Chapter 454 Let me do a test for you

  The battle between giants and monsters has entered a fierce stage from the very beginning.

  Nine-tailed Fox is agile and strong, and has good hand-to-hand combat ability. However, he met Fang Cheng, a master in fighting.

  King of Ksitigarbha, the first level of transformation has a height of ten meters.

  Although he still can't grow three heads and six arms, only two arms and one head are enough for him to use as a master tactician. The ten-meter-high body does not affect his flexibility at all.

  The nine-tailed fox swung its two paws out of the afterimage and couldn't touch Fang Cheng, but was easily beaten into a daze.

boom! boom! boom!

   Every time Fang Cheng punched the Nine-Tailed Fox **** the head, her huge body couldn't help but retreat, overwhelming countless dense vegetation all the way.

   In the last rocket punch, a large number of jets appeared on the elbow, and the driving force made the power of this punch unparalleled.

   The dizzy nine-tailed fox couldn't dodge in time, and was hit in the chest by the rocket's heavy punch. The whole fox was sent flying hundreds of meters, and rolled down the **** to the bottom of the mountain.

  Fang Cheng took a few steps to run up and jumped down, sat on Nine-Tailed Fox's belly, pulled up a tree, and stuffed it directly into her mouth.

   "Come here, let me do a test for you."

   It doesn't matter whether it is a nucleic acid test or a **** test.

  Nine-Tailed Fox was beaten until his eyes stared at him, but now he is forced to stuff a big wooden stick into his mouth, feeling uncomfortable and angry.

   Phew! call out!

  The nine tails danced on the back and swung up like ropes, tightly bound Fang Cheng's hands and neck, and pulled him back forcefully.

  Nine-tailed fox took the opportunity to open its mouth and spit out, the fox fire gushed out from its throat, burned the big tree stuffed in its mouth to ashes, and sprayed it towards Fang Cheng's head.


   A deafening roar suddenly sounded, as if some kind of terrifying ancient giant beast was roaring upwards, the sound waves rolled out, echoing in the surrounding large forest.

  Fang Cheng used the Dragon's Wrath again, this time the shock waves gathered together and shot out from the front.

  Accompanied by the dragon's roar, the invisible shock wave rolled up circles of ripples visible to the naked eye in the air, and directly hit the fox fire of the nine-tailed fox.

  Foxfire was instantly crushed and disintegrated, and the shock wave fiercely hit Nine-Tailed Fox's head, almost driving her head into the soil.

  However, her nine tails were still tightly wrapped around Fang Cheng's hands, neck, chest and abdomen, preventing him from moving.

  Fang Cheng's huge body suddenly shrank back to its original size, and he got rid of the shackles of Nine Tails directly.

   Instead, a golden phantom with three heads and six arms enveloped him.

  The golden phantom swung its six arms, forming a fist shadow that filled the sky in an instant, completely enveloping the nine-tailed fox.

  The nine-tailed fox howled non-stop after being beaten, its two paws protected its body, and its nine tails frantically flicked, bombarding the golden phantom like a long whip.

  Fang Cheng fell from the sky quickly, and he already had an oddly shaped hammer in his hand.

   "Lightning Hammer!"

  Nine-tailed fox narrowed its eyes and pupils, and opened its mouth again to spit out, and light blue fox fire spewed out.

  Fang Cheng swung the lightning hammer downwards, hitting the oncoming foxfire, and there was a faint thunderclam.

  Foxfire appears to have been split in half by lightning.

  Fang Cheng had already rushed in front of Nine-Tailed Fox, and swung her head hard.


  The lightning hammer accurately hit Nine-Tailed Fox on the head, and the faint thunder sounded again, knocking her head back.

  The lightning hammer seems to have a particularly obvious effect on the Nine-Tailed Fox, and it even has a special lightning effect, making her hair fluffy and blown up, and her eyes turned white.

  The effect of the sealing ability was activated, and the huge body of the nine-tailed fox quickly shrank into an ordinary golden hair.

  Fang Cheng landed next to Nine-Tailed Fox, ready to make up his sword at any time. This is a big monster suspected to be in front of Yuzao, so he should not be ignored.

  But the Nine-Tailed Fox has completely passed out, not only his eyes are white, but even his tongue is sticking out, and his four legs are curled up. At first glance, he seems to have rushed to the street.

  Fang Cheng hastily put his hand in front of her nose, and he was relieved when he felt that there was still breath.

   After all, his main purpose is to find out the identity of this nine-tailed fox, not to kill her directly.

   "Ah Cheng!"

  The gigantic Moonlight Chuxia happily ran over, and there was a skull hooked on the cat's tail.

   And Qingxue was sitting on her head, looking depressed.

   In the past, Sha Mao was always against Qingxue climbing on her head, but now he seems to have no objection.

   "Ah Cheng, Ah Cheng, look!"

  Yueguang Chuxia put the skull in front of Fang Cheng like a treasure, and patted and rolled it with his paws: "It was I who defeated this dead old woman with my own hands, hehe, it's amazing."

  She is so proud, on the one hand, she has finally achieved a big event with her own hands, proving that she is not a fat cat who only eats and lazy.

   On the one hand, it is also reminding Fang Cheng not to forget the agreement between the two.

   "Good job." Fang Cheng sincerely praised, 'Don't worry, Happy Water Fish will have enough dried catnip when you go back. '

  When he was fighting the Nine-Tailed Fox just now, he had been paying attention to the situation of the two cats. If he really lost to the bone girl, he had to lend a helping hand.

