Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 920 I just won’t mention it casually anymore

Regardless of boyfriend or girlfriend, Xia Feng just wanted to stop and rest. Only Bagpipe was explaining something to the caravan members with extreme dissatisfaction.

Hey, I'm not his girlfriend, we're just normal friends.

These middle-aged caravan members looked like they had come before.

Haha, little girl, you have just been getting along for a while. It's okay. You'll get used to it gradually.

No, you misunderstood. It's really not that kind of relationship.

Tsk tsk, my wife and I are in a free love relationship. It was the same when we first established our relationship. I'm embarrassed to say it in front of outsiders. I really miss the youthfulness back then.


Seeing that the explanation didn't make sense, Bagpipe kicked Xia Feng, who was humming on the carriage, and glared angrily.

Don't pretend to be dead. It's all your fault for making others misunderstand our relationship.

Xia Feng's face was pale and his whole body was weak.

Sister, I'm not pretending to be dead, I'm really going to die. It doesn't matter what other people say, justice is in the heart.

No, go and explain clearly.

Xia Feng waved his hand.

People's tendency to gossip is indelible. As long as they are determined in their hearts, the more you explain, the more confused they will become. Once the answer you explain is not the answer they want, you will never be able to wake up the person who is pretending to be asleep.

Bagpipe was momentarily speechless by Xia Feng's absurd reasoning, but he still complained angrily.

That's not okay. I'm not married yet, so letting people misunderstand me in such a unclear way will damage my reputation.

Xia Feng was not happy either.

Are you still damaging your reputation? You are a young lady, and we are also sunny, handsome and promising young men. You don't seem to suffer.


Bagpipe didn't want to argue about this anymore, so he just turned his head away.

I won't do it next time. Anyway, you are not allowed to make such jokes again.

I'm not kidding, isn't this a slip of the tongue?

Anyway, not next time.

Xia Feng saw it.

Although bagpipes are careless in the daily contact between men and women, they are very principled in the relationship between men and women.

It can be said to be very conservative.

The caravan leader was a reasonable person. In compliance with Xia Feng's request, My girlfriend is tired, the entire team began to slow down and look for a place to rest.

In fact, not all of them met their requirements. The caravan barely had a good rest along the way. Each stop was only for a few minutes. For two days and one night, the caravan and horses were almost stretched to their limit.

They were walking downhill at this time, and the sun had already set, because the night sky was very clear, and the stars and moon reflected each other.

The captain identified the road and then shouted loudly from the front of the team.

After descending this low slope, we rested by the river for six hours and set off before the sun showed up in the early morning.


It can be seen that the caravan members are very happy. Although there are no complaints on the surface, everyone is actually very tired.

The captain is the captain. You don’t need to look at the map to know that there is a river after going downhill. It is simply a living map.

After arriving at the river, more than ten carriages were parked compactly. Two people were left at the head and tail of the team to guard them. The rest got off the car and started to light a fire by the river.

There were more than 20 people in the whole caravan, and it was quite lively when they were busy. Some were responsible for cooking, some were responsible for replenishing kettles, and some started laying straw mats.

After a while, the fire flickered, smoke rose, and the hot gruel was cooked.

The team all carried plenty of dry food, but since it was too dry to be eaten, it was naturally better to have it with gruel.

The captain looked at Xia Feng, who was paralyzed on the straw mat.

Little brother, bring your girlfriend over for a bowl of porridge.

Xia Feng raised his head.

No, we have food ourselves. Besides, we only paid for the bus fare, not the food.

The captain smiled kindly.

It doesn't matter. We all take care of each other when we are out. I cooked a lot. Come over and have a bowl.

The captain's invitation was sincere, and Xia Feng was no longer polite.

After getting off the car and lying on the stable ground for a while, he felt much better. Then he took the bagpipe and wind treasure and sat next to the fire.

Huh~ It smells so good!

In front of the fire, Xia Feng and Bagpipe each held a bowl of fragrant gruel, and even Feng Bao was given a small bowl.

Although the porridge is very thin, this kind of fragrant rice unique to the East is obviously very good. If cooked into rice, it is probably more fragrant than the top fragrant rice from Victoria [Royal Restaurant].

