Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 915 Disappeared into the night

On this day, Xia Feng, Bagpipe and Feng Bao, the three winds are finally leaving Dr. Chang Teng's hospital.

In nearly two months, his body has recovered to the point where he can move freely, and it is no problem to run a few laps if he grits his teeth.

At least on the surface, he is no different from a normal person.

Chang Teng's wife personally made an eyepatch for Xia Feng to cover his missing right eye.

This eye patch was sewn with ingenuity. It is very comfortable to wear and has a very fashionable appearance. It looks like an aloof hero, which is very suitable for his secondary disease.

In addition, Chang Teng prepared raincoats for him and Bagpipe, which could not only protect him from the sun and rain, but also provide a certain degree of concealment.

Of course, Xia Feng felt that he had nothing to hide.

According to Nagato, because of the Dark Ages in Victoria, there were many infected people besides him who fled to the East Kingdom.

These people live in seclusion in the mountains and countryside, and occasionally go to towns to purchase daily necessities. Now he looks just like those people.

Xia Feng remembered that according to reports from the Border Guard Military Region at that time, the total number of infected people who fled Victoria during the entire Dark Ages was close to 500,000.

There were originally many choices for these infected people, but due to the chain reaction, neighboring countries also closed their borders, such as Syracuse, Casimir, Minos, etc.

In order to find a place to stay, the infected people would either choose to sneak into Colombia, Bolivar, or Rem Billiton, or go to the dangerous Ursus area, or the surrounding areas of Longmen and Yan Kingdom.

There are nearly 500,000 infected people, and only a very small number may end up in Dongguo.

But for Dongguo, which has a very sparse population, it will also be clearly felt.

Of course, even if he met a fellow fellow again on his journey, Xia Feng would not be able to reveal his identity.

He is no longer the leader of Black Feather, and he has no ability to fight for the survival of the infected.

He just wants to find a paradise far away from the disputes and live an ordinary life.

In the yard, Xia Feng and Bagpipe placed their packed bags beside them.

In fact, there is not much luggage, mainly some food and water, and a few changes of clothes.

In order to be grounded, Bagpipe still wore a long plain dress. The exaggerated gun-shaped weapon was tightly wrapped in gray cloth, making it completely impossible to tell what it was from the outside.

Feng Bao changed from a dog to a donkey. He carried part of the luggage on his back without any complaints and stuck out his big tongue.

In addition to these, Dr. Nagateng also helped them pack some medicines, including Chinese herbal medicine to treat internal injuries, and some special medicines to prevent headaches and brain fever, which was extremely considerate.

Xia Feng, in order to avoid being too ostentatious, I won't see you off.

Xia Feng, wearing a red scarf and a raincoat outside, said goodbye with a smile.

No need to send him away. We will leave Dongzhou, but not Dongguo. When the news passes, we will still have a chance to meet. Your son should be born by then.

Heh, you're always welcome.

Neither Xia Feng nor Bagpipe are familiar with Dongguo, and they haven't decided where to go yet, but the current goal is naturally to leave Dongzhou controlled by the Yingwu family.

No matter how backward the society of Dongguo is, there is one thing that is indispensable when traveling at home, and that is money.

Before breaking into the Sakura Takeshi family, Xia Feng had been in the Eastern Kingdom for two months. Although he was not very familiar with the geography, he had a certain understanding of the currency system of the Sakura Country.

Currently, the currency circulating throughout the Eastern Kingdom is a metal currency issued by the Kamino family, and the types are simply divided into three types: gold, silver, and copper.

Of course, gold has the highest value, and the gold coins issued by Kannoya are about the size of a thumb, rectangular in shape, and weigh about 30 grams.

The official name of this kind of gold coin is Kamino gold, but in Dongzhou controlled by the Sakura Takeshi family, in order to demonstrate their dominance and reflect the people's loyalty to the family leader, this gold coin omitted the word 神野 and was called Shijin. , can also be directly called gold.

The forging of stone gold is very exquisite and the craftsmanship is complex. It is engraved with vivid cherry blossoms, the year, and the name of the Kamino family, making it almost difficult to fake.

According to the conversion ratio, 1 stone of gold can be exchanged for 100 stones of silver, and 1 stone of silver can be exchanged for 400-500 copper coins depending on local conditions.

Of course, currency is only widely circulated in cities and towns. As for some remote villages, the villagers have divided their labors and most of them have established a complete living system.

For example, your family raises pigs, his family raises sheep, your family specializes in weaving, his family makes clay pots, etc. Finally, the villagers gather the excess daily necessities and transport them to the town to sell them in exchange for what the village cannot produce. thing.

According to Xia Feng's understanding, the average income of an ordinary town resident for a family of three is only two or three gold per year, and they also have to hand in food to the Yingwu family.

It can be seen from this that as long as you carry a stone gold in your pocket, you can almost go on a nationwide tour.