  The result made him very pleased. The growth of the two cats was visible to the naked eye.

   Needless to say, Qingxue's post-war strength has steadily entered the hazard level A-, and this is not her limit.

  Yueguang Chuxia not only strengthened her strength, but also improved her courage, so she would no longer want to run away when encountering danger.

  The most important thing is that the two sisters finally joined forces to defeat the bone girl, which can be regarded as the first step to change the relationship between plastic sisters.

  Yueguang Chuxia was guaranteed, so happy that his beard was raised, and he patted his paw lightly, and patted the skull in front of Fang Cheng: "Give it to you."

  Fang Cheng stretched out his hand, and the palm touched the skull, and the familiar warmth flowed into the body along the fingertips.

  [Draining energy...]


  [Thousand Bone Rain+1]

  [Bone Cry Resonance +1]

  8 lives plus two abilities, the strength of this bone girl should be close to hazard level A, only slightly worse than the nine-tailed fox.

   Qianguyu's ability is almost the same as Fang Cheng's Raining Needle, and it is even more powerful. Such two identical abilities will not fail when combined.

  Fang Cheng easily fused the two abilities, and obtained a new ability—Rainstorm Flying Bone Needle.

  The name reminded him of a very famous hidden weapon, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

  Master's name is full of literary flavor, while his own name is full of sand sculpture flavor.

  Qingxue had already fallen from her sister's big head. Fang Cheng noticed that there were large bloodstains on the side of her body, so he beckoned: "Come here."

  Qingxue didn't refuse, and jumped into Fang Cheng's arms lightly.

  Fang Cheng stretched out his hand to hold her wound, and healed her with the magic of words and spirits.

  Yueguang Chuxia approached the unconscious Nine-Tailed Fox, and carefully pulled it with her paws. Seeing that she didn't respond, her attitude immediately swelled: "Haha, you still dare to eat me, now eat this lady's saliva, heitui!"

  Qingxue's gaze also crossed Fang Cheng's shoulder, and landed on the unconscious Nine-Tailed Fox: "Is this really Yuzaoqian?"

   "Not necessarily!" Fang Cheng shook his head.

   This white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox is obviously a big monster, almost comparable to Gui Yunji.

   But the gap with the ace class is still too big, so easy to be caught, is there a question mark in front of Yuzao?

  Ju Tun-douji was not strong enough back then, but he showed a crushing power. If there was no boy Kirie Anzuna at that time, it would have been really difficult to deal with.

  His eyes fell on Nine-Tailed Fox, if this is not Tamamo-mae, then just beat him to death and touch the corpse.

   Seemingly aware of the killing intent, the unconscious Nine-Tailed Fox shuddered subconsciously.


  Nine-tailed fox was in a coma for more than ten hours before waking up. Slowly opening his narrow eyes, he immediately felt a splitting headache and groaned.

  Fang Cheng's attacks were all aimed at her head, especially the last lightning hammer attack, which almost turned her fox brain into a dog's brain.

"woke up?"

  Hearing the sound, Nine-Tailed Fox endured the headache and looked up to follow the sound.

  Night has fallen and the sky is full of stars.

  In the dark primeval forest, the bonfire in front of you is a striking and warm place.

  Fang Cheng and the cat sisters who had recovered their human form were sitting in front of the bonfire, Fang Cheng and Qingxue were drinking hot drinks, and Yueguang Chuxia was competing with a chicken wing.

   After only taking a look, Nine-Tailed Fox subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that he was tightly trapped on the trunk of a big tree by thick red chains.

  If it's just this, it won't be able to trap her at all, but the sealing effect of the lightning hammer is still there. Now she is paralyzed, and she can't even use a little ability and strength.

  Damn it, why is the lightning hammer on this person.

   Nine-Tailed Fox was secretly annoyed, because of the legend that lightning struck Qingqiu Mountain, the lightning attribute had a special effect on Nine-Tailed.

   Otherwise, even if she can't fight, it's okay to run away.

  Fang Cheng had already walked over with the cup, looked down at Nine-Tailed Fox, and asked, "Can you tell me the answer now? Are you Yuzaoqian?"

  Nine-tailed Fox didn't answer, but was thinking of some reason to fool him.

But Fang Cheng had already pulled out the lightning hammer from the shadow: "If you want to fool me, you can do it, but I can tell you clearly, if you are not Yu Zaoqian, then I have no choice but to kill you. die."

   Seeing him so entangled in this question, Nine-tailed Fox couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking for Yuzaoqian?"

   Could it be an enemy, but she doesn't know Fang Cheng.

  If the troubles caused by other nine-tailed foxes were to be borne by her, it would be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"none of your business."

  Fang Cheng raised the lightning hammer high up, as if he was about to hit it: "Hurry up, or you can guess if I hit forty or eighty?"


  Nine-tailed fox sighed: "If you want to say that I am Yuzaoqian, that is, if you say I am not Yuzaoqian, then it is not... Hey, hey, wait a minute!"

  Seeing that the Nine-Tailed Fox still refused to speak humanly, Fang Cheng directly swung the hammer forcefully, with the force of a sledgehammer.

  Finally, the hammer stopped a few centimeters away from the Nine-Tailed Fox's head.


  Nine-tailed Fox finally didn't hide anything this time, and told the truth, after all, the big hammer was right in front of his head.

   But what she said surprised Fang Cheng.

   "I am transformed from a tail in front of Tamamo."

  (end of this chapter)

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