Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 702 Sleepless Spring Night

Hela left, but Xia Feng did not stop her from leaving.

Just like she said, as long as she is still in Victoria, there will be opportunities to meet, talk, and fight.

Of course, there was another reason why Xia Feng didn't stop Hela from leaving, and that was the strangers who came to him at this moment.


One of the men held the Source Stone gun tightly against Xia Feng's head and said gloomily.

Boy, don't move, take your hand away from the knife!

Xia Feng glanced at the small Originium gun in his hand, and it looked like it was genuine.

With this kind of thing, do you know how to use it?

I don't need to know how to use it, I just need to be able to fire it. Your head will explode like a watermelon at such a close range.

Even though his attention was distracted just now, he was able to touch it quietly, which proved that these men were not just ordinary people, and this Originium gun also proved that they were not robbers.

This is Gusha City. He and Vina have been inquiring about someone's whereabouts in the past few days. At this moment, the identity of the person who came to see him is already obvious.

Xia Feng's clenched fist gradually loosened.

Are you from Gur?

The Originium gun pointed at him tightened, and one of the men said viciously.

How could there be an idiot like you in the Supervision Office and dare to investigate secretly? Do you think you are a detective?

Xia Feng raised his hand in a pretentious manner.

Hey, be careful, don't get angry, I'm a noble.

This person kicked Xia Feng on the butt.

Noble? If you dare to come to Gusha City to cause trouble, even the King of Heaven will tell you to lie down.

Really, then why don't you fire?


Xia Feng raised one hand high and reached into the pocket of his coat with the other hand.

Seeing his actions, the man with the gun yelled.

do not move!

Don't worry, don't be nervous.

Xia Feng took out the noble medal from his pocket and said calmly.

I am a third-level noble in the south. Even a person like Gur would not dare to murder nobles casually. To be honest, I am indeed solving cases for the Supervision Office, but I think there are some things we can talk about. Take me there Meet Gur.

Several men looked at each other.

Take off his weapons, search his body, collect all dangerous things, and then take them away.

Eastern suburbs of Gusha City.

Wei Na stood alone in front of a four-story independent building. There was a less conspicuous sign hanging on the building with four words written on it.

【Sleepless Spring Night】


At this time, Wei Na's phone rang. After looking at the number, she picked it up.

Hey, are you here?

Kate's voice came from the phone.

We are arriving at Gusha City soon.

Okay, you come in from the east of the city and come directly to the [Spring Night Sleepless] nightclub on Dongjiao 4th Street to find me.


After hanging up the phone, Wei Na took out a lollipop from her pocket and held it in her mouth, then walked in with the hammer on her shoulder.

20 minutes later.

Four black vans stopped at the door of [Spring Nights]. Kate and Indra pushed open the door and walked in with more than 20 members of the Glasgow Gang.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang.

From the first floor to the fourth floor, there were chaotic sounds of smashing and smashing, but soon they were replaced by the wails of men and the screams of women.

In front of the elite members of the Glasgow Gang, these gangsters watching the scene were not even qualified to fight.

Within half an hour, Wei Na turned the entire nightclub upside down with an expressionless expression.

However, there is still no trace of Gul here. It seems that she came at the wrong time.

However, Gul was not found, but she found another person in a dark small room.

In another quaint old-fashioned building on the eastern outskirts of Gusha City.

Xia Feng was tied up and taken into the basement and locked into a room at the end of the basement that was closed by an iron door.

In the room, Xia Feng sat on a cold metal chair, with heavy handcuffs on his wrists.

Brother, are you a gangster or a criminal department? Do you even have handcuffs?

Do not talk nonsense!

There was a wooden table in front of Xia Feng, with several things placed on it.

Shenyue Sword, mobile phone, wallet, noble medal, and an investigation report from the Supervision Office.

A man as strong as an ox was holding a dagger with a hilt across his face. He stared at the items on the table with complicated eyes.

He recognized all these things, including the documents from the Office of Supervision, but there was one thing he was not sure about.

