Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 951 Gift of Wind

After returning to the open-air camp in the cherry blossom forest with Bagpipe, Feng Bao was still sleeping soundly with his butt stuck out.

It seems that this thing has no effect on animals. Not only does it have no effect, it also seems to have a sleep-promoting effect. Fengbao didn't even notice that he and Bagpipe left like zombies.

The fire rose.

At this point, the late-night nightmare incident was basically over, and Xia Feng fell asleep without a care.

He has never been a person who looks forward and backward. Although there is no authoritative explanation, he has roughly guessed something.

Nannomura has never experienced this kind of thing for generations, but this bizarre phenomenon happened after he arrived.

If the black shadow that fell into the deep sea was a species of the deep sea, then there was only one possibility. The servants of the deep sea were coming for him.

Victoria's Dark Ages seemed to be caused by a coup, but in fact the main culprit was Hela's interference in Vaelin's decisions.

In that battle, three of the four divine envoys died suddenly, and only Kuroyukihime escaped. This kind of thing would definitely cause an uproar in the [Deep Code] teachings.

In the end, there are only two directions.

First, the vitality of Shencan's teachings was severely damaged, and the relics have been silenced since then.

Second, the loss of combat power was just the tip of the iceberg for the entire Shen Dian, and he became the target of revenge.

Judging from his feelings, there is a high probability that the second situation will occur, because the strongest divine envoy Heixue is not dead.

However, no matter what the situation was, he had no need to worry.

If an organization wanted to hunt him down, no matter where he fled to the ends of the earth, the result would be the same, just like when he hunted down Frey.

It would be better to stay in Dongguo where no one knows him.

What should come will always come, it's just a matter of time, but now he has a lot of time. If he is given enough time, it may not be certain who will take revenge on whom in the end.

The black and white twins are the strongest ancient stones. From what Hela once said, it proves that there is an internal understanding of the deep scripture teachings.

Everyone saw that in the last battle of Londinium, he made his eyes fly and put himself to death with his own hands.

Although he survived the incident, he has become a completely ordinary person since then. Even after being seriously injured at this moment, he is not even as good as an ordinary person.

The servants of the deep sea this time may be related to the teachings of the Deep Code, or they may have nothing to do with it. They are just the existence of the same origin and different systems.

But one thing is certain, that thing must think that he can no longer use the power of the black and white twins.

Unfortunately, he was unable to gain the ability to reset all pain from the white power, but the violent black power was still sealed in his left eye.

It's not that he can't use it, but that he doesn't want to use it, because if he uses it, he will most likely die without the white power.

But if someone wants to kill him, there is no other way.

This is equivalent to trying to blow up a nuclear bomb with TNT explosives. If the black power of the 31st day is brought out, there will probably be a hundred or so super strong people like Kuroyukihime to have any hope.

Having said that, if there were really so many strong people in Shen Dian, the Victoria Incident would not be a disaster.

Through this incident, both the Deep Dian Cult and the Deep Sea Disaster will probably be wary.

And all he needs to do is eat and drink as he should, and live a comfortable life while fishing and enforcing the law.

Of course, not everyone was as open-minded as he thought. Because of this incident, the original trip the next day was cancelled.

Presided over by the village chief himself, the villagers of Nanye Village held a grandiose offering ceremony and decided to close the sea for a month and stop fishing during this period to thank the sea god for his blessing.

Obviously, this is completely feudal superstition, but sometimes superstition can comfort ignorant people more easily than science.

It can be seen from this that being uneducated is really terrible.

Of course, not all uneducated people believe in the blessing of Poseidon. In this incident, almost everyone living near Nanye Village was affected, except for one person who slept until dawn.

This person is Juyoro Sakurabu who lives deep in the cherry blossom forest.

When Xia Feng visited him the next day, the old man was digging potatoes in the vegetable garden and knew nothing about what happened last night.

Master Shi, didn't you sleepwalk last night?

No, I feel light-headed. As long as I'm asleep, I hardly move. I wake up whenever I move.

Then do you feel any physical discomfort?

Discomfort? Well, my waist is just a little sore. This is an old problem.

