Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 422 Late Night

This incident that happened in the middle of the night was finally settled. When Xia Feng came out, the neighbors all yawned and went home to sleep.

Xia Feng didn't believe that no one saw the flames just now, but even if it happened like this, no one was panicked, just like when he heard the secret of the ghost street being haunted from everyone.

Xia Feng didn't realize it until the lights at Captain Roger's house finally went out.

The information he spent 50 cents to get from Ergou might not be a loss, as the neighbors on Baigui Street really didn't have any bad intentions.

Xiao Yun stood quietly on the street at night. For some reason, Xia Feng felt that the old man seemed to be in a trance, just like the old men he had seen farewelling their relatives at the train station.

There is no way of knowing what the umbrella in Xiao Yunye's hand is made of. Hong Dao said before that it might be a sword, but now only the pole is burned.

Xia Feng walked next to him.

Well, I'm sorry. How about I pay you the most expensive umbrella some other time?

No need, I, Xiao, can still afford an umbrella.

Xia Feng remembered that when he first met Xiao Yunye in the hotel, he said that he had no surname and only had the character Ye in his given name.

But at this moment, he calls himself Xiao. This is obviously a change of identity, or it can be called some kind of return.

That. Brother Xiao.

Xiao's mission has been completed. I'm sorry to bother you these days. I'll take my leave.

After saying that, Xiao Yunye turned around and stepped forward.

Xiao Yunye has gray hair. Not only is he older than Captain Roger, he is probably about the same age. However, after observing these days, Xiao Yunye has always been upright and has a capable manner. He is even more energetic than a twenty-year-old boy. Can't compare.

But the moment he turned around, Xia Feng felt that he had aged ten years instantly.

Of course, this does not refer to his face. His appearance has not changed. What has become decadent is his temperament. It is like what has been supporting him in his heart has suddenly disappeared, and his fighting spirit has also disappeared.

In Xia Feng's eyes at this moment, the legendary once-all-powerful Number One Sword Master of the Yan Kingdom was now just a twilight old man.

The vicissitudes of his face have witnessed the storms of the martial arts, and the unsheathed sword has killed countless enemies. As the recognized first swordsman, Xiao Yunye must have killed many people, and his hands must have saved many people, but now , everything is a thing of the past.

Tragedy is nothing but the twilight of a hero, and the prosperity of a lifetime cannot be overshadowed by the passage of time.

Xiao Yunye left very slowly, and his figure no longer had the aloofness of a hero, nor the determination of a cut-off.

He paused every two steps and turned back every three steps, his eyes never leaving the house that Xina walked into.

Brother Xiao.

Hearing Xia Feng's call, Xiao Yunye stood still.

Xia Feng sighed.

He didn't know what kind of relationship Xiao Yunye and Xina had, friends? Master and servant? Relatives? Lover? He felt that any one of them was possible, and at the same time, none of them seemed interesting. The only thing he could be sure of now was that Xiao Yunye still had concerns in his heart.

Brother Xiao, where are you going next?

Xiao Yunye didn't look back, only the sound came.

The world is so big that there is a place for me, Xiao.

This sentence was said carefree and free, but there was obviously a hint of ambition in the voice. The world is so big that there is a place for it. To put it bluntly, there is no place to go, so I can only wander.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with wandering. For a young man, it can increase his experience, sharpen his mind, and make many friends.

But for an old man with mottled white hair, this is a bit sad.

Xia Feng took two steps forward.

Brother Xiao, if you are willing, you can continue to stay here.

I, Xiao, don't need charity.

Xia Feng spread his hands.

You misunderstood. This is not charity. I am very stingy and never give charity to others. There are many reasons why I want you to stay here. The most important one is that I think it can also be the reason for you to stay. .”

Xiao Yunye turned around.

what reason.

Xina lives across the street. Even if some relationships are lost, we can still be neighbors. That house is full of otakus who never go out, but at least the people in the house will always exist here, right?

Some people say that you can be friends after a breakup. Of course, this requires the consent of the other party, which is not a 100% guarantee. But if friends can't do it, there is a final remedy, which is to be neighbors. This does not require the other party's consent. .

Xiao Yunye was obviously shaken by Xia Feng's words.

Is this appropriate for us to be neighbors?

What's inappropriate? You live in your house, and she lives in hers. There's a big road between them. Didn't she say that you are free? Since you are free, it will be the same wherever you live.

Xiao Yunye clenched his fists. Although he looked like an old man, his expression was like an admirer trying to get close to the girl he likes.

After pondering for a long time, he finally squeezed out a sentence.

I'll pay your rent.

Xia Feng waved his hand.

I won't pay you the rent. There is only one way to live in my house, and that is to become an employee of Heiyu. We will take care of food, housing and pay wages. What do you think? Are you willing to become my employee?

I have to think about this.

Ahem, the houses on this street are not cheap.


Tsk tsk, Xina lives right across the street. In this world, anything can happen.

Xiao Yunye hesitated to speak. His dignity and reason still wanted to struggle, but the emotions in his heart did not allow him to let go of this opportunity.

Okay, I agree.

Xia Feng smiled and stretched out her hand to him.

Brother Xiao, welcome to join Black Feather.

The younger one was abducted by [Styx River], but he couldn't let the old one go.

Xiao Yunye's attitude has explained everything. He and Xina are not simply a master-servant relationship or a relationship of interest. There is no such thing as employment or mission. Of course, there may be such a thing as a mission, but in the process of completing the mission, , the positions of both parties have changed, at least Xiao Yunye's position has changed.

Xia Feng basically believed what Sister Mira said, and there was relevant evidence in ancient books.

Xina is [The Witch of Time Stands Still] Mohimina. According to records, she has lived for at least 300 years, while Xiao Yunye is not over 80 years old even if she loses her teeth.

Very few people can understand this feeling. Aging is a natural law. Although everyone will grow old, when you grow old, your relatives and friends around you will grow old with you. You can only sigh at the power of time. Smile and continue the journey of life.

However, Xiao Yunye followed this natural law and turned from a vigorous and handsome swordsman into a vicissitudes of life, but Xina's time stood still.

Xia Feng didn't know what happened between them. This was a secret hidden between them.

Xiao Yunye's mood was obviously very low. Even though joining Heiyu and Xina as neighbors cheered him up a little, Xia Feng still couldn't ask about the secret between them.

This may be considered a kind of gossip, but Xia Feng is not in a hurry.

Time will dilute some things.

Just like a breakup between lovers, those things that make you sad will one day be said with a smile.

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