Chapter 492 is not far from death

  Fang Cheng's prediction was correct. The transformed Jason is not Ye Yuqing's opponent.

   But Ye Yuqing didn't have an easy time beating him.

  The original Jason was at most a murderer with unlimited physical strength and immortality.

  His immortality is similar to that of Fang Cheng, he will be killed, but he will be resurrected at any time according to the director's wishes.

   After being blessed by the **** of death, Jason has been greatly enhanced in terms of body size and various attributes.

  He ran wildly like a chariot, his fists were like cannonballs, especially the huge machete, which looked like a human-shaped windmill when he swung it. Fang Cheng had no doubt that even an armored car would be smashed to pieces in front of him.

  Ye Yuqing didn't even dare to take the machete head-on, so he could only use the way of swimming, using his advantage of faster speed to fly the kite.

  The battle between the two sides directly destroyed a large area of ​​grass and trees around them, leaving a mess everywhere.

   Fortunately, the suburbs are sparsely populated, and there are almost no tourists in the park, otherwise they would have been surrounded by crowds.

  After the battle lasted for more than ten minutes, Ye Yuqing finally felt tired.

  Jason, on the other hand, has unlimited physical strength. To him, ordinary heavy blows are almost like scratching an itch.

   This kind of power is worthy of the attack of the **** of death, much stronger than yesterday's car bomb.

  Reaper's goal is Fang Cheng, and the doll's goal is Ye Yuqing. As the two become one, Jason will not abandon Ye Yuqing, and will only come to Fang Cheng after solving her.

  But Ye Yuqing is already tired of beating sandbags.

  She dodged the machete that Jason had slashed down, and ran behind him at an almost instantaneous speed, raising her hands forward, palms spread out.

  This movement is similar to Kameha Qigong, but the words Ye Yuqing shouted are different.

   "Sister, Si Guoyi!"

   As soon as the words fell, black flames shot up from Jason's feet, directly engulfing his huge three-meter-high body.

  Jason didn't scream, and continued to rush towards Ye Yuqing against the black flames.

  Ye Yuqing knew more than this move. She clasped her open palms tightly, and the chain formed by the black flame instantly bound Jason tightly.

   This move is a bit like Fang Cheng's counterfeit version of Sky Lock, but it is Yue Jianming's ability.

  Jason couldn't move, so he could only let the black flame burn him to death, leaving no body behind.

  It's a pity that he worked so hard to come to the cameo, but he was forced to end without even a line, and he wasn't even given a box.

   Of course, he doesn't necessarily die. As long as the director is willing, the murderous Jason will always work hard and can be resurrected at any time.

  Fang Cheng has also transformed the rag doll into a look that has drank nuclear sewage, the kind whose SAN value is crazy at a glance.

   After Jason was settled, the remaining half of the day passed quickly, and nothing happened.

   As night fell, Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing finished their picnic and returned home.

   There was another attack by the **** of death today, and he is now curious about what method the **** of death will use to attack.

   Continue to use contingencies? Or go with the rag doll?

  However, one thing is certain, that is, the exquisite death trap is no longer useful and cannot threaten Fang Cheng.

  So the attack of the **** of death has become more and more straightforward and direct, and there is no longer a sense of ingenuity.

   In other words, he was in a hurry.

   On the way home on foot, the sky became much cloudier, as if a storm was coming.

   Both Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing noticed that there were many more patrolling police cars and armored vehicles nearby, and it seemed that something serious had happened.

  This is common in North America, where the proliferation of guns leads to frequent shootings, monsters abuse people, superheroes and super criminals come on stage.

  All of these made the government forces in North America take to the streets every three days to maintain order, exhausted.

  Although they were not afraid, the two of them didn't want to get involved in any trouble, so they hurried home.

   Just as the two walked to the door of the house, an alarm bell rang out in the distance.

  A car being chased by a large number of police cars is staggering and speeding towards this side.

   Not far from Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing, the car being chased crashed into the roadside green belt and stopped.

  Accompanied by the sound of rapid brakes, a large number of police cars stopped in the distance.

   Even behind Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing, many police cars appeared, directly blocking the road.

  A large number of heavily armed policemen got out of the car, armed with long guns and short cannon explosion-proof shields, each of them looked nervous as if they were facing an enemy.

  In just a dozen seconds, a tight encirclement surrounded Fang Cheng and the car that crashed into the green belt in the middle of the road.

  Fang Cheng: "..."

