As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 495: It's too dangerous for my sexuality

  Chapter 495 This is too dangerous for my sexuality

  The sudden change, especially the scream, made the people in the living room into a mess.

  Victor shouted loudly: "Stay where you are, don't move around."

  It's a pity that no one listened to him, and the riots continued.


   "The gate is gone!"

   "Hey, who's touching my ass?"

   Light suddenly lit up in the darkness.

  A man dressed as a wizard took out a crystal ball from his arms, and a pure white light emitted from it, illuminating the entire living room.

  The furniture in the living room has been knocked over, and everyone is on guard.

  The magician and Erica had already hid in the corner of the wall, and the vampire was stuck to the ceiling.

  Little Spider hugged Jack, and Jack still had his hands on his upturned buttocks.

  Only Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing sat still in the audience, but no one cared about their situation.

  Because the surrounding doors and windows disappeared, turning into bare walls.

   What was even more surprising was that Tony, the bald director, had fallen into a pool of blood, his eyes were wide open, and he died of exasperation.

   This bald head, who resembled the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., died before he played any role.

  Every non-staff stared blankly at the body of the bald chief. They had all dealt with the bald head before and knew that he was a ruthless and difficult character.

   I didn’t expect to die so suddenly and unexpectedly, just like a superhero who went out in the morning to fight for justice, but was killed by a falling object.

  Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing also showed surprised expressions.

  Especially Fang Cheng, he still wondered in his heart whether the bald director was an insider, but he was killed in a blink of an eye.

  He was already able to see in the dark, but when the accident happened just now, the living room was so chaotic that he didn't even notice who killed the bald head.

  Victor reminded before that there are ghosts among these survivors.

   Could it be that the ghost killed the bald head?

   The almost frozen atmosphere lasted for a while, until Julia screamed to break it.

   A group of people dispersed in an instant, looking at each other warily.

  The murderer is most likely hiding in it.

  The bald director is not weak, and the person who can kill him is definitely dangerous.

   Many people took out their mobile phones and found that the signal was completely gone, which may have been blocked.

  Julia collapsed on the ground with a pale face, and Victor was still calm, and walked over to check the body of the bald director.

   It was discovered that he had been pierced through the heart by some force, and he was killed on the spot.

   Among the twelve people, few can do this.

  Victor stood up, glanced at the invitation letter that had fallen to the ground, and said to the silent crowd: "This invitation letter may be a trap of the gate of heaven."

   "This is the responsibility of your Security Bureau."

   "That's right, the invitation letter was found by your Security Bureau."

  Everyone was very dissatisfied, because the negligence of the Security Bureau led to this situation.

  And Victor is also suspected. He was standing behind the bald director just now, and it is very easy to sneak attack.

  Fang Cheng was also observing everyone's expressions, and found nothing unusual. If the murderer is hiding inside, then his acting skills must be very strong.

   "I don't care about the murderer."

  Erica huddled in the corner and said loudly, "I just want to get out of this **** place now!"

  After being reminded by her, everyone realized that they seem to be trapped now.

  The idea of ​​finding the murderer was immediately suppressed by the idea of ​​getting out of trouble. They are not related to the bald head, so let's wait for the Department of Homeland Security to catch the murderer.

   The vampire Ollie fell directly from the ceiling and waved his hand at the wall.

  Bright red blood spurted out from his hand, instantly condensed into a huge drill bit, and slammed into the wall.

  Fang Cheng's eyes froze, the ability of this vampire is very similar to his.

  The wall is easily penetrated by the drill, but is blocked immediately.

  There was actually a thick steel layer behind the wall, and the drill bit only made a small hole.

  The vampire did not give up, but tried the other walls, including the ceiling, and found that they were also wrapped in steel.

  Everyone was shocked. The strength of the vampire Ollie was obvious to all. Even he couldn't penetrate the steel layer, let alone others.

   Subconsciously, many people's eyes were on Fang Cheng.

  He can withstand the attack of the **** of death, maybe there is a way to leave.

  Fang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, I can't do it."

  He still wanted to wait for the inner ghost to jump out. If he took this group of people out of this place, wouldn't the inner ghost continue to lurk again.

