Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 969 Super Rare

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave will win, but in Xia Feng's battle against the deep sea monster, no one is the winner.

Taking a preemptive strike, Xia Feng severely damaged one of the sea monster's eyes, and he also lost a shoe forever.

After returning home, Xia Feng hid his reckless act of overestimating his abilities from Bagpipe, otherwise, he would definitely be scolded again.

At the same time, he also told Sorata not to tell the villagers about this matter. This is a secret between men.

As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Although he failed to kill the sea monster and ran away in embarrassment. In the end, he saved his life for unknown reasons, but he also got very reliable information. .

That thing looks bluffing, but when you calm down and think about it, it doesn't seem to be invincible.

It's not a god or a demon, it's just that it's a little bigger. It will still bleed when it is cut, and it will also be angered. Judging from its final reaction, it is also scared.

As for the attack method, it is also a pure physical attack. There are no strange tricks that cannot be seen or touched. To put it bluntly, it is at best an enhanced version of [Dark Green].

Because the sea monster occupies the advantage of the ocean, his current physical condition is not enough to kill it head-on.

But having said that, as long as he doesn't go into the sea, that guy can't do anything to him.

People can move, sea monsters can move, but Sandworm Island cannot move. One day, he must round up that big body.

Without defeating the sea monster head-on, Xia Feng gained other things besides intelligence.

Because of the rules handed down from their ancestors, the villagers of Nanye Village will not go near the sandworm bay where the altar is placed. Even if they accidentally see sandworms on the beach, they will not catch them.

But after he figured out what was guarding Sandworm Island, he no longer worried so much. Since he couldn't steal it by force, he could always steal it.

From that day on, Xia Feng would run along the coastline to the vicinity of Sandworm Bay every morning. He would not go out to sea or land on the island, but would pick up leaks around the coastline.

As the closest coast to Sandworm Island, the frequency of sandworms here is much higher than elsewhere.

If you're lucky, you can carry one or two back every day without any problem.

There are rules in Nanno Village, but some people who like to argue say that the purpose of the rules is not to be broken?

Young people always like exciting new things. Although they don't dare to blatantly break the rules in front of their elders, they will always try it secretly.

Just like that, knowing that Xia Feng would always bring sandworms back to eat, Sorata and Xiao Hui ran to his house when they had something to do, and enjoyed eating without telling the villagers.

The season is now in autumn, but winter is still far away. Marine organisms like sandworms are not easy to preserve as long as they die, and they will easily deteriorate.

Bagpipe thought of many ways, such as using a meat drying rack to dry the sandworm meat into dried meat, or marinating the meat with a lot of salt.

As for the results, it can only be said that they are not ideal.

Perhaps due to insufficient operating methods and experience, the final product was very small, which was completely out of proportion to the effort put in.

All in all, my little life is getting better day by day.

The tide ebbs and flows, life passes day by day, and the crops in the fields become more lush day by day.

No longer needing to rely on gifts from Senior Sakurawu or the help of Nannomura, he and Bagpipe have become completely self-sufficient.

Not only that, because the population is too small, they often pack up endless food and distribute it to everyone.

However, the so-called life is bittersweet. Since we yearn for the life of ordinary people, we must also accept the sorrows from ordinary people.

For example, poor.

Although the villagers of Nanye Village can be self-sufficient, for the sake of quality of life, they still have to go to the town to sell specialties in exchange for things that cannot be produced in the village.

The same goes for him and bagpipes.

For example, some daily necessities, cooking spices, clothing, farming tools, etc. all need to be purchased in the town.

At first, Xia Feng would bring the vegetables and fruits that Bagpipe had grown so hard to the village, and sell them in the town together with the dried fish and sea salt made by the villagers.

However, when he saw the copper coins from the sale, he sincerely felt that the bagpipe was not worth it. It was too cheap.

In the pergola of the yard.

Bagpipe counted the few copper coins he had received from the sale, trying to be as optimistic as possible.

It doesn't matter. There's nothing special about what I grow. It's already great if someone is willing to buy it.

But Xia Feng didn't think so. He didn't think it was good, but he was totally wrong.

No, you are not such a bully. Don't sell it. From now on, we will only keep what you grow for ourselves to eat. If we don't finish it, we will give it to the villagers. We will never sell it again.

Bagpipe sighed.

Where can we make money if we don't sell it? Don't be stubborn. This is not Victoria. The customs and customs of the East Country are like this. Everyone can grow things regardless of their quality, because they are not rare.

Xia Feng didn't want to compromise.

They don't think it's rare, so they won't sell it.

If we don't sell, where will we get money? Without money, life will only get worse and worse.

Xiao Hui next to him clenched his chin and echoed.

Brother Xia Feng, there is nothing we can do about it. I know that the things grown by Sister Bagpipe are of very high quality, but no matter how high they are, they are just vegetables. They cannot be compared with dried fish. Besides, even if they are dried fish, the villagers will It won’t sell for much.”

Xia Feng said nothing more.

Looking at the red and green vegetable gardens around the house, he fell into deep thought.

It would have been nice if he hadn't made a huge deposit and left so many gold coins for the Chang Teng family.

No, no, no, this idea was quickly dismissed. They said that a penny can stump a heroic man. Because he has no money, he would regret such a principled issue. It is really depraved.

Huo Yu Xia Feng needs to cheer up. Money is earned, not cut.

I remember when he brought his family to Victoria and started from scratch, from a small barbecue restaurant to the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce worth hundreds of millions.

Although there are many external factors involved, it still proves that he still has a bit of business acumen. Well, he should have.

Sitting in the yard, Xia Feng thought about it from noon to dusk.

Finally, Bagpipe's unintentional remark earlier lit up the little lightbulb in his head.

[Everyone can grow things regardless of their quality, because they are not rare. 】

Because it is not rare, it sells very cheaply. In other words, as long as something is rare enough, it has the right to formulate rules.

In other words, he needs to come up with something that is absolutely rare and can be mass-produced to obtain a stable source of income.

Early the next morning.

Ignoring Uncle Nanye's dissuasion and Bagpipe's concerns, Xia Feng took the Shenyue Knife and headed to the town alone, carrying two adult sandworms he had just caught from Sandworm Bay.

He dared to catch sandworms in the territory of the deep sea monster. This courage should be rare enough.

It was decided that even if he could not become the sandworm lord who controlled the sandworm island at this stage, he would first monopolize the villages around Nanwan Town.

Sandworm retail giant.

Thanks to the reward from Deep Sea Admiral Poi, Fengfeng became Fengfeng’s sixth alliance leader at the starting point.

Thank you poi, I’m so touched (ω)

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