Chapter 504 Skinhead Leading the Way Party

  Fang Cheng faced Tony Kent's face, parked his sports car in front of the research institute, got off the car and swaggered in.

  The staff responsible for inspection and disinfection behind the door did not dare to stop him.

  As one of the big benefactors, Tony Kent is a local emperor in this base. No rules and regulations can restrain him, and he can have as much fun as he wants.

   Entering the research institute, a person in charge walked up with a flattering smile on his face: "Mr. Tony."

   "I'm here to find Dr. X, where is he?"

   "The doctor is in the office."

   "I have important matters to talk to him, don't bother us."

   After dismissing these licking dogs, Fang Cheng went straight to Dr. X's office.

   It's not that these people are not vigilant or negligent, but that's what Tony Kent usually does.

   Over time, these people got used to it. If Tony Kent suddenly started to follow the rules, it would make people feel strange.

  When he came to the office, Fang Cheng directly opened the door and walked in, imitating Tony's frivolous tone: "Dear doctor, watching small videos in the office in broad daylight is not something a serious person should dare to do."

  Dr. X was indeed watching a short video, but it was a video file brought back by the bald head.

  Even if he is watching porn, he is already in his sixties, and he still has more than enough energy.

  For Fang Cheng who came in, Dr. X didn't even raise his eyes, and kept staring at the video.

  Fang Cheng didn't bother him, and looked around the office.

   Apart from the necessary workbenches and cabinets for storing materials, there is nothing, so simple and simple, in stark contrast to Tony's extravagant office.

   Judging only from the style of the office, Dr. X should be a workaholic who doesn't like to enjoy himself.

   It didn't take long for Dr. X to watch the video. He looked up at Fang Cheng and said, "You came just in time. I still need some mother's bodies as research materials. You can help me negotiate with Benjamin Walker. He won't see me anymore."

  Fang Cheng's face was calm, but he was very happy in his heart. He heard important news as soon as he came.

  Mother's body is in the hands of the leader of the gate of heaven.

  He didn't rush to agree, but referred to Tony Kent's character, smiled and said: "Then you have to give me a reasonable reason, Master Walker is not an easy-talking person."

  Dr. X asked him to negotiate with Walker. People in the same camp need to use the word negotiation, so he is obviously not a good talker.

  Dr. X frowned and said: "I used it to study the origin of monsters, and I have achieved some results. Isn't that enough?"

  Fang Cheng's heart moved: "What result?"

  Dr. X pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, quite dissatisfied: "Could it be that you haven't read the report I sent you once?"

  Fang Cheng pretended to be indifferent: "I don't have time to watch."

Dr. X didn't have any doubts, but just sighed: "Then let me pick some simple ones. I compared the genetic sequences of creatures and monsters that have been recorded on the earth so far. The two have nothing to do with each other. The earth is not In line with the monster's evolution and growth environment, there is a great similarity between them and their mother..."

  If Dr. X went to teach, he would definitely be a good teacher who would be cursed by the students in circles. He clearly said to pick some simple ones, but he started to talk at length while talking.

  Fang Cheng interrupted him: "Just tell the conclusion."

  Dr. X still had a lot to say, but in the face of the benefactor, he was still kind, and concluded: "These monsters on the earth are all derived from the mother, and the mother is not the original creature of the earth, and most likely came from the universe."

  Fang Cheng was slightly taken aback: "You said mother is an alien."

"You can say that."

   "Where's the evidence?"

  Fang Cheng is like a primary school student eager to learn: "If these monsters and their mothers are from the universe, why are some monsters exactly the same as human myths and legends?"

  He really wanted to know, after all, it was closely related to him, but the two evil gods refused to say anything.

  Dr. X was quite speechless, he was talking about the evidence just now, but this guy didn't want to hear it, and now he asked himself.

   "Do you know the observer effect? ​​The observed phenomenon will be affected by the observation."

   "You mean to say..."

  Fang Cheng pondered for a while, and suddenly understood: "These monsters appear in the form of myths and legends because we think they are the same as myths and legends?"

Dr. X nodded: "That's probably what it means, because our human brains can't accept things that are beyond the scope of understanding, so we will try to replace and imagine with some similar things, and then think they are like this, but regardless of these What is the image of monsters in our eyes, they are all aliens that are incompatible with human beings after all."

  Fang Cheng couldn't imagine what these monsters really looked like.

   "Do you conclude that the mother and the monsters are from the universe? Dear doctor."

   "Of course these are not enough."

  Dr. X grinned: "But many of our current cutting-edge technologies come from the fragments of that alien spaceship. If my mother came to Earth on that spaceship, then everything would make sense."

  Fang Cheng was startled, what the hell, why are there alien spaceships all of a sudden?

