Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 488 The storm is rising

Departing from Hapi City in the morning, it was already evening when we arrived.

It was dark outside, and the admissions office of the college had already closed at this time.

After Xia Feng got out of the car, she took a breath of cold air and felt refreshed. This sleep directly eliminated the sequelae of colds and hangovers. It seemed that Dr. Kane's medicine was really strong.

The gate of the Royal Academy is closed. It is impossible to enter at this time. You have to wait until tomorrow to complete the admission procedures.

After Nan Feng parked the car and came back, Xia Feng took out his phone and dialed the director of the college's teaching office, Willy, whom he had greeted before.

The phone only beeped three times before it was answered.

Hey, Director Willy, I'm Xia Feng, we're here.

Okay, okay, where are you?

We are at the south entrance of the parking lot.

Okay, I'll pick you up right away.

Director Willy's attitude is very positive. In fact, this is normal. Willy's brother-in-law is the deputy mayor of Notting City. Nanfeng helped establish this relationship. Xia Feng is usually very low-key. Most people only know that Nanfeng is a black man. The president of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, Notting City is the largest trading city in the south. A family member like Willy must know what the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce means in the Notting City area.

Of course, Willy is not someone who has seen the world. Royal College is not an ordinary third-rate university. The students there are rich or noble, ranging from high-ranking officials and nobles to gangsters and landlords, and there are even children of the royal family.

Director Willy's positive attitude was not because he was afraid of Xia Feng's gang identity, but because Xia Feng had too much money.

5 minutes later.

A middle-aged, fat man wearing a top hat came over.

Xia Feng took two steps forward.

I am Xia Feng, and you are Director Willy?

Willy held Xia Feng's hand.

Yes, it's me, hello, I've been waiting for you all afternoon.

Heh, the road is a bit long.

As a student, there is no one who is not afraid of the dean, but Xia Feng is an exception. He knows that he may have to trouble Willy often in the future, so he doesn't show pretentious politeness and stuffs money anyway.

Afterwards, Willy took them to a restaurant near the college for dinner.

At the dinner table, after Willy knew that this handsome guy was Nan Feng, he immediately stood up and shook hands quickly.

President Nanfeng, I have admired you for a long time. I have often heard my brother-in-law mention you. Your Chamber of Commerce is a major taxpayer in Notting City.

Nan Feng picked his ears.

Your brother-in-law is really good at telling nonsense. We don't pay any taxes at all. Our main business is smuggling, but we have given your brother-in-law a lot of money.

Willy looked embarrassed.

Hehe, President Nanfeng is so funny.

Afterwards, Xia Feng briefly introduced the situation of Guigui and Ifrit. The admission requirements for the junior high school were not too difficult, but the tuition fees were ridiculously high. They all had Victoria citizenship certificates, and Director Willy easily accepted them. It can be done.

What Xia Feng wants to apply for is the official disciplines of two colleges, Originium Science and Jinshu College. The school has been open for more than a month now. According to normal regulations, new students will not be accepted easily. Of course, that is a normal regulation, and it costs money. The purpose is to make normal become abnormal.

During this meal, Director Willy basically understood all of Xia Feng's requirements, and he promised to fulfill almost all of them.

After the meal, Willy arranged for them to stay in a high-end hotel near the college and said that he would come to take them through the admission procedures early tomorrow morning.

It was impossible for Xia Feng to tell any outsiders about the identity of the infected person. Nancy said that she could apply for a separate dormitory at the Royal Academy, as long as she was willing to spend money.

It happens to be winter now, and the usual heavy clothes can cover up the Originium crystals on Ifrit's body. As long as she doesn't go out and run around naked, it shouldn't be exposed. The academy is not a battlefield, and there is no need to worry about safety.

Inside the hotel room.

Xia Feng stayed in Guigui and Ifrit's room and gave the final instructions.

Classmate Ifrit, I want to make a three-part agreement with you.

Ifrit leaned on the bed and raised her head.

Didn't you have a date before?

Three more chapters.


Xia Feng walked up to her and said seriously.

First, don't let anyone discover the Origin Stone crystal on your body. Second, unless your life is threatened, you are not allowed to use Origin Stone skills. Third, don't conflict with anyone. Come to me if you encounter anything. I'll help you figure it out.

What if someone messes with me?

If anyone offends you, come directly to me and tell me his name, and I will make him change his ways.

Tch, bragging.

Then Ifrit rolled her eyes.

Hey, if someone bullies Turtle, I can do it.

Xia Feng took a deep breath.

No, if someone bullies Guigui, you have to come and tell me. Tell me this person's name. I promise to kill him within three days and give him his ashes.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. It is impossible to raise the ashes. This is the Royal Academy and not a natural disaster area. There is a price to pay for impulsiveness.

