Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 571 Calm and Calm

Under Xia Feng's repeated requests, Yi Nanxue agreed to try her best to help him purchase Xiyanhua.

Later, Xia Feng discussed with him in detail the supply of medicines to Ursus. This was a cooperation, and there was no need to go through the back door in terms of price. Yi Nanxue naturally accepted all business requirements.

The Snow Emperor Group dares to even touch the Origin Stone business, and they are not afraid at all of smuggling drugs to the infected organization.

In the past few days after Xia Feng returned from Longmen, he became familiar with the business of the Chamber of Commerce again and had a rough outline in his mind.

Tanghua of the Liye family is now a hands-off shopkeeper, driving around the city in a car all day long. It is said that a few days ago, he went to Notting City for a trip as a shareholder of Kuroyu, but was stopped by Kuroyu's younger brother. We arrived at the main entrance of the headquarters and it was very embarrassing.

After returning from Longmen, Xia Feng rejected Tang Hua's request to treat him to dinner, and casually talked to him on the phone for a few words, and told him to come to the barbecue restaurant less often and that nobles should behave like nobles.

As for Reddy's request, he had no time to deal with it now. He handed over all the business of Golden Buddha Casino and East District in Happy City to Aguang and Aijie, and asked them to discuss it with Reddy.

After finishing the matters at hand, Xia Feng picked up the phone and called Wei Na.

The phone only rang once and was answered.

Hey, Vina, it's me.

Vina's voice came from the phone.

What happened again?

Recently, every time Xia Feng called her, something bad happened. He was either causing trouble or preparing to cause trouble. Wei Na had already subconsciously had an ominous premonition.

Xia Feng's tone was relaxed.

Don't be nervous. It's nothing serious this time. I just lost my citizenship certificate in Ursus. You can help me get a new one.

Vina breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it. It's easy to handle. I'll finish it for you and send someone to deliver it to you.

Wait a minute, help me apply for a few more besides me, Frost Star, Snow Monster Team, and Dark Soul. They are all infected and need legal Victoria citizenship certificates.

The number of people increased, and Wei Na hesitated for a while, but agreed.

I'll think of a way, send me everyone's photos.

However, Xia Feng noticed something from Weina's tone. It is understandable how difficult it is to obtain a legal citizenship certificate for an infected person, but Weina would not have hesitated before.

Vina, has something happened in the north?


I saw in the newspaper that the Border Guard Military Region was disarmed. Do you know anything about it?

Vina's voice was a little tired.

This is a matter for the Imperial General Military Affairs Office and has nothing to do with us.

What about business matters? I mean the Origin Stone.

This time Vina didn't hesitate.

There is no impact. What it used to be like in the past is what it is now. It will develop at the fastest speed.

Wei Na's answer made Xia Feng temporarily feel at ease, but the last sentence Develop as fast as possible was somewhat meaningful.

After hanging up the phone on Weina, Xia Feng turned around and called Maren Legg from the Royal Academy.

He had nothing to say to this guy, he just wanted to confirm one thing.

Hey, Mr. Legg, can I go back to the academy and continue school now?

Mullenleg's answer is.


Putting down the phone, Xia Feng stood up from behind his desk and walked to the door.

At this time, Turtle, Ifrit, and Ergou were building a snowman at the door. Perhaps they were too busy, and Snow Monster No. 4 was also building a snowman with them.

Crossing the road, Xia Feng set his sights on the house directly opposite the barbecue restaurant.

The snow in front of the door was smooth and smooth, and it could be seen that no one had ever entered or left Styx's home. Of course, this was as he expected.

Xia Feng's fear of Styx has now been basically eliminated. Just like what Styx said that night, he will not interfere with anyone or anything. He is just waiting for the passage of time.

Opening the door, the cold wind immediately blew in. Xia Feng stuck his head out and shouted to Gui Gui and the others.

Guigui, Ifrit, come in soon, don't catch a cold.