  He wanted to ask subconsciously, but stopped abruptly, because Dr. X said it in such a tone, it was obvious that Tony Kent knew the secret of the alien spaceship.

  Fang Cheng would reveal his secrets if he asked.

  He looked at Dr. X's Mediterranean, and felt an urge to read and think about this smart brain.

   It's a pity that he still has a lot of things to do, so he can't be exposed too early.

  Dr. X said that many cutting-edge technologies today come from debris from alien spaceships, and that monsters are all derived from their mothers.

  The father of science in District 11, Fujiwara Hiroshi, also told Fang Cheng that artificial superpowers come from his mother.

  It turns out that the earth is now in this unrecognizable state, and everything is related to this mysterious "mother".

  If all monsters are derived from the mother, then she must be extremely powerful, how could she die on the earth, and even the corpse becomes mutilated pieces?

  Fang Cheng was unwilling to end the conversation like this, and deliberately said in a tone of emotion: "It's a pity that the spaceship was destroyed."

Dr. X did not realize that he was being fished, and continued: "If it is not destroyed, we may not be able to open the hatch of the spaceship in another fifty years with our technological capabilities. Now governments of all countries are looking for the whereabouts of the power source of the spaceship. Maybe we can rebuild a spaceship that belongs to human beings."

  Fang Cheng got another piece of news—governments of all countries are looking for the power source of the alien spacecraft.

   It sounds a bit like some kind of advertising slogan, XX is using it.

  Dr. X continued to speak, and spit out another sentence that shocked Fang Cheng: "Fortunately, we have already got the engine of the spaceship, at least one step ahead of others."

  Spaceship engine…

  Fang Cheng suddenly remembered the completed ark outside.

   Could it be that this ark uses the engine of an alien spaceship?

   In this way, it also makes sense. After all, with the current technology of human beings, it is still impossible to send such a huge object into the sky.

  Dr. X glanced at his watch and realized that he had wasted 20 minutes with Fang Cheng, and he felt distressed immediately.

   "What on earth did you come to see me for?"

   "I'm here to get the remaining ten celestial medicines."

  Fang Cheng learned from the conversation between the bald head and Tony Kent that in the near future, these gold masters will determine the quota for distributing the **** medicine.

  In order to prevent private embezzlement, the **** medicine is placed in the research institute, under the care of Dr. X.

   When it comes to the scarce celestial medicine, Dr. X is not confused, and asked in doubt: "Do you want it now?"

   "That's right, the list has been determined, and we can play tomorrow."

  Fang Cheng pretended to be relaxed, but in fact he was very nervous. Dr. X just needs to make a random phone call to confirm, then his fake will be exposed.

  If he really wants to do this, Fang Cheng can only bully an old man.

   Fortunately, Dr. X is not interested in doing anything extra, he even relaxed a little: "That's good, take it away quickly, so as not to keep calling to interfere with my work."

  Fang Cheng smiled: "You have worked so hard, I will propose a salary increase for you at the shareholders meeting."

  Dr. X started calling, and soon the person in charge of the institute sent four metal lockboxes.

   Open the boxes one by one in front of Fang Cheng and inspect them.

   The first one is ten **** medicines, which are stored in a box with refrigeration function.

  The other three lockboxes are 30 superhuman medicines of different models.

  If you want to inject the **** medicine, you must first inject three types of superhuman medicine to improve your physique and resistance, and then you can inject the **** medicine.

   These are perfect versions without any side effects.

  After the inspection, the person in charge asked with a smile on his face: "Mr. Tony, let me get it for you."

  Fang Cheng did not refuse, and turned around to bid farewell to Dr. X.

  Dr. X is still reminding him: "Remember to negotiate with Benjamin Walker for me."

  Fang Cheng nodded with a smile, and he was indeed going to find Benjamin Walker next.

   Came outside the research institute, the person in charge put the four boxes on the sports car in a doggy manner.

  Fang Cheng got into the sports car and drove away with these priceless treasures.

  The person in charge stood at the door with a smile on his face and waved goodbye to him.

  Ten minutes later, Fang Cheng returned to the office belonging to Tony Kent and sent away the secretary who wanted to exercise with him.

  Locking the door of the office, he stuffed all four boxes into the shadow, and then selected a guard a thousand meters away as the target to launch the shadow leap.

   In an instant he left the office and entered the shadow of the guard.

  Choose the second guard one kilometer away, and continue to use Shadow Leap to jump there.

  Using this method without anyone noticing, Fang Cheng quickly approached the bald head who had been separated for less than half an hour, and a shadow warp hid in his shadow.

  The bald head is about to go to the basement floor to find the new boss, Benjamin Walker.

  He has no idea that he has passively become a leading party.

  (end of this chapter)

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