Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 457 Knowing one’s own warmth and coldness

If you want to take the initiative in negotiations, the most important thing is to know what the other party lacks, or what can be called a weakness.

However, when there is a serious lack of intelligence and limited time, it may be difficult for you to quickly know what the opponent's weaknesses are.

At this time, you need to take the initiative to create a weakness for the other party.

For example, there is a big tofu grinder in the town. He has a monopoly on the town's tofu industry. If you want to negotiate with him, he will look at you with his nose. No matter who you are, he doesn't care about you because he has no demand.

But at this time, if the donkey in his tofu shop suddenly died suddenly at night, and there was only one donkey in the whole country, then the weakness would come.

The next day, when you lead a donkey and pass by his door, your status will change from a tourist login to a VIP aristocrat.


Two large trucks set off from Simi Town and headed south in the direction they came from.

Xia Feng sat in the car holding a map of Sami in his hand.

Li Shu, please remember the location. It shouldn't take long to find it.

Li Shu said easily while chewing sugar cane.

Don't worry, I remember it very clearly.

Don't you need to look at the map?

Sammy's maps are all in my head.

Li Shu also figured out that it was a blessing, not a disaster, and that disaster could not be avoided. In the final analysis, Xia Feng still saved his life in the natural disaster area. He did not know whether Xia Feng would abide by the agreement and give him 30 million, but compared with his life , the promise made with the Source Stone processing point is not even fart.

Which way?

Going all the way south, I will tell you in advance where to turn.

Mark a spot for me.

Oh, it's right here, this village.

Li Shu took the pen and drew a circle randomly on the blank area of ​​the map.

Xia Feng frowned.

How can there be a village here?

Don't worry, there is a village, but it's not included on the map. The location of the village and the place I marked will not differ by more than 1 kilometer at most.

The coercion and inducement had been exhausted, and Li Shu had no reason to lie to him. Xia Feng stared at the circled position on the map and thought about it.

To the southwest of Sami, that is, the lower left corner, and to the west and south is the sea. You have to go back to Casimir from the other direction, which means it is a dead end.

It makes more sense to build the Source Stone processing plant in a place like this. There are no large cities in the southwest of Sami, and because it is close to the sea, there is no need to set up border guards. It is definitely a geomantic treasure land for doing tricks.

Putting away the map, Xia Feng said to everyone in the car.

This location is still far away, and we won't be able to get there until tomorrow at the earliest. Let's take turns to rest on the way and keep our spirits up.


Xia Feng glanced at his bracelet.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 15%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.51u/L]

[Critical period: 6]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 1 day]

Today is the 29th day of the cycle of the black and white twins. He can clearly feel that the power of physical restlessness has increased greatly. If it is as strong as today, he is confident that he can defeat a master of Kuroyuki's strength.

However, this gap is still not too huge. In yesterday's battle, he could roughly feel that he was not in the strongest state, but Kuroyukihime also did not use his full strength. The duel between strong men is not like a three-hundred-round battle in martial arts novels. , as long as there is a gap, life and death are often in an instant.

If Kuroyukichi wanted to kill him, there would be many opportunities during the fight, but she had to do a ritualistic close-up after knocking her down. Xia Feng could probably guess the reason.

Kuroyukihime had long sensed that Skadi was nearby because he wanted to lure the bounty hunter to show up. Or maybe Kuroyukihime not only noticed Skadi but also Kurenai.

It can be said that no one is the winner in this encounter.

Because of his interference with the Source Stone Beast, the cult did not obtain a large amount of Source Stone. At the same time, because of his interference, Red lost the mission target. With only one person, Skadi would most likely not be able to rescue the Ghost Shark, and apart from a few big ones, he There was also nothing found outside the source stone cluster in the box.

This polar conflict was forever buried in the natural disaster area. No one, including Sami's army, knew what their respective forces were.

However, this definitely does not mean that the incident has been settled. On the contrary, this may be the beginning of everything.

Time cannot be repeated. For Xia Feng, he came three years before the riots in Qicheng, but what he experienced here was the first time in his life. Life is connected by countless accidents. If it really happened, Someone can turn back time, but the result is still unknown.

If he conserves his strength before encountering the ghost shark, it may cause him to be unable to penetrate the core area of ​​the natural disaster smoothly. If it is not the 28th day of the black and white twins, but the 29th or 30th day, although the strength will undergo a qualitative change, the same Opportunities will be missed. If you can't even meet in person, what's the use of being stronger.

Therefore, even if time goes back, he may not do better than he does now. Who knows what will happen if he does it all over again.

The sun gradually sank below the horizon, and darkness enveloped the sky.

The two large trucks headed south, and the city checkpoints they passed along the way were unimpeded. The reason was that the military police in charge of the inspections still had uneaten sugar cane in their hands.

When Xia Feng and the others came, money had already been stuffed at all the checkpoints they passed. When the military police saw Xia Feng and the others' car, they gave a military salute and said a few casual greetings with a smile before letting them go without even checking. Didn't check.

The military police stood on the roadside and watched Xia Feng and his car leave.

There are thousands of roads, safety comes first, brother, have a nice trip, come back and sell sugar cane when you have time!

Xia Feng stuck his head out of the car window and waved goodbye to them.

Brothers, please go back quickly. It's cold. I'll bring you more condolences when I come next time.

The military and civilians are one family. Although Xia Feng is not a Sami citizen, his few words still moved the military and police to tears.

After Xia Feng retracted his head from the car window, Li Shu moved his face next to him.

Brother Feng, you have laid the foundation for this relationship well enough. This must cost a lot of money.

Xia Feng said earnestly.

Money is not everything. Although money plays a key role, more needs love. Your greeting may be their candlelight in the snowy night. They can compare their hearts and know their warmth and warmth.

Li Shu gave a thumbs up.

Brother Feng, high!

Bidding farewell to the last city in the north, the next big city is not expected to arrive until tomorrow. There is light snow in the sky, and two large trucks are galloping on the empty road.

As soon as winter comes, there are obviously fewer cars on the road. This is not only the case in Sami, but also in countries all over the world. Because cities are far apart and information is very closed, it is difficult to get effective rescue in the event of an accident.

Especially the first snowfall will make the road very slippery. Along the way, Xia Feng sees almost no other vehicles. After leaving the city, the darkness of the night sky becomes deeper, as if he is walking in the boundless wilderness.

A few hours later.

They have left the northern part of Sami. In front of them is a bridge. The big river that runs through the east and west divides Sami into north and south. This bridge is very grand and it is a major project that Sami is proud of.

Franka handed Xia Feng a glass of hot water.

Drink some hot water to warm yourself up. We'll take turns being on guard. You can take a break first.

Xia Feng took the water glass happily.

I'm not tired, it's better to be careful.

It's late at night. We are now on the North-South Bridge. There should be no danger while driving.

Franka was right. They set off in the afternoon and have been driving for nearly 10 hours at a stretch. They are far away from the natural disaster area. Not only does no one know what is in their car, there is not even anyone within a few kilometers.

Xia Feng took a sip of hot water, and the warmth reached his heart, dispelling the severe cold.

Okay, I'll squint for a while and wake me up before the sun rises.


After that, Xia Feng handed the cup back to Franka. However, just before the cup was about to be handed to Franka's hand, Xia Feng let go of her hand in advance.


The cup fell on the seat and half of the water inside spilled out.

At the same time, Hong Dao's eyes narrowed, Lapland woke up from his sleep, and Xia Feng's eyes widened, as if he was distinguishing something carefully.

Three seconds later, Xia Feng roared.


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