As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 506: scammer tony teacher

  Chapter 506 Fraud Mr. Tony

  Yi Xieai's tone was very serious, without the previous frivolity, it seemed that she took this matter very seriously.

  Fang Cheng canceled his current plan to attack Benjamin Walker.

  Just when Yi Xieai came out, Fang Cheng asked, "You should have seen the conversation I had with Dr. X just now, what do you say?"

  He is very interested in the origin of his mother, but neither Yi Zheai nor Yue Jianming keep it secret.

  Fang Cheng privately speculated whether his mother was an extraterrestrial creature, but there was no evidence to support it.

  Dr. X's statement is not new, but he has alien spacecraft as evidence, so the credibility is much greater.

  Yi Xieai did not answer directly as usual, but just smiled: "It's a very interesting speculation, I almost believed it."

   "You mean, his guesses are interesting but fake?"

   "I didn't say that, but if you come to that conclusion, it's none of my business."

  You are clearly trying to induce me to think this way on purpose.

  Yi Xieai said it was a lie, but Fang Cheng believed in this conjecture even more. What this woman said was half-truth and half-false, and sometimes you have to listen to it the other way around.

  He changed the subject: "I have found the gate of heaven, and I also know the whereabouts of my mother's body. Now, can you tell me the solution to the tearing of Ye Yuqing's soul?"

   "Once you get your mother's body, there will be a solution."

  Yi Xieai appeared from behind Fang Cheng, wrapped his arms around his neck, and blew into his ears: "My agent, you have already become a **** who serves you."

  Damn it, you really use me as a humanoid massager?

   Now in the enemy's lair, even if Yi Xieai can stop time, Fang Cheng is not interested.

  He coldly pushed the goddess away: "I'm no longer interested in you, an old woman, and it's almost the same as Yue Jianming."

   "This is not okay."

  Yi Xieai was not angry, but giggled: "If I use the image of Tsukimi Naruto to mess with you, she will beat me up."

   "Then get out."

   "It's really cold and ruthless. When I find a new agent, I will kick you off."

  Yi Xieai finally got angry.

  She changed into the appearance of Isis, frightened Fang Cheng, and then forcibly pushed him down.


  Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  During this period, Fang Cheng was most worried about being found out that he had impersonated Tony Kent and prostituted ten godly medicines for free.

   But he was lucky. The entire base has been calm for the past two days. Tony has not returned yet, and Dr. X is immersed in his work.

  Fang Cheng didn't have to worry about Ye Yuqing who was thrown outside, she wouldn't starve to death in two days.

  The bald head's new job is doing very well, and the 300 people with superpowers are well appeased by him.

  Some of them have even been beaten to the bone, and have dreamed of starting a career in a cult and reaching the pinnacle of life.

  The time for the sacrificial ceremony has finally come.

  700 believers and 300 superpowers, led by the bald head, walked towards the huge hole in the middle of the basement floor.

   There are many clones guarding before and after to prevent these people from escaping.

  Smart people can see that something is wrong with this **** method, but the bald head is desperately trying to appease and promise benefits, suppressing doubts.

   "Go in, as long as you pass God's blessing, you can become official believers. Even if you fail the first time, you will have a second chance."

  The bald head stood at the entrance of the cave, shouting out the words he made up, anyway, no one will ask him to honor them in the future.

   Things have come to this point, even if someone sees that he is deceiving, they can't run away if they want to, so they can only bite the bullet and enter the dark hole.

  Fang Cheng has been hiding in the shadow of the bald head for the past two days. He thought he would follow in, but who knew that after all 1,000 people entered, the bald head turned and left.

  No problem, Fang Cheng just needs to be in the shadow of a believer, and follow them into the huge void.

   This hollow is larger than the Roman Colosseum. In the middle is a five-meter-high altar, below which is a flat ground paved with marble, and there is only one entrance and exit.

  When everyone comes in, the entrance has been blocked.

  After the entrance was blocked, it was suddenly dark inside.

  The dark environment magnified the anxiety, and various noisy voices began to appear.

  The 700 pious believers can still keep quiet, but the 300 superpowers have already started to riot.

  The fire suddenly lit up, dispelling the darkness.

