Chapter 513 God throws the ball

   This method of throwing garbage at high altitude was Fang Cheng's thought of it on the spur of the moment.

   But think about it carefully, isn't this exactly the same as the legendary space-based kinetic energy weapon system "God's Rod"?

  However, the Rod of God is still an unthinkable concept.

  Even with the kinetic energy and potential energy of its own fall, plus the fuel energy carried, the final power will not be much stronger than a launch vehicle.

   In the final analysis, the "Stand of God" as a weapon is too light, and with the existing rocket carrying capacity, it is impossible to send heavier things into the sky.

   Unless humans can analyze the technology of alien spacecraft engines.

   But Fang Cheng is different, the blood cell he created doesn't even know how heavy it is, it's comparable to a real meteorite.

  And the greater the mass, the more terrifying the power.

  Assume that Fang Cheng can create a meteorite with a diameter of about 10 kilometers and a mass of more than 1 trillion tons, or it should be called an asteroid, and then drop it from space.

  Then he alone can destroy the earth's ecological circle and kill all living things.

  Even now, with the blood cells he created, if thrown from a high place, the power would not be inferior to tactical nuclear weapons.

   In the future, to see who doesn't like it, just create a giant blood cell on top of the opponent's head and throw it down.

   This is definitely an unprecedented big move, the name can be called God throwing the ball.

  Now the evil **** is the first enemy to taste, and he has been immobilized by the blood cells on his body.

  He is not good at physics-based attacks, so he can't get rid of this blood cell in a short time.

  Fang Cheng stopped in the air and took a few breaths. He was very satisfied with his masterpiece, and said to Yue Jianming: "How is it? Is there enough delay now?"

  A flash of approval flashed in Tsukimi Naruto's indifferent eyes.

   Unexpectedly, Fang Cheng would think of using such a simple method to restrict the evil god.

   But although the method is simple, very few people can do it.

   Not everyone has Fang Cheng's blood loss.

  One person is more than a woman in a city.


  Yue Jianming replied, and then quickly selected an open lot.

  She raised the giant sword in her hand high, black flames ignited on the sword body, and rose towards the sky. In a blink of an eye, it exceeded a height of 100 meters, forming a huge pillar of fire.

   This flame is black, not only does it not emit light, but it swallows light like a black hole.

  Yue Jianming maintained this posture for a while, before holding the sword in both hands, he slashed forward.

   "EX—Curry Stick!"

  Of course it wasn't Yue Jianming who shouted it out, but Fang Cheng dubbed her in his heart.

  The long pillar of fire fell forward, drawing a straight black line.

  Look carefully, this black line is actually a black flame burning in the air.

  When Yue Jianming stopped, the giant sword had drawn a line of fire over a kilometer long, standing straight in the air.

  Yue Jianming did not take back the giant sword, and the black flame burning on the sword was still connected to the line of fire, which seemed to be providing power.

   A few seconds later, the line of fire slowly separated from the middle, like a door being pushed open.

  Behind the door is not pitch black, but full of stars of different sizes.

   Seeing this vast and deep starry sky, Fang Cheng immediately remembered the sacrificial ceremony that Walker held underground not long ago.

  That's when this starry sky appeared, and it seemed to be exactly the same.

  Recalling the rumor that Dr. X said that his mother might come from an alien, Fang Cheng quickly took out his mobile phone from the shadow and took a few photos of the starry sky.

   When I go back, let someone compare it.

   Naruto Tsukimi was 'opening the door', and the evil **** who was suppressed below seemed to be stimulated.


  Accompanied by the cry, the body of the evil **** vibrated, and shock waves visible to the naked eye radiated from his body round after round, constantly washing everything around him.

  Under this shock wave, the ground was gradually cracked, and the blood cells pressing on his body were also shaken out of cracks.

  If it goes on like this, it won’t take long for him to get out of trouble.

  Fang Cheng felt like being slapped in the face. Just now, he thought that the evil **** was not good at attacking methods in the physics department, so he gave himself a big mouth.

  Yue Jianming reminded: "Stop him, I can't move now."

   She is pushing the gate open with her own strength, unable to fight.

  Fang Cheng had no choice but to fly down again.

  The blood scattered around immediately condensed into countless sharp giant steel nails with threads, and shot them all at the evil **** who was struggling to break free.

  Most of the steel nails were shattered by the shock wave, only a small part pierced the evil god's body, and then spun into the flesh and blood.

  Fang Cheng was going to detonate it directly in His body, to be ruthless.

  However, the steel nail that entered the evil god's body was immediately contaminated by black venom, and it lost control directly, making Fang Cheng's plan come to nothing.

  The whole body of this thing is highly poisonous, and it is not known whether the mother's left arm will be polluted in his body.

   The evil god's two huge eyes suddenly looked over.

  Fang Cheng was taken aback, he didn't want to be pulled into the bottom of the sea again and drowned.

  The blood scattered around immediately condensed into Fang Cheng's appearance, and quickly flew in all directions, blocking the evil god's sight.

   At the same time, he also raised the sun ray to level 4.

   Health: -85

   Remaining: 224

   sun ray lv4

   In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Fang Cheng were created, and quickly flew to all parts of the evil god's body.

  All Fang Cheng shot hot and bright rays from their eyes at the same time. The dark night was instantly illuminated by a large golden light.