   Reaper's work is too rough, obviously doing the work of an assassin, but in the end it's Wushuang.

  These policemen who came up to surround did not target Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing, and even told them to stay away.

   Naturally, the two of them would not stand stupidly and hide directly by the side of the road, and even continued to stay to watch the excitement, relying on the courage of their talents.

  Even if this wave of attacks is stronger than Jason, it is not much stronger. It should not threaten the safety of the two of them.

  As the police approached, a man suddenly stepped out of the car, holding a gun in one hand and holding a sealed bottle for chemical experiments in the other.

  The bottle is filled with a green liquid.

  Why do deadly and highly poisonous liquids always use green in many film and television dramas, because green represents death in the Christian concept.

  So the forgiveness-colored liquid in this man's hand, you don't need to guess that it is deadly.

  He held the bottle high, and as long as he was shot, the bottle would fall to the ground and smash, causing the liquid inside to leak out.

   "Let me go!"

  The man yelled at the police: "Otherwise I will take this thing..."


   I don’t know which rookie policeman was too nervous and caused the gun to go off.

  The bullet instantly shattered the bottle in the man's hand.

   With wide-eyed eyes, he slowly turned his head to look at the broken bottle in his hand, and spit out the last two words: "Smash..."

  The whole scene was dead silent, not only the men, but even the policemen were dumbfounded.


  Fang Cheng, who was watching, suddenly felt that the danger was coming.

   This is the first time he has received a reminder from his mind in the past few days in North America.

   This means that there is a sufficiently deadly danger approaching.

  Fang Cheng didn't hesitate, and directly pulled Ye Yuqing, teleporting and running away.

   While he was running away, the man who was being chased by the police suddenly flushed all over his face, rolled his eyes white, and fell to the ground directly.

  The surrounding policemen came to their senses and issued orders in panic: "Get out! Get out! Get out!"

  However, it was already too late. Before they could turn around and run away, they fell down one by one with flushed faces and white eyes.

   In the blink of an eye, hundreds of police officers surrounded the entire street fell to the ground, leaving only dozens of police cars with lights flashing, huddled together quietly.

  Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing had already fled to a distance, watching this scene with awe in their hearts.

  The two have strong perception, and they have already seen that all these policemen are dead.

  What kind of poison is this? It can kill so many people in an instant.

  Even Fang Cheng under normal conditions can feel the danger.

  Of course, if he uses God of War blood or vector control, he should be able to resist it, but he has no interest in trying it.

   But the poison was leaked at the door of the house, and there was no way to go back.

  Fang Cheng had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call Victor.

   "You still dare to call me?"

  Victor’s voice is extremely cold, and everyone in the Department of Homeland Security today knows that he is hiding in the office watching GV movies.

  Colleagues with normal sexual orientation, looking at him became strange.

  Colleagues with abnormal sexual orientation also looked at him with strange eyes.

   Several colleagues who came out of the closet actually invited him to a black tea party at night, which made him feel that his **** was in danger.

  He is now dead in the Security Bureau. Although he is not completely dead, he is not far away.

  Fang Cheng laughed: "I'm here to tell you my last words."

  Victor thought that Fang Cheng was finally going to die, so he didn't continue to argue with him.


   "Arrange a house for me, I will live in it tonight."

  Is this the last words? Why don't you ask me to help you arrange the coffin and cemetery, and you can stay here tonight.

  Victor almost hung up the phone and refused directly: "No!"

  Fang Cheng said very kindly: "I'll give the money."

  Victor sneered: "Don't you know I'm an official? How dare you bribe me?"

   "Seven days at $30,000."

"I'll pick you up."


   District 11, Machinery City.

  Because Area 11 is 13 hours faster than North America, it is still night over there, but it is already morning here.

  Rin Kanzaki got up on time to wash up as usual, and then went downstairs to the living room to have breakfast.

  She is now the supreme leader of the Machinery City, but she still lives in the apartment and has not hired any housekeepers.

  Fang Cheng doesn't want everyone around him to become a master who needs to be served, so everyone takes turns to do housework and meals.

   Today's breakfast was prepared by Yuguang Kaori and her daughter. She has lived in the Machinery City for a while, and has completely become a young woman at home. She is with her daughter every day, and she does not look like the Minister of Iron Cast Palace.

  Under the guidance of his mother, Yuguang Future also gradually learned to cook and do housework.

  After Fang Cheng left Machinery City, Yuguang Future has not been blackened again, which makes people have to wonder why.

