Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 933 Dreams are necessary

The magical Fengbao can not only swim, it can also dive.

Not only can he dive, but he can also pick up some strange things from the bottom of the sea.

Of course, Fengbao doesn't just pick up everything. Everything it picks up is something it thinks is edible.

2 hours later.

Xia Feng returned to the temporary camp with Feng Bao and a bulging backpack, humming a cheerful song.

Bagpipe, who was only exploring nearby, had returned a long time ago. Seeing Xia Feng's proud face, she immediately asked curiously.

What are you laughing at? Come on, tell me, what did you find?

Xia Feng had a mysterious smile on his face.

Hey, I have good news for you. We don't have to worry about food for the time being.

After that, Xia Feng took off the back of the bag, turned it over, and poured out everything inside in front of Bagpipe.

There was a crisp sound of ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang clang, and various strange and small marine creatures of all kinds kept falling.

Crabs, lobsters, starfish, scallops, kelp, octopus, and so on.

Bagpipe looked at the large number of strange sea creatures that she couldn't even name, and was a little dazed for a moment.

This is.

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up proudly.

Feng Bao caught them all, but I found the location. It's amazing.

Although Bagpipe used to be a soldier, she was still very caring, watching these little creatures living freely on the seabed being mercilessly caught ashore.

Sad tears flowed from the corners of her mouth.

They cooked the pot on the fire and had a meal of porridge with a small ocean barbecue for lunch. Xia Feng felt that if he had another can of cold beer, his life would be complete.

This kind of fresh lobster and crab has a salty taste without adding any condiments. The meat is sweet and fragrant.


Xia Feng twisted the lobster's tail and handed the meatiest tail to Bagpipe.

Can you still eat?

Of course.



Feng Bao's teeth were better, so he naturally took over the large claws of lobsters and crabs, and chewed them on the ground.

Under the shade of the tree, while eating the free lunch, Xia Feng discussed with Bagpipe.

There are many underwater reefs in the sea to the west. As long as Feng Bao doesn't lose control, he should be able to eat seafood every day.

The principle of relying on the sea and eating from the sea remains unchanged. Seafood can indeed meet their short-term food needs.

However, they are not trying to survive in the wilderness, but intend to live there for a long time. Eating only seafood is obviously not a long-term solution.

They don’t understand the sea, including the ebb and flow of the tides, and the changes in marine ecology throughout the year.

If winter comes, although the sea water will not freeze, it will still be bitingly cold. Feng Bao will not be able to dive into the sea to catch lobsters every day.

The most important point is that if they only eat seafood for a long time, they will suffer from severe malnutrition.

Chewing on a roasted and fragrant octopus tentacle, Xia Feng asked Bagpipe vaguely.

That's about it for the west side of the coastline. I'll walk further in the afternoon when the sun is not so strong. By the way, do you find anything?

Bagpipe pulled her backpack over. It contained some green plants and wild fruits of various shapes, but she didn't have time to eat them because the seafood was too rich.

There are only two or three kinds of edible wild vegetables that I know around here. I have never seen the others and am not sure whether they contain toxins, so I dare not try them.

That's not bad. We have food to eat.

Bagpipe nodded and continued.

In addition to wild vegetables and fruits, I also found honeycombs, which can be used to collect honey. There are also some small animals in the woods, such as hares and wild birds.

The discovery of the bagpipe is also great. It can be said that it temporarily satisfies the diversity of food, and at least for a short period of time they can live stably.

Of course, this kind of life is only based on survival and has nothing to do with leisure and comfort.

To put it bluntly, what is the difference between this and Savage?

Bagpipe's dream definitely doesn't stop there. What she wants to own is her own super-large seaside farm and a huge production base for diverse ingredients.

Xia Feng himself doesn't have big dreams, but since he's here, let's set a simple small goal first.

Well, he wants to build a super luxurious beach house, preferably with a yacht.

It's best to have a barbecue on the yacht, because Ifrit would like it if she came to play.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Now they not only don't have a villa, they don't even have a hut to protect them from the wind and rain.

Solving the problem of food acquisition in a short period of time is only the first step.

the next day.

This map has been improved a lot. Xia Feng used a clumsy drawing method to roughly mark some of the areas that have been explored so far.

According to Bagpipe's mother's instructions, his mission today is to take Feng Bao with him, start from the camp, and explore eastward along the coastline.

As for Bagpipe, she doesn't plan to leave the camp today. According to her, she wants to use nearby resources to see if she can build a simple house.

Logically speaking, building a house should be a man's job, but Xia Feng doesn't know how to build a house, and physical labor is very strenuous, so he can only be sent out to explore the map.

Bagpipe, let's go.

Let's go, take the water bottle and some food. If you go too far, you don't have to come back at noon.

Aren't you afraid that I will be in danger?

Bagpipe rolled his eyes.

What danger can you be in? You have no money, you are not handsome, you look weak, you are not even qualified to be a coolie, how can someone tie you up?

Xia Feng coughed slightly in embarrassment.

I mean, I'm afraid you'll be in danger if you stay here alone.

Bagpipe gestured with his eyes to the spear wrapped in canvas.

If someone dares to come to me and cause trouble, you should be more worried that those people will be in danger.

All right.

After putting on his backpack and picking up the map, Xia Feng turned around and corrected himself after taking a few steps.

I do look weak, but I think I'm quite handsome, mainly because of my temperament.

Go quickly.


Today's weather is a bit cloudy, there is no dazzling sunshine, and the overall feeling is very comfortable.

Taking Feng Bao for a stroll eastward along the coastline, Xia Feng felt like a retired old man taking a walk. The difference was that he now also played a guest role as a geographical investigator.

【Seamango tree】【Bush】【Wild Pineapple】

Xia Feng took a pen and marked everything he saw along the coast on the map. Except for the trees he knew, the unknown ones also drew the leaf shapes of big trees, and asked Bagpipe to identify them when he went back.

Carrying an empty backpack, Xia Feng threw in all the strange things he encountered along the way.

For example, beautiful shells, crystal clear stones, dried coconuts, unknown plant fruits, etc.

One person and one dog, like scavengers on the beach.

After walking for about an hour, a stone dam appeared in front of us that was obviously pushed up by humans.

This made Xia Feng suddenly energetic and quickened his pace.

Feng Bao, hurry up, there's a situation.


Thanks to the deep sea admiral poi for the 10,000 point reward, poi~ moving forward at full speed! Thank you, I will add another chapter.

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