As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 515: There is a psychological shadow

  Chapter 515 has a psychological shadow

  The dazzling golden light instantly pierced the night.

  Fang Cheng is like a **** coming down to earth, becoming a super giant over 60 meters in height, and his three heads and six arms have been completed, and he is no longer just a phantom like before.

  He slammed into the evil god, holding his body with six arms, and pushed hard.

  The height of 60 meters is already half higher than the body of the evil god, but it is not as wide as him.

  With Fang Cheng's push, the tendency of the evil **** to stay away from the gate immediately stopped, and the two sides stalemate.


  The evil **** roared in horror, and huge tentacles wrapped around Shangcheng's six arms.

  A huge round mouthparts slowly opened, which was covered with rings of sharp teeth.

  The tentacles have completely wrapped around Fang Cheng's eight limbs and body, pulling him into his mouth, trying to swallow him in one gulp.


  Fang Cheng's three heads showed angry faces at the same time, and the middle head shot out dazzling sun rays from his eyes.

  The head on the left opened its mouth and spewed out the scorching flames of net eclipse, while the head on the right opened its mouth and let out a dragon roar, and a bunch of shock waves shot out from the mouth.

  Three different attacks landed on the evil **** at the same time, causing mixed damage in an instant.

  The wrath of the dragon tore the body apart, eroded the demon fire and burned the flesh and blood.

  The sun's rays shot directly into the evil god's mouth, almost piercing his body.

  The evil **** braced Fang Cheng's attack, and continued to pull him to his mouth.

  At the same time, His red eyes fell on Fang Cheng, trying to pull him into the deep sea again.


  He felt crazy reminded.

  Fang Cheng is in a dilemma. If he hides, the evil **** will escape. If he doesn't hide, he will lose his life. He can still escape.

"give it to me!"

  Yi Xieai's voice suddenly sounded.

  A hazy female phantom appeared behind Fang Cheng, looming, even bigger than his 60-meter body.

  The female phantom suddenly opened her eyes. It was an indescribable vision, as dark and deep as a starry sky.

  The sights of the two gods meet, and in an instant, waves rise on the ground.

  Within ten kilometers around, whether it is the mouse hiding in the burrow in the suburbs or the human hiding in the ark, they all feel strongly suffocated at the same time, as if they are in the ocean and it is difficult to breathe.

   A trembling from the soul surged into the hearts of every creature.

  The evil god's attack was blocked.

  But Yi Xieai did not relax, but Fang Cheng made an anxious voice: "There is only less than half a minute left!"

  The open door has become extremely unstable, flickering like a TV with shorted wires.

   Naruto Tsukimi, who was supporting the gate below, was sweating profusely and was already crumbling.


   Fang Cheng shouted, and his 60-meter-high body suddenly shrank.

   Before the evil **** could react, he saw a shadow appearing in the dust and quickly enlarged.

  The next moment, a huge spaceship broke through the dust and hit it head-on.


  The ark, which was almost as huge as the evil god, slammed heavily into the body of the evil god, making a loud noise that shook the world.

  The impact angle created by Fang Cheng in the front of the spacecraft was smashed to pieces immediately.

   Immediately after is the main body of the spaceship, covered with a tortoise shell-like shield, tearing apart the body of the evil **** under the terrifying force.


  The evil **** let out a cry of pain, and his body was twisted and deformed by the collision.

  He tried his best to stabilize his body, but the weight of the ark was slightly heavier than him.

  Under the powerful power of the engine that can fly at sub-light speed, the entire spaceship has accelerated to the same speed as a fighter plane.

  The evil **** couldn't resist at all, and was pushed towards the door behind him.

   In the cockpit of the Ark, the energy reserve had already recovered to 70%, but it fell off a cliff again, and soon approached 10%.

  The energy is mainly consumed on the shield, but this thing is worthy of being an alien product. Before the energy is consumed, no matter what blow it suffers, it will not be damaged.

  Fang Cheng's avatars stood in the cockpit, turning a blind eye to the almost reduced energy reserve.

   Even if the reserve is exhausted, the inertia brought by the weight of the ark alone is enough to push the evil **** into the gate.

  When the evil god's body touched the door, it immediately shattered into pieces.

  But a vague figure can be seen vaguely, being pulled into the gate.

   "You two breakers!"

  The evil **** was incapable and furious, and uttered a roar that only gods and agents could understand: "I curse you!"

  The huge body was crushed into powder when it touched the gate, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The blurry figure exposed from the body was sucked into the vast and deep starry sky behind the door.

  His voice gradually diminished until it disappeared.

  When the body of the evil **** was completely shattered, and the coming will was sucked in by the gate, Tsukimi Naruto quickly retracted the giant sword.

  The whole gate is like a mirror flower and water moon with countless ripples, which disappear in a blink of an eye.

   The ark bumped into it head-on, and hit nothing.

  The avatars on the ship moved quickly to stop the accelerating ark.

  Fang Cheng escaped the impact of the ark, and stood tall in the sky at this moment, looking at the direction where the gate disappeared.