Turtle wears a green cotton hat.

Big Windmill, come out and play together.

Ifrit said with a smile on his face.

He has no hair now and doesn't dare to come out to see people.

As soon as the hair was mentioned, Xia Feng immediately lost his temper. He pointed at his head and said seriously.

Hey, hey, hey, show me clearly, it's grown now.

After a few days, Xia Feng's bald head did grow hair again, but the effect was not as exaggerated as before.

His current hair style belongs to the shortest size in the barber shop. Although theoretically not as handsome as the flowing short hair before, it is more in line with his gangster status. To put it bluntly, he looks particularly fierce.

Glancing at Ergou who was playing crazy, Xia Feng said seriously to General Dragon and Turtle.

You two tidy up in the next few days. We are going to prepare to return to the Royal Academy.

When he heard that he was going back to school, Turtle immediately threw away the snowball in his hand, feeling extremely happy.

Yeah, I can finally go back to school. I miss Verisa so much.

Ifrit is also gearing up.

Great, we can fight again when we go back.

The smile on Ergou's face gradually disappeared. When he heard that Guigui and the others were going to the Royal Academy again, this guy immediately became depressed.

Hey, it's nice to have money.

Xia Feng waved to Ergou.

Come here and give you a reward.

After hearing the reward, the two dogs immediately ran over.

What kind of reward, Lao Xia?

Xia Feng dug into his trouser pocket.

I don't know what you want, so I'll just give you the money.

After saying that, Xia Feng took out a 5-dollar note from his trouser pocket.

After getting 5 yuan, Ergou came back from his depression and happily ran to the small shop at the corner of the street.

5 yuan is not much, but less. It is quite small, but this cannot be blamed on Xia Feng for being stingy.

5 yuan is already the limit Ergou can bear. If it is more, the money will be taken away by Sister Li on the grounds that it is to help Ergou save it.

After returning to the house, Xia Feng greeted Nancy in the finance room.

Nancy, call your brother and ask him if he will come to the barbecue restaurant for dinner tonight.

Nancy stuck her head out.

What's for dinner?

I may leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I'll call everyone back for one last gathering before going to the Royal Academy.

Oh, then I'll call and ask.


The barbecue restaurant was crowded with a lot of familiar faces.

Nanfeng said that the Chamber of Commerce was too busy and would not come this time, but except for him, almost everyone who could come came.

Aguang, Aijie, Reddy, Brother ACE, Franka, Thunder Snake, Lagouzi, Three Wolf Brothers, Platts Brothers, Snow Monster Team, Frost Star, Ansuo, Huang Xuanshan, Xiao Yunye, Doctor Kane , Meisha, Nancy, Turtle, Ifrit, and even Ergou came to join in the fun.

Except for Hong Dao, who was seriously injured and unable to get out of bed, and Ansel, who was still studying peacefully at the Royal Academy, almost everyone in Black Feather gathered.

Originally, Xia Feng wanted to invite his second uncle and second aunt, but he couldn't sit down and gave up.

This meal almost overwhelmed Snow Monster No. 4. Later, Xiao Yunye was forced to help, and Ifrit also used her barbecue to share the dishes.

This meal was prepared for Shuangxing, but Shi Cangchang didn't make it too grand.

After the dishes were served, Xia Feng raised his wine glass.

Welcome our new partners, Froststar and the four snow monsters, cheers!


The bitter wine entered his throat, but Xia Feng's mood at the moment was extremely sweet.

This kind of happy scene was what he expected, but he had a premonition.

The clouds hanging over Victoria seemed darker than before.

He didn't know when his seemingly peaceful life would be broken.

He also didn't know when Victoria's hypocritical peace would be completely overturned.

Congratulations to Emiya, for being promoted to the leader of Fengfeng. Thank you for your support, and thank you all for your recent rewards. Thank you. It is not easy to update Fengfeng. If you have votes, please vote more and support it. Thanks

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