Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 909 No one has the obligation to save you

This kind of stainless steel thermos cup is very common in Victoria, but in East China, this manufacturing process is very inconsistent with the national conditions.

Ever since he took a look at the thermos cup, Xia Feng could tell at a glance that it looked familiar.

Dr. Nagato's explanation further confirmed his guess.

He is the leader of Black Feather, he is Xia Feng, and this cup is given to you by him!

The excited sound of the bagpipes echoed in the room, leaving Dr. Nagato in shock.

He held the thermos cup blankly and moved his eyes to Xia Feng's face lying on the hospital bed.


Xia Feng's expression was very calm.

His right eye is missing, he is seriously injured, and his entire face is bloodless. To be honest, his current state is indeed difficult to recognize for those who have had a chance encounter with him.

What's more, a person who once shone like a star would actually appear in the distant Eastern Kingdom and be in such a state of desolation.

I wonder who can associate the two together.

There is no doubt that Chang Teng has seen Xia Feng before, but even though he has seen him, it was only from a distance.

At that time, he was hungry and cold, and followed numerous infected people to Hapi City, where he gathered at the playground and waited for the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce to distribute the medicine.

On that day, anyone with eyesight could see that medicine could not satisfy so many infected people.

In order to give themselves a chance to survive, everyone pushed each other and squeezed forward. The scene was very chaotic for a time.

Just then, the man appeared.

The man stood on a truck and his voice made everyone stop their selfish behavior.

[Compatriots, I myself am also an infected person, so I fully understand how painful ori disease is. This is why I am holding this charity event here today. Xia has limited ability and cannot help everyone, but I Be willing to do your best. Today is the first time Black Feather has held a medicine delivery event, but I promise here that this will definitely not be the last time. There are not many medicines, and it may not be enough for everyone to receive them. However, while you do not receive them, there will be others. Another compatriot to relieve the pain, I hope everyone can have more sympathy, more kindness, don't let others laugh at us infected people, don't let others think that the infected people are selfish, barbaric, extreme, within reach, each of us Everyone should lend a helping hand to those around them. 】

At that time, Chang Teng had only seen Xia Feng's true appearance from a far distance. Like everyone else, his face was filled with guilt, realization, and sincere admiration.

Although this incident caused a great psychological shock to him at the time, it was just an insignificant thing in this huge world.

Except for those who were present at the time, it was impossible for anyone to know about this, and it was even less likely for outsiders to know that at that time, Kuroba specially distributed free thermos cups to every infected person who came to receive medicine.

Chang Teng stared blankly at Xia Feng on the hospital bed, and only now did he recall his self-deprecating words just now.

[Actually, that adult is not that great, he is just an ordinary person]

Obviously, if he was not that lord himself, it would be impossible and there would be no reason for him to say this.

Staring closely at Xia Feng's pale face, the sacred great man in his memory gradually overlapped with the appearance in front of him.

Xia Feng. Sir?

For Xia Feng, Chang Teng is just one of the countless infected people he has assisted. He may have seen it, but he will not remember it.

If it hadn't been for that water glass, he wouldn't have known who Nagato was.

But in Nagato's heart, his existence cannot be replaced by anyone. He is not a person, but the symbol of the soul of millions of infected people in Victoria at that time, and the hope of survival.

No longer needing too many details, Chang Teng had instantly determined Xia Feng's identity.

Holding tightly the water glass with [Black Feather] printed on it, Chang Teng's cheeks were silently filled with tears even though he was already a middle-aged man with many vicissitudes of life.


Chang Teng subconsciously knelt in front of Xia Feng's hospital bed, his expression full of guilt.

Lord Xia Feng, I'm sorry. I accepted your gift, but I didn't become a selfless person like you. Facing the empire's attack, I chose to flee Victoria, leaving behind countless rebellious compatriots and fleeing to the distant East. The country is still alive, but this time, I...I...I didn't even recognize you, I actually wanted to drive you away and let you die outside with serious injuries, I'm sorry for you!

In the room, Chang Teng burst into tears and was moved by his true feelings.

Since he can say this, it is enough to prove that he is not an ungrateful person.

Xia Feng's expression showed a hint of relief, without any trace of blame, and he said softly.

Don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong. I told you, this is human nature.

From the beginning to the end, Xia Feng never had the feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, or feeling that he was very powerful and worthy of others' respect.

To be honest, he felt lucky, and it had nothing to do with whether Nagato was from Victoria.

Because if there is no kindness in Nagato's nature, he will not even have a chance to explain who he is. As soon as he is sent to the hospital by Bagpipe, Nagato will report the suspicious him to the Sakura Takejia.

No matter from which angle you look at it, there is no doubt that Nagato is his savior.

Have you ever saved others, and others had to take huge risks to save you?

This is wrong and also a moral kidnapping.

What's more, the person he once saved was not Nagato alone, and the so-called rescue was just a simple effort for Kuroba, who was powerful at the time.

To be honest, if Bagpipe hadn't revealed his identity out of desperation, he would have had no intention of revealing it.

Because this is not Victoria, Nagato is just an ordinary country doctor, and the wanted order for the Sakura Takeshi family is no joke.

He was really afraid that because he revealed his identity, Nagato would be morally kidnapped to save him and eventually implicate him.

But now that the matter has come to this, he will not stand up like a fool and say I won't hurt you, which is asking for trouble and wants to save face and suffer.

He feels that he is very lucky. At the same time, he is not a noble person. There is no need to pretend to be cool. To be honest, he really wants to live.

Things became simple here, and Nagato firmly stated that even if he took huge risks, he would do his best to help him heal his injury.

This time, Nagato no longer wanted to make a choice that he would regret for the rest of his life.

People's eyes don't lie, Xia Feng naturally trusts Chang Teng, and if he wants to survive now, he can only trust Chang Teng.

Dr. Nagato, please.

Don't worry, Mr. Xia Feng, I won't suppress ore disease, but I am pretty good at treating this kind of stab wound. I will make sure you recover as soon as possible.

Nagato's face was filled with determination, as if he was ready to take a bullet for him.

You can rest assured to stay here with me. As long as I am still breathing, I will never let anything happen to you. Even if the generals of the Yingwu family come to your door, I will hold them back and cover your safe evacuation!

It wasn't until this moment that Xia Feng's calm and pale face showed a smile.

You don't have to do that for me. Rather than saving me, you should live for yourself. I am no longer the leader of Black Feather, and Black Feather Wings have long ceased to exist.

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