   "Behind the gate...what the **** is it?"

  He was just talking to himself, and didn't expect Yi Xieai to answer.

  But this time, Yi Xieai spoke up: "There is...hell...even the evil gods don't want to stay..."

  Her tone was slightly melancholy, as if she was answering, but also seemed to be expressing emotion.

  Fang Cheng was very surprised, and immediately probed: "So you have always wanted to come to reality?"

  This time, Yi Xieai didn't answer, but asked instead: "Did you forget something?"

"Oh yes!"

  Fang Cheng almost forgot the most important thing, and hurried down to look for it.

  Mother's left arm has been in the body of the evil god, and he is very worried that the left arm will be sent into the gate along with the evil god.

  But Yi Xieai did not lie. After the body of the evil **** was destroyed by the gate, the mother's left arm was immediately separated from his body and fell to the ground.

   Before falling to the ground, Tsukimi Naruto caught him.

  When Fang Cheng approached, Yue Jianming handed him his left arm.

  Fang Cheng did not accept it immediately, but asked: "Isn't the mother's body what you have always wanted? Why did you give it to me?"

  In fact, he also wants it, after all, this is a real cheat.

   But his mother's body would replace his own, which disturbed him.

  If the whole person is replaced, is he still himself?

  Will the mother take herself away and resurrect her?

  Fang Cheng has read too many conspiracy theories, and he has a psychological shadow about it.

  Yue Jianming replied in his usual indifferent tone: "The place where we are, no matter can enter, so we can only deposit it with you first."

  Fang Cheng had no better reason to refuse, so he could only reach out to catch his mother's left arm.

  The moment he touched it, a familiar heat surged into his body along his fingers.

  The last time he got his mother's middle finger, he had already had a similar experience, so he was not surprised.

  I am quite looking forward to it. Last time, one **** had 114 lives. How many lives will there be with the half arm this time?

  Heat flowed continuously into his body, and some vague images flashed in Fang Cheng's mind.

   These pictures were there when I touched my **** last time, and now I can finally see them clearly, it seems to be a starry sky.

  It seems that something is traveling in the starry sky, and wherever it goes, the starlight is destroyed and turned into darkness.

  Indistinctly, another female sigh sounded in his heart, as it did last time.

  Is this...

   Fang Cheng had goose bumps all over his body.

   Fortunately, two lines of prompts appeared in the retina, waking him up.

  [Draining energy...]



  Fang Cheng gasped. Although he was mentally prepared, he still felt like he was hit by a big prize when he got nearly 700 lives in one breath.

  Originally there were 143 left, but now it has increased to 814 in one breath, and it is only less than two hundred away from breaking through four digits.

  When the life increased to 100, the system was upgraded, and it was not upgraded when the life was 200.

  He wondered if it would increase to 1000 before upgrading again.

  The unprecedented big harvest made Fang Cheng suppress the shadow in his heart, and now he has a lot of time to think about it.

  He looked down and saw that his mother's left arm had indeed merged with his own.

   Originally crystal clear, like a work of art, the skin color is slowly changing to be the same as her own.

  Fang Cheng is no longer surprised. Anyway, his demand for the **** is not right, but the demand for cheating is not low.

   Then the other party can only occupy the magpie's nest.

  Fang Cheng suddenly had a doubt in his heart. If this hand is used to strengthen weapons, should he touch himself or his mother?

   While he was meditating, his arm had completely merged with himself.

  The figure of the human body in my mind also responded.

  After the system was upgraded, a human body structure diagram with splayed limbs appeared in Fang Cheng's mind. There were broken marks on many joints and torso of this structure diagram, which seemed to be broken up and reassembled.

  This human body structure diagram usually does not respond, only when the mother's body and Fang Cheng are fused, there will be a reaction.

   Last time it was the middle finger, this time half of the left arm lit up.

  Like a jigsaw puzzle, a second piece has been put together.

   There is no doubt that the system has something to do with the mother.

  However, Yue Jianming can read Fang Cheng's thoughts, but never expresses any opinions on the system.

   She probably didn't even know the system existed.

  Fang Cheng's trust in Yi Xieai and Yue Jianming is actually very low, because he doesn't know what these two evil gods are going to do.

  At first, he was quite desperate, and he just lay flat like a salted fish, because he couldn't resist Yi Xieai, so he could only let her manipulate him.

  But after today, Fang Cheng discovered that the evil **** is not invincible.

   At least in the real world, their power is limited.

  As long as Fang Cheng is strong enough, he may not be unable to resist Yi Xie'ai's control.

  Of course that will be a matter of the future, and now he is still cooperating enough.

  Moving his left arm, it was no different from his own. Fang Cheng turned to Yue Jianming and said, "I have already obtained the things for you. How can I solve Ye Yuqing's soul problem?"

  Yue Jianming stared at Fang Cheng for a while, and then said: "Don't worry, a dangerous person is coming, you have to be careful."

   Thanks Xiangshanmo, Yimengxiaohongchen for your tip! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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