Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 889: Extra Dimensional Interview Conference

Come to the beach again, ah Pulu Pie!

However, there was no response to the Archangel's cheers because the empty beach was deserted except for her.

The blue sky seems to blend into the sea, and the gentle sea breeze blows by, making people calm down unconsciously.

Here, it seems that it does not belong to any angle of the world.

This place doesn't seem to be the real world.

In fact, so many people came to this mysterious beach that everyone who appears in this story came.

It's just that everyone can't see each other, it's like they are in some parallel space. The same thing is that in front of them, they all have a chair that is incompatible with the beach.

Miss Angel, please sit down.

Aneng turned around when he heard the sound, and at some point, a woman wearing a professional suit appeared next to him.

This dignified woman wore a professional smile and wore a small tag on her chest that read [Dimension Reporter No. 003].

Facing the dimensional reporter's signal, Aneng sat on the chair.

This is.

Miss Angel, don't be nervous, this is just an ordinary interview.

Interview? Why do you suddenly appear here?

There's no need to go into detail on this, after all, this is a side story.

Yeah, that's right.

Then Aneng no longer had any doubts and relaxed completely.

Whatever you want to interview, just ask.

The Dimensional reporter took out his card and asked the first question.

Miss Angel, what do you think of the Black Feather organization?

Heiyu? Is it Xia Feng's barbecue restaurant?

You could say the same thing.

Enangang thought for a moment.

“Well, I’ve only been to that barbecue restaurant once, but I think it’s a very happy place. Many people with different experiences, identities, and obsessions gathered there, turning a small barbecue restaurant into a A real home.”

How does that compare with Penguin Logistics where you are?

Hahaha, needless to say, of course Penguin Logistics is more joyful. I will always love Penguin Logistics. Our slogan is, Long live the Penguin Empire!

In another interview, when Texas faced the same question from reporters, the answers he gave were different.

Texas held a Pocky between his two fingers and replied earnestly.

I think Black Feather may be more suitable for me. Of course, I'm not saying that Penguin Logistics is not good. I like the work there very much, but Aneng is too noisy.

When the reporter continued to ask Texas if she would consider changing jobs, she smiled knowingly.

No, after all, I'm used to those noisy companions.

Another interview time and space.

The reporter asked Brother ACE who was sitting on the chair.

Mr. ACE, as one of the first friends who met Xia Feng, how do you evaluate Xia Feng?

Brother ACE wore sunglasses and his voice sounded nostalgic.

In my eyes, Xia Feng is always a younger brother.

The reporter coughed lightly.

Um, okay, your brother probably doesn't mean anything disparaging.

Of course not, what's the problem?

no problem.

In another interview space, when Ifrit faced the same question, her whole body laughed.

Hahaha, he is just a yo-yo in my eyes, with a big light bulb, an octopus head, and a braised egg. I will never forget how he looked without hair. It's so funny, hahahaha!

Looking at Ifrit who was about to burst out laughing, the reporter continued to ask.

Miss Ifrit, do you know why Mr. Xia Feng is bald?


Ifrit's laughter gradually became smaller, and her innocent eyes revealed a complex emotion that would never appear before.

I know.

Then what do you want to say to him?

Ifrit pursed her lips.

I still want to go to school with him. He promised me that he would plant a huge Christmas tree with me. I...I miss him very much.

Another interview space.

Turtle held a small windmill on his head and sat quietly on a chair, waiting for reporters' questions.

Sister, you can ask whatever you want.


The reporter took a look at the card.

Miss Guigui, do you have any thoughts about Xia Feng's sudden farewell? Do you feel very disappointed?

Turtle shook his head.


No? Don't you like Xia Feng the most?

Yeah, I like Windmill the most, but I know that he must have his own plans, and he must have his reasons for not taking me with him. I won't feel sad because he promised me and we made an agreement. , no matter what happens, we will always be together, so I believe that when he finishes dealing with the things I don’t understand, he will definitely come to pick me up.

Seeing Guigui's innocent and persistent look, the reporter asked tentatively.

Then aren't you worried about him? He has lost his right eye and he can no longer use the black power.