It was a dark yellow object the size of an egg.

What is this?

Xia Feng took a look.

Source Stone.


When he heard the Origin Stone, the man did not show fear or panic. He distinguished it carefully.

Why do you have the Origin Stone on you?

Xia Feng looked at him quietly.

Of course there is a reason for bringing the Origin Stone, so we can talk about it. By the way, are you Gul?

At this time, a thin man with sinister eyebrows said next to him.

Brother Li, stop talking nonsense with this kid. Give him a beating first and he will definitely be honest.

Hearing this title, Xia Feng sighed in disappointment.

Well, it seems you are not Gur.

The scar-faced man called Brother Li walked up to Xia Feng.

I'm asking you a question, why do you have the Origin Stone on you.

Because I'm smuggling the Origin Stone.

Oh? Aren't you a noble?

Can't nobles smuggle source stones? Didn't the Kraang family also sell hallucinogenic powder before?

Later, Xia Feng said that although he was ordered by the Supervisory Office to solve the case, he actually did not want to make things worse.

Destroying a person's financial path is equivalent to killing his parents. You should not be too strict in your life and work.

Xia Feng said that now that he has been caught, it is better for everyone to take a step back.

As long as Gur lets him go, he will not report any incriminating evidence about the Sislo Chamber of Commerce.

Xia Feng pretended to sigh.

Brother, this is a task assigned to me by the royal family. I am not willing to wade into muddy waters. In this way, as long as you let me go and you continue to sell your hallucinogenic powder, I will go back and be my nobleman. Let's go on the road to the sky. On the other hand, can you ask Boss Gur?

Hearing Xia Feng's words, the man hesitated.

Indeed, Xia Feng is a genuine third-level noble. Although his rank is not high, if he dies in Gusha City due to investigating a case, he may cause more trouble.

The murderer of the Krone family's destruction has not yet been found. This is an extraordinary period, which will only add fuel to the fire of the Heathrow Chamber of Commerce.

The scar-faced man winked at the boy next to him.

Go call Boss Gur.


Xia Feng interjected.

It's best for Gurlai to talk to me face to face about this kind of thing. My family is in the south and has some influence and authority locally. Maybe we can still cooperate. If we get on the same boat, you will feel more at ease. Isn’t it?”

Shut up!

A boy pushed open the iron door of the small basement room and went outside to make a call.

For the next hour, Xia Feng sat on a cold chair and waited.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Didi-di-di, di-di-di.

Unexpectedly, there was no signal outside just now, but now I can get through it in the basement.

Everyone became alert when they heard the phone ringing. The scarred man known as Brother Li picked up Xia Feng's cell phone and took a look.

Miss Wang? Who is this person?

Xia Feng looked indifferent.

Oh, it's my companion. You'd better let me pick it up, otherwise she might call the police.

Brother Li hesitated and glanced at the phone that kept ringing.

Don't talk nonsense, just pick it up and send it away. If you dare to say anything that shouldn't be said, I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow. Even if you are a noble, I will still stab you to death.

no problem.

The call was connected, and the scarred man held the phone to Xia Feng's ear, and put the dagger in his other hand against his throat.

Hey, Vina.

Vina's voice came from the phone.

Xia Feng, where are you?

Oh, I'm taking a walk outside, don't worry about me.


Well, how are you doing over there?

The dagger on his throat was pushed forward, and the man glared at him fiercely. It was obvious that these words were superfluous words.

Xia Feng made an apologetic expression and then continued to listen to the phone.

On the phone, Wei Na sighed.

I have searched several strongholds according to intelligence, but I still haven't found the old fox Gur. Where are you? Let's meet up first.

Oh, thank you for your hard work. Don't worry about me. You can go back to the hotel first.

Huh? How are you doing?

It's okay. I'll go back later.

Vina paused and then said.

Well, by the way, although I didn't find Gul, I found someone you might be happy with.


That's the spice shop owner's daughter, Melantha.

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