 11 rushed to the square immediately after dropping their salutes.

  Many items of monsters are scarce items that can’t be bought even if you want to buy them. If you go late, you may be robbed of them all.

  The same is true for Kujo father and son.

  Father Taro Kujo, who runs a processing factory on Honshu Island, is planning to come to the Machinery City this time to expand sales channels.

  Son Kujogo, formerly an intern in the Countermeasures Department, quit his job as an intern at his father's request after the Tokyo Incident, and returned home to inherit the family business.

  This time I came to Mech City, on the one hand, to protect my father’s safety, and on the other hand, it was his selfishness.

  The culprits of the Tokyo Incident—Fang Cheng & Kanzaki Rin, the fact that these two men went to Hokkaido and took the Mechanical City by force is no secret within the Tokyo government.

  Even Kujogo, an intern, already knew about this, but he cared more about another person—Hayako Sato.

  Maybe her real name is Sato Hayato, but in Kujogo's heart, she will always be Hayato.

  Although Sato Hayako’s whereabouts have been unknown, since Fang Cheng and Kanzaki Rin are both in Mech City, Sato Hayako must be here too.

   Long time no see, I thought I would completely forget Hayako Sato.

  But he found that he was wrong. He missed this 'woman' more and more, missed her coquettishness and shame, and missed her every frown and smile.

   This time I followed my father to the Mech City to find Sato Hayako.

  Kujogo wants to tell Hayako that even if she has a handle, he is willing to create loopholes for her.

  He is ready to settle down in the Machinery City, and he won’t go back if he can’t find it.

  Father and son rented a room soon after entering the Machinery City.

  Kujogo was about to go out, but Kujo Taro called him: "Xiaowu, where are you going?"

  Kujogo hesitated for a moment: "I'm going to find my cousin. Didn't uncle say she's hiding in the Mechanical City?"

   "Come on, you have a normal relationship with Lily, how could you care about her."

  Kujo Taro has a serious face: "I know you're going to find the woman who abandoned you, why are you so stupid, what's the use of being a beautiful woman, it's not worth making you so hungry."

  Kujogo argued loudly: "Whispering, Hayako is different."

   Kujo Taro scolded: "What's the difference? It's not that there are two eyes and one mouth. I will never let such a woman of unknown origin marry into our Jiujo family."

  The father and son quarreled endlessly. Kujo Taro didn't want to break up with his son because of a woman, so he had to back down a step: "At least accompany me to the trade fair, otherwise what should I do if I get eaten by a monster?"

   "If you are eaten by a monster."

  Kujogo clenched his fists: "I will find your remains in the monster feces, don't worry."

   "Then you are really filial, why didn't I think of shooting you on the wall?"

   Kujo Taro expressed his concern and love for his son with his fist.

  Kujowu finally followed his father to the Chamber of Commerce with two panda eyes on his face.

  The square where the chamber of commerce is located is already crowded with people, and many policemen are maintaining order.

  Kujo father and son were already mentally prepared to see many strange monsters.

   However, after arriving at the square, I realized that there are all humans here, and I didn't see a single monster.

   "Strange, isn't there a lot of monsters here?"

  Although Kujo Taro was puzzled, he still dragged his son into the crowd.

  Although the police are maintaining order, the flow of people is too much, so much that there is no place to stay.

  Jiu Tiao father and son were quickly dispersed in the crowd, and could only call each other to report that they were safe, and then reassembled when they got back.

   After shopping around, Taro Kujo realized that he came too late, and there was no one left for the merchandise booth, and it would only take a few days for it to be vacant.

  In addition to human products, there are also many youkai specialties for sale, but the sellers seem to be all humanoid.

  Kujo Taro grabbed a passerby: "Smith Marseille, may I ask if this is a trade meeting with monsters? Why can't I see any monsters?"

  The passer-by glanced at him, and his mouth suddenly split open below his ears, revealing a **** mouth: "Are you talking about me?"

  In order not to frighten the businessmen who came to Hokkaido, Rin Kanzaki specially asked Iron Cast Palace to send some humanoid monsters over, whose appearance was almost indistinguishable from humans.


   Kujo Taro didn't know this, he was instantly startled by the deformed monster, and subconsciously fell backwards.

   Just as he was about to fall to the ground, a hand reached out from the side and grabbed him, preventing him from falling to the ground.

   This is a small hand as white as snow, slender and beautiful as a work of art.

  Kujo Taro looked up along his little hand, and saw a long-haired, soft, charming big beauty.

  His heart skipped a beat, thinking he saw an angel.

  How can there be such a cute girl in the world?

  Hayako Sato saw Taro Kujo's sluggish look, and asked softly, "Uncle, are you alright?"

   This voice is so nice, it's almost like a lark singing, crisp and soft.

   Seeing Taro Kujo in a daze, Sato Hayako reached out and shook his hand in front of him: "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

  Kujo Taro shuddered and woke up from his sluggishness. The samples in his hand could not be grasped, and they all fell to the ground with a crash.

  He hurriedly squatted down to pick up things, and Sato Hayako also squatted down to help pick up things.

  Kujo Taro looked over quietly, and saw the girl with soft hair, elegant posture, and attractive red lips.

  Especially when she stroked the hair around her ears with her fingers, revealing her small and exquisite ears and snow-white neck, she looked particularly feminine.

   Seemingly noticing Taro Kujo's gaze, Hayako Sato turned around and smiled.

   Kujo Taro felt that he was too rude, he hurriedly lowered his head to pick up something, not daring to take another look.

  (end of this chapter)

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