Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 965 An isolated island in shallow sea

After hearing what Nanye Shimoda called evil, Xia Feng felt that this matter was not evil at all, and could even be explained by science.

Xia Feng wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and asked.

So the villagers' boat was knocked over by a big fish?

Nanno Shimoda sighed.

“It wasn’t the big fish that capsized the boat.”

What is that? Is it a submarine?

Nanye Shimoda stood up, took out a white irregular object from the bottom compartment of the cabinet, and handed it to Xia Feng.

I don't know what submarine you're talking about, but the thing that capsized the boat is probably trickier than any known sea creature.

Xia Feng took the white object doubtfully and held it heavily.

Uncle Nanye, what is this?

These are the teeth of that thing.

Later, Nanno Shimoda talked about the origin of this tooth.

That time, the boat that was overturned in Nanye Village suffered heavy casualties. After the villagers fell into the water, their blood immediately dyed the water red.

There were a total of 5 people on the boat at the time, and 3 of them never came up again. The villagers in Nanye Village who knew how to go out to sea were all very good at water. They disappeared as soon as they fell into the water. They must have been dragged down by something.

Seeing the blood stains gradually spreading from where they fell into the water, the remaining two villagers did not dare to dive for rescue, so they could only swim desperately towards the coast. In the process, the slower swimmer also disappeared.

In the end, only one person returned to the shore alive and informed the village of the incident.

This person is Nanye Shimoda’s grandfather.

That incident gave villagers a new understanding of sandworms.

They thought this was the food God gave them to survive, but the fact was that it was a trap for the devil to trap them.

The villagers don't know why the sandworms have to gather on that island, and they don't know what is guarding those islands.

Maybe it was the king of sandworms, protecting its descendants, or maybe it was a predator that regarded all the sandworms on the island as its own food and was protecting its hunting ground.

The villagers of Nanye Village are good at facing the sea, but they don't know how to face this creature that exceeds their cognition. After discussions with the older generation in the village, they finally gave up their desire for sandworm meat.

However, as the saying goes, the bold will die from hunger and the timid will starve to death. Nanno Village gave up on Sandworm Island, but the news was inadvertently leaked.

A village dozens of kilometers away from Nanye Village heard about the existence of Sandworm Island.

At that time, except for Nanno Village, which was good at fishing at sea, the entire south coast villages lacked food diversity. Faced with such temptations, the young people in that village directly picked up spears and clubs and were ready to start.

At that time, the village chief of Nanno Village very seriously dissuaded him, saying that there was a sea monster near the Sandworm Island that humans could not resist.

But to outsiders, this kind of statement is clearly a sign of protecting food. If your own village dares not go and you don’t let other villages go, I believe your evil deeds.

In this way, the young people in that village formed a Sandworm Expedition of more than 30 people, and they were bound to completely occupy the island.

As for the ending, it is naturally tragic.

They got in, they got out, they were wiped out.

People think that sandworms smell like chicken, and sea monsters think that young people are also crunchy. The boat was turned upside down, and no one of the more than 30 people in the sandworm expedition came back alive.

Afterwards, because of this incident, the village dozens of kilometers away from Nanye Village lost too many young people and disappeared after a few years.

Naturally, the villagers of Nanye Village did not dare to provoke him anymore, and they did not dare to expect the delicious taste of sandworm meat.

Because he didn't know what the sea monster was, the village chief was worried that it would climb onto the land from the sea, so he built an altar on the coast corresponding to the Sandworm Island.

At the beginning of every month, villagers offer some food as sacrifices.

This approach is a self-comfort of feudal superstition. If the sea monster is the Poseidon, this can make it calm down.

The second consideration is that if it is some kind of large predator, it will eat the food on the altar as soon as it lands, so that the villagers can detect it in time.

This method of worship and precaution has been used in Nanye Village for decades. It was not until the death of the then village chief and Nanye Shimoda's grandfather that no one cared about it.

In recent years, the younger generation in the village have long stopped making offerings, but the rules of the older generation have been passed down. This rule is.

[Don’t mess with sandworms, although they are delicious]

Minami Shimoda's home.

After hearing the complete story about the sandworm, Xia Feng's eyebrows were twisted into twists. Looking at the sandworm captured by him and Feng Bao, he had only one thought in his mind.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Nanye Shimoda lit up a cigarette again.

According to the rules passed down from our ancestors, we in Nanno Village will not hunt sandworms. Even if we accidentally pick them up, we will immediately release or discard them. I also often warn Sorata not to catch sandworms, let alone Don’t go near the beach corresponding to Sandworm Island.”

Xia Feng thought about it for a while, and then took a closer look at the tooth that Nanye Shimoda showed him just now.

Uncle Nanye, do you think these are the teeth of a sea monster?

Yes, it's scary.


This so-called tooth is an elongated triangular-shaped, sharp white bone fragment with an overall length of about 20 centimeters.

If this is a tooth, then you can imagine that its owner should have a terrifyingly big mouth.

Uncle Nanye, where did this tooth come from? Did someone break off the sea monster's tooth?

No, no, no one can do that.

Uncle Nanye smoked his cigarette pipe.

According to my grandfather, the team that went to conquer Sandworm Island was destroyed in a shipwreck. Later, part of the ship washed up on the coast. They found this inlaid tooth on the wooden hull. I think it was probably a sea monster that bit into the hull of the ship and tore it apart.

The ship broke up?

Yes, that kind of power is unimaginable.

A ship that can carry more than 30 people must be very large. Due to the rigorous character of the people of Edom, the hull must have been very strong even a hundred years ago.

Back in Victoria, the Haimen Gang was also a gangster organization that specialized in dealing with the sea. For such a long time, he had not heard from Lin Haikou of any big fish or marine creatures that could tear apart a ship's hull.


As if something suddenly occurred to him, Xia Feng picked up this piece of biological tooth that had dried to the point of becoming a fossil, brought it to his nose and smelled it carefully.

Seeing his serious expression, Sorata next to him was a little puzzled.

Brother Xia Feng, what are you smelling?

Uncle Nanxia also explained aloud.

Fuutarou, you don't think I'm making up stories to lie to you. Don't worry, I never tell lies. This is true. This tooth really belongs to the sea monster.

Of course Xia Feng believed what Uncle Nanye said, and this tooth was genuine.

Closing his eyes gently, he carefully distinguished the faint scent remaining on the tooth.

Perhaps because too much time has passed, this breath is very weak, very light, so small that it is almost difficult to detect.

However, he was eventually caught.

Yes, this should be the breath of the deep sea species.

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