Don't worry.


Turtle raised his little fist.

Because Huo Yu Xia Feng will not die!

Another interview space.

The chairs became three, and the three wolf brothers sat in a row.

Facing the three wolf brothers, the reporter looked embarrassed.

Um. Mr. Xian Luo, Mr. Anarog, Mr. Gugu Siliswat, Lili Noran Libel

Wolf waved his hand.

Hai, don't pronounce our real names, just call us the code names given to us by Brother Feng.

The reporter breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great. Now, I want to ask the three of you first, what do you think of Xia Feng?

The three wolf brothers spoke very highly of Xia Feng.

Brother Feng is like a god in my eyes.

Yes, how can I put it? He is one of the most down-to-earth gods. Sometimes he looks silly, but if he grits his teeth and stamps his feet, he can do great things that we can never imagine.

I feel the same way. I feel that there is probably nothing in this world that can scare Brother Feng. Even if he is a real god, he can find a way to kill it.

In another dimension, the answer given by the Snow Monster Team was similar to that of the Three Wolf Brothers.

As guerrillas who have experienced extreme conflicts in Ursus, the Snow Monster Team, which usually seems funny, actually has a deep understanding of death.

Snow Monster No. 1 looked like someone who had come before.

Tsk, tsk, don't brag. Brother Feng is one of the few people I have ever seen who truly doesn't care about life and death. Some people shout that they are not afraid of death all day long, but even if there is a glimmer of life, they will not let it go.

Sanwa and Snow Monster No. 4 also expressed their admiration.

That's right, Brother Feng is different. He is willing to risk his life and live again. He dances on the tip of the knife and plays with his heartbeat.

Sun Fugui took out a deck of cards.

Journalist friends, is this interview of yours live? I haven't been on TV yet, so let me take this opportunity to show you a unique skill.

Although there were still many questions to ask, seeing Sun Fugui's enthusiasm, the female reporter couldn't refuse.

Okay then, just show it to me, just once.


Sun Fugui spread his cards.

You draw one.

The reporter looked at the cards for a while and picked one out at random.

Well, just this one.

Sun Fugui closed the cards.

Okay, the show is over.

Huh? Is this the end? Don't you need to find a way to conjure up the cards I drew?

Sun Fugui looked at the female reporter like an idiot.

You misunderstood. My performance has nothing to do with cards at all. It is mainly used to distract attention.

Then what does your performance have to do with it?

Sun Fugui smiled mysteriously.

Have you noticed that the microphone in your hand is missing?


Looking down again, your high heels are gone.


You can check again when you go to the toilet later to see if your underwear is still there.

The reporter immediately interrupted Sun Fugui.

Okay, this concludes today's interviews with the three of you.

Another interview space.

The reporter asked Ergou, who was sitting on the chair with a curious expression on his face.

Mr. Li Tianye, what do you think of Xia Feng?

I feel thirsty.

After receiving the orange soda from the reporter, Ergou took a few sips and felt comfortable.

Lao Xia, I think he is a good person.

Then what?

Nothing more. I think he's pretty good, but not as good as Turtle and Ifrit. After all, Lao Xia is always away from home and doesn't play football with me.

Another interview space.

The reporter greeted Shuangxing sitting in front of him with a smile.

Miss Frost Star, compared to the official plot, you look much better now and your face is very rosy.

Froststar was wearing a white turtleneck sweater. Although she didn't know what the official plot was, she still nodded.

Well, this is all due to the effect of Xiyan Flower. My body cold symptoms rarely occur anymore.

Miss Froststar, what are your plans in the future?

I want to go back to Ursus. After all, my father is still there, but everyone in Black Feather won't let me leave.

Yeah, it's quite difficult.

Yes, but now I am no longer extreme. After experiencing the Victoria incident, I think Ursus also has a chance to be saved.

The reporter nodded in approval.

Okay, let's get down to business, Miss Shuangxing, what do you think of Xia Feng?

Being asked so solemnly about Xia Feng alone, an imperceptible blush flashed across Shuangxing's face.

I think he is a very special person.

What's so special about it?

