After hearing the story of Juyoro Sakurabu, Xia Feng's expression changed from curiosity to sigh, from admiration to shock.

In the end, both eyebrows were twisted into twists.

As the narrator of the story, Juyoro Sakurabu only thought that Xia Feng was lamenting the first half of his legendary life, but little did he know that what Xia Feng was really lamenting was.

The world is really too small.

After finishing the last glass of wine, Juyoro Sakurabu sealed the jar again.

Okay, it's getting late, let's stop talking today.

Wait a moment.

Xia Feng's expression was a little complicated, because he also remembered something based on Juyoro Sakurabu's story.

For example, when he was at Longmen, he faced the Eastern Kingdom assassins sent by Frey to assassinate him. Master Xiao, who came to support him, recognized the cherry blossom sword belonging to one of them.

For example, in the swordsmanship competition in Victoria, when Mr. Xiao defeated Dong Zhan, the other party showed a high degree of respect.

At this moment, those details that he had not paid attention to before were connected with what Juoyorozu Sakurabu told to form a complete story line.

Juyoro Sakurabu and Xiao Yunye.

The best swordsman of the Yan Kingdom and the best swordsman of the Eastern Kingdom.

Their bond began decades ago and continues to this day.

Xia Feng was very moved by Juyoro Sakurabu's honesty about the past, which also proved that the old man had nothing to hide and had let go of his obsessions.

In this case, as a listener, he also wanted to confess something, even if it was insignificant to Juyorozu Sakurabu at the moment.

The fire in the stove was already very weak, and only the lantern was dispersing the darkness in the courtyard.

Under the faint light, Xia Feng stood up.

Master Ten, I want to show you something.

Oh? What?

Hold on.

After saying that, Xia Feng walked out of the pergola and stood in the middle of the yard.

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his body, which had been weak since the serious injury. Then, he leaned over slightly and placed his right hand on the handle of the Shenyue Sword at his waist.

There doesn't seem to be anything special about this shape, it's just an ordinary move to draw a sword.

However, seeing this starting move, Juyoro Sakurabu, who was a little confused just now, was stunned for a moment.


The sound of the Shenyue Sword came out.

Xia Feng's movements were very slow, so slow that even in dim light at night, others could still see every detail of his movements.

Of course, he couldn't go any faster even if he wanted to, because the internal injury in his chest had not yet healed. He could only break down the movements and perform the classic moves he had honed countless times in his mind.

He took three steps forward and thrust the blade forward. His expression was very serious, and every movement was precise and precise.

The blade of the Shenyue Sword cuts across, once, twice, three times.

The first knife seems mediocre, but the angle of the second knife is exactly the same as the first knife, without any error, and the same is true for the third knife.

This move does not show power, but shape.

The knife comes out as soon as it is drawn, and it closes as soon as it is touched. It looks like falling leaves in the autumn wind, but in fact it is like a violent storm.

This set of movements was one of the twelve sword skills of the Qingyun Sect, Bei Qiu Li Yu, which Mr. Xiao once taught him.

Looking at Xia Feng's figure, Juyaro Sakurabu's pupils gradually began to flicker.

Decades of time passed by in vain, and in his mind, the person who had defeated him with the same move gradually emerged.

This sword skill is...

After Xia Feng danced the last movement, she gently took back the Shenyue Sword.

Then, he turned around and smiled at Juyoro Sakurabu.

You must be familiar with it. The name of this move is Bei Qiu Li Yu. It was taught to me by a friend of mine.


Well, his name is Xiao Yunye.

Hearing this name, Juyoro Sakurabu's old face was startled for a moment, but soon a hint of relief appeared on his face, and he smiled.

Oh, it turns out that he is still alive.

Not an elder, not a master, Xia Feng only regarded the former Yan Kingdom's number one swordsman as a friend.

It's not that he doesn't know how to be noble, on the contrary, this is the real relationship between him and Master Xiao, regardless of the secular world.

That night in Baigui Street, Xiao Yunye took Xina to fulfill the agreement passed down by the Xiao family's ancestors and finally found the Styx.

