Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 687 Dangerous Tool Man

A few days later, Black Feather Grill.

Xia Feng stood in the yard, raised his knife and chopped.

Sad Qiu Liyu, second style!

Following his movements, the Shenyue Sword emitted several rays of cold light and chopped a thick piece of wood into several pieces.

A Guang immediately ran over to pick up the chopped firewood and praised it.

Brother Feng, your sword skills are getting better and better.

Snow Monster No. 4 erected a complete piece of wood.

It is indeed very exquisite. The speed and accuracy of the knife have been improved by a level. Brother Feng, please give me another one. There is not enough firewood.

In the past few days after returning to the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng ran to the yard to practice the Bei Qiu Li Yu that Mr. Xiao taught him whenever he had some free time. Now he has practiced the second style.

Of course, there is still very little free time. Except for early morning and evening, he is busy all the time.

This court incident gave Xia Feng a clear sense of tension, not for his own safety, but for Black Feather's development speed.

Through this incident, he understood that in his current position, there were some things that he was destined to face, and he could not hide from them. This time it was over, but it might not be the next time.

Therefore, he must quickly improve his overall strength in order to cope with an event that will suddenly happen one day in the future.

The identity of the infected person, the assassination of Lieqi, and the smuggling of light manganese ore, these major events did not kill him completely, so from now on, he has nothing to fear.

Obviously, Princess Verin and the Supervisory Office have made concessions to a certain extent, which can also be called a compromise. He speculated that even if the Supervisory Office obtains any evidence after this, it will be difficult for the Royal Court to accept it. .

Unless the impact is so bad that God cannot tolerate it, the royal family will no longer want to deal with this thorn in his side. At that time, Gleason, Yaerlin and others will come out to defend him in every possible way, which will be a waste of time.

Therefore, after surviving this disaster, Xia Feng not only had no fear, but also became more courageous.

He believes that judging from the current situation, the biggest bargaining chip is the Origin Stone, because the reason why he can become allies with Yi Nanxue and Yin Hui is all due to the Origin Stone.

After that, Origin Stone was undoubtedly Black Feather’s voice and influence in this circle.

The day after he came back, Xia Feng immediately contacted Penguin Logistics and purchased several pieces of natural disaster information. In the near future, he would start to reserve a large amount of source stones.

Black Feather's natural disaster action team is very mature. It is led by Franka and is guaranteed by the strong strength of Red Knife Lagouzi and the Snow Monster team. This team can be said to be invincible.

After a period of suppression, Shuangxing's ore disease has stabilized. In order to prevent emergencies and increase efficiency, Shuangxing actively requested to join the natural disaster action team to ensure everyone's safety during operations.

After thinking about it, Xia Feng agreed to Shuangxing's joining.

Although the locations of natural disasters are different, Xia Feng still remembers that the cult organization he met in Sami before was also hunting the Origin Stone.

In this case, the team needs an insurance policy.

There is no doubt about Frost Star's strength. The powerful ice spell may not be as perverted as Ifrit in terms of power, but it is still at the SSR level in terms of terror.

Moreover, Froststar is not an inexperienced disposable nuclear bomb, she is a real warrior.

Black Feather's natural disaster action team quickly set out and began to sweep several locations in the intelligence one by one.

At the same time, news came from the Haimen Gang that the second batch of source stone processing raw materials for Silver Hui had left Longmen and would soon arrive in Victoria from the sea.

Yin Hui called him, but because the signal was very poor, it took a lot of effort to get through.

Xia Feng could only roughly tell from the intermittent phone calls that Boss Yin said on the phone that he might take some actions in Kjerag in the near future.

Xia Feng didn't know what Yin Hui's specific actions were. It must be related to Kjerag's meeting of the three clans. There was no way, Kjerag was too far away, so all he could do was provide Yin Hui with the Source Stone he needed. .

The first batch of source stones has been shipped to Kjerag, and the second batch has not yet been processed. However, according to the plan of the natural disaster action team and the speed of surrounding acquisitions, the second batch will be shipped out of the factory within a month, and the quantity is conservative. It is estimated that there are also 5,000 pieces.

After that, Black Steel International Ogur also called him.

Black Steel consumes a lot of Origin Stones. Knowing his shipping speed, Ogur booked a large order of 1,000 stones in advance.

In order to complete the order for Sargon's government, Black Steel also supported him with the Origin Stone, and now Crow is supporting him in return, which can be regarded as a return of favor.

In order to repay Ogur's assistance, Xia Feng offered a price that was even lower than what Ogur had given him, but the quality of the Origin Stone was much higher. After all, Lao Pu's craftsmanship lay here. .

Because of the Liye family's affairs, the light manganese mining area in Hapi City has now stopped mining and is temporarily closed in accordance with the royal order.

Regarding the light manganese mining area, everything will have to wait until Xia Feng completes the noble conferment ceremony before re-formulating the handover rules.

Of course, Xia Feng is not in a hurry. The shutdown of the light manganese mine has little impact on him. It is just that one of the smuggled raw materials is temporarily missing.

And as long as he returns from Londinium with a noble title, this light manganese mining area will truly be Xia.

Although some things have not been made clear yet, Xia Feng has already seen it.

Because of his influence among the infected, to put it bluntly, Verin wants to treat him as a tool, but his work as a tool is not in vain, it is rewarded.

At present, the reward is the title of nobility and the fiefdom he desires most.

Xia Feng was not disgusted by this, and was even familiar with it, because this was not the first time that he had been treated as a tool.

There were two people who used him as a tool man, one was named Richie and the other was named Fredo. The fate of these two people proved that using him as a tool man was extremely risky.

Because not only did he eat without vomiting, he even ate his master in the end.

In the yard of the barbecue restaurant.

Xia Feng finished a set of basic training with the Shenyue Sword and said to A Guang in a somewhat unsatisfactory manner.

Hey, Beiqiu Liyu is still a swordsman to be honest. I feel something is wrong with the Shenyue Sword. Aguang, go get my Red Demon Sword.


Soon, Aguang dragged the heavy Red Demon Sword out of the house.

Brother Feng, bring it here. This sword is too heavy. Can you still be so accurate?

Xia Feng took the Red Demon Sword with one hand. With his current physique, he could swing the Red Demon Sword freely even without drawing out the black and white twins, but he was still far from the accuracy of Bei Qiu Liyu.

You just have to practice if you can't do it. This is called weight-bearing training.

Aguang nodded in understanding.

It makes sense, Brother Feng. Once you figure out how to use this heavy Red Demon Sword, won't it be just like playing with the Shenyue Sword again?


At this time, the sky began to darken. After taking the sword, Xia Feng waved it casually a few times and said to A Guang.

Okay, you don't have to accompany me. I'll take a break after practicing for a while. You go and lock the door of the barbecue restaurant first.


At this moment, a deep male voice came from the direction of the hall.

Xia Feng, are you there?

This voice was very familiar to Xia Feng, and he was stunned for a moment. He quickly remembered whose voice it was.

It's Jiao Feng!

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