Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 885 The Shadow of Falling Cherry Blossoms

Nancy was getting married. This news not only surprised and pleased her, but also gave Xia Feng a dreamlike feeling.

Some people say that before you decide to marry someone, it’s best to experience a trip with only two of you.

This method is not unreasonable. When you leave your familiar environment and encounter various emergencies, you can better understand the essence of a person through the way your partner handles and responds.

However, no test is more profound than war.

The feelings that survived the baptism of war no longer need to be tested. Of course, Tang Hua did not have any crucial performance in this resistance, but for a family, his performance was perfect enough.

At least in Nancy's eyes, he is a qualified husband.

Yes, just as spring has arrived, in the eyes of everyone around Xia Feng, the story seems to have come to a happy ending.

The ending does not mean stopping. This ending means that after passing the most difficult part of life, just like a retired veteran, it is time to enjoy the fruits.

In other words, from this moment on, the beautiful story really begins.

However, Xia Feng does not agree with this ending in his heart. He can deceive Guigui and pretend to be very happy, or he can deceive Wei Na and make her think that he is free and easy.

But he could never deceive himself, even though he desperately wanted to.

The happier the people around him are, the more he feels that he can't fit in. This feeling has never happened before.

He seemed to be out of tune with Victoria's spring, and at the same time, he really didn't want everyone to become like him.

To be honest, he hopes that everyone in Black Feather can live happily forever, just like this, always, always.

There were still many days before Victoria's founding ceremony, but Xia Feng was so free that there was nothing to do.

The factory closed, and the Platts brothers had gone to Londinium to work as professors. Mr. Huang Xuanshan helped him make a brand new scabbard, and he liked it very much.

Kuroba's medical department still remains, but this is no longer the only place where Victory Industry helps the infected.

Next, every city will set up a hospital to suppress ore disease. This is what Vina has decided long ago.

Ansuo has returned to her big villa, and the training ground in the eastern suburbs has been changed into a stadium. I heard that Yaxin will come to Victoria to play in a while, and everyone is looking forward to it.

General Aumon, who retired from the army, also chose to settle in Hapi City. He refused any villa arrangements, so he lived in the Kilt neighborhood and became good friends with his second uncle.

In this way, the second uncle, who was lonely and seeking defeat because of the title of King of Kilt, had another opponent, and now he had three people to play with him.

One is Tang Hua’s father, Mr. Tang De, the other is Mr. Xiao Yun, Mr. Xiao, and finally the newly joined General Omen.

Master duels often require careful gaming, which results in each game taking a lot of time.

In order to solve the problem of players waiting too long, the four old men directly closed the chessboard and made a table of mahjong.

Lao He, you are the banker, hurry up.

Urge, urge, urge, why urge? I can't take a look.

You must be dazzled, hahaha.

The four twilight old men became good friends. The second uncle's waist was straight and his posture was not lost at all.

Among his three poker friends, one was a former second-level nobleman from Victoria, one was the former commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region, and the last one was the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom.

Compared with these three, the second uncle was nothing, but he felt that as long as he was Xia Feng's second uncle, he would be enough to speak with his chin raised.

The game played by the four retired veteran cadres is very pleasant, but one of them is only superficially retired, because as long as he is still alive and his identity and status have not been replaced, it is not considered retirement.

That is the number one sword in the world that no one dares to call number one after him.

What's more, Mr. Xiao, who appears to be in his twilight years, is still a child in the eyes of someone in the house opposite the barbecue restaurant.

Every night at dusk, Xia Feng would find Mr. Xiao who had finished the card game to practice his sword.

For him who cannot draw out the black power at will now, the meaning of swordsmanship seems to be more important than before.

Of course, although it is said to be important, in fact it is not very important in the eyes of others.

Especially in the eyes of Hong Dao, Lang Da and others, there is no longer a situation in Victoria where Xia Feng needs to take matters into his own hands to solve troubles.

Xia Feng wanted to continue practicing swordsmanship, and Master Xiao naturally would not refuse. He regarded it as Xia Feng's hobby.


Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Mr. Xiao is holding a wooden sword.

Xia Feng, you have already mastered the first form of Bei Qiu Liyu. As for the second form, I also demonstrated it in the sword competition ring, but I think the second form is a bit difficult for you.

Xia Feng nodded.

I think so too, Mr. Xiao, can you teach me something else besides Bei Qiu Liyu?

Something else?

Well, the Bei Qiu Liyu I have mastered is currently mainly used in one-on-one battles with masters. What I want to learn is whether there are any advantageous sword skills when one is against many.

Of course you have this kind of sword skill.

Can you teach me.

Mr. Xiao didn't ask any more questions. After thinking for a moment, he replied in a deep voice.

Almost all Qingyun sword techniques are derived from the entry-level Bei Qiu Li Yu. This is why I call it the foundation. Now that you have mastered Bei Qiu Li Yu, you should learn some other moves. soon.

Xia Feng didn't show too much joy, he just pulled out the Shenyue Sword lightly.

I want to learn.

Okay, then Xiao will teach you the form of this move now. As for its meaning, you need to study it slowly by yourself. The name of this move is, Shadow of Falling Cherry Blossoms.

[Shadow of Falling Cherry Blossoms], compared to the Bei Qiu Liyu I learned before, this sword skill is not considered complicated, and relatively, its power is not that strong.

However, compared to Bei Qiu Liyu's unexpected single-point explosion, Falling Cherry Shadow is more in line with Xia Feng's requirements, which is to defeat many with one person at a numerical disadvantage.

Later, Mr. Xiao explained in detail to Xia Feng the key points that needed to be mastered in the Shadow of Falling Cherry Blossoms.

If the previous Bei Qiu Li Yu focused on the speed, stability and accuracy of the sword, then the focus of Luo Ying Zhi Ying at this moment is no longer on the sword.

As an advanced sword skill, this move mainly requires practice of body skills and insight.

When it comes to body skills, Xia Feng's physique is naturally not bad, and his insight ability is also pretty good.

But now there is a physical condition that greatly limits him, that is, he has lost his right eye.

With only one eye, there will undoubtedly be a blind spot in the viewing angle, and according to Mr. Xiao, this trick of Falling Cherry Shadow can perfectly make up for this flaw.

Just like when Master Xiao was teaching swordsmanship, he often said that sentence and said it badly.

Sometimes you have to see things not only with your eyes, but also with your heart.

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