  Everyone looked along the light, only to find that on the altar in the middle, dozens of people were already standing, with their backs facing the outside in a circle.

   There are ten braziers scattered around the edge of the altar, barely able to provide lighting.

  Fang Cheng also quietly came out of the shadows and mixed in with the crowd, no one would notice anyway.

  He looked up and found that the people on the altar were all the No. 1 clone corpses he saw in the church two days ago.

   But it’s hard to say if it’s a corpse, maybe it’s just like Benjamin Walker playing dead.

  The sudden appearance of light suppressed the restlessness and commotion. All the people below raised their necks and looked curiously at the altar.

  The clones with their backs facing the periphery suddenly knelt down in unison, revealing Benjamin Walker who was crucified in the middle, and a box in front of him.

  Bursts of strange songs sounded from the mouths of these clones, and the uniform voices echoed throughout the hollow.

  Everyone's attention was attracted by Master Walker, but Fang Cheng's eyes were fixed on the box in front of him.

   Is the mother's body inside?

  The reverberating ballad became louder and louder, and many people could already hear that the content of the ballad was praying for the coming of a certain god.

  A clone suddenly stood up, stabbed his hand directly into his chest, pulled out his heart and crushed it.

   There was a burst of exclamation, and many people below were frightened by this **** scene.

   But immediately followed by a second clone, committing suicide with the same move, then a third, a fourth...

  The crushed heart mixed with blood flowed along the lines on the altar, forming a pattern of countless tentacles twisting wildly.

  Under this strong visual stimulation, the believers below also began to sing songs praying for God to come.

  The superpowers who were caught in it were at a loss, not knowing whether to sing along, but more people already felt that something was wrong and wanted to go home to find their mother.

  Fang Cheng also felt physically uncomfortable about this scene, but Yi Xieai didn't say a word, and he didn't know when the opportunity to hit Walker seriously would be.

  In the blink of an eye, all the clones had committed suicide, and the entire altar was stained blood red, like a slaughterhouse.

  But the song didn't stop, but became more and more intense.

  The chorus of 700 devout believers, the sound is deafening and the momentum is amazing.

  On the altar, Walker, who had been lowering his head, finally raised his head slowly and looked up.

  Fang Cheng also looked up, it was pitch black and there was nothing there, he came in two days ago to check, and saw that the top was just a repaired rock wall.

   But soon, a light appeared in the darkness, which looked like a star in the night.

  The stars are getting more and more, covering the entire dome in a blink of an eye.

   Not only Fang Cheng, more and more people noticed the abnormality above their heads, and were so shocked by this scene like a vast starry sky that they were speechless.


  Yi Xieai's voice suddenly sounded in Fang Cheng's mind, with a serious tone for the first time.

  Fang Cheng didn't need to ask what was coming, because he had already seen it.

   And the people around shouted like crazy.


  Tony Kent has just finished handling the North American government's surprise investigation of several companies under his name.

   He knew it was a warning.

  In North America, many secrets cannot be kept from others, but everyone does it, so they maintain a certain tacit understanding.

  For example, using religious organizations to launder money and investing in charitable funds for tax avoidance are the same unspoken rules, and everyone is tacitly aware of it.

  Tony was warned because he went too far.

   But that's all, he doesn't have any criminal record himself, so he won't be arrested.

  After finishing the inspection, Tony was thinking about which popular Hollywood actress to have dinner with tonight, when he received a call.

  The next moment, his roar sounded in the office.

   "What did you say? The ten **** medicines were cheated away?"

  Tony's face was distorted, and his face was full of ferocity: "Who did it, I'm going to kill him."

   But soon he received accountability calls from many partners.

  Tony was completely confused.

  What, did I do it myself?

  The reason why this fraud incident happened at the base was exposed is very simple. A certain funder called Dr. X, hoping to get a quota for injecting the **** medicine.

   Then things came to light. Mr. Tony, as a fraudster, of course became the target of many funders.

   On the same day, Tony rushed back to the base as quickly as possible, and came to the research institute to confront Dr. X face to face.

  Who knew that Dr. X complained as soon as he saw him: "Didn't you promise to help me negotiate with Benjamin Walker? It's been two days."

  Tony finally confirmed that someone was really posing as him to commit fraud.

