The Twilight Continent is a prison wrapped in a mysterious light shield?

Ron's heart trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered something he heard from Celios before.


We are nothing but a bunch of pathetic caged birds.

Could it be said that Celios has already discovered the truth about the cage?

The shock brought by this content was so great that it took Ron a long time to digest it. There were so many doubts in his mind that he couldn't think about it. At this, his eyes quickly looked back.

What's going on with this barrier?

Who put up this barrier?

Is this barrier protection or blockade?

What's behind the barrier?

In the diary, Zhou Yang also asked questions about his soul, and he didn't have an answer, but from between the lines, Ron could feel Zhou Yang's mood, which was a very scary mood.

I originally thought that the damn guy who controls everything behind the scenes should be a powerful existence hiding on a certain planet, or traveling through the universe, but no, that's not the case. The rules of this world are completely different from those of the earth. The difference is that he does not belong to any planet in the universe, and perhaps there is no concept of the universe in this world.

The energy of the magic cannon is still bombarding the barrier. I can feel the suppressed madness in my chest. I can't wait to know what is behind the barrier.

The strength of this barrier far exceeds my expectations. It can crush me directly and eliminate my soul. However, it is difficult to destroy the barrier. I can feel the violent roars. The entire The world seems to be about to collapse, with large and small fireballs falling like raindrops on the world, bringing endless disasters.

The impact on the barrier shocked the whole world.

The entire magic cannon was fired at once, and the energy lasted for a full sixty seconds. Just when the power of the magic cannon was about to be unsustainable, I saw that the barrier could not withstand the continuous impact. Cracks appeared in the barrier.

The chaotic energy storm penetrated into the Dusk Continent along the cracks, raging, destroying, and destroying.

One of the components of the barrier, a regular hexagon, could no longer support the energy of the magic cannon. It shattered. I finally saw it. Just outside the barrier was...

A door.

An ordinary door with nothing special about it.

No one knows what that door represents, and no one knows what is behind the door and where it leads to, but I feel the trembling from the deepest part of my soul.

There seems to be something attracting me there. I know that as long as I can pass through that door, I can solve all the mysteries, and I can live without dying...

I rushed into the sky, my speed was dozens of times faster than the sound... I wanted to touch the door, open the door, but I could only watch the door getting closer and closer to me. Far.

I could only watch helplessly as the regular hexagon that had been shattered into pieces reappeared in the void, and watched as the door completely disappeared before my eyes.


Ron could feel how lonely Zhou Yang felt at that moment.

I clearly saw hope, but it was elusive and could never be touched.

Ron let out a heavy breath, his face looked very strange, door, door again.

By now, Ron has known the existence of the door in three places. From the system, completing all the strategy tasks and collecting all the keys can open the door.

I have seen it from the notes of the original owner of the body. It seems that the original owner of the body not only encountered the door, he even opened it and entered the door, but the picture he saw led to the original owner of the body. Madness.

Zhou Yang also saw the door, but he couldn't touch it after all.

These three doors? Is it the same fan?

Moreover, these three people have completely different views on the door. The system hopes that he will open the door. The original owner of the body warned him never to try to open the door. Zhou Yang regarded the door as hope.

This door is becoming more and more mysterious.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yang didn't record much about the door's description. He only knew that it was a very ordinary door, and there was no record at all about its specific appearance.

Ron rubbed his temples vigorously with both hands. He felt a little headache.

Zhou Yang's mood was obviously much lower.

Although he wanted to try to create another magic cannon, he was no longer allowed. The rebels' offensive became more and more fierce, and at the same time, the best magic stones were basically consumed.

Zhou Yang could feel that the date of his death was getting closer and closer. From the diary, he could also feel Zhou Yang's emotional fluctuations. Sometimes he was crazy, sometimes calm, sometimes decadent, sometimes desperate. But from beginning to end, Zhou Yang never thought about abandoning him. The Twilight Dynasty that I built myself.

I can't go on like this... The power of fate is really strong enough. I may really die on that day. I'm not willing to do it, but I can't fight.

I may die, but I want to leave some seeds, and I want people to know the truth...

I arranged for Gandalf and White Pheasant to leave with my most important secrets. Both of them are pure-blooded humans and fox girls. As long as they change their appearance a little and restrain their aura, they will be fine. to survive in this world.”

I want my sister to leave here too, as far away as possible, but Elinor didn't say a word. I know her temper. Although she respects me, the king brother, on weekdays, once she determines something , even I can’t change it.”

I finally saw the so-called god on the battlefield...Pfft, at that moment, I really wanted to laugh. No, I already laughed out loud. Sorry, I really couldn't help it.

I do not deny the powerful power they possess. In the realm of gods, their power is not much inferior to mine.

But are they really gods?

Or, are they really life?

They are very delicate, and their appearance is not much different from humans. Their strength is very powerful. They can raise their hands to make the wind surge, and stamp their feet to shake the mountains...

I can feel their breathing and their heartbeat, but I can't feel their will.

How to describe that feeling? It's like a painting? Yes, a beautiful painting, but no matter how superb the painting technique is and how much emotion the artist puts into it, it is just a painting. No matter how many highlights the painter puts in their eyes, their eyes are as bright as gems!”

They are like a group of puppets with no sense of self...

Or is it a physical doll made by a skilled craftsman? This skill is really unparalleled. It looks just like the real thing. I really want to know who made this. Give it to me according to my figure. How good can I be? It won’t take hundreds of years, it all depends on the fifth girl!

Chapter 5 presented. I have to drive on the expressway tomorrow and plan to return to my hometown in two days.

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