With a roar of rage, several divine sources hidden in the depths of his body were shattered.

Ten of them were old and gray-haired.

"Woke up, I don't know what year it is?"

"The Holy Land has encountered a crisis, and we need to give our last strength!"

"Don't hesitate, let's shoot!"


Without much communication, they had already walked out of the Sealed Land.

Because they knew that the only task they had to survive was to defend against the enemy and preserve the Dao system of the Holy Land, even if it cost them their lives.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the outside of the sealed land, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he shot without hesitation: "Kill!"

Although they are old and frail, their qi and blood are depleted, and their strength is less than 70% of their peak, they are all powerhouses at the level of Dao Cutting in any way, and they have cultivated for nearly 2,000 years and are very experienced.

And after living for a lifetime, they have seen through life and death, and they are very spicy and ruthless.

So once you join the fray, turn the tide immediately.

The three Yama Monarchs of the Yama Palace, because they didn't notice it for a while, actually died in their hands.

"Is this the essence of the Holy Land?" The Ten Thousand Mountains Ancestor, who was holding the Holy Axe, looked at this group of old immortals who were about to step into the coffin board with both feet burst out with amazing combat power, muttering to himself, his heart was full of fear.

As far as he knew, basically every Holy Land level force had hundreds of old immortals preserved.

Their strength has all reached the level of Dao Cutting, and some have reached the level of great supernatural powers.

Due to the hopelessness of a breakthrough, he came to the end of his life, and was preserved by the divine source to retain the background against the enemy.

Once this force is used, the heavens and the earth are turned upside down.

When I saw it now, I left a deep shock on him.

At this moment, he felt a crisis behind him, and he held the holy axe in his hand.


But it was knocked back hundreds of miles by a huge force.

When he turned his head to look, he found an old man whose hair was about to fall out, with only a dry layer of skin left on his face, which was already full of life, like a zombie.

But this person gave him a strong threat.

Obviously, the old man in front of him was a great supernatural person.

It was too old, not only in what age, he didn't recognize it for a while.

But the head of Taihua said: "Earth Ancestor!"

The old man spoke, and his voice was low as if there was no trace of strength: "You are the head of this generation?"

The head of Taihua hurriedly introduced, and his demeanor was very respectful: "Yes, the ancestor of the earth, the disciple is Bai Jiangling, the 57th head of the Taihua Holy Land!"

The old man nodded slightly: "You step aside, the future of the Holy Land still depends on you!"

"Yes, Earth Ancestor!" the head of Taihua handed over the Holy Soldier Taihua Holy Sword.

The old man held the holy sword in his hand, raised his head and chest, and his whole body was shrouded in the holy aura of the holy soldiers, washing away the dead qi on his body, and his momentum suddenly increased several times, like a god and demon from ancient times.


He didn't talk much nonsense, and with a light chant in his mouth, he slashed out a sword light that stretched for 100,000 miles!

The alarm bell of the ancestor of Wanren Mountain rang loudly, holding a quasi-holy soldier in his hand, and he opened the world to split!

Sword light and axe light collide in the air!

There was a roar, and the heavens and the earth were once again turbulent and overturned!

But this time, it was the ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain who was knocked away, spurting out a mouthful of old blood and landing on the axe in front of him.

"Your weapon is good, but it can't withstand the holy soldier after all!" the old man spoke, holding the holy soldier in his hand to kill again, and with a sword in his hand, he brought out a brilliant divine light, as well as the indelible Dao seal that belonged to that saint!

The ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain was not convinced, and once again met the enemy with quasi-holy soldiers, and once again fell into the disadvantage, and was injured again.

The difference in strength between the two sides is not big, but the difference in weapons is too great.

One is a quasi-holy soldier, the other is a holy soldier, and the difference between one is the abyss!

However, he found that the body that had just been damaged had been repaired by a strange force, leaving it intact.

"Is this the power of the system?" Wan Qian Mountain Ancestor realized in his heart, his cloudy eyes were full of madness, and he raised his holy axe and shouted loudly: "If the weapon is not good, I will fight with my life!"

"The way to die!" the old man disdained.

The two fought again, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was destroyed!

That old man has a holy soldier, and his strength is even better!

However, the Ancestor of Wan Ling Mountain has the immortal power given by the system, which can make him fight desperately, so although he is at a disadvantage, he can barely draw the old man.

The battle between the two will not be able to tell the winner for a while!

And at the bottom, the winner has already been decided.

The dozen or so members of the Yama Hall who came this time have been killed by the essence invited by the Holy Land, and now they are just waiting for the ultimate battle in the heavens to be decided.

But no one knew that there was a person who had sneaked into the Holy Land.

"I've lost more than a dozen of my subordinates, isn't it too much for you to lose something?" Hua Qiandi smiled, and the Spiritual Manifestation came to the Treasure Pavilion in the Holy Land.

At this time, everyone was focused on the big battle outside, and they didn't have time to care about it.

Emperor Hua Qiandi easily broke through the formation, walked into the Treasure Pavilion, and with a slight wave of his hand, he rolled all the treasures into the dimensional space and took them away.

He came to the place of the Gong Transmission Hall and swept away the secret books of the exercises inside.

I walked a few more places, and all in all, everything I could take away.

When all this was done, he hid between heaven and earth, watching the battle in the void.

As time passed, the victory rate of the Ten Thousand Mountain Ancestors became bigger and bigger.

Because the old man in the Holy Land is an old immortal who is about to step into the coffin with both feet, his qi and blood are withered, and he can no longer continue to fight like when he was young, and gradually his physical strength is exhausted.

The ancestor of Wanren Mountain is getting braver and braver the more he fights, because he will recover from so many injuries, what are he afraid of?

"Alas, the body is old, it seems that it is impossible not to work hard!" the old man sighed, and there was a hint of death in his tone.

The people in the holy land also understood what the old man meant, and shouted bitterly.


"Earth Ancestor!"


"Life and death depend on fate! I have lived for so many years, struggled, and brilliant, and that's enough! Let me dedicate my last strength to continue the path forward for the Holy Land!" said the old man, condensing terrifying supernatural powers.

That's a divine power!

He wants to use the last life force to burst out to chase the divine blow!

In an instant, the heavens and the earth seemed to be frozen!

There is only one Divine Sword left!

The Ten Thousand Mountain Ancestor felt that he couldn't move, so he could only watch this sword penetrate his body, and then disappear!

"Dead... Finally dead!" the people of the Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got this calamity!

After that ancestor used this sword, the whole person was a little old, and there was only half a breath left, and he was shaking.

However, it was worth it for him to solve this great enemy and alleviate the crisis in the Holy Land.

But at this time, a human figure suddenly condensed in the sky, looked at his hands, and said in shock: "I... Really not dead?"

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