Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 928 Fear comes from the unknown

【Xiao Li's Tomb】

The name Xia Feng on the tombstone is not unfamiliar.

He didn't know what this name meant hundreds of years ago, but based on what Master Xiao once said, Xina's unintentional words, and his understanding at the moment.

The name Xiao Li may represent the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and an era long forgotten by the world, where heroes competed for hegemony.

Bagpipe was very surprised to see so many tombstones in the depths of the cherry blossom forest.


Later, when she saw Xia Feng's complicated expression, she didn't marvel too much and just asked cautiously.

Xia Feng, do you know these tombstones?

Xia Feng gently closed his only eye.

So we know each other.

Who are these people? Why are they all named Xiao? They should be a family.

That's right.

Death is the end of all things, and it is not a bitter thing.

Seeing these tombstones, Xia Feng could only feel a little emotional.

This senior Xiao Li is the ancestor of one of my friends, and he can be regarded as my benefactor.

Without Xiao Li, the descendants of the Xiao family would not have been accompanying Xina in her search for [River Styx], and due to the butterfly effect, there might not have been the book [Earth and Wind] that influenced future generations.

At the same time, he would not have met Xina in Shendi City at that point in time.

If he didn't know the existence of Styx and didn't have that kind of friction with Styx's family that night, maybe Styx wouldn't have saved him after he split the city of Londinium with a sword.

Of course, even without the inexplicable mishaps mentioned above, Xiao Li could still be considered a benefactor to him.

Because if it weren't for Xiao Li, there wouldn't be Xiao Yunye who helped him save the day from danger countless times.

Bagpipe, Matomaru, can you help me find some flowers? I want to pay homage to these seniors of the Xiao family.


A bouquet of wild flowers of various colors was placed in front of the tombstone, and Xia Feng solemnly bowed three times to the forest of steles.

He straightened up and his expression turned heavy.

Perhaps the best comfort for the deceased is for the living to live happily.

Of course, the big guys of the Xiao family don't know who he is, but it doesn't matter, the happiness is over.

After carrying his luggage again, Xia Feng waved to Bagpipe and the others.

Bagpipe, Matomaru, let's go.


Feng Bao, follow up.


A few hours later, they finally passed through this huge cherry blossom forest.

This is my first time to visit this place, so the direction of travel is always south, and priority is given to finding iconic locations. This is the best way to quickly understand an area.

Since they have decided to live on the south coast of Nishikawa in the future, contact with the sea is definitely essential, so they need to determine the location of the coastline first.

After walking out of the cherry blossom forest, the ground became flatter underfoot, and the bagpipe stopped and walked, like a scientist inspecting the quality of the land.

Well, this land has light soil, which is suitable for growing potatoes.

Ah, here, the soil seems to be thicker and very flat, suitable for growing wheat.

“And here, we can build a greenhouse and grow some short-season vegetables in winter.”

Seeing Bagpipe chattering while walking, Xia Feng smiled and said throwing cold water on it.

This is the seaside, and there may be frequent typhoons, which will blow away all your vegetable seedlings.

Bagpipe was unimpressed.

Tch, no way, as long as you do a good job of protection, you'll be fine.

Later, Bagpipe used a very professional perspective to popularize some effective methods for crops to prevent typhoons for Xia Feng.

For example, pre-building ditches, digging ditches for drainage, reinforcing key facilities, ensuring shed membranes, harvesting in time when necessary, etc.

Listening to Bagpipe's serious and professional explanation, Xia Feng's attitude changed from complaining to admiration, and his thumbs up unconsciously.

Bagpipe, I want to ask a question.

What? Just ask.

Um...Does Victoria's College of Guards still teach farming?

Bagpipe pouted.

What are you thinking about? I didn't learn it in school.

Did you learn that in the army? Is the Northern Military Region so idle?

Go to hell.

After walking for a while, the bright sky gradually darkened, and the white clouds were dyed red by the sunset, outlining a gorgeous beauty.


The sound of the waves reached his ears clearly. Standing on a rock, with the sea breeze blowing on his face, Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the sea reflecting the sunset.

Finally I saw the sea.

No matter when, the majesty of the sea always makes people feel relaxed and happy, as if compared with the boundless sea, the difficulties encountered in life will become very small.

Bagpipe jumped off the rock excitedly, threw off his shoes, and ran from the beach to the waves with his bare feet.

Wow, the sea, hahaha!

Feng Bao followed closely with his big tongue sticking out, and his four paws left a series of paw prints on the sand.

Woof woof!

Although Dongguo is surrounded by the sea, Matomaru, who has been practicing in Dongzhou, has never seen the sea a few times. At this moment, he naturally ran towards the waves together.

I'm coming too!

The entire coastline is very empty, and there is not a single person in sight. The bagpipes are letting themselves go and dancing in the waves, and the laughter like silver bells is intertwined with the waves.

Hahaha, it's so cold, haha.

Turning around, her long orange hair fluttering in the sea breeze, she smiled and said to the distant summer wind.

Xia Feng, we are finally here, come quickly, the sea water is so comfortable!

Seeing the happy look of Bagpipe, Xia Feng knew that this was not just a simple trip for her.

This kind of unrestrained, happy and free life is the life that Bagpipe has always longed for when he was in the iron-blooded army.

Of course, it's the same for him.

Raising the corner of his mouth, Xia Feng showed a hearty smile.


Throwing his luggage on the white beach, he also ran towards the vast sea.

I'm coming too!

From Victoria to Dongguo, from Dongzhou to Xichuan, and through all the hardships to find the secluded south coast, the suppressed emotions along the way were finally released.


Compared with the hot temperatures in midsummer, the sea water seems very cool.

It’s so pleasant to step on the sand with bare feet and feel the waves washing over you.

Basking in the sunset, a few people ran and played along the coastline like children. Even Feng Bao went crazy with excitement.

Because of the disappearance of a cruise ship decades ago, people in the world of Terra are afraid of the sea.

Since then, the number of ocean-going cargo ships has dropped sharply, and the fishing industry has also been greatly affected. It was not until recent years that shipping business around the world gradually recovered.

Of course, fear comes from the unknown.

For example, you are given the choice to enter two dark rooms, and the referee tells you that there is a husky in one room and a carnivore in the other.

At this time, most people will choose to enter the first room, even if the husky is fierce, it is very scary.

[Carnivore] These four words represent the unknown, and they are unknowns that give you enough room for imagination. Some people with big imaginations and quick thinking may even think that there is a dinosaur trapped inside.

Little did he know, it might just be a cute little owl.

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