Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 764 Sit back and relax


The door was slammed shut, and after Aguang and Kate left, the entire living room fell silent instantly.

Wei Na frowned and stared at Xia Feng, who was humming like a sick cat on the sofa.

Stop pretending and get up quickly. Seriously, I don't understand what's been going on in your head all day.

Xia Feng opened his eyes and saw that everyone was gone. He smiled hehe and sat up, but his smile was not so calm.

His refusal to leave was indeed an act of pretense, but the injuries on his body were real. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to get out of bed without lying down for three months.

Even he can't move completely freely. After all, there is still some time before the black and white twins jump to the next cycle.

Because the movement just now was a bit large, the gauze on his arm had already seeped blood. Xia Feng grinned and pulled off the blood-soaked gauze, revealing his bloody arm.

Now that he was relaxing, the severe pain from the wound made his tongue tangle.

It hurts, it hurts, Vina, do you still have new gauze at home?

Seeing Xia Feng's miserable state, Wei Na could only put away the thought of driving him away and said helplessly.

Yes, I'm going to get it now, really.

After a while, Vina brought new gauze and said while wrapping it for him.

Stop being brave, otherwise you should go back to the hospital. I can drive you there. I'm serious.

Xia Feng leaned on the sofa and forced a smile.

It's not like you don't know that our body is very special. Even though it's miserable now, it will be fine in a few days. It doesn't matter whether we go to the hospital or not. Oh, please be gentle.

Wei Na's bandaging skills were passable. After a while, Xia Feng's injured arm was wrapped into a mummy, which was not loose or tight and comfortable.

After bandaging, Wei Na breathed a sigh of relief.

That's all for now, just don't move any more.


Did you have dinner?

Xia Feng straightened up on the sofa, and the severe pain just now had eased a lot.

Don't talk about dinner, I didn't even eat lunch, I'm starving now.

What do you want to eat?

Whatever, as long as it fills your stomach.

Vina stood up from the sofa.

Then I'll cook you a bowl of noodles. Don't move here. I'll bring it to you when it's done.

After that, Vina walked to the kitchen on her slippers.

Feeling the genuine concern in Wei Na's eyes, Xia Feng also smiled happily.

To be honest, this is not the first time he has been injured. There are countless more serious injuries than this. At his current level, he is far from being a first-level patient.

If a killer comes looking for trouble now, he can stand up and fight with the person again, and the winning rate is extremely high.

However, feeling the care of Vina at this moment, he suddenly felt very relaxed.

Looking at Wei Na's back busy in the kitchen, Xia Feng even had a kind of wishful thinking.

This is like his home.

Xia Feng struggled to stand up from the sofa and moved his arms slightly. Once he got used to the pain, he would gradually become numb.

While waiting for the noodles, he walked gently in the living room and came to the wine cabinet on the wall.

Sure enough, there was indeed that priceless collection of red wine in the wine cabinet. In addition to this one, there were also many bottles that looked very expensive.

It seems that Wei Na's obsession with wine is indeed very deep.

In the middle of the upper shelf of the wine cabinet, the theoretically truly unparalleled Alpine lollipop was lying there quietly. It is estimated that Vina had no intention of eating it before it expired, and she probably had no intention of eating it after it expired.

Compared with the last time I came to Weina's house, there are two more items next to the lollipop.

A bottle of perfume, an obsidian bracelet.

Xia Feng could tell at a glance that these two things were things he gave to Wei Na some time ago. He didn't expect that they would have the status of staying in the same cabinet as the peerless collection of red wine.

Standing next to the wine cabinet, Xia Feng shouted at the top of his lungs.

Vina, why is there so much mess in your wine cabinet?

Veena's voice came from the kitchen.

Don't make any noise!

The lollipops are almost expired, let me eat them for you.

you dare!

Seeing Wei Na wearing an apron and holding a spoon angrily poking her head out of the kitchen, Xia Feng chuckled and retracted her hand.

Hehe, I was joking.

After a while, the noodles cooked by Wei Na were served.

This bowl of noodles still has a familiar taste, unpretentious but not boring.

Xia Feng felt that if he had a bowl every day from now on, he would be able to eat it until he died.

Now that the skin is over, we still have to talk about the business.

At the dinner table, Xia Feng chatted a lot with Wei Na while eating noodles.

At this point, Wei Na has nothing to hide, including the situation in the empire and the hidden camp relationships among the top officials. Wei Na has told him her understanding.

Xia Feng also discussed the strange issues in today's meeting with Wei Na.

Through Wei Lin's explanation, Xia Feng probably understood something.

There are four major military districts in the empire, two in the north and two in the south.

Needless to say, the Central Army is the empire's most trusted military district. Just two weeks ago, King Willanson's eldest prince, Witte, was promoted from deputy commander of the military district to commander-in-chief, taking complete control of the Central Army.

The current Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Military Region is the eldest son of the Cape family, that is, the eldest son of the Imperial Inspector General Cape Wamy.

Both of these two commanders-in-chief belong to the younger generation, one is a member of the royal family and the other is an important minister of the empire. It goes without saying that they are loyal.

However, the commanders-in-chief of the two major military regions in the south belong to the previous generation.

General Aumont, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military Region, is now over 70 years old. It is said that he was one of the most trusted people of King Willanson back then, and he also served as the Chief of Military Affairs of the Empire for several years.

However, due to an incident decades ago, General Aumon resigned as military chief and voluntarily went to the south to serve as deputy commander of the Southern Military Region. A few years later, he was promoted from deputy commander to commander-in-chief.

The incident that had been forgotten was said to be a conflict between infected people.

Some people say that General Aumon pays great attention to the interests of the infected and is the only one among the military generals who views the status of the infected in the same way as ordinary people.

After being transferred to the Southern Military District, it was thanks to his efforts that the situation in the south would be stable for several years.

As for the other military region in the south, the Border Defense Military Region, not to mention.

General Gleason also commanded the Border Military Region for several years, and General Gleason and General Aumont have been close friends for many years. Because of this relationship, the Border Military Region and the Southern Military Region are also called brother armies.

Judging from Victoria's national conditions, there is a big gap between the south and the north, and their interactions are relatively independent.

The reason why the empire handed over the security of the entire south to General Aumont and the important border to General Gleason was because of King Willanson's trust in the two generals.

However, trust is just a personal feeling. It is invisible and intangible to outsiders, and it cannot be inherited.

Now that King Willanson is seriously ill in bed, the change of power can be foreseen.

Even in Xia Feng's original world, throughout history, rulers of all dynasties understood one truth.

Loyalty cannot be shouted out. Only by firmly holding military power in your own hands can you sit back and relax.

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