How should I put it? I always feel that he knows me. He has an indescribable intimacy with me, but he is not so close to everyone. What he has done for me is far more than a so-called friend. I always feel that he knows me. It feels... like a responsibility or a commitment.

Seeing Shuangxing's tone when mentioning Xia Feng, the reporter smiled like an aunt.

Miss Shuangxing, do you like Xia Feng?


Upon hearing this sharp question, Shuangxing's ears stood up nervously.

This, this, this, how could it be possible, I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

Another interview space.

When the reporter asked Wei Na, who was wearing a golden crown, the same question, Do you like Xia Feng?, Wei Na's reaction was very calm.

She didn't panic or blush, and there was only a hint of regret under her golden hair.

I feel that I will never meet someone as suitable for me as Xia Feng in my life. It's a pity that he will give everything for me, but I can't do anything for him.

Infected by Wei Na's feeling of loss, the reporter's voice also carried a hint of understanding.

Miss Wei Na, you must be very sad to leave.

Of course I was very reluctant to leave. In the end, when he handed the whole of Victoria into my hands, I didn't even have the chance to say thank you to him. He just left. I didn't even know why he left or where he was going. Know.

Speaking of this, Wei Na's expression became even darker.

Think about it carefully. In fact, I don't know Xia Feng at all. Before I met Chernobog, I didn't even know where he came from. The bottle of wine I drank is still difficult to recall. That apple Lollipops with different flavors have never appeared in the entire Terra world. Sometimes I can't help but have an illusion. Maybe Xia Feng doesn't belong to this world at all. As he once said, his My hometown is in a very far away place, so far away that I cannot reach it in this life.”

The reporter's voice was very soft.

Miss Wei Na, will you leave your hometown to find Xia Feng?

Probably not, although I would like to.

Yes, after all, you are the king now.

In another interview space, when Bagpipe was asked the same question by a reporter, her answer was as if it were natural.

Miss Bagpipe, will you leave your hometown to find Xia Feng?

Bagpipe, wearing a plaid skirt, said chicly.

Of course, I'm going to find him now. No more talking. I'm leaving. Bye.

Another interview space. For some reason, the sky here is gray and white.

Aguang was sitting on a chair, with a halo similar to Aneng's head.

Mr. Aguang, do you know what happened to Victoria in the end?

Aguang's answer was very calm.

Nonsense, I'm dead, how could I possibly know.

Then let me tell you, the decadent empire was overthrown. At the last moment, Xia Feng slashed open the huge Londinium with a sword. Victoria is now a country where the infected and ordinary people coexist peacefully.

A Guang clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

Brother Feng NB!!!

The reporter continued to ask.

Mr. Aguang, do you have anything to say to everyone in Black Feather?


A Guang thought for a moment while holding a horn and aperture.

How should I put it? In fact, I am not an important person in Black Feather. I am self-aware. If Brother Feng hadn't chosen me, I might still be a little gangster to this day.

Mr. Aguang, you are so humble. I think you are not ordinary at all.

A Guang waved his hand and laughed at himself.

Hum, I still know how much we weigh. To be honest, I didn't do much to help you during this time in Black Feather. At most, I just drove a car and ran errands. But I am still very happy. A man's life Being able to spend time with a group of top peers in the world, even if it only lasts for one year, is worth it.

Then what do you want to say to everyone?

Well, I want to say to everyone, don't be sad. No one has died since ancient times. Everyone should continue to live happily. It is best to slowly forget about me. Hehe, I don't have a strong sense of existence anyway. It should be easy. Just do it.”

Then what do you want to say to Xia Feng?

Mentioning Xia Feng, Aguang showed sincere respect. Then, based on his understanding of Xia Feng, he seemed to have guessed something.

I want to say to Brother Feng, brother, let me take the first step. Don't be sad, don't be sad, and there is no need to avenge me. We will still be brothers in the next life.

In another time and space, the sky is still gray-white.

Faced with the same question, Mesa's answer was slightly different.

Miss Mesha, do you have anything to say to Xia Feng?


There's none?

Well, everything I wanted to say to him was all said in the last letter.

