Chapter 502 Made of water

  The bald head is leaving San Francisco on a private jet.

  The plane was arranged by Heaven’s Gate. It came from a certain rich man. It has nothing to do with the bald head. No matter how the government investigates, the other party will not be found.

  After Victor and the others survived, it meant that the identity of the bald-headed inner ghost was completely exposed. Now it is considered absconded in fear of crime, so he has to act cautiously.

   Looking at the city that was getting further and further away under the night, a look of sadness flashed in the bald man's eyes.

  He grew up in this city, struggled in this city, and spent half his life.

   Now he is forced to leave his hometown, and from then on he can only live in the gate of heaven under his name.

   But compared to death, these are nothing.

  The bald head has a hunch that if he dares to stay in San Francisco, neither the North American government nor the blood emperor will let him go.

   It is only safe to hide in the base of Heaven's Gate.

  He withdrew his nostalgic gaze, lay down on the seat with his eyes closed, and left San Francisco, finally letting go of the heart he had been carrying.

  The blood emperor must never have imagined that he would fly overnight. North America is so big, it will be difficult to find him again in the future.

   So what about the emperor, he still has to be tricked.

  The corners of the mouth of the bald head turned up slightly, and his mood gradually improved.

   But he didn't know that in San Francisco, a fighter plane with a sci-fi look was catching up straight at subsonic speed.

   This is already the fastest speed, after all, the fighter plane is too bulky.

   However, the speed of the opponent's private jet was even slower, so it took only ten minutes to catch up.

   When approaching, Fang Cheng made the surface of the fighter plane covered with a large number of dense small holes, which can fully absorb the electromagnetic waves of the radar, making the fighter plane have a stealth effect.

  Doing this is not only to avoid being discovered by the other party, but also to avoid being detected by ground radar.

  The bald head who was closing his eyes and meditating was still dazed, and Fang Cheng was just above his head, quietly walking behind him.

  Ye Yuqing lay down in the cockpit and looked down, and then the other party suggested, "Do you want to shoot him down?"

  Fang Cheng said unhappily: "Who will lead us to find the base of Heaven's Gate?"

  Ye Yuqing was eloquent: "Can't you already read your mind?"

   "I still want him to take me into the base."

  Fang Cheng not only used his bald head to find the base, but also used his bald head to enter the base to check the situation. Killing him here outweighs the gain.

   "It's okay to hit it down, just hit it!"

   "Crazy, why are you a woman so keen on da planes?"

   "You don't want to fight, do you?"

  Ye Yuqing leaned over and blew into Fang Cheng's ear: "Then do you want me to fight for you?"

  Fang Cheng was so provoked that he was so angry that he had no choice but to slap her to calm down.

  The private plane with the bald head left San Francisco overnight, and a few hours later, it landed at a private airport before dawn.

  Put on a wig and makeover with a bald head, change to other transportation, leave the airport, and drive onto the highway.

  Fang Cheng called up the map navigation on his mobile phone, and found that the bald head had been walking east.

  When it was close to noon the next day, the bald head who changed to a helicopter had arrived in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains in California and entered Yosemite National Park in the foothills.

  This national park covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square miles, spanning the Mediterranean climate and the plateau mountain climate, with a large number of steep mountains and subtropical coniferous forests.

  The bald-headed helicopter entered the alpine pasture in the park, and finally landed at the private estate built on the top of the mountain.

  Fang Cheng's fighter plane also followed here. The surface of the fighter plane has been replaced with a translucent blue color, which almost merges with the sky, making it impossible to observe with the naked eye.

  Ye Yuqing was checking Google on her mobile phone, but unfortunately she couldn't read English, so she had to replace Asaka Minghui.

   Chaoxiang Minghui is very proficient in English, and soon found out the ownership of the manor below, and read it softly to Fang Cheng.

   "This estate belongs to Tony Kent. He is a well-known arms dealer in North America and the CEO of the steel industry. He is young and rich..."

  Fang Cheng was surprised: "Iron Man?"

Chaoxiang Minghui smiled slightly: "No, but he is a fanatic fan of Iron Man. He regards himself as the North American Iron Man. He sponsors Marvel's Iron Man series of movies. It is said that he also cooperates with the military and spends huge sums of money to develop the Iron Man suit. And artificial intelligence, has produced a lot of results."

   "Then it seems that this Iron Man not only cooperates with the military, but also has an affair with Heaven's Gate."

  Fang Cheng doesn't quite understand the mentality of the rich who are still obsessed with virtual characters.

  After all, comics and movies are all fake, but this world has real supernatural powers, so if you don’t follow the real ones, you will follow the fake ones.

  He found a place nearby to land, and then told Chaoxiang Minghui: "You and Yuqing just wait outside, and I will call you in when necessary."

   This was already agreed, but Ye Yuqing was very upset that Fang Cheng didn't bring her in, so he got sullen and stopped going online.