In addition, Dongguo is not completely free of foreign currencies, because it is not far from Longmen, so of course Longmen coins are also circulated here.

However, Longmen coins are only available in shops in large towns. If you want to exchange them, you can only go to a bank to exchange them for local currency.

As for those country folk who have never seen what a Dragon Gate coin looks like, your Dragon Gate coins are just useless paper, let alone Terra coins.

Although Xia Feng didn't bring any money when he left Victoria, he didn't have any money now.

He won the championship in the Samurai Tournament he participated in before in Baiye Town. Because it is an annual big event in Dongzhou, the winner's prize is a full 10 gold.

He didn't leave these 10 gold coins behind. He kept them in his trouser pocket all the time. Even when he was rolling around in the mountains and fields, he didn't throw them away.

When he first escaped from Rhineland, Helmer gave him 100,000 teras as travel expenses. Facts have proved that the money was not saved but earned.

So there was no need for him to save money this time.

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. For someone like him who plans to live a serious life, the difference between 10 gold and 5 gold is not big at all.

Xia Feng took out a handful of stone gold with a clanging sound. Xia Feng counted 5 pieces and handed them to Chang Teng's wife.

Sister-in-law, this is a troublesome time. This money has no other meaning. Just think of it as me buying some toys for my unborn nephew.

Nagato's wife was at a loss for a while after taking the gold coin.


For her, a native of Dongguo, this is definitely not a small amount.

Chang Teng next to him was naturally very surprised, so he quickly excused himself.

No, no, how can I ask for your money? Isn't this a done deal? To be honest, until now I feel that I am incompetent. I only healed your injuries and didn't really help you find a safe place to stay.

Xia Feng waved his hand.

Take it, it has nothing to do with the value of money, it's just my willfulness.

After a period of time, Xia Feng could clearly see that the Chang Teng family's living situation was not wealthy.

In rural medical clinics like Gulan Town, you only need to throw away a few copper coins for a doctor's visit. Living in Dongzhou, the doctor's job may seem respectable, but in fact, he has to pay a large amount of tax to the Yingwu family every year.

Things are rare and valuable. In order to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible, Nagato must have spent all his money on the injection equipment and medicines he purchased from Nishikawa.

Now his wife is pregnant. After this consumption, it will definitely be difficult for her to recover in a short time.

Of course, Chang Teng has tried his best to hide the poverty of his life. He doesn't want Xia Feng to know these things. A drop of kindness can be repaid by a spring. This is the belief in the heart of a man.

But if Chang Teng didn't say anything, it was impossible for Xia Feng not to notice.

If he really didn't have any money, he could only pretend not to see it, say a sincere thank you, and leave silently.

But since he has money, sharing half of it during the meeting is definitely not excessive.

In Chang Teng's eyes, Xia Feng's status has transcended the meanings of friend, brother and benefactor.

Faced with Xia Feng's gift, he finally chose to accept it.

Just like a long time ago, he received those life-saving drugs in Victoria, as well as the thermal insulation bag engraved with [Black Feather].

Night falls.

The door in the courtyard, which had been closed tightly for a long time, was finally opened.

Xia Feng and Bagpipe were wearing coir raincoats, and Feng Bao was carrying his luggage. The two of them and the dog walked out of this familiar courtyard.

Chang Teng, sister-in-law, let's go.

Take care of yourself.

The green hills remain unchanged and the green waters flow forever. There are no reluctant farewells or excited words.

Nagato and his wife stood at the door, silently watching them disappear into the night.

Although the Eastern Kingdom is closed and independent, internal disputes are still raging.

At the same time, the uncertainty of the worsening of ore disease has made Nagato's life trajectory unknown.

He didn't know if he would have the chance to meet Xia Feng in this life, a man who seemed ordinary but had actually subverted an empire.

For Chang Teng, perhaps, this is all the fate in this life, and it is also the last scene in life.

In the yard that evening, Chang Teng once lamented to Xia Feng the gloomy life of the infected, and was worried that he would not be able to see his child born.

At that time Xia Feng said to him with a smile.

You will see it. Believe in miracles.

At that time, Chang Teng only regarded Xia Feng's words as comfort.

Until a few years later.

Nagato realized this when his fourth child was born.

Back then, the young man named Xia Feng changed a country. Although he wanted to stay away from disputes and live a peaceful life when he was living in the Eastern Kingdom, the torrent of fate would not let him go.

Some people are destined not to live an ordinary life.

Unless the natural disaster disappears, the Source Stone disappears, the infected disappear, and all the misfortunes in the world disappear.

This cannot be reversed by human power at all, unless a miracle happens.

However, he didn't stop.

The sun and the moon alternate, and everything flows. This dark and desperate world is like a ruthless perpetual motion machine that will never change based on someone's wishes.

Until that day.

The rotten gears cracked, and the eternal Möbius Ring came to an end.

The man named Xia Feng really changed the world.

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