  When we gathered at a table for breakfast, the atmosphere was a bit dull and no one spoke.

   On the one hand, there is no such thing as Ye Yuqing, and on the other hand, Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing have left. Kanzaki Rin is in control of the overall situation, and no one can challenge her status and authority.

  But the reason why today is so dull is mainly because Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing have already told Mai Sato about what happened to Fang Cheng and Ye Yuqing in North America, because she needs to rely on her hacking skills to collect data.

  Mai Sato will not hide it naturally, so this side already knows the danger that the two of them encountered.

  After reading the information on the Grim Reaper, everyone was a little worried.

  Rin Kanzaki quickly finished his breakfast, put away the bowls and chopsticks, and said to the absent-minded people: "Even Isis can defeat Isis, what kind of evil spirits are you afraid of? Don't you have any confidence in him?"

  Everyone came back to their senses, and their melancholy lessened.

  That's right, Fang Cheng can defeat even disaster-level monsters, so there's no reason why he can't deal with Reaper.

  Rin Kanzaki had already left for work, and Nine-Tailed Fox followed suit.

  She is now very satisfied with her life in Mech City, she can play games freely every day, and she can also **** cats, right? Kanzaki Rin.

  Rin Kanzaki took Nine-Tailed Fox to the government building to start a day's work.

   Working until noon, Nine-Tailed Fox put down his phone and slipped to the cafeteria to pick up food.

  Rin Kanzaki stood by the window, looking at the scenery in the distance.

  Although she told everyone not to worry, she was not worried.

  North America is not Area 11. As one of the three major political circles, there are many dangerous people there, and even ISIS will not mess around in North America.

  Although Fang Cheng defeated Isis, he relied on too much external force and golden fingers, and his real strength was far inferior to Isis.

  So he is at great risk in North America.

  Rin Kanzaki now only hopes that Fang Cheng can solve the problem smoothly and find his mother's body.

  She didn't call to disturb Fang Cheng, because facing the **** of death and the doll, they might be dealing with the danger with all their heart and soul, and they couldn't be disturbed by the outside world.


  North America, California.

  The weather has been gloomy for the past few days, and it has been raining continuously.

  In a two-storey apartment, the sound of clattering drowns out the sound of rain.

  On a big table in the living room, Ye Yuqing was playing mahjong, but her poker players were not normal people.

  On the left is a long-haired female ghost who looks like Sadako, and on the right is a clown with clown makeup painted with blood on his face.

   Directly in front of her is a person with a gender obsession and no facial features.

   These three card players are all evil spirits summoned by rag dolls.

  Under Ye Yuqing's physical persuasion, the three evil spirits finally changed their minds and became ghosts again.

   Not only gave up the goal of killing, but also played games and mahjong with Ye Yuqing.

   is really a good ghost in the new era.

  Of course there were also two evil spirits who didn't listen to persuasion at all, and Ye Yuqing didn't do anything to them, just hanging them in the yard with the dolls and being struck by lightning.

  Fang Cheng curled up on the sofa, while exercising his ability, while reading various secret materials sent by Mai Sato.

  It has been five days since the invitation was opened, and today is the sixth day, and it has survived an attack by the **** of death, and there is only one left.

   As long as you live through tomorrow again, you will be considered as having successfully survived this danger.

   Ye Yuqing doesn’t need to worry about it, the evil spirit rag doll has already reached the limit of five evil spirits, and unless the **** of death continues to collude with it, it will not be able to summon more powerful evil spirits.

  But the **** of death seems to dislike it, and has already kicked it away.

   "Hot Girl...Hot Girl...Fack..."

  The mobile phone rang suddenly, Fang Cheng took it out and looked, and found that it was Victor calling.

   During this period of time, he had to make a phone call every day to confirm Fang Cheng's life and death, and exchange each other's treasures by the way.

   But usually they call early in the morning, and they have already called today.

  Fang Cheng answered smoothly: "Could it be that the collection I sent you this morning wasn't amazing enough?"

"Shut up."

  Victor snorted coldly, he really believed in this bastard's evil, and the treasures he sent each time were extraordinary.

   The only time it was normal was the German dragoon aunt.

   "I'm outside the door, come out."

   After speaking, I hung up.

  Fang Cheng was surprised. Although Victor called every day during this period, he actually stayed away from him.

  Stay far away from him, not even daring to show your face, for fear of being affected by death.

  Why did you suddenly dare to come to him?

  (end of this chapter)

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