Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 519 Lost Friends

The snow and frost have begun since then, and the vegetation should be renewed. If the harsh winter does not kill it, how can we see the spring.

Severe cold is the purest test in the world. It can silently filter out all creatures that cannot adapt to the cold. Below zero, there are no ordinary things, and only the strong are left.

At this time, seeing the person who was the source of the severe cold in this prison, Xia Feng could already be 100% sure of her identity.

She is one of the core members of the integration movement three years later, the leader of the magic team, Frost Star.

At the same time, she is also Shuangyue's daughter.

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Shuangxing's expression did not change at all, but in an instant, the temperature in the air dropped again, and the bone-deep cold surrounded Xia Feng tightly.

Why do you know my name?

Shuangxing's state was a little different from what Xia Feng expected. She was obviously not a frightened and weak person. Even in this environment, she still exuded the aura of a strong person and an invisible sense of oppression.

Shuangxing not only inherited Shuangyue's magic talent, but the ore disease also sublimated this power. The black and white twins in Xia Feng's body reminded him that the girl in front of him was very dangerous.

At this time, Shuangxing's true strength is probably higher than that of Shuangyue, but there seems to be something in her body that is restricting her.

The cold was overwhelming. Xia Feng endured the cold and replied.

My name is Xia Feng.

Frost Star’s ethereal voice continued to come.

Why do you know my name?

Most people may feel strange to be called by their name by a stranger they meet for the first time, but if the identity of the person whose name is called is extremely secret, it will not only be strange, but also cause strong vigilance.

Xia Feng exhaled.

I have no ill intentions.

who are you.


Are you from the Longmen Guards Bureau, here to interrogate me? Are you not afraid of death?

Shuangxing's hostility is obvious. If she wants to continue communicating, Xia Feng must find a way to eliminate her vigilance.

Then, under Shuangxing's gaze, Xia Feng put down the quilt on his body and slowly untied the scarf around his neck, revealing the Originium crystal attached to his skin.

Like you, I am also infected.

After knowing the identity of the person infected by Xia Feng, Frost Star's hostility gradually subsided, and the coldness in the air also eased a bit.

Why are you here? As far as I know, infected people in Longmen can only live in specific areas.

I'm not from Longmen, I'm from Victoria.

But this is not a reason why you can enter the prison at will. Why are there no prison guards nearby?

Xia Feng smiled bitterly.

Actually, I am also a prisoner detained here.

Vigilance needs to be eliminated with sincerity. Later, Xia Feng told Shuangxing why he was imprisoned here and why Ansuo opened the door for him. However, these things still had nothing to do with appearing in front of Shuangxing at this time.

Shuangxing looked into his eyes quietly, her tone softening slightly.

You didn't lie. No one can tell lies under my gaze.

Hearing Shuangxing's words, Xia Feng showed a hint of nostalgia.

Oh, you look just like her.


Nothing, a lost friend.

The air fell into silence, but Xia Feng could feel that the biting chill had gradually subsided.

After a long time, Frost Star's voice came.

Why did you come to see me inside? Aren't you afraid of me?

Xia Feng put the quilt on the ground back on and smiled.

I'm just curious about who is locked up inside. After all, you freeze to death every night.

Froststar was silent for a moment.

Feel sorry.

Just knowing that Xia Feng is an infected person has softened Shuangxing's attitude a lot. Perhaps to her, the infected person is her companion.

Xia Feng didn't expect Shuangxing to apologize to him. It was just a joke on his part.

No, no, it's not that serious. I'm more resistant to freezing, hehe.


After a moment of silence, Shuangxing spoke.

Now that you see me, is there anything else?

Xia Feng stopped talking.


Then go back, you will be in trouble if the prison guards find out.


Before leaving, Xia Feng asked one last question.

Frost Star, do you need my help?


All right.

After taking two steps, Shuangxing stopped him.



You haven't told me why you know my name.

Xia Feng thought for a moment and then replied.

I called you casually. You are very similar to someone I once knew, including your name.

Is it the deceased friend you mentioned just now?

Yes, that's a coincidence.

It's a coincidence.

Froststar gently closed her eyes.

I envy your friend very much. Even if she has passed away, there are still people in this world who will think of her. If I die one day, I guess no friend will remember me.

Froststar didn't continue to ask about the name. Maybe she didn't care about others at all, and she was a dead person.

Her expression was extremely lonely. Perhaps her life was just like the power she had. It was so cold that no one dared to approach her.

Frost Star, can I still come to you?

Froststar didn't answer.

After leaving Shuangxing's cell, Xia Feng returned to his room honestly according to the agreement with Ansuo. Until dawn, the prison guards found no clues.

Lying on the bed, Xia Feng was thinking expressionlessly.

In fact, after confirming Shuangxing's identity, he wanted to tell her everything about Shuangyue, but he couldn't ignore one thing, that is, Shuangyue was no longer there.

Even if she knew that there was someone in this world who loved her deeply, it would still be an extremely sad thing at this moment.

Shuangxing is obviously not an inexperienced little girl. It has been less than three years since the Qicheng riots. She may also be carrying something heavy.

He didn't think that Shuangxing would cry bitterly after knowing about Shuangyue. She would only digest the sad tears slowly in her cold heart, but holding back from crying was far more painful than crying out.

He couldn't change the fact that Shuangyue was no longer there. At the same time, if he wanted to change other things, he might not need to rely on that sad past.

But what exactly needs to be done needs to be thought about slowly, after all, he has too little information now.

But no matter what, the first meeting was quite harmonious. From that night on, Xia Feng never woke up from the cold again.

Two days later, late at night.

Xia Feng, who was looking forward to the stars and the moon, finally waited for the girl with special skills.

Sister, why did you come here?

Across the iron fence, Ansuo made a silent gesture.

Hush, the prison guards have stepped up patrols these days.

Xia Feng walked to the door wearing a sheet and urged.

Okay, stop inking and open the door for me. Do you want the big house and 5 million?

Ansuo rolled his eyes.

No, the fee is one-time. If you want me to open the door again, you need to pay more.

This girl is pretty good.

Xia Feng waved his hand indifferently.

Easy to say, easy to say. What I promised before will count. I will give you another 1 million every time I come out in the future. Okay.

Ansuo was dubious.

You agreed so happily, you couldn't be fooling me.

Impossible, are we short of money? I swear to God, if I fool you, I will write my name backwards.

What if you die?

Don't worry, even if I die, I will crawl out of the grave and transfer the money to you before reincarnation.

Seeing Xia Feng's vow, An Suo once again pulled out the short needle from his hair.

Ok, I trust you.

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