Seeing the calm look of Mr. Yingwu, Xia Feng probably guessed a possibility.

In order for people to be immersed in a beautiful dream, the person concerned must first believe that it is real and not a dream.

But for Juyoro Sakurabu, who has seen through the world of mortals, he can tell at a glance whether it is a dream or not, because he has let go of all the attachments in his heart.

Whether it was mountains of money, beauties sitting in his arms, or the title of No. 1 in the world, he would sneer and say, Oh, nonsense in his dreams.

Xia Feng asked himself that he had not yet reached such a state. In this world that did not belong to him, even though it seemed free and easy, there was still something persistent in his heart.

For example, that dream wedding.

A few days later.

The nightmare incident was completely overturned, and the entire Nanno Village returned to its normal life.

Because of the one-month self-restraint imposed by the sea closure, Sorata could only carry a small backpack and go to the woods behind to pick mushrooms.

In the village.

Through Uncle Nanye's introduction, Xia Feng met the carpenter in the village.

Without further ado, after briefly discussing some things needed to build a house, the two immediately set off to the town.

This carpenter's name is Nanno Maruyama. He looks relatively young, about thirty years old.

According to Minamino Maruyama himself, his father was a carpenter in the village, and he learned his craftsmanship from his grandfather, who learned his craftsmanship from his great-grandfather.

As for his great-great-grandfather, that's amazing.

Maruyama's great-grandfather was named Minamino Kimura. He was once a famous woodcraft master in Nishikawa. Even the Nishinomiya family's historic mansion was built by his great-grandfather.

Nanno Maruyama's great-grandfather was very powerful, but by his grandfather's generation, the family returned to the clan and lived in seclusion on the south coast of Nishikawa.

Until his generation, almost no one had ever been to the interior.

Under the leadership of Maruyama, Xia Feng put on his backpack, took all the gold coins, left the coastline, and headed for the so-called town along the mountains and forests behind.

According to Maruyama, this town is not too far, but because the road is difficult to walk, it is not close in terms of time.

If you start in the morning, you can arrive at noon. If you return early in the afternoon, you can barely catch up with a midnight snack when you get home.

Maruyama said that they actually didn’t need many things. The main timber used to build the house was stored in the village, so they only needed to buy some surrounding building materials.

Although it was not much, a rough calculation was still a lot, which made Xia Feng couldn't help but consider a very real problem.

While walking, Xia Feng asked Maruyama.

Maruyama, how do we transport the things back after we buy them?

Maruyama rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular muscles.

Of course I brought it back.

Carry it? Carry it on your shoulders?

Otherwise, would you still use your head? Ha, I don't know that kind of skill.

No, I mean you can't use transportation, such as a carriage.

Maruyama shook his head.

No, just look at the road we are taking now. Our village is too remote. There is no way for the carriage to go. The carriage will be broken.

Xia Feng obviously couldn't accept the carry method.

Then there's no other way. It's such a long journey, and we're both going to die from exhaustion on the road.

Oh, no, at best, we can carry it a few more times, or ask the villagers to help. This is how we usually transport things.

Xia Feng still couldn't accept it.

Besides the primitive method of manpower, is there no other way?

Maruyama touched his chin and thought for a while while walking.

If you really want to use another method, I'm afraid I can only use oxen to pull it.


Yes, oxen move slower than horses, but they can barely walk on this mountain road. However, oxen are usually used for plowing. I'm afraid no one in the town will lend us the oxen to haul goods.

When Xia Feng mentioned farmland, he immediately thought of something.

He remembered that Bagpipe had always clamored for a tractor before, but in a place like Dongguo, there were obviously no such modern agricultural tools.

Bagpipe A young and beautiful girl came all the way from Victoria to the East Kingdom, and she has been following this guy who is eating and waiting to die without complaint. No matter how you think about it, it is a bit pitiful.

After weighing it in his mind, he immediately decided to give Bagpipe a gift.

Although no girl in the world would like this gift, bagpipes would probably like it.

Maruyama, if others don't lend us their cows, then why don't we just buy one?

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