There's nothing good, little brother, just eat more and add more if you don't have enough.

Thank you, then you're welcome.

Heh, you're welcome.

By the river, the sound of a large group of men drinking porridge was louder than the croaking of frogs, which sounded extremely weird.

But it was accompanied by simple laughter.

The scale of this caravan is not large, and by Dongzhou's standards it can only be considered a small or medium-sized caravan.

There are a total of 26 people in the team. Except for the captain, there are 15 coachmen who are responsible for driving the coach and loading and unloading goods.

The remaining 10 people are bodyguards, responsible for safety issues during transportation, contact after arriving at a certain place, etc.

This job is hard and somewhat dangerous, and the pay is not too much, but it is a serious job.

The members of the caravan are basically middle-aged. A man can't make a lot of money by running with the caravan, but it is enough to support a family.

Sitting around the fire, everyone’s laughter was genuine.

On the contrary, these middle-aged uncles are also very curious about young people like Xia Feng and Bagpipe. They can tell that these two people are not ghosts.

A strong man with tied hair and a full beard laughed.

Little brothers, you are not from the East.

Xia Feng naturally had nothing to hide, just like a normal chat.

We're from Victoria.

Hey, Victoria, I think I've heard that it's a super big country.

Obviously, even a world-renowned power like Victoria is still very mysterious to the people of the Eastern Kingdom, whose national conditions are extremely closed.

Everyone who was drinking porridge sighed in varying degrees.

I heard that Victoria is like spring all year round, and the roads are built in all directions and are more than ten meters wide.

I've also heard that there are people of almost all races in that country. Tens of millions of people are ruled by one king. It's really amazing.

Hey, I have never left Dongguo in my life, and I have never heard of what you are talking about.

Hearing everyone's sighs, Xia Feng corrected him with a chuckle.

It's not that exaggerated. The winter in Victoria is very cold, but the roads are well built. The entire country is indeed ruled by the king, but it is not the arbitrary power of one person. It is maintained by a complete administrative system and the National Assembly.

Xia Feng's explanation sounded very professional, and even the relatively well-informed caravan captain became interested.

Little brother, you know a lot. How about it? Have you met the King of Victoria?

I've seen it.

What kind of person is he? That kind of superior person should be able to scare people to death with just one look.

The questioner is unintentional, but it will involve the listener's thoughts.

Xia Feng paused while drinking the porridge, and the bagpiper next to him unconsciously looked at him.

After a long time, a knowing smile appeared on Xia Feng's face.

She used to be just a little lion who was not good at hiding her emotions, but now she has grown into a qualified king.

For Xia Feng, during the founding ceremony of Londinium that day, the last appearance of Vina on the high platform of the palace was the last image in his memory.

Looking back now, he has never spoken to Vina since the sword that cut off the entire Londinium.

Even if it's just goodbye.

Xia Feng's answer sounded a bit confusing to outsiders, especially when he said that the king was not good at hiding his emotions, which was obviously very inconsistent given his youth.

Hey, little brother, from what you said, it seems like you are very familiar with the king.

Xia Feng exhaled heavily, with a smile on his face.

Yes, the king is a woman. There was a time when she cooked breakfast for me every day. Do you think she is familiar with her?

The air fell into silence.

Five seconds later, everyone burst into laughter around the fire by the river.

Hahahahahaha, you really know how to brag, hahaha!

Hahahahaha, little brother, this is called humor. I believed it just now. After making trouble for a long time, it turned out that you were teasing us. Hahaha, I really belong to you.


Xia Feng held the bowl and laughed along with everyone else.

Hahaha, hahahahahaha!

His smile was casual and his laughter was free and easy, like the naughtiness revealed after a joke was revealed, and a self-deprecating self-deprecation.

Among the people, only one person did not smile.

Bagpipe looked at Xia Feng who was laughing quietly. In her opinion, the emotions mixed in Xia Feng's free and easy laughter meant that she would never forget something.

This man gave everything he had built with his own hands and brought the king in his mind to the top of the empire.

In the light of light, darkness must disappear.

But even if each other's identities have undergone earth-shaking changes, there are some purest things that he doesn't want to forget.

It's just that I won't mention it casually anymore.

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