   But what is this place?

  This is a base with a security level that far exceeds that of the White House. If someone cheats here, it is **** outrageous to cheat the most important items.

  Tony watched the surveillance portrait of the day, and had to admit that the imitation of the scammer was so perfect that even he couldn't tell if this person was himself.

   But this was already two days ago, and the other party must have slipped away long ago.

   But the security department brought good news. Except for the bald head, no one came in and out these days, and there was also a guard who disappeared two days ago.

   The scammers are likely still hiding in the base.

  Of course, the other party may sneak in without anyone noticing, and it is possible to sneak out in the same way.

  Just mentioning the bald head, Tony remembered another thing that made him break out in a cold sweat.

  Going out these two days, on the one hand, he is dealing with the investigation of the North American government, and on the other hand, he is also paying attention to the whereabouts of the blood emperor.

   After all, he was tricked by the gate of heaven. This kind of character is usually arrogant, so how can he swallow this breath.

   Maybe he will do something irrational in anger, and it will be fun if there is a conflict with the North American government.

  But Tony did not find the whereabouts of the Blood Emperor, but instead heard the news that the ghosts sent by the FBI.CAI to the Security Bureau appeared.

  They were locked underground for two days, dizzy with hunger, and the blood emperor disappeared.

  Tony laughed at the blood emperor's narrow-mindedness at the time, and even angered this small character.

   But in retrospect...

  The bald head came back two days ago, and Fang Cheng disappeared two days ago.

  After the bald head came back, another fraudster who appeared out of nowhere appeared in the base at the same time.

  A bold guess appeared in Tony's mind, causing him to almost have a cardiac arrest—Fang Cheng quietly followed the bald head into the base!

   Only this reason can explain how the fraudster appeared in the base.


  The head of the Ministry of Security asked: "Do you need to implement martial law immediately and find out the enemy?"


  Tony rejected the proposal, and felt a little headache for a while.

   If Fang Cheng is not caught, the ten heavenly medicines will not come back, and this guy is hiding in the base, and he doesn't know what to do secretly.

  If he is found out, the big battle will definitely be inevitable.

  Tony knows how terrifying Fang Cheng's strength is. Such a monster can completely tear down the entire base if it makes a fuss in the base.

   Here is the hard work of many gold masters, including Tony himself.

   After thinking for a while, Tony gave the order: "Don't make any noise or leak information. You guys are investigating in secret, and you must not alert the other party if you find the target. Wait for me to deal with it."

  The Minister of Security took the order to go, while Tony stood still, his indifferent face making people afraid to approach.

   Originally thought that Fang Cheng was being tricked by using the invitation letter, but in the end he was tricking him instead.

   "I was about to find you, but I didn't expect to find myself here."

   Tony gritted his teeth and said, feeling a sense of embarrassment in his heart.

   And that dead bald man, who actually brought such a dangerous enemy back, has already turned into a leading party.

   After hesitating for a long time, Tony finally took out his cell phone and started calling for help.


  In the vast starry sky, thick tentacles hung down, like tree roots.

  These tentacles are full of eyes, and the dark eyes turn around inside, carefully observing the world.

  The entire starry sky looks like a dark hole, and some kind of extremely terrifying creature is climbing out of it.

  Fang Cheng looked at this scene in shock.

   Could it be that the body of the evil **** is about to descend?

  He seemed to hear a strange voice looming, as if someone was whispering in his ear, or someone was yelling crazily in the distance.

  This feeling is exactly the same as when he was corrupted by Yi Xieai when he used the spirit speech technique.

  At the same time, Fang Cheng felt a chill with strong evil thoughts invading his soul, but was stopped by Yi Xieai's protection.

  The 300 superpowers around did not have such good luck, they started screaming with their heads covered, and were even affected.

   And those devout believers who were still singing loudly began to commit suicide.

  They have lost their minds and fell into madness. They dug their chests with their hands without fear of pain, trying to dig out their hearts and sacrifice them to the gods.

   "Can't do it yet?"

  Fang Cheng questioned Yi Xieai in his mind, but she didn't say anything.

   On the altar, Walker pulled himself out of the cross, squatted in front of the box, and opened the box.

  (end of this chapter)

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