   Asaka Akee straightened Li Fangcheng's collar, then kissed him lightly on the cheek, and said softly, "Understood, be careful."

  Fang Cheng left the fighter plane, covered with his own steel suit, and quickly flew towards the manor.

  The bald head landed in the manor and entered the building after being searched by the guards.

  Fang Cheng has already flown out of the manor, and there are a lot of surveillance cameras hidden around, with almost no dead ends.

  The distance between him and the bald head was more than a thousand meters, and he couldn't reach it even with Shadow Leap, so he had to increase the ability that was still warm in his hand to level 3.

   Health: -25

   Remaining: 356

  Shadow Warp lv3

  The third-level shadow leap, the distance exceeds a kilometer.

  Fang Cheng used the blood attached to the bald head to select him as a target, and then released his ability.

  He disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared in the shadow of the bald head the next moment.

  The bald head just entered the manor building, and he didn't notice it.

  Fang Cheng's blood attached to the bald head seeped out from the skin and turned into a small flea hiding on his collar, observing the situation outside.

   Can’t hide on the head because it’s bald.

  He walked familiarly in the building, obviously not the first time he came here.

   There are many staff and servants in the building. These are all well-trained guards. Any invading enemy will be hit head-on by them.

  The bald head entered the depths of the building, and was searched again, even his clothes were taken off, and special instruments were used to check whether there were some positioning devices hidden in his body.

  Such strict inspections are more excessive than some military restricted areas. No wonder the North American government has been unable to find a new base for Heaven's Gate.

  After a rigorous body search, he changed into new clothes with his bald head and went to the basement.

   Along the way, you need to pass through several alloy gates with passwords, and finally enter an elevator and sink into the ground.

  After a period of darkness, through the transparent elevator car, a huge underground space came into view.

  It is almost a huge hollow that hollows out the entire mountain, and there are a lot of scattered buildings at the bottom, which looks like a miniature city under the illumination of lights.

  Through the fleas, Fang Cheng also saw an area marked out below, where a large amount of military equipment was parked, including tanks, aircraft, and artillery.

   And in the middle of this miniature city, there is a huge spaceship parked, which looks even bigger than the largest ship in the world record.

  Fang Cheng almost jumped out of the shadow.

  Building such a huge spaceship in the mountains, the people at Heaven's Gate really want to leave the earth, right?

   Not only was he shocked, but even his bald head was a little lost.

  Although he has been here many times, every time he will be shocked by the spectacular sight here.

  This huge spaceship was built by the Gate of Heaven with many years of time and a lot of money and resources. It is named 'Ark'.

  In their teachings, the earth and human beings will eventually be destroyed. Only by abandoning everything and taking the ark can they go to heaven.

  The construction of the Ark has been completed, and even a successful test flight, but it is afraid of being discovered by the North American government, so it dare not take it out with great fanfare.

   As for whether it is really necessary to leave the earth in this spaceship, only the high-level executives of the Gate of Heaven and the patrons will know.

   It took a long time for the elevator to descend to the ground, and the bald head underwent another round of strict inspections before entering this miniature city.

   There are a large number of people living in the city, but according to Fang Cheng's observation, these people can be roughly divided into soldiers, scientific research, and service. In fact, it is still just a base, not a city.

  Besides, Fang Cheng couldn't see the followers of Heaven's Gate, maybe all these people who like to wear black clothes are all of them.

  The bald head took a vehicle to the building in the middle of the base. After submitting the application, he waited for a long time before being allowed to enter.

  The building is more like a company, full of busy staff.

  The bald head was taken to a lounge to wait. The next door should be the president's office, and there were bursts of imaginative movements coming from inside.

  Fang Cheng hid in the shadow and could hear it clearly, thinking who is this?

  Do daily exercise in broad daylight.

   Of course, it is also possible that the other party has misunderstood, maybe it is just using an external phone.

  As for why the sound came out, it was because the door of the office was not closed at all.

   After waiting almost an hour in this torture, a disheveled woman came out.

  Fang Cheng was about to say that this woman was made of water, but he saw a second woman coming out.

  Third, fourth, fifth...

   Good guy, there are eleven of them!

   It turns out that water is not a woman, but a man inside.

  The bald head did not squint, and his face was fixed, obviously not surprised by this.

   Soon, a moderate voice sounded in the office: "Tony, come in."

   The bald head got up and walked in.

  The office perfectly interprets what is meant by 'luxury'. Carpets, tables and chairs, murals, chandeliers, vases, are either antiques or works of art with an IQ tax.

  A strong aura of local tyrants rushed over.

   Sitting behind the table was a man with his upper body bare, about thirty years old, with a typical European and American white face, and a strong and well-proportioned figure.

   Obviously, this is Tony Kent, the self-proclaimed North American Iron Man.

  (end of this chapter)

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