  If you want to find the gate of heaven, you don't know how long you have to wait.

  Everyone was a little disappointed when Fang Cheng said that he couldn't do it.

  The wizard holding the crystal ball asked Victor and Julia: "This place was arranged by your security bureau. You don't know where the exit is?"

  Victor shook his head: "The ownership of the villa does belong to the Security Bureau, but it is also our first time here."

  Erica snorted coldly: "Who knows, maybe you didn't let us go on purpose."

  Victor calmly said: "Director Tony is dead, Julia and I will be dismissed and investigated when we return to the Security Bureau, so we have no reason to do so."

  Everyone was not persuaded, but their doubts about Victor eased slightly.

   "We should find a way to get out of here now."

  Victor continued: "I suspect that the entire villa sank into the ground, the air became very dull, and you should be able to feel the vibration just now."

  Everyone nodded subconsciously. The vibration just now was indeed obvious, and there was a sense of sinking.

   "The exit may be hidden somewhere in the villa, but there may be danger inside."

  The doors and windows of the living room disappeared, so I had to go to the villa to find the exit.

   But it was dark inside, and no one knew what was hidden.

  Victor suggested: "We'd better all act together, we can supervise each other, prevent the murderer from killing again, and help each other..."

   "Find it yourself slowly!"

  The vampire dropped a sentence, and his whole body turned into a large number of bats, flew directly into the villa, and disappeared into the darkness.

   Several people also left one after another.

  Although it is said that in this environment, acting separately is a flag comparable to 'returning to the hometown to get married', they believe more in their own strength than in this group that hides the murderer.

   Five people left in a blink of an eye, leaving only nine people in the living room.

  Victor looked around and asked, "Who else wants to leave?".

  Erica snorted coldly, and left without waiting for her friends.

   "Sorry everyone."

  The wizard holding the crystal ball put away the crystal ball and walked away slowly.

  Two left, leaving seven.

  Victor breathed a sigh of relief, it was much better than expected.

  He took out his mobile phone to check, there was no signal, and he turned on the flashlight mode, which could barely illuminate.

"Hey guy."

  Little Spider said to Jack who was holding him: "How long are you going to hold me?"

  Jack smiled slightly: "As long as you don't mind, you can hold it for as long as you want."

"Alright alright."

  Little Spider patted him on the shoulder: "Listen, I'm not discriminating against you, but can you stop touching my ass?"


   "A little bit, I admit, but it's too dangerous for my sexuality."

  Everyone has a black line, what time is it, these two clowns are still in the mood to joke.

  Victor looked at Fang Cheng: "What are you going to do?"

  Fang Cheng stood up from the chair: "Find the exit first."

  After he entered the villa tonight, he had already quietly attached blood to everyone.

  Now the actions of these survivors are under his control, and it is clear at a glance which one is the inner ghost.

   "Let's go then."

  Victor took one last look at the bald director's body, helped up Julia, who had weak legs, and walked towards the villa.

  Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing followed behind, then the separated little spider and Jack, and the magician who was silent from beginning to end.

  The seven people did not gather together, but explored the dark villa at a certain distance.

  The villa originally only had three floors, and the area was not large, but with the exploration of the seven people, the space inside suddenly became much larger.

   And there are many more strange forks and corridors, stretching farther.

  The only thing that can explain this situation is that there are many secret spaces built under the villa.

  After the villa sinks, it is connected with these secret spaces, forming a labyrinth with a large area.

  In this blinding environment, there is only a little light from Victor's cell phone.

  The location is remote and underground, so quiet that you can hear your heartbeat.


  A miserable scream came from a distance.

  The little spider jumped up in fright, and Jack hugged him.

  The others all had serious expressions, and it was obvious that someone had been killed again.

  Fang Cheng also felt that one of the blood-possessed targets had died.

   But what surprised him was that this target was acting independently, with no one else around.

   Didn't die at the hands of an insider.

   In other words, there may be other dangerous things in the villa.

  Victor's face was a bit ugly, and he might still be safe according to his proposal.

  But this group of people are used to being free and loose, and they don't understand the benefits of collectives at all.

   "Let's go the other way...well, where's the magician?"

  Victor turned his head, only to find that the last magician had disappeared.