Small conflicts between classmates are normal. The bullying Xia Feng refers to is the kind of malicious bullying in the true sense. Turtle is innocent and friendly to everyone, and the academy is a microcosm of society. Sometimes people's good and evil and identity background are actually different. It doesn't matter much.

The probability of this happening should be very small. After all, Guigui and the others are in junior high school, and the students are all underage, so no matter how troublesome they are, they won't cause any big trouble.

And judging from Ifrit's lack of quality as a fighter, she is probably the only one who can bully others.

Have you remembered the three chapters of the agreement?


This time Ifrit responded honestly. In fact, she was just more casual because she had never been exposed to too many human incidents in her life. However, she was definitely not stupid.

On the contrary, sometimes it is simple-minded guys like Ifrit who are better able to see through the complexity and make the most correct judgment.

She kept clamoring all day long to burn this one and that one, but after coming to the barbecue restaurant, she never harmed any unrelated strangers. The people she killed were all necessary.

Just like the two staff members she burned to death in Rhineland.

In a sense, she and Xia Feng are the same kind of people. They are both people who adhere to bottom lines and principles, but her bottom line is very single.

the next day.

Director Willy brought Xia Feng and his party to the Royal Academy.

A stone pillar more than ten meters tall stands at the door, with several solemn characters engraved on it.

【Royal Victoria College】

Looking at the magnificent gate of the academy, Xia Feng sighed.

It deserves to be a world-famous institution of higher learning, awesome!

After registering at the security department in front of the college gate, Aguang went to find his sister. Nanfeng said that he didn't want to go through any formalities with her, so he went for a walk alone.

The interior of the college is very large, almost equivalent to a small city. The roads are clean and tidy. Because of the winter, the lawns and vegetation have lost all their leaves, but the overall feeling is still very noble.

While walking on the road, Nancy introduced Xia Feng.

The Royal College has three school districts. This is the main school district. Each major belongs to a different school district. You will know these later. There are business centers and food streets in the main school district. All the facilities you can think of are here. After enrolling, Maps will be distributed.”

The curriculum at the Royal Academy is not compact, and students can be seen walking everywhere in the school district. Guigui looked at these huge academies with stars in his eyes.

Windmill, it's too big here!

Seeing Guigui's happy look, Xia Feng smiled.

Do you like it here?


Turtle is happy that he can make new friends, but in Xia Feng's eyes, the academy is not that innocent.

The significance of this huge college is very far-reaching. In a sense, the people gathered here are the future of the world. Perhaps a certain student he meets now will become an important figure affecting the world in a few years. .

At this moment, Xia Feng's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and picked it up while walking in the academy.


Hey, Xia Feng, it's me.

The voice on the phone was deep and rich. It was General Gleason.

Xia Feng didn't expect General Grissom to take the initiative to call him, so he asked with some confusion.

General, what do you want from me?

I heard that you went to the Royal Academy?

That's right, Mesha reported it to you.

what are you going to do.

I brought my two younger sisters to school, and I also plan to learn some knowledge myself. What's wrong?

General Gleason on the other side of the phone was silent.


After a while, the voice on the phone continued.

Xia Feng, I think it is necessary to remind you. I know you are very confident and bold, but I need you to understand that the Royal Academy does not belong to the south.

Xia Feng didn't understand what General Grissom meant.

General, I'm just here to go to school. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble.

You said you went to school. I can believe it, but some people don't believe it. Remember, there are people in that college you can't afford to offend, including me.

A new chapter has begun, this is the sixth volume of this book. Let me summarize the little preview. From the repeated jumps in the first volume, to the black and white twins, parallel interlacing, black wings, city hunter, and now the prairie fire, the Victoria chapter is finally entering the core part. I have said before, The Victoria chapter is not the end. In my outline, there are also the Eastern Kingdom chapter and the Ursus chapter. The Eastern Kingdom chapter will involve the Yan Kingdom. Many foreshadowings that you have not discovered have been laid, and the Ursus chapter will involve Rutland, you may not have thought why the two are related. Well, it involves subversive concepts. I don’t know if I can successfully write it that far. I hope Fengfeng can compose it completely.

Okay, let’s talk about the key points of the Victoria chapter. More familiar operators will appear next. Everyone’s existence is very important and will play an important role in the advancement of the plot. In fact, every character in the book has a necessity to exist, including Fengfeng’s original characters. Some have been embodied, and some are foreshadowing. The time of their appearance and the chain reactions they generate are all part of the gear, so as long as I focused on the description, so there are no supporting characters. Some of the foreshadowings are very profound. For example, do you still remember when Xia Feng and Gui Gui met for the first time? Gui Gui said that she was going to Xierag to find someone. For example, Er Gou had a divorce. The sister who ran away, her family is obviously not a big boss, but she lives in Baigui Street. Okay, that’s enough spoilers. The next chapter will be very exciting. Please wait and see. Don’t hide your tickets. I’ve seen them all. Don’t show mercy to them.

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