  The power of the fourth-level sun rays has surpassed that of Joanna, a superwoman who rarely exercises her abilities.

  The high temperature of thousands of degrees will melt and vaporize everything along the way, sinking deep into the body of the evil god, and vaporizing the black venom.

  Sun rays belong to the omnipotent ability, with extremely high potential, and when it reaches the limit, it can directly turn objects into a plasma state.

  Hundreds of Fang Cheng started cutting around the evil god, and the sun rays were like golden lasers, cutting off the evil god's flesh and body one by one.

  Fang Cheng felt that if he gave himself time, he could serve this evil **** on a plate.


  The evil god's cry was magical, and wherever he went, these clones created by Fang Cheng grew tentacles on their bodies, breaking through their chests.

   This trick is a bit like heterosexual parasitism, but it doesn't need a face-hugger, and can directly plant larvae into the target's body.

   Feeds on the flesh of the target, eventually transforming into a twisted monster.

  Even Fang Cheng himself was no exception, feeling that something appeared in his chest, swallowing the essence of life and growing rapidly.

  He directly controlled the blood and strangled the little thing in his chest.

  The hundreds of clones around have turned into distorted monsters, which look like small evil gods, and are more powerful than the monsters that parasitize ordinary humans.

   The offense and defense reversed, Fang Cheng was surrounded by hundreds of little evil gods in an instant, and quickly shouted to Yuejian: "Are you ready?"

  Yue Jianming has already pushed the door open to the limit, behind the door is a vast and deep starry sky, just looking at it seems to be sucked in.

  The burning line of fire on the edge of the door suddenly shot out countless thick black chains, falling towards the evil god.

   "Get your ball away!"

  Yuejianming, the other party sincerely transmitted the voice.

  Fang Cheng hurriedly vaporized the blood ball and disappeared, and hundreds of small evil gods around him had already pounced on them.


  The deafening dragon roar rang out, and shock waves visible to the naked eye radiated from Fang Cheng's body, blowing away the small evil gods that rushed up.

  He also has AOE skills.

   Losing the suppression of blood cells, the evil gods on the ground have regained their freedom.

  But countless black chains shot up immediately, binding the body of the evil **** tightly.


  The evil **** let out an angry roar, and his huge body was pulled up from the ground abruptly, and pulled towards the opened door.

  However, when approaching the gate, the evil **** stopped—it wasn't that he couldn't fly, it was just that he moved extremely slowly.

  At this moment, He used his own terrifying weight to resist the pull of the chain, just like a tug-of-war, both sides maintained a fragile balance, and the black chain kept breaking.

  Yue Jianming continued to power the gate, unable to move, sweat was already faintly visible on his indifferent face.

  Fang Cheng was being chased and intercepted by hundreds of little evil gods.

   This group of things are just as invincible as Xiaoqiang. Killing one will immediately split into several, and the number will increase.

   "Hurry up and find a way to push him into the gate, Tsukimi Ming can only hold on for another 30 minutes."

  Yi Xieai's voice suddenly sounded in Fang Cheng's mind.

  Fang Cheng was furious immediately: "You're the one who came out to help!"

  Yi Xieai shut him up with a single sentence: "Do you dare to let me descend?"

  Dare not!

  Fang Cheng will be corrupted just by using the Spiritual Words.

   If Yi Xieai comes here, I'm afraid she won't let her go.

  After beating Isis last time, he has never used any other spells other than healing, and he will never use it unless necessary in the future.

Yi Xieai knew that Fang Cheng was very vigilant towards her, so she chuckled lightly: "You can figure it out, if it fails, Yue Jianming and I will change to a new agent, and if Ye Yuqing's problem cannot be solved, he will die. .”

  Fang Cheng used vector control to bounce off the small evil **** that rushed up, and looked up at the evil **** who was in a stalemate with Tsukimi Naruto.

  The black chains kept breaking, and it might take less than thirty minutes for the evil **** to regain his freedom.

   "Mother's left arm is still in the evil god's body, if you push him in, wouldn't even the left arm be taken away?"

   "Don't worry, nothing but evil gods can enter that place, otherwise the mother's body would have been brought in."

  After getting the guarantee, Fang Cheng immediately created a clone to accompany these small evil gods.

   And he himself used teleportation to escape, preparing to find a way to push the evil **** into the gate.

   "Two minutes have passed, and there are still twenty-eight minutes..."

   "Yue Jianming's strength has almost bottomed out, if this continues, the souls of Ye Yuqing and Chaoxiang Minghui will not be able to bear it..."

   "Hurry up and do something..."

  Yi Xieai kept urging Fang Cheng in his mind, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Shut up! If you have the ability to pull out the Italian cannon, I'll show you."

  Why didn't I realize that this woman is so talkative.

  If you want to push the evil **** to such a huge size and weight, it is almost impossible for Fang Cheng alone now.

  Just now, the blood cell used the gravity of the earth to carry out a free-fall attack.

  If Fang Cheng did it himself, he wouldn't be able to push such a big blood cell at all, let alone push the blood cell to hit the evil god.

  His thinking was running fast, his eyes turned around, and soon fell on the ark still parked on the ground in the distance.

  A bright light suddenly flashed in my mind.

   Isn't this a ready-made Italian gun, no, a ready-made hammer?

  He no longer hesitated, and quickly teleported towards the ark.

   Thank you Xiangshanmo, 夰と橆 for your tip! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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