Troops of the Colombian Seventh Army took over Rhine Life's Experimental Base No. 4.

But from beginning to end, the real senior figures of Rhine Life have never shown their faces.

The incident was quickly calmed down, and Homer was safely rescued by Froststar, along with White-faced Owl and Mel.

At Ogur's signal, Xia Feng did not stay any longer and quickly led everyone and the wounded out of the area, returning to the temporary stronghold borrowed from Black Steel.

On the way back, Xia Feng roughly learned the ins and outs of the incident from Seria.

In fact, all experimental plans of Rhine Life are not decided by one person. The composition of this organization is extremely mysterious, and it is also inextricably linked to the Colombian government.

Ever since the [Balanma Project] a long time ago, the direction of the experiment has been questioned by some senior officials, but at that time they were only concerned about the possible consequences of the experiment going out of control.

Rhine Life is roughly divided into two factions.

One group belongs to the extreme group, striving to conduct extraordinary experiments and break through the existing technological landscape.

After hearing the huge strategic significance brought by the success of the experiment, the Colombian government chose to acquiesce to this dark experiment.

The other group belongs to conservatives. They believe that this kind of leap-forward experiment belongs to unknown territory. Colombia's national situation is currently very stable, and there is no need to carry out such risky behavior. Once it fails or is exposed, it may cause unpredictable consequences internationally. influence on public opinion.

The most serious result is that it becomes the target of public criticism all over the world. Of course, if the experiment is as successful as predicted, it will not hurt to become the target of public criticism.

But if it fails, or doesn't succeed as expected, it could lead to big trouble.

Among the two views on Rhine life, the Colombian government undoubtedly chose the former, a subversive tool of war, which has a fatal attraction for a powerful country.

[The Balrog Plan] went smoothly, but ended with the destruction of Base 4.

The Origin Stone Project was launched again, but after spending hundreds of millions in scientific research funds and cross-border experiments, it was still unable to be controlled.

In the end, Rhine Life launched the [Black Flame Project].

This is the last bet for the extremists. As long as the clone can successfully inherit the power of the Ancient Stone, they can restore all previous losses and the trust of the Colombian government.

Similarly, the success or failure of the Black Flame Project is also the Colombian government's final bottom line for Rhine's life.

As a result, the Black Flame plan failed.

The complete failure was like a big joke.

The moment the experiment failed, the already prepared army immediately intervened on the battlefield. At the same time, the government had decided to freeze all subsequent experimental plans for Rhine Life.

Whether successful or not, this is an experiment that cannot be disclosed to the outside world, including Colombia's hundreds of millions of citizens.

The Origin Stone beast cannot be precisely controlled by humans. Once it escapes out of control, it will turn into an irreparable disaster. After its death, it may cause a large-scale ore disease infection.

If the public knows that such a horrific experiment is being carried out in the country, it will definitely shake the existing political situation. Unlike Victoria's aristocratic monarchy, Colombia advocates absolute democracy and freedom of speech.

Once the government loses the trust of the people, the consequences can be imagined.

Therefore, the army must completely block the entire incident and not let any information leak out.

Rhine's life itself will not be leaked. Base 4 is located in the ruins of a former natural disaster. It is inaccessible for hundreds of kilometers. The only uncertainty is the bait who participated in this incident, Xia Feng and his companions.

At this point, Xia Feng has completely figured it out.

At the same time, he also understood why Ogur emphasized his international influence and noble status in front of General Maire.

Because, if he is an unknown person, the army will wipe them out there together with the Origin Stone Beast if they know the inside story, at all costs.

Ogur's attitude and his true identity did not allow such a thing to happen, and various factors interfered with General Maire's judgment.

General Maire knew that even if the army silenced all those involved, the matter would not be sealed.

And the premise is, can his army really effortlessly annihilate a team with only a dozen people killing hundreds of Origin Stone Beasts, as well as two clones of Rhine Life's confident clones.

Moreover, there is Black Steel International whose attitude is obviously leaning towards the other end.

The public opinion consequences caused by the exposure of experimental details are something the government cannot afford.

Politicians will never act out of impulse or gamble. They choose peaceful compromise over risky means of force.

One, forget this matter and don’t mention it to the outside world.

Second, the army will let you go, take the people you want to take with you, and leave Colombia forever.

Of course Xia Feng will accept this deal.

After returning to the stronghold on the outskirts of Bura City, the sky had darkened.

On this day, everyone completed a difficult battle in a foreign country. They had no retreat, and every step was like dancing on the tip of a knife.

But in the end, they won.

After returning to the stronghold, everyone first assisted Jiaweier in arranging the wounded. There were not many injured people, and they were not seriously injured. They were basically grazed on the hands and feet by bullets from the drone.

In addition, Lapland's left hand was dislocated due to excessive force, a member of the Meteor Team was bitten by a snake on his ankle during a sniper attack, and Turtle was so tired that he couldn't get up from the bed because he frequently activated his Origin Stone skills. coming.

As for the losses in this operation, they can be considered to be quite a lot. The details are as follows.

First of all, the finished product consumed more than 400 Origin Stones, most of which were destroyed by Ifrit's last move.

The ammunition loss of the Meteor Team is conservatively estimated to be at least 20 million.

Penguin Logistics’ intelligence fee is 50 million.

The friendly price given by Ogur for Black Steel International's assistance was 60 million.

In addition, there are some own losses.

For example, the fuel used by Haimen to help the cargo ship reverse, Brother ACE's shield that was smashed, the boots that fell off when Snow Monster No. 1 ran away, and Wolf's hair that was burned off.

After everyone temporarily calmed down, the first thing Xia Feng did was to take out the phone and call Wei Na.

The phone rang once and was answered immediately.

came Vina's urgent voice.

Hey, Xia Feng, how are you?

Don't worry, it went well. The operation is over now and everyone has been rescued.

Wei Na paused for a moment, then her tone became calmer.

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Xia Feng could tell that Wei Na was actually relieved.

Are you hurt? I. I mean are you hurt?

It's nothing serious. Don't worry. I'm going to talk to Ogur tomorrow about something, and then I can go back.

Oh, okay, then I'll wait for you to come back.


Putting down the phone, Xia Feng looked at the corner of the hall. This picture was definitely worth all the effort.

On a military bed in the corner.

Ifrit cuddled up to Helmer's side like a paralyzed patient. Even though she was already taller than Helmer, she still opened her mouth shamelessly and ate the hot porridge that Helmer fed him spoonful by spoonful. .

Ceria folded her arms and leaned against the door without saying a word. When no one noticed, her eyes looked at Ifrit, showing silent tenderness.

Everyone misunderstood yesterday's leave application form. Boyfriend refers to male friends. Yes, it's just a joke. Yesterday, I went to the beach with male friends. As for why I didn't go with my girlfriend, it was simple, because I had no girlfriend, hahahahaha, hahaha, haha, ha, oh (laughter gradually sad))

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