The reporter looked at the interview card again.

Miss Mesa, what is your wish?

I'm already dead, what else can I wish for?

Um, I mean, if you were still alive, do you have any wishes that you would like to have come true?

Staying in this gray-white dimensional space, Mesha lost her military seriousness and became very calm.

I want to get married.


Well, I want to marry Xia Feng, start a family, then have a son or daughter, find a small town in Victoria, and live a happy life.

Of course, being calm is all that matters, and when she really said these words, Mesha's face still turned as red as a dragon fruit.

Well, you guys shouldn't be able to see this interview with Xia Feng.

Don't worry, he can't see it.

That's good.

Another interview space is also gray and white.

the reporter asked a man holding a roasted sweet potato.

Mr. Dark Crow, do you have anything to say to Xia Feng?

I want to say, I fucked his uncle!

Dark Crow dropped the roasted sweet potato to the ground.

What a crappy interview you guys are doing. I don't like roasted sweet potatoes anymore, and you still insist on giving me one as a prop. Are you kidding me?

Mr. Dark Crow, don't get excited.

Can I not be excited? I died in an unknown way. I thought I was the final BOSS, but I died in Casimir inexplicably. I didn't even say a word before I died. What a stupid joke, do it!

Mr. Darkcrow.


As he spoke, Dark Crow stood up from his chair, pointed at the reporter's nose and shouted.

I'm warning you, I'm already dead. From now on, you won't be able to pull me over to make up for this kind of nonsense. You'll have to eat until you're full.

But we will pay the notice fee.

Fart, how many times do you need me to explain? I'm already dead, how can I spend your notification fee?

We can ask Ifrit to burn it for you.


In the subsequent interview spaces, the sky returned to its original color.

The people interviewed were also all kinds of people, some of which even the reporter could not remember clearly.

Sir, what's your name?

Oh, my name is Willow Fire Asan, and I'm from Colombia.

Um, how do you evaluate Xia Feng?

How should I put it? I think he is a very rich man. He gave me more than 700 yuan for the first ride and tens of thousands for the second time. I am very much looking forward to meeting him for the third time.

Sir, what is your name?

My name is Erzhu.

How do you evaluate Xia Feng?

He is a respectable opponent, and I very much look forward to another fencing match with him.

What's your name, madam?

My name is Liu Cuihua.

Ah? Do you know Xia Feng?

Liu Cuihua slapped the chair and said through gritted teeth.

Of course we know each other. I run a hotel in Sanna Town. The boy stole my car the first time and smashed up my shop the second time. He was so lawless. Which TV station are you from? Do you care about this kind of thing? Here. He’s exposed!”

There are hundreds of similar interviews. Some of the interviewees are known to the reporter, while others do not have a strong sense of presence.

These people have mixed reviews of Xia Feng, which shows that he is really a strange person.

He can be so clumsy that he gets into trouble, or he can be stubborn enough to create miracles. He can thrive in the complicated royal politics, and he can also give up everything for the kindness he insists on in his heart.

He seems to be the same as every ordinary person, but also seems to be different from every ordinary person.

In this regard, a middle school girl who calls herself Bingyu Xiaran gave this evaluation.

Huh huh huh, my contractor, Bingyu Xiaran, is certainly different. The moment he decides to pull out his sword, the whole world will tremble, oh ho ho ho ho ho!

Faced with such a shameful answer, the reporter was also very embarrassed.

Okay, that's it for this Dimensional Interview Conference. Thank you all for accepting the interview. See you in the next extra chapter.

Ah sneeze!

Xia Feng, who was standing on the bow of the boat, sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and muttered to himself.

Who said anything bad about me again?

Raising his head, he looked toward the east where the ship was heading.

The gauze on his right eye has been removed, and a fine stubble has grown on his chin.

After sailing for so long that Xia Feng seemed to have almost forgotten the time, finally, land appeared on the sea ahead.

At the end of the line of sight, the first sight is a pink cherry blossom forest.

finally reached.

He didn't have any luggage except the Shenyue Sword at his waist.

Raising his hand, Xia Feng put a white fox mask on his face, covering his missing right eye.

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