  Fang Cheng said: "He left halfway."

  Victor's face became even uglier, but once the bald director died, he had no binding force on this group of people.

   "Let's go."

  He took the lead to explore in another direction, away from the place where the screams came from.

   Not far away, a straight passage appeared in front of him, deep and dark inside, as if leading to hell.

  Victor was about to step in, but Fang Cheng called to him: "Wait, someone is here."


  Victor raised his mobile phone to shine into the passage, but he could only take a small part of it, but saw nothing.

  But soon, there was a sound of footsteps coming from inside, very hurried.

  He quickly drew a pistol from his pocket.

   In a blink of an eye, a running person appeared in the field of vision.

   This is a white youth in his twenties with a grim face, wearing a black collarless long-sleeved top, black pants and black sneakers.

  Victor immediately aimed his gun, because this young man was not one of the non-staff personnel.

   "Stop, don't move, or I'll shoot."

  The running speed of young people is faster, surpassing the world sprint champion.

   Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Victor fired without hesitation, and emptied the magazine in one go.

   It looks like a North American policeman.

  The young man's body was instantly covered with a layer of metallic luster, and sparks popped out when the bullet hit it.

  Victor's face changed slightly, and he quickly pulled Julia back, exposing Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing behind.

   This guy is a thug, so he puts Fang Cheng in front of him.

  Fang Cheng didn't make a move, Ye Yuqing had already put on the armor on both hands and rushed up.

  The young man reacted quickly and punched Ye Yuqing who was rushing forward.

  Strength and speed are very strong, the fist has the sound of piercing the air, can resist the physical strength of the bullet, and one punch is enough to penetrate the steel plate.

   But the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, Ye Yuqing dodged behind the young man, and swept across his waist with a whip leg.

  The young man was kicked away, and the wall next to him was knocked down, revealing another layer of steel behind the wall.

  Ye Yuqing stepped up and stepped on the young man who was about to get up, feeling like stepping on an iron block.

   "Wow, this woman is really violent, whoever marries her must be very unlucky."

  Little Spider held her head in her hands, very grateful: "Fortunately, I didn't give her the phone number."

   "Yeah, women are not good things."

  Jack pointed to the little spider: "Men are true love."

  Fang Cheng and Victor have walked to the young man.

  The young man lay on the ground and kept struggling, but it was difficult to shake Ye Yuqing's foot on his back.

  Victor has already changed the magazine, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the young man's face: "Who the **** are you?"

  The young man did not say a word, maintaining a cold expression on his face, and there was no emotional ups and downs in his eyes, just struggling continuously.

  Victor hit him **** the head with the **** of the gun, resulting in a few sparks that seemed to hit the metal.


  Ye Yuqing bent down and pulled off the young man's clothes, only to see a number 3 on his back near his neck.

  It's just that tattoo culture is prevalent in North America, and many people like to get some weird tattoos.

  Based on this 3 alone, I can't guess anything.

   "Let me do it."

  Julia, who had been silent all this time, stepped forward and stroked the young man's head with her hand.

   A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and said in horror, "There is no thought in his head, only one order, kill all enemies."

   "Julia's ability is to read thoughts."

  Victor explained to Fang Cheng, then stared at the young man who was still struggling: "What kind of monster is this?"

  Even if you are an idiot, it is impossible to have a blank mind.

  He had some doubts about whether this thing was a humanoid, but Julia's ability could only target creatures.

  Since he can read the order, then this strange young man is indeed human.

   "What monster, I think I can investigate it later."

  Fang Cheng looked up into the depths of the passage: "There is something to do now."

  There were rumbling footsteps in the passage, and the next moment, a group of running youths broke into the sight of the six people, at least twenty or more in number.

  They were all wearing black kurta tops, black pants and black sneakers.

  The most frightening thing is that the appearance of this group of young people is exactly the same, as if they were copied with a computer ctrl+V.

  They maintained exactly the same cold expressions, staring at the six of them with murderous intent.

   Not only the front, but also a group of young people appeared behind, surrounding the six of them.

   Thanks for the reward: Left Handed, Villie, Xiangshan Mo, ET Slave Beast, Book Friends 20200120002036152. (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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