Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 938 Big eyes stare at small eyes

From a normal aesthetic point of view, Bagpipe is definitely an out-and-out beauty.

But because her personality and strength were too strong, during her studies at Konoe Academy, no male classmate dared to muster up the courage to confess to a perfect person like her.

Of course, her best friend, Chen Huijie, faced the same situation as her.

After graduation, Bagpipe joined the Victoria Northern Military District and became a soldier in the Special Forces Brigade. For a special unit like her, she basically had no chance to express her love.

Therefore, at this moment, she was very inexperienced in love, and she couldn't tell whether Xia Feng's words At least I still have you while holding her in his arms were his confession.

However, she had no chance to verify it now, because Xia Feng fell asleep hanging on her body after saying this.

the next day.

The morning sun is bright, the air is fresh, and the gentle sea breeze wakes up the sleeping summer breeze.


Opening his eyes, he lay down next to the extinguished fire and stretched out.

It's dawn, a new day has begun!

As expected, it was a good weather day again, but when he sat up, he found that Bagpipe's face was in sharp contrast to the good weather.

At this time, Bagpipe frowned slightly and stared at Xia Feng with extremely complex eyes.


Xia Feng was a little hairy from being stared at.

Good morning, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?

Bagpipe narrowed his eyes and got straight to the point.

Xia Feng, do you still remember what you said last night?

What did you say last night? What words?

As if recalling something, Xia Feng patted his thigh.

Oh, by the way, I remembered. Yesterday I went to Sorata's village and had dinner at Uncle Nanye's house. Hey, let me tell you, that village is really nice. They even raised a lot of them themselves.

Bagpipe ruthlessly interrupted Xia Feng's words.

That's not what I asked.


Seeing Bagpipe's increasingly unfriendly expression, Xia Feng slapped his thigh again.

Oh, by the way, I drank last night. Sorry, sorry, you must be angry about this. Sorry, my fault. I will never leave you alone next time and come back so late.

That's not what I'm talking about.

This time Xia Feng was completely confused.

Sister, what exactly do you want me to say?

Bagpipe's mouth gradually pursed unhappily.

Don't you remember what you said?

Seeing the inexplicable condition of the bagpipe, Xia Feng's head was filled with many small question marks.

What did I say?

With a hint of blush on his face, Bagpipe lowered his head and stammered.

You told me last night that you don't care what you lose, at least you still have me. You also said that as long as you have me, it's enough.

Harm, what did I think?

Xia Feng patted the sand on his body, and his arrogant look was very unworthy of punishment in Bagpipe's eyes.

It's a bit shameful to say this directly, but I drank too much last night. Although I don't remember it, I admit that this is my style. I will indeed say this kind of thing. Is there any problem?

Then please explain.

Huh, what's the explanation for this? Everything I lost was all of my own free will. Life now is full of challenges. I just don't like it. I don't want any fame or fortune. As long as I have you, that's enough. Oh, by the way, there is also Fengbao, because we are a team, hahaha.


After saying this, a coconut shell flew quickly and hit him firmly in the face.

Accompanied by the timid and angry sound of bagpipes.

go to hell.

Touching the big swelling on his forehead, Xia Feng turned into a black question mark.

But seeing the way the bagpipe was bulging, he didn't dare to ask any more questions and could only mutter to himself.

Strange woman.

Only Feng Bao, who cannot understand the delicate emotions between people, sticks out his big tongue and watches the fun.

Based on Bagpipe's understanding of Xia Feng, this answer is actually reasonable and expected.

From the beginning to the end, Xia Feng regarded her as a friend, a close friend, a confidant, and even a relative. On this strange coastline, they relied on each other and owned each other. There is nothing wrong with saying that.

She felt a little inexplicably disappointed, but at the same time, it also made her feel relieved.

Bagpipe didn't know what she was expecting. Maybe what she was expecting wasn't what she really wanted, because she knew that there was only one person that Xia Feng really liked in her life.

That is, he tried his best to personally deliver the lion lady, Vina, to the highest point in the entire Victoria Empire.

The performance of the bagpipe seemed strange to Xia Feng, but the strangeness soon disappeared because she was not a grudge-bearing person.

Come over for breakfast.


There's nothing a breakfast can't fix, and if so, add a couple of crabs.

Holding the coconut bowl, Xia Feng drank the seafood porridge that Bagpipe had cooked earlier and began to retell what he had seen in Nanye Village yesterday.

That village is nice. The people are simple and hospitable. By the way, Sorata has a sister, hahaha. She has the same dead fish eyes as him. She's super cute.

How many households are there in the village?

It's pretty big, maybe dozens of households.


Bagpipe was lost in thought.

Seeing her somewhat depressed look, Xia Feng remembered something.

When he left with Fengbao yesterday, Bagpipe made it clear that he would try to use surrounding resources to build a house, but so far, she seemed to have failed.

Several of the surrounding trees fell down, and a lot of sawdust exploded, but there was no regular wood that could be used.

In order not to hit her, Xia Feng could only test it in as relaxed a tone as possible.

That... wasn't covered?

Bagpipe lowered his head and sighed.

Hey, I only learned how to put up tents in the army. Building a house seems to be harder than I thought.

Bagpipe is right. If survival is the premise, then just build a shelter from the wind. But for now, their survival can be guaranteed.

It is really not an easy task for them to build a large house with a clear layout, regularity and practicality.

At this time, Xia Feng had an idea.

By the way, we plan to live here anyway, so why don't we just move directly to Kongtai's village and ask the villagers to help build a big house in the village.

Bagpipe raised his head.

Who do you think you are? Why do the villagers want to help us build houses?

It doesn't matter. We have money and several gold coins. We can pay then.

Then why do people allow you, an outsider, to move into the village?

Xia Feng looked proud.

Don't worry, we have an acquaintance. Uncle Ye Nan said that his home is my home.

Half an hour later, Xia Feng and Bagpipe set off carrying large and small packages.

At Uncle Nanye's house, Xia Feng took out all the apple candies in his luggage, divided the tea that the caravan captain had given them before into two parts, and gave half to Uncle Nanye.

Wow, Tangtang!

Hanako liked the red apple candy very much, and Sorata was also very happy.

However, in the face of their request, Uncle Nanye, who was regarded as an acquaintance by Xia Feng, frowned.

In the living room, Nanno Shimoda crossed his arms and categorically refused.

No, you can't move to the village.

Xia Feng was stunned. This was different from what he imagined.

Facing Uncle Nanye's ruthless rejection, he asked in embarrassment.


Sorry, this has been a rule of the village for generations. You can come to my house as a guest or stay here for the night. I will welcome you. However, people with foreign surnames cannot settle in the village unless...

Unless what?

Uncle Nanye coughed lightly.

Well, unless you change your surname to Nanye and marry a girl from the village, or your sister marries a man from the village, both of you will change your surname to Nanye.

Xia Feng and Bagpipe stared at each other.

Ah this.

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