It should be a joy to have completed an epic pursuit spanning hundreds of years.

However, with Xina's final words, Goodbye, Aye, Xia Feng saw the loneliness in that figure.

It was his invitation on behalf of Black Feather BBQ Restaurant that gave the rest of Xiao Yunye's life a new beginning and the meaning of continued existence.

Obviously, Juyoro Sakurabu did not regard Xiao Yunye as an enemy or an old enemy, but as a milestone that could not be crossed in his life.

In his words, even if Xiao Yunye appeared in front of him now, he would smile with relief and invite this old friend, whom he had never met, to drink a pot of old wine.

However, Xia Feng noticed one detail besides being free and easy.

That is when Juyoro Sakurabu learned the news that Master Xiao was still alive, in addition to being happy and relieved, there was also a flash of worry in his eyes.

Judging from what he has learned so far, Xia Feng doesn't know what he means.

Perhaps, the truth will not be known until the next story, which is why Sakurabu Juyaro abandoned his identity as a Sakurabu family and lived alone in seclusion on the south coast of Nishikawa.

The night was getting darker, and just like that, the pastoral dinner came to an end.

You're welcome, you two can stay here tonight.


He and Bagpipe were not polite and stayed one night at Juyoro Sakurabu's house.

Although the old man's house is not small, its layout is extremely simple. To put it bluntly, it is just a square grid.

The first two spaces are the living room and kitchen, and the back two spaces are bedrooms. To be honest, it is enough for a person who lives alone to have two bedrooms in his home.

Living in seclusion is naturally about keeping everything simple. At this moment, it would be foolish to ask for quality of life. In any case, it is much better than sleeping in the wild.

I'm going to sleep first. You can use the room next to me as you wish.

Well, good night, Master Shi.

People get sleepy easily as they get older. After a few brief words with them, Juyoro Sakurabu went into his own bedroom and fell asleep.

Feng Bao had fallen asleep in the yard, so the other bedroom naturally belonged to him and Bagpipe.

The room is in a standard Eastern folk style. To put it bluntly, there is no bed, you sleep directly on the floor, and the wooden boards in the partitions are very thin.

This was not the first time that Bagpipe and Xia Feng slept in the same room. They had also slept in the hotel before, but it was two beds.

Of course, the carefree Bagpipe wouldn't care about such little details. She was not so pretentious as she was a soldier. However, after being hugged by Xia Feng last night, a certain switch in her body seemed to be triggered.

She was once generous and free-spirited, but now she couldn't help but care about some strange things.

Hey, do you want to sleep here too?

Xia Feng was confused.

if not?

Otherwise, you should go to the yard and sleep with Feng Bao in your arms.

Huh? Why?

At this moment, we were in this closed space together, the surroundings were extremely quiet, and the subtle voices of the two people seemed a bit hollow.

Xia Feng didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing what Bagpipe said, he seemed to notice that the atmosphere was gradually becoming more subtle.


In the darkness, Xia Feng suddenly said something with a smile.

Bagpipe, you're blushing.


Bagpipe subconsciously covered her face with her hands, and then she realized how Xia Feng could see her face clearly in such a dark environment.

Looking for a fight!


Pulling over the wooden pillow, Xia Feng lay down directly.

Sister, you are a young lady, and I am a handsome young man who has never been with anyone before. We are evenly matched, so your worries are unnecessary.

What worries do you have? Don't talk nonsense.

Xia Feng continued to speak.

Besides, in my current state, if anything disharmonious happens, you must have the absolute right to speak.

This is true. Although Bagpipe is a woman, her strength is on display here.

If she gets mad, the house Juyoro Sakurabu worked so hard to build will probably be demolished.

Xia Feng took the initiative to move his body towards the wall.

Okay, okay, Miss Bagpipe, don't think so much, we are a team now, go to sleep, good night.

Bagpipe pursed his lips in the darkness.

Finally, she laid out the pillows and lay down. Unlike Xia Feng, she didn't deliberately stay so far away from him, but slept in the middle.

Good night.

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